Why are the events in Brussels happening?


Tell this to the people in Brussels...

The sad truth is we are in this situation because too many like you think there is nothing to fear...
It's simple. Brussels captured a terrorist involved with the Paris attack and terrorists retaliated for their involvement.

The captured terrorist has been talking to his interrogators. Without being tortured.



At least the people in Brussles will be glad they can feel safe in knowing that.
They are intelligent enough to know torture would not have changed the outcome.

They also know how to spell shackles.

I'm sure thats why you can so effectively prove by the circumstance we see here, that your argument regarding a policy change in torture has worked so well and has been so effective in making the difference in keeping us safe. Is that why there are no specific examples that can be given to effectively demonstrate how our nation and the change in policy have made us safer since Obama has taken office? I have already seen what a difference it has made after Fort Hood, Benghazi, and San Bernardino, to name a few.
How would torture have prevented any of those?

Answer: They wouldn't.

Tell this to the people in Brussels...

The sad truth is we are in this situation because too many like you think there is nothing to fear...
You poor pants shitters. You see a killer Muslim under your beds and in your closets. I don't know how you are able to reach your computer keyboards from the fetal position, but you have my compliments.
3,749 people killed by homicide in the US this year so far.

0 killed by Muslim terrorists so far.

18 killed by lightning! You pants shitters better stay indoors, just to be SAFE.

And don't go near any of your god-fearing friends, neighbors, or relatives because that is a large part of the crowd who commits homicide.

You'll be safer hiding in a Muslim mosque.
One good result of the Brussels bombing will be the election of D J Trump to the office of the President of the United States. We will finally get busy killing the bad guys.

The right force things to happen that cause bad things that make people vote for the right. It's sick.

Bush invades Iraq, causes ISIS, which then bomb Europe which then leads to the right being able to say we should be tough on stuff.

Just like the Israeli/Palestine situation. Two right wing groups constantly using each other and their violence, to make themselves more relevant to the people. While those who want peace are pushed out the way.

Trump is just another step towards full out war, more military spending, more US troops going abroad and dying, more rich people making a shit load of money out of it.

You want that?

Yes. They DO want that. That has been made clear for the last half century. Fortunately they are only a minority of our population and getting smaller every day.

The foreign policies implemented by the Bush's and Reagan have created several generations of people that hate the U S. You cannot expect people that when they see their families get blown to red mist and if they live are displaced to some refugee camp to be even neutral on America. These morons expect to be thanked for destroying other people's lives. Astonishing. If they had to spend even ten minutes in the hell they have created for others their little pin heads would explode.
They aren't really comparable situations. The Europeans in this case are getting a girl drunk before their friend rapes the girl.

Actually they are. You are trying to defend the Islamist allies of the left by blaming the victim for provoking their violence.

Brussels did not "deserve" to be attacked, even IF they had a short skirt on, or drank alcohol, or let Jews live, or other sins against the Djin Allah.
The captured terrorist has been talking to his interrogators. Without being tortured.



At least the people in Brussles will be glad they can feel safe in knowing that.

I'm sure they do. I'm also sure they are about ready to demand their Govt. kick all Muslims out of their countries.

This is just the beginning. Europe will bleed because of terrorism.
Despite the Paris attack, France is still taking in refugees.

Who knew the socialist surrender monkeys have bigger balls than Americans?

Bigger balls?? Nah

How bout that they would like to be viewed as humanitarians and giving and caring Europeans??

Doubt the dead in Paris or Brussels would agree
They are intelligent enough to know there is a difference between a terrorist and the people who are fleeing from terrorists.

The terrorists have killed far more Muslims than they have Westerners. But that never occurs to anti-Muslim bigots like you.

So the fact that intelligence information in France revealed terrorist extremists were found to have taken advantage and filtered in among refugees there, and the need to require safety measures to keep a nation safe, amounts to being a bigot?

I doubt that I want to see all Muslims forbidden from entering the United States. However, if it's indeed discovered that extremists were using the refugee crisis to gain entry into our country, the way they did in France, that I would care more about the safety of the American people than you to put strict security in place to keep them from doing so. If it means closing our borders to a certain region that's known to harbor terrorists, it would really be no different than suspending travel and cutting ties from certain overseas regions that were a threat to the United States during World War II.
The captured terrorist has been talking to his interrogators. Without being tortured.



At least the people in Brussles will be glad they can feel safe in knowing that.

I'm sure they do. I'm also sure they are about ready to demand their Govt. kick all Muslims out of their countries.

This is just the beginning. Europe will bleed because of terrorism.
Despite the Paris attack, France is still taking in refugees.

Who knew the socialist surrender monkeys have bigger balls than Americans?

Bigger balls?? Nah

How bout that they would like to be viewed as humanitarians and giving and caring Europeans??

Doubt the dead in Paris or Brussels would agree
They are intelligent enough to know there is a difference between a terrorist and the people who are fleeing from terrorists.

The terrorists have killed far more Muslims than they have Westerners. But that never occurs to anti-Muslim bigots like you.

They'd kill anyone that does not agree to accept and conform to their religious extremists views. Of course this was according to John Kerry, but then again I'm sure you know more about Muslim extremist groups than a Secretary of State who's job is to gather information and help assess the situation.
At least the people in Brussles will be glad they can feel safe in knowing that.

I'm sure they do. I'm also sure they are about ready to demand their Govt. kick all Muslims out of their countries.

This is just the beginning. Europe will bleed because of terrorism.
Despite the Paris attack, France is still taking in refugees.

Who knew the socialist surrender monkeys have bigger balls than Americans?

Bigger balls?? Nah

How bout that they would like to be viewed as humanitarians and giving and caring Europeans??

Doubt the dead in Paris or Brussels would agree
They are intelligent enough to know there is a difference between a terrorist and the people who are fleeing from terrorists.

The terrorists have killed far more Muslims than they have Westerners. But that never occurs to anti-Muslim bigots like you.

They'd kill anyone that does not agree to accept and conform to their religious extremists views.
See? You can't tell the difference between a refugee and the terrorists from which they are fleeing. It's like you completely blinded yourself to what I was saying and are stuck in some bizarro "all muslimz r killerz" bullshit mindset!
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
The post invasion fuck up was Obama's since Bush was no longer in office
The post-invasion fuck up was disbanding the Iraqi army. Every non-military decision of Bush's War was a complete disaster.
And we pulled out prematurely

So Obama has his role in all this
I don't know why you want to deny it?
We could have stayed in Iraq for 25 years and the same thing would have happened.

And you can predict this ?

Do you have a line on the Power Ball too?
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.

I think 9/11 and many other terrorist attacks were long before Bush.

So what CAUSED the attacks before Bush?

His father, George H. W. Bush, when he told the Saudis he would close down U.S. military bases in their holy lands, and then he didn't.

And then Bill Clinton promised to do it, and then he didn't, either.

And then Dubya....Well...Dumbest fucking POTUS ever. He and Condi Rice should be hung in The Hague.

And then O came along, dumber than a gnat, making W look exponentially smarter than einstein.
Thanks to the neocon Jewish elite, which got us involved in these wars overseas, opened up the borders to the EU to allow thousands of ISIS terrorists in. The European people need to seal their borders and overthrow these governments that contribute to the problem by serving a foreign Israeli agenda. Close the borders, if the Jews don't like it, they can leave. I would also deport suspected militants. Disengage from the ME entirely. Even better, close off Europe from them. Let them deal with their own problems.
They aren't really comparable situations. The Europeans in this case are getting a girl drunk before their friend rapes the girl.

Actually they are. You are trying to defend the Islamist allies of the left by blaming the victim for provoking their violence.

Brussels did not "deserve" to be attacked, even IF they had a short skirt on, or drank alcohol, or let Jews live, or other sins against the Djin Allah.
I never said they deserved to be attacked, quit projecting.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
The post invasion fuck up was Obama's since Bush was no longer in office
The post-invasion fuck up was disbanding the Iraqi army. Every non-military decision of Bush's War was a complete disaster.
And we pulled out prematurely

So Obama has his role in all this
I don't know why you want to deny it?
We could have stayed in Iraq for 25 years and the same thing would have happened.

And you can predict this ?

Do you have a line on the Power Ball too?
Because this has been going on for centuries?

From La Dernière Heure (translated):

On the picture, we see that a terrorist hand is gloved. According to sources, he would hide the trigger for a bomb, an explosive belt. The two men left are perpetrators of the double suicide bombings and the right one, that hides his face, is actively being sought.

I never said they deserved to be attacked, quit projecting.

Of course you did. That is the meaning of;

{Europe has done a poor job of integrating Muslims into their society.}

You seek to shift blame from the perpetrator to the victim.
What I said is true and it is not to shift blame. I've been to Brussels before, it is a very beautiful city and I wish it no harm.
The culture to teach murder by suicide is an old one. But it takes mentors to stop it. Or keep it going.

It hasn't happened and it hasn't for 100's of years. That's the point, a President of another country can't change the culture, it has to come from within. Until their leaders start changing the culture, they will continue to hate Western Civilization.
Uh slightly less than a hundred years my friend. Kamikazes had planes and so did Islamic terrorists on 911.

Islamic terrorism has been around since the 7th century. Japanese kamikaze war acts have been around also for centuries. It is ingrained in the culture. As far as Islamic terrorism against the West, that has gone on since the Ayatollah during the Carter administration, long before 2001.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.

I think 9/11 and many other terrorist attacks were long before Bush.

So what CAUSED the attacks before Bush?

His father, George H. W. Bush, when he told the Saudis he would close down U.S. military bases in their holy lands, and then he didn't.

And then Bill Clinton promised to do it, and then he didn't, either.

And then Dubya....Well...Dumbest fucking POTUS ever. He and Condi Rice should be hung in The Hague.

What about the late 70's who can you blame that on?

We should never blame the perpetrators of violence?
The culture to teach murder by suicide is an old one. But it takes mentors to stop it. Or keep it going.

It hasn't happened and it hasn't for 100's of years. That's the point, a President of another country can't change the culture, it has to come from within. Until their leaders start changing the culture, they will continue to hate Western Civilization.
Uh slightly less than a hundred years my friend. Kamikazes had planes and so did Islamic terrorists on 911.

Islamic terrorism has been around since the 7th century. Japanese kamikaze war acts have been around also for centuries. It is ingrained in the culture. As far as Islamic terrorism against the West, that has gone on since the Ayatollah during the Carter administration, long before 2001.

Dingle Berry

Zionist Terrorism towards Muslims has been going since 1925 .

American Terrorism towards Muslims began in 1955 when the US deposed Iran's duly elected prime minister; the 18 year invasion of Iraq, and the subsidy of the Palestinian Holocaust.

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