Why are the events in Brussels happening?

I'm sure they do. I'm also sure they are about ready to demand their Govt. kick all Muslims out of their countries.

This is just the beginning. Europe will bleed because of terrorism.
Despite the Paris attack, France is still taking in refugees.

Who knew the socialist surrender monkeys have bigger balls than Americans?

Bigger balls?? Nah

How bout that they would like to be viewed as humanitarians and giving and caring Europeans??

Doubt the dead in Paris or Brussels would agree
They are intelligent enough to know there is a difference between a terrorist and the people who are fleeing from terrorists.

The terrorists have killed far more Muslims than they have Westerners. But that never occurs to anti-Muslim bigots like you.

Oh. Because I have a different opinion than you do I'm a bigot.
No, because you are clearly prejudiced against Muslims, you are a bigot. Your bigotry is so big and so ugly, you are willing to send tens of thousands of innocents back where they came from to be slaughtered.

Thus it is your opinion which has no weight.

Well since I'm smart enough to not trust them because they have a habit of blowing up airports and subways, behead people and have no problem murdering friends and co workers guess I'm a bit smarter than you are.

As for your bigot tag? Anyone who recognizes the potential problems with Muslims is a whole lot smarter than you are pal.

As for all those "innocents" you speak of? Let em stay in their own country and fight the jihadists. Weapons abound in the ME they could take up arms against the jihadists and secure their own countries.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.

Did you hit your head repeatedly with a hammer when you were young?

I don't think merely banging it on wall would create that level of brain damage.

NEWS ITEM: Muslims launch horrific terror attack on Brussels, leftist retard at USMB blames BOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSHHHHH
It's revealing Claudette finds the idea of tens of thousands being sent back to be slaughtered funny.

Hey. Weapons abound in the ME dummy. They can fight their own war against the jihadists.

Unless of course they are all gutless wonders who would much rather mooch of everyone else for survival and not put themselves at risk to defend themselves and their country.
It's revealing Claudette finds the idea of tens of thousands being sent back to be slaughtered funny.

Hey. Weapons abound in the ME dummy. They can fight their own war against the jihadists.

Unless of course they are all gutless wonders who would much rather mooch of everyone else for survival and not put themselves at risk to defend themselves and their country.
This is what you think of the refugees, eh?


I guess the German Jews were gutless wonders, too. Moochers.
It's revealing Claudette finds the idea of tens of thousands being sent back to be slaughtered funny.

Hey. Weapons abound in the ME dummy. They can fight their own war against the jihadists.

Unless of course they are all gutless wonders who would much rather mooch of everyone else for survival and not put themselves at risk to defend themselves and their country.
This is what you think of the refugees, eh?


I guess the German Jews were gutless wonders, too. Moochers.

If the shoe fits.
It's revealing Claudette finds the idea of tens of thousands being sent back to be slaughtered funny.

Hey. Weapons abound in the ME dummy. They can fight their own war against the jihadists.

Unless of course they are all gutless wonders who would much rather mooch of everyone else for survival and not put themselves at risk to defend themselves and their country.
This is what you think of the refugees, eh?


I guess the German Jews were gutless wonders, too. Moochers.

If the shoe fits.
Preserved for posterity.
Will Trump show us pictures of Muslims celebrating the bombing?

Do you think Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is celebrating?


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These are the pictures and info I found. We'll wait for what president Trump does...
It's revealing Claudette finds the idea of tens of thousands being sent back to be slaughtered funny.

Hey. Weapons abound in the ME dummy. They can fight their own war against the jihadists.

Unless of course they are all gutless wonders who would much rather mooch of everyone else for survival and not put themselves at risk to defend themselves and their country.
This is what you think of the refugees, eh?


I guess the German Jews were gutless wonders, too. Moochers.

If the shoe fits.
Preserved for posterity.


Oh and the German Jews were nothing like the current crop of Muslim refugees.

The Jews didn't belong to a race that made the murder of westerners their number one goal in life and they sure as hell didn't blow up airports, murder friends and co workers and use suicide vests.

In fact the Jews are targets of those peaceful Muslims you think are so innocent.
Why is this happening? Europe has done a poor job of integrating Muslims into their society. Their youth then becomes easier to radicalize and you end up with terror attacks.
They don't say it. I can agree. Its understood...
So I guess you are blaming 1600 years of violence on an event that happened a decade ago, too?
What I don't hear is your solution? Just lame unimpressive rhetoric.

What is your solution?
Hard to ask for a solution when they don't even know what the problem is.

That's why I asked the questions for fields, he asked it of you, so he must have one. Hell, they guy doesn't even think culture can create violence that has been around for centuries. He thinks it is generational. So, if you have no grasp of the history of Islam and their people, then you have no chance at a solution, yet he expects one. So what is his answer.
Yeah right. You caveman. Me...not you. That's it right? You're better than me so what you say is right and damn everyone else. That's it too huh? It's all because of the past. That's bullshit. It's mental illness and brainwashing. That's all it is.

So a culture doesn't influence the people in that culture? So there is no such thing as black culture, Japanese culture, Indian culture, Muslim culture?
The culture to teach murder by suicide is an old one. But it takes mentors to stop it. Or keep it going.
Why is this happening? Europe has done a poor job of integrating Muslims into their society. Their youth then becomes easier to radicalize and you end up with terror attacks.
It's because Muslim women wont bleach their hair or get boob implants. They want to marry your daughters.
Why is this happening? Europe has done a poor job of integrating Muslims into their society. Their youth then becomes easier to radicalize and you end up with terror attacks.

Oh its not Europe. Muslims don't assimilate anywhere they land.
Why is this happening? Europe has done a poor job of integrating Muslims into their society. Their youth then becomes easier to radicalize and you end up with terror attacks.

Oh its not Europe. Muslims don't assimilate anywhere they land.
Sure they do. I work with two Muslim guys who are probably two of the nicest people in my office. One used to work in the travel industry in Tunisia and is devastated by what has happened there.
The culture to teach murder by suicide is an old one. But it takes mentors to stop it. Or keep it going.

It hasn't happened and it hasn't for 100's of years. That's the point, a President of another country can't change the culture, it has to come from within. Until their leaders start changing the culture, they will continue to hate Western Civilization.

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