Why are the events in Brussels happening?

So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
Because we all know Muslims have a long history of spreading their religion by talking to people and inviting them to lunch.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
In 2012 Obama declared Iraq a peaceful and stable nation.

The mess in Iraq today is 100% owned by Obama.
And once again you prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a far left drone spewing far left religious dogma!

See the history of the world starts in 2003 for these drones!


I have been saying for years that the mindless fundamentalists of the left are just as simple-minded as the most ridiculously conformist fundies of the right.

......and they see more prevalent as well. For every bible-thumping extreme right winger, there must be at least twice as many of their leftist counterparts.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.

The blame game. I love it.

You don't want to "wrong" a Muslim because they are taught to kill you if you do.

There, I guess that evens the score. Mark one more for Mo.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
In 2012 Obama declared Iraq a peaceful and stable nation.

The mess in Iraq today is 100% owned by Obama.

I am not sure why Iraq is even mentioned. Yes, ISIS formed a group in Iraq but they could not get a foothold in Iraq. It took a power vacuum created by Obama and lots of weapons provided by Obama for ISIS to grow in prominence. 7 years ago no one heard about the JV team called ISIS or ISSL, not until OBAMA.
"Bush messed up the post war period" so the people of Belgium deserve to be bombed? How freaking idiotic can the left get? ISIS has a foothold in Europe and one of the terrorists involved was arrested in Brussels so typical of animals who have lost all sense of reason and humanity ISIS tries to intimidate and punish the good people of Belgium.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
In 2012 Obama declared Iraq a peaceful and stable nation.

The mess in Iraq today is 100% owned by Obama.

I am not sure why Iraq is even mentioned. Yes, ISIS formed a group in Iraq but they could not get a foothold in Iraq. It took a power vacuum created by Obama and lots of weapons provided by Obama for ISIS to grow in prominence. 7 years ago no one heard about the JV team called ISIS or ISSL, not until OBAMA.

So if the attack was because of Iraq why then did they attack Brussels?

I've heard it is because the terrorist arrested that was responsible for the terrorism in France was arrested in Brussels.

So why did they attack in France? Maybe it was because something Napoleon did, I dunno.

We really should ask are resident Muslim Sunni man why they are doing these things, assuming he can break away from his "Holocaust hoax' threads he likes to start.
The most Islamic violence in the world is conducted on other Muslims.

Haters gonna hate and don't need a reason, but Dims will be more than glad to justify it by blaming the US.
How freaking idiotic can the left get? .

You should visit the Israel section from time to time. It gets worse than this, believe me.

I especially loved the thread that points out that "only" a little under half of people living on the west bank are enthusiastic supporters of cold-blooded murder. You see, this is less than the 70% of those living in Gaza, so it was trumpeted by their supporter as quite the great thing.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.

It's simple. Brussels captured a terrorist involved with the Paris attack and terrorists retaliated for their involvement.

It's interesting that the op wants to lay this at the feet of Bush, that signifies that Obama's efforts to not refer to extremists as terrorists, reaching out to Iran by removing sanctions in order to allow them to continue with their nuclear ambitions, looking to gun control over weaknesses in our nation's security measures, his foreign policy to act tough and stick his nose in Syria's use of biological weapons before backing of, have all done absolutely nothing in keeping our nation safer than when he took office. In fact terrorist attacks have only grown bolder in their efforts here and abroad since the early days of Fort Hood while candidate Hillary believes we should stay he course. Maybe the democrats can get their head out of their ass enough to say how exactly we have become safer amidst all these attacks, since Obama took the initial oath as president?

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