Why are the events in Brussels happening?

So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
So you think there were no terrorist before bush or do you think Bush caused this is a funny thing to say?
I seem to recall the first WTC bombing took place well before Bush was a scapegoat for the left.

Well I've thought about this, they're blaming GWB for Brussels and then 9/11 was traced back to Reagan....I think for arguments sake I'll just decide to blame Ulysses S. Grant for EVERYTHING that has occured EVERYWHERE since he left office.
These things happen when the USA has a weak president who kowtows to terrorists and Marxist dictators. Obozo is in Cuba standing in front of a mural of Che Guevara shaking hands with a murdering dictator and grinning like a jackass eating dog shit.
These things happen when the USA has a weak president who kowtows to terrorists and Marxist dictators. Obozo is in Cuba standing in front of a mural of Che Guevara shaking hands with a murdering dictator and grinning like a jackass eating dog shit.
And he will be attending a baseball game today.
I heard a democratic strategist respond to a question about "the timing" of Obama going to a baseball game today and the strategist said "that is what we do. We do not let terrorism stop us from living our lives".

I agree....but usually we start "living our lives" after a period of mourning and the showing of respect to the victims and their families.

Seems Obama and his supporters forgot about that part of it.
I wonder what the locals there will be stocking up on today? guns? ammo? water? toilet paper?

The only way The West in general is going to beat these POS is to get into the gutter with them. We have to abandon certain things, such as The Geneva Convention, Human Rights and International Law....because these POS do not adhere to any of them, to beat them neither can we, as they're not a legitimate army the usual rules of warfare do not apply to them or dealing with them.

We need to be as brutal as possible with them, they cannot be defeated using polite means, it's impossible.
We will be brutal. One terrorist at a time.
I wonder what the locals there will be stocking up on today? guns? ammo? water? toilet paper?

The only way The West in general is going to beat these POS is to get into the gutter with them. We have to abandon certain things, such as The Geneva Convention, Human Rights and International Law....because these POS do not adhere to any of them, to beat them neither can we, as they're not a legitimate army the usual rules of warfare do not apply to them or dealing with them.

We need to be as brutal as possible with them, they cannot be defeated using polite means, it's impossible.
But waterboarding is cruel and unusual punishment....it makes their clothes all wet.
A Perrier spritz never hurt anyone!:dunno:
They're saying the bomb went off by the American Airlines ticket counter. So expect dead Americans.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.

Most of the post-war problems are on Obama's watch.
His inept premature pull-out from Iraq was a colossal mistake.

And your "simple" answer is just that, and please remember 9/11 happened before the invasion of Iraq.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.

No, I don't think you are appeasing terrorists with that statement. But that does not make it any less of a BS assinine statement.

Clue for you, the Iraq war effectively ended 10 years ago. ISIS gained power during Obama's watch. Hell he armed them.
The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.


The only thing simple here is the mind of any moronic apologist who offers such twaddle. This idiocy inherent in the stupid portion of the left is part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

The actual causes are thus:

1 -- a totalitarian political-religious doctrine that calls for world domination with unquestioning allegiance to such doctrine.

2-- the importation of huge numbers of people into Europe who follow this doctrine.

3 -- an apathetic European populace cowed into submission to the point they have stopped believing in their own culture.

4 -- the implementation of multiculturalist policy that results from mindless imbeciles falling prey to cultural relativism.

The list can go on and on., but one thing that is apparent is that "Frigid Weirdo" has placed himself firmly in the camp of those who will guarantee these sorts of attacks continue instead of those who wish to put an end to them.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
So what happened the 50 or so years before Bush was President ? The Muslim extremist don't murder innocent people because of Bush they do it because they hate the West.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.

It's far more complicated than that, but you are correct that decades of western foreign policy has made a large contribution to the radicalism we're seeing over there.
Terrorism is about fear, its use as a political weapon, where when we succumb to that fear the terrorists win.

The terrorists also win when we respond with bigotry and hate to those whom we believe to be ‘responsible,’ when in fact the terrorists alone are responsible for their criminal acts.

Have you ever considered the possibility of leaning a thing or two about the actual issue instead of this mindless repetition of platitudes so utterly vapid as to appear almost the stuff of intentional parody?

It's like Pavlov's pooch salivating to the tune of the dinner bell with you apologists and your insipid excuses.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.

And once again you prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a far left drone spewing far left religious dogma!

See the history of the world starts in 2003 for these drones!
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.

It's far more complicated than that, but you are correct that decades of western foreign policy has made a large contribution to the radicalism we're seeing over there.

Not really for anyone that understands history, as you have just proven you do not!

Next you will be claiming everything was peaceful on this planet until the modern age..
There are humans in this world who behave like animals, they have no guilt or shame when it comes to committing mass murder, rape, torture, burning people alive, cutting peoples heads off, etc. These people need to be hunted down and destroyed its that simple. I'm sorry but some humans have not evolved beyond this behavior.

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