Why are the events in Brussels happening?

Oh those peaceful Muslims acting up again....tsk tsk tsk...
When I first heard the report this morning(as if anyone can blame me), I automatically assumed it was those damn Baptists again.. Im such a bigot..
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
Why did right wing Republican Timothy McVeigh bomb a post office killing around 150 people including dozens of toddlers. Why does the religious right bomb abortion clinics.
I think the religious are just attracted to violence because God is on their side.
You are a total idiot. You have a few examples and label them to suit your dim bulb world view.
Muslims have been pulling this shit for millennia. To blame this on something that happened a few years ago is fuckin retarded.
Well these children perpetrating these atrocities were only born a few years ago.

That is the culture that they are raised in, that is why it's been going on for centuries.
Brainwashing perhaps...the rest is bullshit.
what is bullshit?
Muslims running around saying my Quran made me do it. And hell who doesn't want to get laid by a bunch of virgins, really...
One good result of the Brussels bombing will be the election of D J Trump to the office of the President of the United States. We will finally get busy killing the bad guys.

The right force things to happen that cause bad things that make people vote for the right. It's sick.

Bush invades Iraq, causes ISIS, which then bomb Europe which then leads to the right being able to say we should be tough on stuff.

Just like the Israeli/Palestine situation. Two right wing groups constantly using each other and their violence, to make themselves more relevant to the people. While those who want peace are pushed out the way.

Trump is just another step towards full out war, more military spending, more US troops going abroad and dying, more rich people making a shit load of money out of it.

You want that?
If this was Bush why are they attacking Brussels?

Easier target or to cowardly to face America?
Muslims have been pulling this shit for millennia. To blame this on something that happened a few years ago is fuckin retarded.
Well these children perpetrating these atrocities were only born a few years ago.

That is the culture that they are raised in, that is why it's been going on for centuries.
Brainwashing perhaps...the rest is bullshit.
what is bullshit?
Muslims running around saying my Quran made me do it. And hell who doesn't want to get laid by a bunch of virgins, really...
They don't say it. I can agree. Its understood...
So I guess you are blaming 1600 years of violence on an event that happened a decade ago, too?
i dont know how Hillary can campaign from this point on,,,,oh,she can still campaign for the voting rights of the confused gender population.
On one end we have people who want to point at every Muslim.

On the other we have people who will spin for the PC-Protected religion no matter what.

Neither end will be helpful in effectively addressing this.

I agree to a point...

The guys that do this in the name of muslims are just as bad as guys who killed children on UK streets in the name of Ireland...

Let me very those pricks(IRA) did not do it in the name of Ireland and ask vast majority Irish people and we will tell you that they were scum. They hijacked our nationality for their cause.
I didn't like anyone who sympathized with them and was very open that there methods and attitude now way reflected mine in the slightest. Remember the IRA killed many Irish people too... There was countless intimidation and punishment beatings too.

I see this the same way inside the muslims who I know as well... They hate the extremists because they hijack their religion... Far more muslims have died taking on extremist islam than and westerners...
What does worry me is the amount of sympathizers they have... The right wing rhetoric only helps them gain more sympathizers... It is hard to take the moderate side when on that side you have guys calling you animals...

I have always said the US should try and go on the back seat on this... Let muslims sort out muslims, we just offer support...

Saudi is fighting on two fronts in Yeman and in the north against extremists...

My view is using the UN we raise a Muslim army (financed by the west) and defeat ISIS on the ground... A Major in the Indian army makes $100 a month.. That's very cheap... So no need for US troops on the ground... Some special ops training and stuff...

Support the people's democratic choice in government would also help... The Muslim Brotherhood is not the one to fear here...Are they perfect? No. Who is? But they a more socialist group who could bring order to these regions... We can work with them to soften up after that... The US did deal with the Taliban for years...
Well these children perpetrating these atrocities were only born a few years ago.

That is the culture that they are raised in, that is why it's been going on for centuries.
Brainwashing perhaps...the rest is bullshit.
what is bullshit?
Muslims running around saying my Quran made me do it. And hell who doesn't want to get laid by a bunch of virgins, really...
They don't say it. I can agree. Its understood...
So I guess you are blaming 1600 years of violence on an event that happened a decade ago, too?
What I don't hear is your solution? Just lame unimpressive rhetoric.
I see the loons on the left are going all Islamapologizing. Ignorance, pure ignorance

They are in all nations to be considered our potential Fifth Column, you know when the SHTF, they will side with the Islamists, they spend inordinate amount of time now as Islamic apologists.
Lets see how long before Hillary will allow anyone to interview her at this point......oh, so long as its pre-recorded and only questions regarding what she had for breakfast and lunch.
if the president is a liberal, he will blame it on a few security gaurds who called in sick.
Muslims have been pulling this shit for millennia. To blame this on something that happened a few years ago is fuckin retarded.
Well these children perpetrating these atrocities were only born a few years ago.

That is the culture that they are raised in, that is why it's been going on for centuries.
Brainwashing perhaps...the rest is bullshit.
what is bullshit?
Muslims running around saying my Quran made me do it. And hell who doesn't want to get laid by a bunch of virgins, really...

So how do you explain centuries of violence and terrorism by this group?
That is the culture that they are raised in, that is why it's been going on for centuries.
Brainwashing perhaps...the rest is bullshit.
what is bullshit?
Muslims running around saying my Quran made me do it. And hell who doesn't want to get laid by a bunch of virgins, really...
They don't say it. I can agree. Its understood...
So I guess you are blaming 1600 years of violence on an event that happened a decade ago, too?
What I don't hear is your solution? Just lame unimpressive rhetoric.
My solution for what? Stopping muslims from worshipping their Korans? Forcing them to cherry pick what they want to believe?
Their is no solution except for time. Muslim extremism must be battled from WITHIN. We need to stay the fuck out of it. Let those savages all kill themselves if that what it takes.
Lets see how long before Hillary will allow anyone to interview her at this point......oh, so long as its pre-recorded and only questions regarding what she had for breakfast and lunch.

Also don't forget, in middle of the interview, Hillary must be accorded the bathroom break :smoke:
That is the culture that they are raised in, that is why it's been going on for centuries.
Brainwashing perhaps...the rest is bullshit.
what is bullshit?
Muslims running around saying my Quran made me do it. And hell who doesn't want to get laid by a bunch of virgins, really...
They don't say it. I can agree. Its understood...
So I guess you are blaming 1600 years of violence on an event that happened a decade ago, too?
What I don't hear is your solution? Just lame unimpressive rhetoric.

What is your solution?
Brainwashing perhaps...the rest is bullshit.
what is bullshit?
Muslims running around saying my Quran made me do it. And hell who doesn't want to get laid by a bunch of virgins, really...
They don't say it. I can agree. Its understood...
So I guess you are blaming 1600 years of violence on an event that happened a decade ago, too?
What I don't hear is your solution? Just lame unimpressive rhetoric.
My solution for what? Stopping muslims from worshipping their Korans? Forcing them to cherry pick what they want to believe?
Their is no solution except for time. Muslim extremism must be battled from WITHIN. We need to stay the fuck out of it. Let those savages all kill themselves if that what it takes.

The problem is though, what about the ones who are already in our nations? They are already within, but amongst us.
Pretty simple, retaliation for arresting the leader of the Paris attack.

Probably longer in the planning... Brussels has been at different stages of alert since before Paris...

This is the head of the EU...

I would speculate, there will be no refugees among them. Disenfranchised 1st or 2nd generation immigrants that have not assimilated into Belgian culture. The leader probably grew up in poverty (might have radicalized a few more affluent)... Will find a trip to the Middle east in the last two years...

Same shit unfortunately...

I will say Europe is getting better at identifying this and the Muslims populations are keeping a closer eye on it internally.
The way a local cop described to me was:
An American gets depressed gets a gun and blows away a load of people
A young muslim gets depressed he gets recruited into a gang (gets radicalized) and blows himself up with a load of people.

If you look into the history of these muslim extremists they are either disenfranchised or easily led (i.e. minor mental issues)...

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