Why are the events in Brussels happening?

Now Piece of Shit

talk to me about the Palestinians who have been victimized by the Palestinian Holocaust , ongoing since 1925

Talk to me about the millions of Iraqis victimized from 1990 to 2008

Talk to me about the thousands of Afghan and Paks murdered since 2003.

Talk to me about how the US deposed a duly elected Iranian prime minister in 1955

Talk to me about the downing of an Iranian Civilian aircratft by the USS Vincennes


I don't know if you actually believe the idiotic shit you get from Stormfront, but either way you are far too stupid to bother with.

Know who the guy with your leader was?


That was the one who had power in Israel, prior to you losing WWII, Nazi Boi.
Now Piece of Shit

talk to me about the Palestinians who have been victimized by the Palestinian Holocaust , ongoing since 1925

Talk to me about the millions of Iraqis victimized from 1990 to 2008

Talk to me about the thousands of Afghan and Paks murdered since 2003.

Talk to me about how the US deposed a duly elected Iranian prime minister in 1955

Talk to me about the downing of an Iranian Civilian aircratft by the USS Vincennes


I don't know if you actually believe the idiotic shit you get from Stormfront, but either way you are far too stupid to bother with.

Know who the guy with your leader was?


That was the one who had power in Israel, prior to you losing WWII, Nazi Boi.


Now Piece of Shit, stop stonewalling

talk to me about the Palestinians who have been victimized by the Palestinian Holocaust , ongoing since 1925

Talk to me about the millions of Iraqis victimized from 1990 to 2008

Talk to me about the thousands of Afghan and Paks murdered since 2003.

Talk to me about how the US deposed a duly elected Iranian prime minister in 1955

Talk to me about the downing of an Iranian Civilian aircratft by the USS Vincennes

"Islam is a violent religion that has used force and terrorism since it's inception to expand and gain power." The same can be said of Christianity.

Anything can be said.

The difference is that my statement is factually correct.

The reason ISIS exists is because in large parts of the Muslim community in Europe, the feeling exists that there is an ongoing war between western society and Islam.

Who are the invaders? Is Europe in the midst of Islam's land? Or are the Muslim hoards invading Europe with the intent to subjugate it under a Caliphate?

A young Muslim growing up in Europe even though he might be second or third generation. Will not be considered whatever nationality he has but rather the nationality his father had. Then you have religious assholes calling to, what basicly are teenagers to fight back. They give them a sense of belonging they won't get from there parent country.

Then Europe should bow to Islam? You are not "fighting" back when you go to another county and demand they adapt to your customs and beliefs.
Factual there where crusades,pogroms, colonization with forced conversions, ppl bombing abortion clinics, assholes shooting planned parenthood clinics, etc. Point is Islam does not have exclusive rights to be morons.

What ISIS want, is to piss of western powers into reacting to muslims instead of ISIS itself, at wich point they feel they can unite all Islam under they're banner and win the war. It's all bogus of course but they don't have to be rational.

As to bowing to Islam, of course not but the only way you can truly fight madness, is with reason. The only way you can truly hurt them is be making it clear to them that they can't scare you into becoming a bigot.
"Islam is a violent religion that has used force and terrorism since it's inception to expand and gain power." The same can be said of Christianity.

Anything can be said.

The difference is that my statement is factually correct.

The reason ISIS exists is because in large parts of the Muslim community in Europe, the feeling exists that there is an ongoing war between western society and Islam.

Who are the invaders? Is Europe in the midst of Islam's land? Or are the Muslim hoards invading Europe with the intent to subjugate it under a Caliphate?

A young Muslim growing up in Europe even though he might be second or third generation. Will not be considered whatever nationality he has but rather the nationality his father had. Then you have religious assholes calling to, what basicly are teenagers to fight back. They give them a sense of belonging they won't get from there parent country.

Then Europe should bow to Islam? You are not "fighting" back when you go to another county and demand they adapt to your customs and beliefs.
Factual there where crusades,pogroms, colonization with forced conversions, ppl bombing abortion clinics, assholes shooting planned parenthood clinics, etc. Point is Islam does not have exclusive rights to be morons.

What ISIS want, is to piss of western powers into reacting to muslims instead of ISIS itself, at wich point they feel they can unite all Islam under they're banner and win the war. It's all bogus of course but they don't have to be rational.

As to bowing to Islam, of course not but the only way you can truly fight madness, is with reason. The only way you can truly hurt them is be making it clear to them that they can't scare you into becoming a bigot.

Shut the fork up.

Hey Cont, the thread isn't about what happened in the past. Want one that does? Start one. Try to stay on topic.
The thread is about why suicide bombings are happening in Brussels now...and in France too I guess.
Why is this violence occurring in this manner and in this area now?

Because the book tells them to kill or subjugate the entire world. Period.

Why are the attacks more frequent in Europe? Because Europe stupidly invited invaders bent on destroying them into their midst and refuse acknowledge what is in front of them, even as they are slaughtered. Thus shall Europe fall. Europeans are literally too stupid to live.

Islam nearly fell to Islam one before, Charles stopped them at Tours.

But there is no Charlemagne to save Europe this time.

RIP Europe, defeated by the lust for cheap labor.
Why? All it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing. In this case, Obama has been aiding and abetting 'evil' for the last 7 years.
Why? All it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing. In this case, Obama has been aiding and abetting 'evil' for the last 7 years.

Obama has been following the same welfare/warfare police state policies in effect since 1935. The ONLY difference is that he is a Negro,

Oh I agree actions have consequences. Obama has armed, supplied, trained, used our military to fight for, protected, excused, and justified terrorists / terrorism, and as a result Americans, along with THOUSANDS of people around the world, have died...terrorism has spread...Al Qaeida once again has a safe haven...and Americans are no longer safe in their own country.
"Islam is a violent religion that has used force and terrorism since it's inception to expand and gain power." The same can be said of Christianity.

Anything can be said.

The difference is that my statement is factually correct.

The reason ISIS exists is because in large parts of the Muslim community in Europe, the feeling exists that there is an ongoing war between western society and Islam.

Who are the invaders? Is Europe in the midst of Islam's land? Or are the Muslim hoards invading Europe with the intent to subjugate it under a Caliphate?

A young Muslim growing up in Europe even though he might be second or third generation. Will not be considered whatever nationality he has but rather the nationality his father had. Then you have religious assholes calling to, what basicly are teenagers to fight back. They give them a sense of belonging they won't get from there parent country.

Then Europe should bow to Islam? You are not "fighting" back when you go to another county and demand they adapt to your customs and beliefs.
Factual there where crusades,pogroms, colonization with forced conversions, ppl bombing abortion clinics, assholes shooting planned parenthood clinics, etc. Point is Islam does not have exclusive rights to be morons.

What ISIS want, is to piss of western powers into reacting to muslims instead of ISIS itself, at wich point they feel they can unite all Islam under they're banner and win the war. It's all bogus of course but they don't have to be rational.

As to bowing to Islam, of course not but the only way you can truly fight madness, is with reason. The only way you can truly hurt them is be making it clear to them that they can't scare you into becoming a bigot.

Shut the fork up.

My friend . I've got alot more skin in the game then you do. Since these attacks happened about 30 miles from were I was working. I dare say I have a slightly better understanding of what happened and why then you do. I know this is hard to understand if you got a peasized brain. But altough I would like nothing better then let these ppl die a slow and horrible death, it would give them a victory and I'm not prepared to do that.
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Now Piece of Shit, stop stonewalling

talk to me about the Palestinians who have been victimized by the Palestinian Holocaust , ongoing since 1925

Talk to me about the millions of Iraqis victimized from 1990 to 2008

Talk to me about the thousands of Afghan and Paks murdered since 2003.

Talk to me about how the US deposed a duly elected Iranian prime minister in 1955

Talk to me about the downing of an Iranian Civilian aircratft by the USS Vincennes


There were no "Palestinians" before 1967, Nazi boi. Arabs adopted the name after their attempted genocide failed.

You really are a dumb one, even as Nazi scum go.

Now Piece of Shit, stop stonewalling

talk to me about the Palestinians who have been victimized by the Palestinian Holocaust , ongoing since 1925

Talk to me about the millions of Iraqis victimized from 1990 to 2008

Talk to me about the thousands of Afghan and Paks murdered since 2003.

Talk to me about how the US deposed a duly elected Iranian prime minister in 1955

Talk to me about the downing of an Iranian Civilian aircratft by the USS Vincennes


There were no "Palestinians" before 1967, Nazi boi. Arabs adopted the name after their attempted genocide failed.

You really are a dumb one, even as Nazi scum go.

Cum swallowing piece of shit

The Palestine Mandate

ART. 7.
The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

Done at London the twenty-fourth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two.(1922)

Go to night school, learn, then , and ONLY then resume posting

Factual there where crusades,

When was the first crusade? Was it before the Battle of Tours? Was it before Europe faced annihilation at the hands of the Muslim hoards?

No, it was hundreds of years later in response to yet another attempt to invade by Islam. Constantinople was a Christian city that was invaded by the Muslims.

Let's be honest about who the aggressors were.

pogroms, colonization with forced conversions,

Colonization involved missionaries, but conversion by the sword was rare.

ppl bombing abortion clinics, assholes shooting planned parenthood clinics, etc. Point is Islam does not have exclusive rights to be morons.

True, every 20 or 30 years someone shoots up an abortion mill. But you are comparing apples and dog turds, aren't you...

What ISIS want, is to piss of western powers into reacting to muslims instead of ISIS itself, at wich point they feel they can unite all Islam under they're banner and win the war. It's all bogus of course but they don't have to be rational.

As to bowing to Islam, of course not but the only way you can truly fight madness, is with reason. The only way you can truly hurt them is be making it clear to them that they can't scare you into becoming a bigot.

Utter nonsense.

ISIS is very clear about what it wants, to reestablish the Caliphate in accordance to their book.

Calling someone a bigot for opposing Hitler and the Nazis is utter stupidity, and history recognizes that those like Chamberlain were indeed stupid.

Calling one a bigot for recognizing what Islam is, is likewise stupid.

If you want to know what Islam is about, what they want, what they will do, then read their book. They do, every fucking day, it's the only book they every read, between bouts of bowing to their Idol, 5 times each day.

Pretending that Islam is Christianity is delusional, induced mental illness.
Cum swallowing piece of shit

The Palestine Mandate

ART. 7.
The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

Done at London the twenty-fourth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two.(1922)

Go to night school, learn, then , and ONLY then resume posting

Yes Nazi boi, you are indeed mentally retarded and lacking in even rudimentary education.

Palestine was a region, consisting of Lebanon, Israel, TransJordan, and Southern Syria.

Now trot along and jack off to Mein Kampf - the grown ups are talking.
Factual there where crusades,

When was the first crusade? Was it before the Battle of Tours? Was it before Europe faced annihilation at the hands of the Muslim hoards?

No, it was hundreds of years later in response to yet another attempt to invade by Islam. Constantinople was a Christian city that was invaded by the Muslims.

Let's be honest about who the aggressors were.

pogroms, colonization with forced conversions,

Colonization involved missionaries, but conversion by the sword was rare.

ppl bombing abortion clinics, assholes shooting planned parenthood clinics, etc. Point is Islam does not have exclusive rights to be morons.

True, every 20 or 30 years someone shoots up an abortion mill. But you are comparing apples and dog turds, aren't you...

What ISIS want, is to piss of western powers into reacting to muslims instead of ISIS itself, at wich point they feel they can unite all Islam under they're banner and win the war. It's all bogus of course but they don't have to be rational.

As to bowing to Islam, of course not but the only way you can truly fight madness, is with reason. The only way you can truly hurt them is be making it clear to them that they can't scare you into becoming a bigot.

Utter nonsense.

ISIS is very clear about what it wants, to reestablish the Caliphate in accordance to their book.

Calling someone a bigot for opposing Hitler and the Nazis is utter stupidity, and history recognizes that those like Chamberlain were indeed stupid.

Calling one a bigot for recognizing what Islam is, is likewise stupid.

If you want to know what Islam is about, what they want, what they will do, then read their book. They do, every fucking day, it's the only book they every read, between bouts of bowing to their Idol, 5 times each day.

Pretending that Islam is Christianity is delusional, induced mental illness.

yep, i figured you correctly.

You are one of Hagee's minions.

.Fuck off.
yep, i figured you correctly.

You are one of "Reverend" minions.

.Fuck off.


Okay, I'll bite Nazi boi, what the fuck is a "Reverend" minion?

I hope it's as entertaining as when you were screaming JOOOOOOOO at me! :thup:

Standard Disclaimer: Between you screaming JOOOOOO and Batshit Guano screaming GOYIM at me, I could develop a complex... :dunno:

Nazi Boi, you and Guano should get married. He can butt fuck you and you can have his little shits. Half Batshit, Half Dorkshit - but ALL shit....
Oh damn, you changed your post Nazi Boi. Hagee? Hmm, Wiki says this is a Charismatic preacher.

Well DAYUM Nazi Boi, you have me figured all out. I must be a fucking Bible thumper, you can tell by my refusal to use course language or take the god damn lords name in vein...

Yer right fucking brilliant, boi.
"While Bush had thousands of troops fighting in Iraq and many more in Afghanistan, the terrorism was not hitting us at home and Europe post-9/11 as they are now (one got through in Spain is all), because Bushes actions in Iraq were successful in keeping the war tied down to overseas in the Middle East."

That would be the war that Bush started...is that the one you're talking about?

No, that would be the war that Sadam Hussein chose to re-engage by violating the cease fire agreement multiple times daily.

What do you think is supposed to happen when one side keeps violating a cease fire? A return to firing, i.e. return to warfare.
"While Bush had thousands of troops fighting in Iraq and many more in Afghanistan, the terrorism was not hitting us at home and Europe post-9/11 as they are now (one got through in Spain is all), because Bushes actions in Iraq were successful in keeping the war tied down to overseas in the Middle East."

That would be the war that Bush started...is that the one you're talking about?

No, that would be the war that Sadam Hussein chose to re-engage by violating the cease fire agreement multiple times daily.

What do you think is supposed to happen when one side keeps violating a cease fire? A return to firing, i.e. return to warfare.
No, I'm thinking of the war that the Bush regime were itching to fire up...any old excuse or lie would do.

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