Why are there Trump haters, and what exactly are their reasons?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2015
Why are there Trump haters, and what exactly are their reasons?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

According to the poll here, 44% of Americans support Hilary while 41.3% of Americans support Trump. So, it is true that more people support Hilary than Trump. The difference is very tiny though. That's practically the same. However, Trump supporters seem to be more discrete (they don't seek pleasure in spreading & imposing negative propaganda as if that's how it should be) while Hilary supporters spam propaganda like "voting for Trump is LOL", "Trump is laughable", "electing Trump is just ew", etc. If one is not aware of such poll result, it would look like "most people" support Hilary while "few people" support Trump.

So, I want to actually collect the "reasons" for dissing Trump. What exactly are the reasons (or claimed reasons) for hating Trump? Basically, I am trying to categorize your reasons into "Trump is entitled to feel, prefer, say or do that", "Trump is not required to appease you", "that is illegal", etc. As for you claiming what's right or wrong, that will be ignored especially when not even a logical necessity following directly from the entitled moral rights, particularly for American. (An American president doesn't exist to serve foreign nationals.) If it doesn't follow directly from the entitled moral rights, then it is not something "right", it is just something you "want". Imposing such onto someone else is wrong.

So, I am going to ignore nonsense like "this is the right thing but Trump is against it, hence electing Trump is LOL". I am specifically going to focus on tangible objective criteria "whether it is legal", "whether Trump is entitled to feel, prefer, say or do so", "whether it is about not doing what you want".

So, what did Trump do exactly that is tangibly hatable? Did he steal money?

The idea here is that, "if your only excuse for hating Trump is that he is not doing what you want, then don't impose onto someone else as if electing Trump is LOL because you are defrauding by imposing as if what you want should be wanted or important to someone else, which is false."

Also, if you have a problem against his attitude, personality & such subjective outlooks, then admit that some people have no problem with such. If you find it abrasive & consider him not fit to be elected, then it is just you who shouldn't vote for him. As for the people who find it acceptable, they will still vote for him. Don't impose onto the other people as if they should do exactly like you.
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Donald Trump is Bill Clinton's trojan horse in this race.

1. Bill Clinton called Trump, just prior to Trump entering this race.
2. Trump immediately goes balls out on Hispanics, doing the exact opposite of what he said went wrong in the 2012 election cycle. (Blaming Republicans for being too-mean spirited toward illegals.)
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
3. Trump & his supporters chased off 17% of the population, (Hispanics) right into Hillary Clinton's lap.
4. This when Historically since Ronald Reagan the GOP nominee needs capture at least 40% of this block to win the White House. This year we needed 46% to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
5. Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 75% with Hispanics.
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

These numbers say that Hillary Clinton will paint this country blue from sea to shining sea. These numbers also say that Republicans will lose the senate and a ton of seats in the house because of Donald Trump and his all WHITE-ANGRY--IGNORANT supporters.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

And you wonder why Republicans don't like Donald Trump.

In your efforts to get a non-Establishment candidate, you have rino'd yourselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency.

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If you want even more data, Trump's disfavorable rating is off the charts. The percentage of people that dislike him is huge. There is a downside to being as mean as he is. It is no coincidence that so many political commentators and writers are saying it is Rubio or nothing. If Trump's antics actually get enough people to nominate him, it will be handing the Democrats the election as long as they don't put forward Sanders.

As for myself, it would take too long to list all of the reasons I dislike a Trump nomination. It is faster to say there is not one single thing in his favor.
He knows nothing about the job he is attempting to get. He knows nothing about domestic policy or foreign policy. He has done nothing except throw racist red meat at people who are angry, but are too stupid to understand why. Everything he has promised to do is astoundingly stupid. Deporting 11 million people. Barring Muslims from entering the country, by asking them if they're Muslim (cause terrorists never lie!). Building a fence and getting Mexico to pay for it.

He is the emptiest suit in the history of politics.
"Why are there Trump haters, and what exactly are their reasons?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.
What is a Trump hater?

Anyone that refuse to support Trump, basically.

Why do they hate Trump?
1 Trump's rhetoric--offensive
2 Trump's behavior--narcisstic
3 Trumps effect on the reputation and goals of the GOP--destructive of their election chances.

Think of Sarah Palin effect on steroids. Sure she excited the base--but outside that, she was seen as a dangerous joke being played by McCain.
He knows nothing about the job he is attempting to get. He knows nothing about domestic policy or foreign policy. He has done nothing except throw racist red meat at people who are angry, but are too stupid to understand why. Everything he has promised to do is astoundingly stupid. Deporting 11 million people. Barring Muslims from entering the country, by asking them if they're Muslim (cause terrorists never lie!). Building a fence and getting Mexico to pay for it.

He is the emptiest suit in the history of politics.

Trump has really exploited the blatant ignorance of Reich wing of the Republican party. He's also exploited their anger and hate towards people that are a different color than WHITE.

A Trump rally reminds me of the all WHITE angry mobs that came right out of the 1960's during the civil rights movement.


And this video says it all for me, watch and listen to the crowd the whole video, as this woman is escorted out of one of his rally's. Hate & Ignorance.

Silently protesting Muslim woman ejected from Trump rally - CNNPolitics.com


Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

“Trump’s rise is a particularly blatant example of a much deeper problem at the heart of modern democracy: widespread voter ignorance.
Trump’s success so far is in large part the result of an almost perfect storm of political ignorance. As a longtime celebrity, he had a built-in advantage with voters who don’t know much about politics, and therefore know little about more conventional politicians. With them, the name recognition that comes from being an entertainment celebrity is crucial.”

In conjunction with a naïve, simplistic perception of politics – the errant,wrongheaded notion of the 'amateur politician,' the 'outsider candidate,' and that someone devoid of knowledge and experience with regard to responsible governance, the law, and public policy is 'qualified' to be president, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
He knows nothing about the job he is attempting to get. He knows nothing about domestic policy or foreign policy. He has done nothing except throw racist red meat at people who are angry, but are too stupid to understand why. Everything he has promised to do is astoundingly stupid. Deporting 11 million people. Barring Muslims from entering the country, by asking them if they're Muslim (cause terrorists never lie!). Building a fence and getting Mexico to pay for it.

He is the emptiest suit in the history of politics.

Yeah, that.

I will add...

Politically, he isn't the dream candidate for us on the left; he is the fantasy candidate. No way he beats Hillary.

But our system is binary; one of the people on the D or R stages will be the next President and it's the most important job in the world. The US occupies the most important position in determining the fate of the world economically, militarily, and even culturally. Its no job for the vapid but the republic would survive. Its no job for the dumb and ignorant...but the nation has survived Bush. But it is very much not a job for someone who is running because they think it is a cool gig and remain passionless (not to mention clueless) about the responsibilities entailed.

There is governance after the partisanship. This is the reason.
I think many see him as a reality star figure , and not a serious candidate. Trump is really stirring the pot and pissing off a lot of people who want him gone.

I disagree with Clayton Jones , many supporting him are becoming very aware of what is going on in Capital Hill...on our backs. Getting rich while screwing us over. Big Pharma, Big Money influencing our government.

These politicians are fake and lie through their teeth , get into office and start repaying the favors back to the crooked jokers who financed their campaign.

Things have changed a lot now that people are able to communicate via the internet, his supporters are not uneducated, it is quite the opposite in my opinion.

If you want even more data, Trump's disfavorable rating is off the charts. The percentage of people that dislike him is huge. There is a downside to being as mean as he is. It is no coincidence that so many political commentators and writers are saying it is Rubio or nothing. If Trump's antics actually get enough people to nominate him, it will be handing the Democrats the election as long as they don't put forward Sanders.

As for myself, it would take too long to list all of the reasons I dislike a Trump nomination. It is faster to say there is not one single thing in his favor.
What is it you don't like about Sanders?
Why are there Trump haters, and what exactly are their reasons?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

According to the poll here, 44% of Americans support Hilary while 41.3% of Americans support Trump. So, it is true that more people support Hilary than Trump. The difference is very tiny though. That's practically the same. However, Trump supporters seem to be more discrete (they don't seek pleasure in spreading & imposing negative propaganda as if that's how it should be) while Hilary supporters spam propaganda like "voting for Trump is LOL", "Trump is laughable", "electing Trump is just ew", etc. If one is not aware of such poll result, it would look like "most people" support Hilary while "few people" support Trump.

So, I want to actually collect the "reasons" for dissing Trump. What exactly are the reasons (or claimed reasons) for hating Trump? Basically, I am trying to categorize your reasons into "Trump is entitled to feel, prefer, say or do that", "Trump is not required to appease you", "that is illegal", etc. As for you claiming what's right or wrong, that will be ignored especially when not even a logical necessity following directly from the entitled moral rights, particularly for American. (An American president doesn't exist to serve foreign nationals.) If it doesn't follow directly from the entitled moral rights, then it is not something "right", it is just something you "want". Imposing such onto someone else is wrong.

So, I am going to ignore nonsense like "this is the right thing but Trump is against it, hence electing Trump is LOL". I am specifically going to focus on tangible objective criteria "whether it is legal", "whether Trump is entitled to feel, prefer, say or do so", "whether it is about not doing what you want".

So, what did Trump do exactly that is tangibly hatable? Did he steal money?

The idea here is that, "if your only excuse for hating Trump is that he is not doing what you want, then don't impose onto someone else as if electing Trump is LOL because you are defrauding by imposing as if what you want should be wanted or important to someone else, which is false."

Also, if you have a problem against his attitude, personality & such subjective outlooks, then admit that some people have no problem with such. If you find it abrasive & consider him not fit to be elected, then it is just you who shouldn't vote for him. As for the people who find it acceptable, they will still vote for him. Don't impose onto the other people as if they should do exactly like you.

Where do you get these weird fantasies of "imposing on other people"?

You think people are -- I dunno, some kind of robots where those of the inner circle get some kind of remote?

Weird thread.
“Trump’s rise is a particularly blatant example of a much deeper problem at the heart of modern democracy: widespread voter ignorance.
Trump’s success so far is in large part the result of an almost perfect storm of political ignorance. As a longtime celebrity, he had a built-in advantage with voters who don’t know much about politics, and therefore know little about more conventional politicians. With them, the name recognition that comes from being an entertainment celebrity is crucial.”

In conjunction with a naïve, simplistic perception of politics – the errant,wrongheaded notion of the 'amateur politician,' the 'outsider candidate,' and that someone devoid of knowledge and experience with regard to responsible governance, the law, and public policy is 'qualified' to be president, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

100% agreed with that statement. I have never witnessed this much ignorance, and frankly anger and hate--that Trump has exploited. This is coming from the Reich wing of the Republican party, not the majority of the Republican party that take consequences into consideration before they join up with an ANGRY-IGNORANT-ALL WHITE MOB.

Very stupid people. They don't know anything other than what they've been told which typically comes from 3 or more daily hours of right wing talk radio, that fills their viens with right wing hyperbole to inflame them. While at the same time, leaving out critical data to actually win the Presidency.



1. That the GOP nominee has to capture at least 46% of the Hispanic block to win the White House. Since, Ronald Reagon, the GOP nominee has always had to capture at least 40% of this block to win the White House. The last President--G.W. Bush won with 44% of this block, Romney lost by only capturing 27%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
2. They don't know that Hispanics are the largest minority party in this country today--and that they just chased off 17% of the population into Hillary Clinton's lap.
3. They don't know that Republicans in the entire southwest of this country depend on Hispanic support to win elections. Without them they lose.

With these numbers, in their efforts to get a non-Establishment candidate, they have effectively rino'd themselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency, and a probable loss of the Senate and a ton of seats in the house.


The happy gal above wants to give all you Reich wingers below a big shout out for your continued support.


And all of this because frankly--they're dumber than shit.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

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If you want even more data, Trump's disfavorable rating is off the charts. The percentage of people that dislike him is huge. There is a downside to being as mean as he is. It is no coincidence that so many political commentators and writers are saying it is Rubio or nothing. If Trump's antics actually get enough people to nominate him, it will be handing the Democrats the election as long as they don't put forward Sanders.

As for myself, it would take too long to list all of the reasons I dislike a Trump nomination. It is faster to say there is not one single thing in his favor.
What is it you don't like about Sanders?

He just does not have a serious chance to win. The only way he becomes the nominee is if Clinton's campaign utterly implodes. It isn't so much a like or dislike with Bernie, I just think he is largely irrelevant except for forcing Clinton to talk about certain issues more.
These politicians are fake and lie through their teeth , get into office and start repaying the favors back to the crooked jokers who financed their campaign.


Whom The Donald freely admits he was one of the "crooked jokers"--giving over a million in contributions as a private citizen

Trump’s donation history shows Democratic favoritism
I feel his democratic history picks up many democrat's who are concerned or do not like Hillary, and concerned about Sanders as well because he seems pretty far left.


Why are there Trump haters, and what exactly are their reasons?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

According to the poll here, 44% of Americans support Hilary while 41.3% of Americans support Trump. So, it is true that more people support Hilary than Trump. The difference is very tiny though. That's practically the same. However, Trump supporters seem to be more discrete (they don't seek pleasure in spreading & imposing negative propaganda as if that's how it should be) while Hilary supporters spam propaganda like "voting for Trump is LOL", "Trump is laughable", "electing Trump is just ew", etc. If one is not aware of such poll result, it would look like "most people" support Hilary while "few people" support Trump.

So, I want to actually collect the "reasons" for dissing Trump. What exactly are the reasons (or claimed reasons) for hating Trump? Basically, I am trying to categorize your reasons into "Trump is entitled to feel, prefer, say or do that", "Trump is not required to appease you", "that is illegal", etc. As for you claiming what's right or wrong, that will be ignored especially when not even a logical necessity following directly from the entitled moral rights, particularly for American. (An American president doesn't exist to serve foreign nationals.) If it doesn't follow directly from the entitled moral rights, then it is not something "right", it is just something you "want". Imposing such onto someone else is wrong.

So, I am going to ignore nonsense like "this is the right thing but Trump is against it, hence electing Trump is LOL". I am specifically going to focus on tangible objective criteria "whether it is legal", "whether Trump is entitled to feel, prefer, say or do so", "whether it is about not doing what you want".

So, what did Trump do exactly that is tangibly hatable? Did he steal money?

The idea here is that, "if your only excuse for hating Trump is that he is not doing what you want, then don't impose onto someone else as if electing Trump is LOL because you are defrauding by imposing as if what you want should be wanted or important to someone else, which is false."

Also, if you have a problem against his attitude, personality & such subjective outlooks, then admit that some people have no problem with such. If you find it abrasive & consider him not fit to be elected, then it is just you who shouldn't vote for him. As for the people who find it acceptable, they will still vote for him. Don't impose onto the other people as if they should do exactly like you.
Because "Trump" HATES............any better reason.......you just can't Respect an Idiot like that....he starts the abuse and fights.....Big DEAL IF HE GETS A BLOOD NOSE.steve
I think many see him as a reality star figure , and not a serious candidate. Trump is really stirring the pot and pissing off a lot of people who want him gone.

I disagree with Clayton Jones , many supporting him are becoming very aware of what is going on in Capital Hill...on our backs. Getting rich while screwing us over. Big Pharma, Big Money influencing our government.

These politicians are fake and lie through their teeth , get into office and start repaying the favors back to the crooked jokers who financed their campaign.

Things have changed a lot now that people are able to communicate via the internet, his supporters are not uneducated, it is quite the opposite in my opinion.
Donald Trump appeals to the brute force mentality. His supporters revel in an attitude which is the result of having virtually unlimited financial power. His overbearing disposition is projected onto them in a form of hypnotic suggestion. They like him because they identify with the ideas he projects. He is what they desperately wish they were.

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