Why are we so afraid to admit the obvious?

Sometimes Chapter 11s are the smartest way to go.

You no longer have to worry about someone believing you.

In fact filing bankruptcy is never the preferred way to go. Otherwise, actual successful companies would be doing it.

I never said preferred. Do you like UNO's Bar and Grill?

Never ate there. The theater I go to serves UNO personal pizzas. Good Stuff. Let me guess, there is a story about how bankruptcy saved their business.

Correct. They went bankrupt. You never knew. It was a reorg and allowed the Company to survive. Commerical bankruptcy is not the same as personal one.

ok…so? And if they had run their businesses better, would they have had to do it?

It’s not the business sometimes companies lever up to pay the executives and then get buried under the debt. Could be a variety of reasons.
shots fired into a republican office and hasn't been reported in MSM. why? hey MAC, when you can equalize the reporting by MSM you have a point. right now you still have nothing.

They have been reported on the MSM. That is one of the frustrations. You read in something in your echo chamber and repeat it without bothering to check on whether it’s true.
No, you're missing the point......the media makes a quick statement on it.....and then ignores it. If it were the reverse, it would be doing panel after panel for days.
I mean you have the left not even acknowledging the baseball field shooting in this debate. I mean once they knew it was a lefty with apolitical motive, they moved off the story super fast (they spent maybe one day on that story)...someone almost died. in contrast, this bombing story, no one got hurt, and no bombs went off, and they've been on it for at least a week. the amount of coverage also is important, and things that make lefties and democrats look bad, the media ignores them or moves on from them very very quick....it's like clockwork.

The media has an agenda. Brain dead leftists let them set the agenda. Trying to point it out is useless. Concentrate on taking them down.
Advocating violence?

Meh. Get thee crazy ass gone.
People will die whatever the gop does. Ask the leftists

Dems gaslight everything and then state that the jokes Trump states are really what he means. Bleh...

So couldn’t democrats just say Bernie was kidding and you would have to accept that?

Except he wasn't.
You still have not shown where Bernie advocates violence. I think you should just up on that claim. It is a stretch.

Are you serious? The shooter was literally yelling what Bernie was stating as he was shooting Republicans. Bernie is a terrific gaslighter. The fact that you cannot grasp that is mind boggling. Debating you is like talking to a wall. Pointless as you just parrot the same nonsense.

Yes. And, like the piece of shit that shot up the Synogogue, he was nuts.


Simple question dude. Either show us or adnpmit you were farting around trying to claim something that wasn’t.
Dems gaslight everything and then state that the jokes Trump states are really what he means. Bleh...

So couldn’t democrats just say Bernie was kidding and you would have to accept that?

Except he wasn't.
You still have not shown where Bernie advocates violence. I think you should just up on that claim. It is a stretch.

Are you serious? The shooter was literally yelling what Bernie was stating as he was shooting Republicans. Bernie is a terrific gaslighter. The fact that you cannot grasp that is mind boggling. Debating you is like talking to a wall. Pointless as you just parrot the same nonsense.

Yes. And, like the piece of shit that shot up the Synogogue, he was nuts.


Simple question dude. Either show us or adnpmit you were farting around trying to claim something that wasn’t.

You are simple. Because you don’t comprehend what gaslighting is which is equivalent to calling for violence.
Over the past week, I've been doing a lot of thinking. I posted a thread (now closed because it was waaaay off topic, and Mac has posted this thread).

I've tried to listen to what folks have said with varying degrees of success.

I think there are some things I need to say here.

First...why the is the right so angry over the left...usually, it's just ideology not the deep anger each side feels for the other.

Correll and some others, kind of opened my eyes a bit here. The race card. And, to that I'll add the anti-semite card. Two accusations that carry a huge impact in American culture. When you call some one a racist, it is ugly. If a person is not a racist...it's as ugly as the act of racism itself. Maybe we on the left need to think a bit on how we use this term. Racism has a meaning. Statements can be racist or carry a bias without the person conveying them being racist. Arguments can be racist without the person being a racist. Arguments can be RACIAL without being racist. Flinging the accusation of racist is a conversation stopper, because once you are labeled a racist (or anti-semite) in our society it carries a powerful wallop. What point is there then, in attempting civil discourse? Maybe we on the left need to think more carefully on how we fling this label because, once you label a person, or a group - you dismiss them and everything they might have to say as being part of that label. Food for thought. Why bring this up? Because I think this sort of thing is part of the long term erosion of common ground between the left and the right. Labels.

candycorn brought up another point in the closed thread and this one that I think is also important. Equivalency. Both in action and in rhetoric. Demonstrations and protests are fine, even against election results - this is not anything new. However, the actions of Antifa, and the violent turn of some of these protests were not fine. Property destruction and assault are not fine. Riots are not fine. As a leftist, I was pretty embarressed by my side in those actions. I'm all for protest, it's the American way after all - but not when someone's hard earned livelyhood is destroyed. So while the right certainly had it's share of bad actors when Obama was elected (PLEASE don't pretend otherwise) - the left brought it to a whole new level when Trump was elected. Harrassing families of Trump administration workers, or harrassing Trump supporters is absolutely not cool. Where the hell do we come off with that? The culmination of all this was in some nutter shooting a Republican baseball practice and badly injuring Scalise. We need to own that. It ain't pretty.

But then...there is equivalency. And this is where it gets ugly. There is no real moral equivalency between the events of the past week and the petty violence, vandalism and rudeness of the left with the exception of Scalise. There really isn't. The left acting like spoiled children is not comparable with rightwing extremists attempting to shoot up another black church, shooting up a synogogue or sending bombs to politicians targeted by Trump rhetoric or who were critical of Trump. There really is no equivalency and the right needs to stop pretending there is. That isn't to say the damage and vandalsim caused by the left is unimportant - but it is by no means comparable to shootings.

And that leads to the next step. Rhetoric and it's role in this. STOP PRETENDING IT DOESN'T MATTER. Because it is very clear it does. Both the bomber and the Synagogue shooter left a very clear trail of motive and inspiration. They were heavily influenced by the Trump rhetoric against immigrants, against Soros (a Jew), against leftwing politicians targeted rhetorically by Trump. I don't know if Trump is racist or antisemitic, I tend to think not. But he, and in proxy the Republicans (who haven't spoken out strongly beyond McConnell's statement "this is not helpful") - are playing with fire. Trump USES the LANGUAGE of White Nationalists to fire up his base. He calls himself a nationalist, he demonizes Soros as a shadowy power controling the world (Jewish canard anyone) - he claims Soros is funding the nefarious activities of an army of "invaders", he refers to "white genocide" (right out of the white supremacist playbook) - is it any wonder these Kooks feel validated and decide to act?

There really isn't an equivalency because by and large the left isn't employing the rhetoric of violence in the way that Trump is, and Trump owns a very very powerful platform that the left does not have: POTUS.

The left needs to quit the downward rhetorical spiral and clearly condemn violence, that is true. They need to refute the idea of "resistence" for the sake of resistence and turn that energy towards real political outcomes. But the right has a harder row to hoe here because they need to confront the rhetoric of the leader of their party and condemn the demonization of immigrants, casual support of violence and white supramicist ideology. The right is using the language of war (invaders, etc) in a very dangerous way, to rally support. And I think these events of the past week are a direct reflection of this rhetoric. The right has to speak up against the president when he employs these tactics. Will they?
So couldn’t democrats just say Bernie was kidding and you would have to accept that?

Except he wasn't.
You still have not shown where Bernie advocates violence. I think you should just up on that claim. It is a stretch.

Are you serious? The shooter was literally yelling what Bernie was stating as he was shooting Republicans. Bernie is a terrific gaslighter. The fact that you cannot grasp that is mind boggling. Debating you is like talking to a wall. Pointless as you just parrot the same nonsense.

Yes. And, like the piece of shit that shot up the Synogogue, he was nuts.


Simple question dude. Either show us or adnpmit you were farting around trying to claim something that wasn’t.

You are simple. Because you don’t comprehend what gaslighting is which is equivalent to calling for violence.

You make a claim and refuse to support it. This seems to be a pattern. Just admit you can not find any examples of Bernie calling for violence. Dude - he is not a violent type of guy.
Over the past week, I've been doing a lot of thinking. I posted a thread (now closed because it was waaaay off topic, and Mac has posted this thread).

I've tried to listen to what folks have said with varying degrees of success.

I think there are some things I need to say here.

First...why the is the right so angry over the left...usually, it's just ideology not the deep anger each side feels for the other.

Correll and some others, kind of opened my eyes a bit here. The race card. And, to that I'll add the anti-semite card. Two accusations that carry a huge impact in American culture. When you call some one a racist, it is ugly. If a person is not a racist...it's as ugly as the act of racism itself. Maybe we on the left need to think a bit on how we use this term. Racism has a meaning. Statements can be racist or carry a bias without the person conveying them being racist. Arguments can be racist without the person being a racist. Arguments can be RACIAL without being racist. Flinging the accusation of racist is a conversation stopper, because once you are labeled a racist (or anti-semite) in our society it carries a powerful wallop. What point is there then, in attempting civil discourse? Maybe we on the left need to think more carefully on how we fling this label because, once you label a person, or a group - you dismiss them and everything they might have to say as being part of that label. Food for thought. Why bring this up? Because I think this sort of thing is part of the long term erosion of common ground between the left and the right. Labels.

candycorn brought up another point in the closed thread and this one that I think is also important. Equivalency. Both in action and in rhetoric. Demonstrations and protests are fine, even against election results - this is not anything new. However, the actions of Antifa, and the violent turn of some of these protests were not fine. Property destruction and assault are not fine. Riots are not fine. As a leftist, I was pretty embarressed by my side in those actions. I'm all for protest, it's the American way after all - but not when someone's hard earned livelyhood is destroyed. So while the right certainly had it's share of bad actors when Obama was elected (PLEASE don't pretend otherwise) - the left brought it to a whole new level when Trump was elected. Harrassing families of Trump administration workers, or harrassing Trump supporters is absolutely not cool. Where the hell do we come off with that? The culmination of all this was in some nutter shooting a Republican baseball practice and badly injuring Scalise. We need to own that. It ain't pretty.

But then...there is equivalency. And this is where it gets ugly. There is no real moral equivalency between the events of the past week and the petty violence, vandalism and rudeness of the left with the exception of Scalise. There really isn't. The left acting like spoiled children is not comparable with rightwing extremists attempting to shoot up another black church, shooting up a synogogue or sending bombs to politicians targeted by Trump rhetoric or who were critical of Trump. There really is no equivalency and the right needs to stop pretending there is. That isn't to say the damage and vandalsim caused by the left is unimportant - but it is by no means comparable to shootings.

And that leads to the next step. Rhetoric and it's role in this. STOP PRETENDING IT DOESN'T MATTER. Because it is very clear it does. Both the bomber and the Synagogue shooter left a very clear trail of motive and inspiration. They were heavily influenced by the Trump rhetoric against immigrants, against Soros (a Jew), against leftwing politicians targeted rhetorically by Trump. I don't know if Trump is racist or antisemitic, I tend to think not. But he, and in proxy the Republicans (who haven't spoken out strongly beyond McConnell's statement "this is not helpful") - are playing with fire. Trump USES the LANGUAGE of White Nationalists to fire up his base. He calls himself a nationalist, he demonizes Soros as a shadowy power controling the world (Jewish canard anyone) - he claims Soros is funding the nefarious activities of an army of "invaders", he refers to "white genocide" (right out of the white supremacist playbook) - is it any wonder these Kooks feel validated and decide to act?

There really isn't an equivalency because by and large the left isn't employing the rhetoric of violence in the way that Trump is, and Trump owns a very very powerful platform that the left does not have: POTUS.

The left needs to quit the downward rhetorical spiral and clearly condemn violence, that is true. They need to refute the idea of "resistence" for the sake of resistence and turn that energy towards real political outcomes. But the right has a harder row to hoe here because they need to confront the rhetoric of the leader of their party and condemn the demonization of immigrants, casual support of violence and white supramicist ideology. The right is using the language of war (invaders, etc) in a very dangerous way, to rally support. And I think these events of the past week are a direct reflection of this rhetoric. The right has to speak up against the president when he employs these tactics. Will they?

Good post.

I’ll give the same response I gave to another poster. My analogy is the difference between weather and climate. Weather is what it is like outside today, tomorrow, yesterday. The Climate is what it is usually like.

Liberal violence, aggression, etc… is pretty much what the weather is. You have some nut jobs who confront people in restaurants, and shoot at people. But the climate of liberal politics is one that most liberals can be proud of. Peaceful demonstrations during the civil rights movement; activism that resulted in the 40 hour work week, environmental protections, Constitutional Amendments that the right now wants to overturn out of nothing but fear.

Conservative violence is the climate that has been with us for quite a while. Mt. Carmel, OKC, The Olympic Park bombing, Shooting up churches, synagogues, mailing bombs to people. Those are deplorable actions (also the actions of deplorables) to be sure. But it is much more than that. The hateful rhetoric; saying that reporters are on their period, claiming Hispanic judges can’t do their job because of their ethnicity; the almost maniacal need to lock up your political opponents; branding the press the “enemy of the people”…the list of hate is nearly endless. Bush and his cronies questioned your patriotism if you didn’t support their wars. The right wing questioned (and still does today in some quarters) where the President was born; even after his birth certificate was released.

Left wing stupidity and Right wing stupidity are both acute stressors at the present; but if you want to look at the landscape of hate and division; I think you can place that at the feet of the right wing much more than you can the left.

That is just my opinion. Do with it what you will.
Except he wasn't.
You still have not shown where Bernie advocates violence. I think you should just up on that claim. It is a stretch.

Are you serious? The shooter was literally yelling what Bernie was stating as he was shooting Republicans. Bernie is a terrific gaslighter. The fact that you cannot grasp that is mind boggling. Debating you is like talking to a wall. Pointless as you just parrot the same nonsense.

Yes. And, like the piece of shit that shot up the Synogogue, he was nuts.


Simple question dude. Either show us or adnpmit you were farting around trying to claim something that wasn’t.

You are simple. Because you don’t comprehend what gaslighting is which is equivalent to calling for violence.

You make a claim and refuse to support it. This seems to be a pattern. Just admit you can not find any examples of Bernie calling for violence. Dude - he is not a violent type of guy.

But he is a gaslighter. Just admit you don’t know what gaslighting is.
Over the past week, I've been doing a lot of thinking. I posted a thread (now closed because it was waaaay off topic, and Mac has posted this thread).

I've tried to listen to what folks have said with varying degrees of success.

I think there are some things I need to say here.

First...why the is the right so angry over the left...usually, it's just ideology not the deep anger each side feels for the other.

Correll and some others, kind of opened my eyes a bit here. The race card. And, to that I'll add the anti-semite card. Two accusations that carry a huge impact in American culture. When you call some one a racist, it is ugly. If a person is not a racist...it's as ugly as the act of racism itself. Maybe we on the left need to think a bit on how we use this term. Racism has a meaning. Statements can be racist or carry a bias without the person conveying them being racist. Arguments can be racist without the person being a racist. Arguments can be RACIAL without being racist. Flinging the accusation of racist is a conversation stopper, because once you are labeled a racist (or anti-semite) in our society it carries a powerful wallop. What point is there then, in attempting civil discourse? Maybe we on the left need to think more carefully on how we fling this label because, once you label a person, or a group - you dismiss them and everything they might have to say as being part of that label. Food for thought. Why bring this up? Because I think this sort of thing is part of the long term erosion of common ground between the left and the right. Labels.

candycorn brought up another point in the closed thread and this one that I think is also important. Equivalency. Both in action and in rhetoric. Demonstrations and protests are fine, even against election results - this is not anything new. However, the actions of Antifa, and the violent turn of some of these protests were not fine. Property destruction and assault are not fine. Riots are not fine. As a leftist, I was pretty embarressed by my side in those actions. I'm all for protest, it's the American way after all - but not when someone's hard earned livelyhood is destroyed. So while the right certainly had it's share of bad actors when Obama was elected (PLEASE don't pretend otherwise) - the left brought it to a whole new level when Trump was elected. Harrassing families of Trump administration workers, or harrassing Trump supporters is absolutely not cool. Where the hell do we come off with that? The culmination of all this was in some nutter shooting a Republican baseball practice and badly injuring Scalise. We need to own that. It ain't pretty.

But then...there is equivalency. And this is where it gets ugly. There is no real moral equivalency between the events of the past week and the petty violence, vandalism and rudeness of the left with the exception of Scalise. There really isn't. The left acting like spoiled children is not comparable with rightwing extremists attempting to shoot up another black church, shooting up a synogogue or sending bombs to politicians targeted by Trump rhetoric or who were critical of Trump. There really is no equivalency and the right needs to stop pretending there is. That isn't to say the damage and vandalsim caused by the left is unimportant - but it is by no means comparable to shootings.

And that leads to the next step. Rhetoric and it's role in this. STOP PRETENDING IT DOESN'T MATTER. Because it is very clear it does. Both the bomber and the Synagogue shooter left a very clear trail of motive and inspiration. They were heavily influenced by the Trump rhetoric against immigrants, against Soros (a Jew), against leftwing politicians targeted rhetorically by Trump. I don't know if Trump is racist or antisemitic, I tend to think not. But he, and in proxy the Republicans (who haven't spoken out strongly beyond McConnell's statement "this is not helpful") - are playing with fire. Trump USES the LANGUAGE of White Nationalists to fire up his base. He calls himself a nationalist, he demonizes Soros as a shadowy power controling the world (Jewish canard anyone) - he claims Soros is funding the nefarious activities of an army of "invaders", he refers to "white genocide" (right out of the white supremacist playbook) - is it any wonder these Kooks feel validated and decide to act?

There really isn't an equivalency because by and large the left isn't employing the rhetoric of violence in the way that Trump is, and Trump owns a very very powerful platform that the left does not have: POTUS.

The left needs to quit the downward rhetorical spiral and clearly condemn violence, that is true. They need to refute the idea of "resistence" for the sake of resistence and turn that energy towards real political outcomes. But the right has a harder row to hoe here because they need to confront the rhetoric of the leader of their party and condemn the demonization of immigrants, casual support of violence and white supramicist ideology. The right is using the language of war (invaders, etc) in a very dangerous way, to rally support. And I think these events of the past week are a direct reflection of this rhetoric. The right has to speak up against the president when he employs these tactics. Will they?

What a windbag. Do you think the gaslighting is more convincing of you wear the reader out?
You still have not shown where Bernie advocates violence. I think you should just up on that claim. It is a stretch.

Are you serious? The shooter was literally yelling what Bernie was stating as he was shooting Republicans. Bernie is a terrific gaslighter. The fact that you cannot grasp that is mind boggling. Debating you is like talking to a wall. Pointless as you just parrot the same nonsense.

Yes. And, like the piece of shit that shot up the Synogogue, he was nuts.


Simple question dude. Either show us or adnpmit you were farting around trying to claim something that wasn’t.

You are simple. Because you don’t comprehend what gaslighting is which is equivalent to calling for violence.

You make a claim and refuse to support it. This seems to be a pattern. Just admit you can not find any examples of Bernie calling for violence. Dude - he is not a violent type of guy.

But he is a gaslighter. Just admit you don’t know what gaslighting is.

Perfectly aware of the term. Still waiting for you to prove your assertion (but based on your past history of such...I ain't holding my breath).
Are you serious? The shooter was literally yelling what Bernie was stating as he was shooting Republicans. Bernie is a terrific gaslighter. The fact that you cannot grasp that is mind boggling. Debating you is like talking to a wall. Pointless as you just parrot the same nonsense.

Yes. And, like the piece of shit that shot up the Synogogue, he was nuts.


Simple question dude. Either show us or adnpmit you were farting around trying to claim something that wasn’t.

You are simple. Because you don’t comprehend what gaslighting is which is equivalent to calling for violence.

You make a claim and refuse to support it. This seems to be a pattern. Just admit you can not find any examples of Bernie calling for violence. Dude - he is not a violent type of guy.

But he is a gaslighter. Just admit you don’t know what gaslighting is.

Perfectly aware of the term. Still waiting for you to prove your assertion (but based on your past history of such...I ain't holding my breath).

I linked the article. You’re just trolling now.
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?

Obama wanted to start a civil war.

He succeeded.
Yes. And, like the piece of shit that shot up the Synogogue, he was nuts.


Simple question dude. Either show us or adnpmit you were farting around trying to claim something that wasn’t.

You are simple. Because you don’t comprehend what gaslighting is which is equivalent to calling for violence.

You make a claim and refuse to support it. This seems to be a pattern. Just admit you can not find any examples of Bernie calling for violence. Dude - he is not a violent type of guy.

But he is a gaslighter. Just admit you don’t know what gaslighting is.

Perfectly aware of the term. Still waiting for you to prove your assertion (but based on your past history of such...I ain't holding my breath).

I linked the article. You’re just trolling now.

That's really nice of you but the article doesn't show Bernie advocating violence (yes, I read it). Perhaps you linked to the wrong article?
You are simple. Because you don’t comprehend what gaslighting is which is equivalent to calling for violence.

You make a claim and refuse to support it. This seems to be a pattern. Just admit you can not find any examples of Bernie calling for violence. Dude - he is not a violent type of guy.

But he is a gaslighter. Just admit you don’t know what gaslighting is.

Perfectly aware of the term. Still waiting for you to prove your assertion (but based on your past history of such...I ain't holding my breath).

I linked the article. You’re just trolling now.

That's really nice of you but the article doesn't show Bernie advocating violence (yes, I read it). Perhaps you linked to the wrong article?

So then you don’t understand gaslighting lol. If I say Coyote is the reason Jews suffer and Jews attack you then I promoted violence just not overtly aka gaslighting. Grow up.
You make a claim and refuse to support it. This seems to be a pattern. Just admit you can not find any examples of Bernie calling for violence. Dude - he is not a violent type of guy.

But he is a gaslighter. Just admit you don’t know what gaslighting is.

Perfectly aware of the term. Still waiting for you to prove your assertion (but based on your past history of such...I ain't holding my breath).

I linked the article. You’re just trolling now.

That's really nice of you but the article doesn't show Bernie advocating violence (yes, I read it). Perhaps you linked to the wrong article?

So then you don’t understand gaslighting lol. If I say Coyote is the reason Jews suffer and Jews attack you then I promoted violence just not overtly aka gaslighting. Grow up.

Just provide an actual quote.
But he is a gaslighter. Just admit you don’t know what gaslighting is.

Perfectly aware of the term. Still waiting for you to prove your assertion (but based on your past history of such...I ain't holding my breath).

I linked the article. You’re just trolling now.

That's really nice of you but the article doesn't show Bernie advocating violence (yes, I read it). Perhaps you linked to the wrong article?

So then you don’t understand gaslighting lol. If I say Coyote is the reason Jews suffer and Jews attack you then I promoted violence just not overtly aka gaslighting. Grow up.

Just provide an actual quote.

I did. The shooter was quoting him as he was shooting Republicans. You love to troll. Still think Kav was guilty without any proof LOL? The word gullible is not in the dictionary.
Eugene Robinson’s op ed on this topic is a must read.


“Both sides” are not responsible for the horrific political terrorism we have seen this past week. Only the right is to blame — starting with President Trump and his complicit enablers in the Republican Party.

They have been playing with fire. It was inevitable that people would get burned.

Am I not supposed to blame Trump? Well, he blames me. After at least 14 mail bombs were sent to prominent Trump critics and 11 innocent worshipers were slaughtered in a Pittsburgh synagogue, this is what the pyromaniac in chief had to say Monday morning on Twitter:

“There is great anger in our Country caused in part by inaccurate, and even fraudulent, reporting of the news. The Fake News Media, the true Enemy of the People, must stop the open & obvious hostility & report the news accurately & fairly. That will do much to put out the flame of Anger and Outrage and we will then be able to bring all sides together in Peace and Harmony. Fake News Must End!”
Eugene Robinson’s op ed on this topic is a must read.


“Both sides” are not responsible for the horrific political terrorism we have seen this past week. Only the right is to blame — starting with President Trump and his complicit enablers in the Republican Party.

They have been playing with fire. It was inevitable that people would get burned.

Am I not supposed to blame Trump? Well, he blames me. After at least 14 mail bombs were sent to prominent Trump critics and 11 innocent worshipers were slaughtered in a Pittsburgh synagogue, this is what the pyromaniac in chief had to say Monday morning on Twitter:

“There is great anger in our Country caused in part by inaccurate, and even fraudulent, reporting of the news. The Fake News Media, the true Enemy of the People, must stop the open & obvious hostility & report the news accurately & fairly. That will do much to put out the flame of Anger and Outrage and we will then be able to bring all sides together in Peace and Harmony. Fake News Must End!”
Eugene Robinson is a racist dumbass.
You still have not shown where Bernie advocates violence. I think you should just up on that claim. It is a stretch.

Are you serious? The shooter was literally yelling what Bernie was stating as he was shooting Republicans. Bernie is a terrific gaslighter. The fact that you cannot grasp that is mind boggling. Debating you is like talking to a wall. Pointless as you just parrot the same nonsense.

Yes. And, like the piece of shit that shot up the Synogogue, he was nuts.


Simple question dude. Either show us or adnpmit you were farting around trying to claim something that wasn’t.

You are simple. Because you don’t comprehend what gaslighting is which is equivalent to calling for violence.

You make a claim and refuse to support it. This seems to be a pattern. Just admit you can not find any examples of Bernie calling for violence. Dude - he is not a violent type of guy.

But he is a gaslighter. Just admit you don’t know what gaslighting is.

It’s possible she doesn’t know what gaslighting is but more probable that her programming simply makes it seem normal to her. She is aware of gaslighting like a fish is aware of water. It’s what the elites she follows do and she instinctively apes them.
I think that this is one of the most significant sea changes of the Trump era. Not that the gaslighting has stopped, as you can see from her slavish posts it hasn’t, but that we Americans no longer let them define reality for us.
That's because we live in an illusion of choice Joe

Oh ,we get to 'pull the lever' , and think we're some collective decision makers, but the choices are all the same , and the outcome OF all those choices have been the same, and will continue to BE the same.

They don't operate for us ,they operate for the elites of this country , when things go China they'll fall back to party lines .

In Reality , the extreemism of TOP and BOTTOM in America by far and large outshines any Right of Left narrative

Which is why they LOVE the R&L debaucheries , all from tools who havn't the horsepower to realize they're conscripts

Blah, blah, blah, another Hipster tool who thinks he has some kind of insight. BOOOOOORING.

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