Why are we so afraid to admit the obvious?

I look at President Trump and see a man who is exceptionlly successful at business and is using those skills as the chief executive of the USA. I don't see anything clownish. In fact, I think he is brilliant for the way he is making the Left and media do his bidding.

How many bankruptcies does one have to file before you start questioning their business skills?

Bankruptcies doesn't mean you're out of money it means you're reorganizing the enterprise. Sometimes it can mean that you're liquidating but not in this case. Its part of the law and they are allowed.

So you think it is a sign of being “exceptionally” (is it telling that longknife can’t spell the word?) successful?

Sometimes Chapter 11s are the smartest way to go.

Imagine I am a new CFO of a company and it is levered up to its eyeballs but the overall business is sound. Chapter 11 cleans up the balance sheet and allows me to reorganize the Company accordingly so that it may continue to exist.

Imagine you’re supposedly a financial genius. And you’ve had to file bankruptcy 6 times. Should you be called a “genius” any longer?
Bankruptcies doesn't mean you're out of money it means you're reorganizing the enterprise. Sometimes it can mean that you're liquidating but not in this case. Its part of the law and they are allowed.

So you think it is a sign of being “exceptionally” (is it telling that longknife can’t spell the word?) successful?

Sometimes Chapter 11s are the smartest way to go.

You no longer have to worry about someone believing you.

In fact filing bankruptcy is never the preferred way to go. Otherwise, actual successful companies would be doing it.

I never said preferred. Do you like UNO's Bar and Grill?

Never ate there. The theater I go to serves UNO personal pizzas. Good Stuff. Let me guess, there is a story about how bankruptcy saved their business.

Correct. They went bankrupt. You never knew. It was a reorg and allowed the Company to survive. Commerical bankruptcy is not the same as personal one.
How many bankruptcies does one have to file before you start questioning their business skills?

Bankruptcies doesn't mean you're out of money it means you're reorganizing the enterprise. Sometimes it can mean that you're liquidating but not in this case. Its part of the law and they are allowed.

So you think it is a sign of being “exceptionally” (is it telling that longknife can’t spell the word?) successful?

Sometimes Chapter 11s are the smartest way to go.

Imagine I am a new CFO of a company and it is levered up to its eyeballs but the overall business is sound. Chapter 11 cleans up the balance sheet and allows me to reorganize the Company accordingly so that it may continue to exist.

Imagine you’re supposedly a financial genius. And you’ve had to file bankruptcy 6 times. Should you be called a “genius” any longer?

He has had 300 businesses? Six is not terrible. He is a billionaire with strong name recognition and a successful RE portfolio. A 1%r for sure. So "genius" while subjective is not entirely off base IMO.
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?
A political party's Presidential candidate hiring thugs to go to her opponent's rallies to beat and bloody his supporters … openly calling for an end to civility and an increase in violence AFTER VIOLENT RHETORIC ALREADY INCITED A PARTISAN LUNATIC INTO ATTEMPTING TO ASSASSINATE ELECTED GOP POLITICIANS....and the entire Left and their surrogate fake news media ignoring it all to go after the President....

Yeah, it matters.

A party who has adopted a campaign strategy of 'The Politics of Personal Destruction' where they attempt tp completely destroy a man's past, accomplishments, his word, his career, his ability to make a future, his marriage, and his family based on lies for political party gain...

Yeah, it matters.

….and many Democrats think so because many of them voted for Trump to be President and have walked away from the Democratic Party since then because of who the Democratic party has become.
You folks, on both ends, predictably, have jumped right in and beautifully illustrated the point of my thread for me.

I get the standard litany of sins the "other side" commits, and absolutely no acknowledgement whatsoever of what "my" side does.

When any bad behavior from their side is brought up, it's brushed aside, mocked, derided, denied and/or minimized.

Go ahead. Look through this thread. You'll see both sides behaving the same way. It's both hilarious and fascinating.

Dems get angry and shout things. Everyone goes home. Yes there were instances of a few liberals doing unspeakable acts of violence. They should rot in jail for doing it.

Republicans blow people up (or try to), mow down people in churches and synagogues with firearms they covet, shout Nazi propaganda while holding torches, run over them with their cars.

Your equation is flat out assinine.

The shooter in Dallas TX that tried to kill cops and killed many was a Democrat. The rioters in BLM were Democrats. The Scalise shooter was a Democrat.

So you think it is a sign of being “exceptionally” (is it telling that longknife can’t spell the word?) successful?

Sometimes Chapter 11s are the smartest way to go.

You no longer have to worry about someone believing you.

In fact filing bankruptcy is never the preferred way to go. Otherwise, actual successful companies would be doing it.

I never said preferred. Do you like UNO's Bar and Grill?

Never ate there. The theater I go to serves UNO personal pizzas. Good Stuff. Let me guess, there is a story about how bankruptcy saved their business.

Correct. They went bankrupt. You never knew. It was a reorg and allowed the Company to survive. Commerical bankruptcy is not the same as personal one.

ok…so? And if they had run their businesses better, would they have had to do it?
Bankruptcies doesn't mean you're out of money it means you're reorganizing the enterprise. Sometimes it can mean that you're liquidating but not in this case. Its part of the law and they are allowed.

So you think it is a sign of being “exceptionally” (is it telling that longknife can’t spell the word?) successful?

Sometimes Chapter 11s are the smartest way to go.

Imagine I am a new CFO of a company and it is levered up to its eyeballs but the overall business is sound. Chapter 11 cleans up the balance sheet and allows me to reorganize the Company accordingly so that it may continue to exist.

Imagine you’re supposedly a financial genius. And you’ve had to file bankruptcy 6 times. Should you be called a “genius” any longer?

He has had 300 businesses? Six is not terrible. He is a billionaire with strong name recognition and a successful RE portfolio. A 1%r for sure. So "genius" while subjective is not entirely off base IMO.

That was just six that went through bankruptcy. Most of them failed miserably. Or does your Trump Steak taste like sour grapes?

Screen Shot 2018-10-31 at 2.55.21 PM.png
Only one side refused to accept the results of our Presidential election and will use any violence necessary to prevent our duly elected President from enacting the will of the people. Without the sedatious resistance there would be no violence. Only the right gets blamed for the violence while defending themselves when attaced. Put the blame where it belonga, on the resistance.

Well, when you mail bombs to people, you may get blamed for violence. That the guy who did it was a vehement Trump supporter should indicate what the 3 years of unabashed hate rhetoric from the blob is doing to the nation.

You REALLY need to take it easy on these Trump supporters; they can't help the fact they are void of logical, critical thought processes

I don’t mind the back and fourth…

The sheer silliness of the “bankruptcy is a sign of genius” argument is the head scratcher.
Only one side refused to accept the results of our Presidential election and will use any violence necessary to prevent our duly elected President from enacting the will of the people. Without the sedatious resistance there would be no violence. Only the right gets blamed for the violence while defending themselves when attaced. Put the blame where it belonga, on the resistance.

Well, when you mail bombs to people, you may get blamed for violence. That the guy who did it was a vehement Trump supporter should indicate what the 3 years of unabashed hate rhetoric from the blob is doing to the nation.

You REALLY need to take it easy on these Trump supporters; they can't help the fact they are void of logical, critical thought processes

I don’t mind the back and fourth…

The sheer silliness of the “bankruptcy is a sign of genius” argument is the head scratcher.

What can we say about Trump supporters? Oh = It takes a dumb ass to support a dumb ass!
So you think it is a sign of being “exceptionally” (is it telling that longknife can’t spell the word?) successful?

Sometimes Chapter 11s are the smartest way to go.

Imagine I am a new CFO of a company and it is levered up to its eyeballs but the overall business is sound. Chapter 11 cleans up the balance sheet and allows me to reorganize the Company accordingly so that it may continue to exist.

Imagine you’re supposedly a financial genius. And you’ve had to file bankruptcy 6 times. Should you be called a “genius” any longer?

He has had 300 businesses? Six is not terrible. He is a billionaire with strong name recognition and a successful RE portfolio. A 1%r for sure. So "genius" while subjective is not entirely off base IMO.

That was just six that went through bankruptcy. Most of them failed miserably. Or does your Trump Steak taste like sour grapes?

View attachment 225923

It didn’t work? It happens. Mark Cuban wasn’t successful either until he was. Business people who are successful often take many risks. 80% of businesses that are started fail.
There are plenty of recpvolutions without violence.

Please cite a quote of Bernie inciting violence.

I am not going there with you, Coyote. If you cannot see that his revolutionary rhetoric can inspire violence then I cannot help You. Did you not watch the news of Trump supporters getting attacked? Who do you think the attackers were? Old ladies who supported HRC or lost millenials who have no clue as to what they are doing.
Quote then, is it that hard to do?

So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playting this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

There is no game in asking you to support your claims. Show me one quote of Bernies to support what you are claiming. If cant then quit wasting 'everyones time with baseless accusations you refuse to substantiate.
Wait you've never heard Bernie talk about health care and collge? like his own points and what he ascribes to republicans? "you do know democrats have literally made commercials showing republicans pushing old people off a cliff, right?

but here is a link...just a small sample
'This is barbaric': Bernie Sanders lambastes GOP healthcare bill
Umh...so I read it. Can you point out anything advocating violence? This is the normal sort of political rhetoric you see across the board.
Only one side refused to accept the results of our Presidential election and will use any violence necessary to prevent our duly elected President from enacting the will of the people. Without the sedatious resistance there would be no violence. Only the right gets blamed for the violence while defending themselves when attaced. Put the blame where it belonga, on the resistance.

Well, when you mail bombs to people, you may get blamed for violence. That the guy who did it was a vehement Trump supporter should indicate what the 3 years of unabashed hate rhetoric from the blob is doing to the nation.

You REALLY need to take it easy on these Trump supporters; they can't help the fact they are void of logical, critical thought processes

I don’t mind the back and fourth…

The sheer silliness of the “bankruptcy is a sign of genius” argument is the head scratcher.

What can we say about Trump supporters? Oh = It takes a dumb ass to support a dumb ass!
you know...you really don't help the left make a case ... kid.
There is no game in asking you to support your claims. Show me one quote of Bernies to support what you are claiming. If cant then quit wasting 'everyones time with baseless accusations you refuse to substantiate.

The Democratic fan of Bernie Sanders shot up a Congressional baseball game and almost murdered House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) while shouting about healthcare, shortly after Sanders informed the public that Republican healthcare plans would kill millions.

Bernie Sanders, Democrats claim 'people will die' under Republican health care bill
People will die whatever the gop does. Ask the leftists

Dems gaslight everything and then state that the jokes Trump states are really what he means. Bleh...

So couldn’t democrats just say Bernie was kidding and you would have to accept that?

Except he wasn't.
You still have not shown where Bernie advocates violence. I think you should just up on that claim. It is a stretch.
People will die whatever the gop does. Ask the leftists

Dems gaslight everything and then state that the jokes Trump states are really what he means. Bleh...

So couldn’t democrats just say Bernie was kidding and you would have to accept that?

Except he wasn't.

According to you.

When I asked supporters of the blob if the blob is a liar; I often her “he is prone to exaggeration”.
When I submitted the example of his saying someone who bodyslams a reporter is his kind of guy, you say he is joking.

We’ll let alone believable since so little of it is… but Is there anything he says that can be construed as being serious, authentic?
I prefer politicians that walk the walk. He's doing that. you all like the talk the talk. that accomplishes nothing. Walking does.
Then you are saying all his remarks supporting violence are not just talk.
Dems gaslight everything and then state that the jokes Trump states are really what he means. Bleh...

So couldn’t democrats just say Bernie was kidding and you would have to accept that?

Except he wasn't.

According to you.

When I asked supporters of the blob if the blob is a liar; I often her “he is prone to exaggeration”.
When I submitted the example of his saying someone who bodyslams a reporter is his kind of guy, you say he is joking.

We’ll let alone believable since so little of it is… but Is there anything he says that can be construed as being serious, authentic?
I prefer politicians that walk the walk. He's doing that. you all like the talk the talk. that accomplishes nothing. Walking does.
Then you are saying all his remarks supporting violence are not just talk.
but he's always been too much of a coward to do his own fighting.
I am not going there with you, Coyote. If you cannot see that his revolutionary rhetoric can inspire violence then I cannot help You. Did you not watch the news of Trump supporters getting attacked? Who do you think the attackers were? Old ladies who supported HRC or lost millenials who have no clue as to what they are doing.
Quote then, is it that hard to do?

So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playting this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

There is no game in asking you to support your claims. Show me one quote of Bernies to support what you are claiming. If cant then quit wasting 'everyones time with baseless accusations you refuse to substantiate.
Wait you've never heard Bernie talk about health care and collge? like his own points and what he ascribes to republicans? "you do know democrats have literally made commercials showing republicans pushing old people off a cliff, right?

but here is a link...just a small sample
'This is barbaric': Bernie Sanders lambastes GOP healthcare bill
Umh...so I read it. Can you point out anything advocating violence? This is the normal sort of political rhetoric you see across the board.

the 101st USMB keyboard battallion is always ready to make the ultimate sacrifice of chipping nail polish ~S~
The Democratic fan of Bernie Sanders shot up a Congressional baseball game and almost murdered House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) while shouting about healthcare, shortly after Sanders informed the public that Republican healthcare plans would kill millions.

Bernie Sanders, Democrats claim 'people will die' under Republican health care bill
People will die whatever the gop does. Ask the leftists

Dems gaslight everything and then state that the jokes Trump states are really what he means. Bleh...

So couldn’t democrats just say Bernie was kidding and you would have to accept that?

Except he wasn't.
You still have not shown where Bernie advocates violence. I think you should just up on that claim. It is a stretch.

Are you serious? The shooter was literally yelling what Bernie was stating as he was shooting Republicans. Bernie is a terrific gaslighter. The fact that you cannot grasp that is mind boggling. Debating you is like talking to a wall. Pointless as you just parrot the same nonsense.
shots fired into a republican office and hasn't been reported in MSM. why? hey MAC, when you can equalize the reporting by MSM you have a point. right now you still have nothing.

They have been reported on the MSM. That is one of the frustrations. You read in something in your echo chamber and repeat it without bothering to check on whether it’s true.
No, you're missing the point......the media makes a quick statement on it.....and then ignores it. If it were the reverse, it would be doing panel after panel for days.
I mean you have the left not even acknowledging the baseball field shooting in this debate. I mean once they knew it was a lefty with apolitical motive, they moved off the story super fast (they spent maybe one day on that story)...someone almost died. in contrast, this bombing story, no one got hurt, and no bombs went off, and they've been on it for at least a week. the amount of coverage also is important, and things that make lefties and democrats look bad, the media ignores them or moves on from them very very quick....it's like clockwork.

The media has an agenda. Brain dead leftists let them set the agenda. Trying to point it out is useless. Concentrate on taking them down.
Sometimes Chapter 11s are the smartest way to go.

Imagine I am a new CFO of a company and it is levered up to its eyeballs but the overall business is sound. Chapter 11 cleans up the balance sheet and allows me to reorganize the Company accordingly so that it may continue to exist.

Imagine you’re supposedly a financial genius. And you’ve had to file bankruptcy 6 times. Should you be called a “genius” any longer?

He has had 300 businesses? Six is not terrible. He is a billionaire with strong name recognition and a successful RE portfolio. A 1%r for sure. So "genius" while subjective is not entirely off base IMO.

That was just six that went through bankruptcy. Most of them failed miserably. Or does your Trump Steak taste like sour grapes?

View attachment 225923

It didn’t work? It happens. Mark Cuban wasn’t successful either until he was. Business people who are successful often take many risks. 80% of businesses that are started fail.

You sound about as silly as one of the models Trump represented with his modeling agency….it failed too.
It's hilarious that Steve King has been representing for 16 years and suddenly, out of the blue, Republicans just figured out he's a neo Nazi and a white Nationalist?

He's never been shy about it.

But they only figured it out last?

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