Why are we so afraid to admit the obvious?

shots fired into a republican office and hasn't been reported in MSM. why? hey MAC, when you can equalize the reporting by MSM you have a point. right now you still have nothing.

They have been reported on the MSM. That is one of the frustrations. You read in something in your echo chamber and repeat it without bothering to check on whether it’s true.
No, you're missing the point......the media makes a quick statement on it.....and then ignores it. If it were the reverse, it would be doing panel after panel for days.
I mean you have the left not even acknowledging the baseball field shooting in this debate. I mean once they knew it was a lefty with apolitical motive, they moved off the story super fast (they spent maybe one day on that story)...someone almost died. in contrast, this bombing story, no one got hurt, and no bombs went off, and they've been on it for at least a week. the amount of coverage also is important, and things that make lefties and democrats look bad, the media ignores them or moves on from them very very quick....it's like clockwork.
Actually what I read was a pretti good article given how little is known. I did a search on political vandalism and there were a lot of examples, including Dem offices and in 2012 where an Obama Champaign office was shot at while people were inside even. Roughly similar coverage for all of them. I am sure there would be more if there were innuries or fatslities .

The Scalise shooting got tons of coversge including a lot of politicsl soul searching and updates as is appropriate for something like that, or as now the Synagogue shooting, the mail bombs and the attempted shooting of another black church that left two people dead. Those deserve more coverage.
Are you kidding? At every GOP rally his supporters were the violent ones. Heck his whole rhetoric is "revolution". You know many revolutions w/o violence? You're obviously trolling now.
There are plenty of recpvolutions without violence.

Please cite a quote of Bernie inciting violence.

I am not going there with you, Coyote. If you cannot see that his revolutionary rhetoric can inspire violence then I cannot help You. Did you not watch the news of Trump supporters getting attacked? Who do you think the attackers were? Old ladies who supported HRC or lost millenials who have no clue as to what they are doing.
Quote then, is it that hard to do?

So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playting this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

There is no game in asking you to support your claims. Show me one quote of Bernies to support what you are claiming. If cant then quit wasting 'everyones time with baseless accusations you refuse to substantiate.

Wow so you cannot read. Thank you.
So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playing this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

The only one playing a game is you.

For one thing, the campaign rhetoric you cite is almost as benign as it gets. I recall in the early 1980’s a Tip O’Neil said something to the tune of Reagan having ice water in his veins. In 1984, Dukakis said “The fish rots from the head down.” There were countless innuendo and statements by Bush questioning the patriotism of those opposed to his war. Your citation of Bernie is an object lesson in lameness when you try to tie that to a nut job who opened fire.

I agree but his supporters were violent there is no disputing that. And it is not his fault.

Trump said “anyone who can do a body slam” (referring to a fellow Republican) “is my kind of guy”. Do you think that encourages or discourages violence from his flock?
TV Stations have shown wrestlers on national tv giving others bodyslams every week for fking decades. Did that cause violence on the street? now because someone admires someone who can physically do it calling for violence? too special. fk can't make this shit up you leftists create.
Professional wrestlers are not the POTUS. Do you have any more false equivalencies?

Do you think more people recognize DJT or the The Rock?
Not Trump's fault. Same as it was not Bernie's fault when his supporter tried to kill Republicans. Grow up, loser.

Cite Bernie’s speeches where he incited violence.

Are you kidding? At every GOP rally his supporters were the violent ones. Heck his whole rhetoric is "revolution". You know many revolutions w/o violence? You're obviously trolling now.
There are plenty of recpvolutions without violence.

Please cite a quote of Bernie inciting violence.
his supporters would go to rallies to try and interrupt them...that is wrong
his supporters screamed all kinds of stupid thigs there and are violent
They spit and assault people at the rallies

I don't remember him condemning this........do you have something for us?
Again, please point out who was left out. Why you pretend this to be the case when the words are right there in front of you remains a mystery.

From two posts ago.

His own tribe.

Are there words in that that you don’t understand? It’s 3 words.

Where does he call out his own tribe?

Again, this is the quote of the OP:

But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

Scripture says “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”… Obviously we are all sinners so he should be calling out his own tribe.

And again

And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end

You do realize, criticizing each end encompasses the entire spectrum, right, from right, left, to everyone in between? Is English not your first language? Maybe that's the problem.

Usually the word “our” is possessive meaning that you’re a member of a group. “Our church” doesn’t mean your church. “Our family” doesn’t mean your family. “Our message board” doesn’t mean your message board.

This is basic English. You seem to not know the meaning of the word. Or much else.

So….when he says “our own tribe”…he means his tribe.

Where is he challenging his tribe? That’s all I’m asking. You seem to want to focus on the personal attack which is fine. No worries there. But if you could stick to the question..that would be great.

Republicans have challenged their tribe for decades.....I mean Paul Ryan gets a lot of shit...as he should at times.......you guys NEVER call out your side. Even with crazy statements.....

show me someone calling out Maxine Watters? On this board or in the media
Or Al Sharpton
Or Chuck Schumer
Or pick someone
I have posted multiple times that what Waters said was wrong as is harrassing citizens and refusing to serve them because of their politics. Others have as well.

And prominant Dens critisized her for it.

Now Trump is ratchetting up the rhetoric.

Are prominant Republicans condemning it? I hope so.

LOL --- wow. So clueless. CNN advocated the violence of Antifa. Live on air.
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?
I like your logic and what you are trying to accomplish. I've wondered this myself, however......

The rhetoric has been ramped up and the media is the megaphone for the government agenda. As you can tell by the threads on this forum, the division is set securely in place. I was just thinking about this the other day, if we are too far apart to ever come together, we certainly aren't making any strides toward common ground.

Look at what is happening around the country, people being assaulted and killed because of their race or their political ideology. The people in this country are a ticking time bomb.
Yeah. The problem as I see it is that "common ground" is no longer the goal. "Beating" the other "side" is. People like you and I make a mistake by assuming that the fundamentalists want healing or cooperation. Once I realized this, much of this started making more sense.

Regarding the media, I refer to the pundits and talk shows and winger websites as "Division Pimps". These people have a clear, vested professional interest in keeping us as angry and divided as possible, so they're constantly stoking the fires. It's working, since we're falling for it.
I did believe that, but I was always conservative, but I was confused on why liberals were always into politics and with everything in their life....then I watched this and it made much more sense

Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?
Getting along is way overrated...
I get the sentiment, but we should work for the common good. The problem is one side doesn't want to right now......and will not......and the Kavanaugh matter was the final straw.....to make up random rape accusations to push an agenda is horrific. the right can be mean, but have never done anything close to that.
Are you kidding? At every GOP rally his supporters were the violent ones. Heck his whole rhetoric is "revolution". You know many revolutions w/o violence? You're obviously trolling now.
There are plenty of recpvolutions without violence.

Please cite a quote of Bernie inciting violence.

I am not going there with you, Coyote. If you cannot see that his revolutionary rhetoric can inspire violence then I cannot help You. Did you not watch the news of Trump supporters getting attacked? Who do you think the attackers were? Old ladies who supported HRC or lost millenials who have no clue as to what they are doing.
Quote then, is it that hard to do?

So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playting this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

There is no game in asking you to support your claims. Show me one quote of Bernies to support what you are claiming. If cant then quit wasting 'everyones time with baseless accusations you refuse to substantiate.

The Democratic fan of Bernie Sanders shot up a Congressional baseball game and almost murdered House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) while shouting about healthcare, shortly after Sanders informed the public that Republican healthcare plans would kill millions.

Bernie Sanders, Democrats claim 'people will die' under Republican health care bill
So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playing this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

The only one playing a game is you.

For one thing, the campaign rhetoric you cite is almost as benign as it gets. I recall in the early 1980’s a Tip O’Neil said something to the tune of Reagan having ice water in his veins. In 1984, Dukakis said “The fish rots from the head down.” There were countless innuendo and statements by Bush questioning the patriotism of those opposed to his war. Your citation of Bernie is an object lesson in lameness when you try to tie that to a nut job who opened fire.

I agree but his supporters were violent there is no disputing that. And it is not his fault.

Trump said “anyone who can do a body slam” (referring to a fellow Republican) “is my kind of guy”. Do you think that encourages or discourages violence from his flock?
TV Stations have shown wrestlers on national tv giving others bodyslams every week for fking decades. Did that cause violence on the street? now because someone admires someone who can physically do it calling for violence? too special. fk can't make this shit up you leftists create.
Professional wrestlers are not the POTUS. Do you have any more false equivalencies?
So what? What is your point?
There are plenty of recpvolutions without violence.

Please cite a quote of Bernie inciting violence.

I am not going there with you, Coyote. If you cannot see that his revolutionary rhetoric can inspire violence then I cannot help You. Did you not watch the news of Trump supporters getting attacked? Who do you think the attackers were? Old ladies who supported HRC or lost millenials who have no clue as to what they are doing.
Quote then, is it that hard to do?

So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playting this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

There is no game in asking you to support your claims. Show me one quote of Bernies to support what you are claiming. If cant then quit wasting 'everyones time with baseless accusations you refuse to substantiate.

The Democratic fan of Bernie Sanders shot up a Congressional baseball game and almost murdered House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) while shouting about healthcare, shortly after Sanders informed the public that Republican healthcare plans would kill millions.

Bernie Sanders, Democrats claim 'people will die' under Republican health care bill
People will die whatever the gop does. Ask the leftists
I am not going there with you, Coyote. If you cannot see that his revolutionary rhetoric can inspire violence then I cannot help You. Did you not watch the news of Trump supporters getting attacked? Who do you think the attackers were? Old ladies who supported HRC or lost millenials who have no clue as to what they are doing.
Quote then, is it that hard to do?

So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playting this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

There is no game in asking you to support your claims. Show me one quote of Bernies to support what you are claiming. If cant then quit wasting 'everyones time with baseless accusations you refuse to substantiate.

The Democratic fan of Bernie Sanders shot up a Congressional baseball game and almost murdered House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) while shouting about healthcare, shortly after Sanders informed the public that Republican healthcare plans would kill millions.

Bernie Sanders, Democrats claim 'people will die' under Republican health care bill
People will die whatever the gop does. Ask the leftists

Dems gaslight everything and then state that the jokes Trump states are really what he means. Bleh...
It's statements like this that do nothing but add to the discord.

You know what, you strike me as a lot smarter than the rest of the wingnuts here.

Can you honestly tell me that you don't look at Trump's behavior and think, "Man, that guy is nuts".

Or do you just hope it'll all work out.

I look at President Trump and see a man who is exceptionlly successful at business and is using those skills as the chief executive of the USA. I don't see anything clownish. In fact, I think he is brilliant for the way he is making the Left and media do his bidding.

How many bankruptcies does one have to file before you start questioning their business skills?
Quote then, is it that hard to do?

So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playting this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

There is no game in asking you to support your claims. Show me one quote of Bernies to support what you are claiming. If cant then quit wasting 'everyones time with baseless accusations you refuse to substantiate.

The Democratic fan of Bernie Sanders shot up a Congressional baseball game and almost murdered House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) while shouting about healthcare, shortly after Sanders informed the public that Republican healthcare plans would kill millions.

Bernie Sanders, Democrats claim 'people will die' under Republican health care bill
People will die whatever the gop does. Ask the leftists

Dems gaslight everything and then state that the jokes Trump states are really what he means. Bleh...

So couldn’t democrats just say Bernie was kidding and you would have to accept that?
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?
Bull sh!t.

Don’t take away my healthcare is way different than I’ll smash your head in.
Are you kidding? At every GOP rally his supporters were the violent ones. Heck his whole rhetoric is "revolution". You know many revolutions w/o violence? You're obviously trolling now.
There are plenty of recpvolutions without violence.

Please cite a quote of Bernie inciting violence.

I am not going there with you, Coyote. If you cannot see that his revolutionary rhetoric can inspire violence then I cannot help You. Did you not watch the news of Trump supporters getting attacked? Who do you think the attackers were? Old ladies who supported HRC or lost millenials who have no clue as to what they are doing.
Quote then, is it that hard to do?

So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playting this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

There is no game in asking you to support your claims. Show me one quote of Bernies to support what you are claiming. If cant then quit wasting 'everyones time with baseless accusations you refuse to substantiate.
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?
Bull sh!t.

Don’t take away my healthcare is way different than I’ll smash your head in.
Another great example, thanks.
Are you kidding? At every GOP rally his supporters were the violent ones. Heck his whole rhetoric is "revolution". You know many revolutions w/o violence? You're obviously trolling now.
There are plenty of recpvolutions without violence.

Please cite a quote of Bernie inciting violence.

I am not going there with you, Coyote. If you cannot see that his revolutionary rhetoric can inspire violence then I cannot help You. Did you not watch the news of Trump supporters getting attacked? Who do you think the attackers were? Old ladies who supported HRC or lost millenials who have no clue as to what they are doing.
Quote then, is it that hard to do?

So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playting this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

There is no game in asking you to support your claims. Show me one quote of Bernies to support what you are claiming. If cant then quit wasting 'everyones time with baseless accusations you refuse to substantiate.
Wait you've never heard Bernie talk about health care and collge? like his own points and what he ascribes to republicans? "you do know democrats have literally made commercials showing republicans pushing old people off a cliff, right?

but here is a link...just a small sample
'This is barbaric': Bernie Sanders lambastes GOP healthcare bill
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?
Bull sh!t.

Don’t take away my healthcare is way different than I’ll smash your head in.
Another great example, thanks.
rdean.......he's a cartoon character at this point.

and rdean, saying the republicans want to kill you with dirty air and water and no healthcare is just as bad.....but it's great the democrats want blood in the streets too...you guys are a joke
So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playting this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

There is no game in asking you to support your claims. Show me one quote of Bernies to support what you are claiming. If cant then quit wasting 'everyones time with baseless accusations you refuse to substantiate.

The Democratic fan of Bernie Sanders shot up a Congressional baseball game and almost murdered House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) while shouting about healthcare, shortly after Sanders informed the public that Republican healthcare plans would kill millions.

Bernie Sanders, Democrats claim 'people will die' under Republican health care bill
People will die whatever the gop does. Ask the leftists

Dems gaslight everything and then state that the jokes Trump states are really what he means. Bleh...

So couldn’t democrats just say Bernie was kidding and you would have to accept that?

Except he wasn't.
So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playting this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

There is no game in asking you to support your claims. Show me one quote of Bernies to support what you are claiming. If cant then quit wasting 'everyones time with baseless accusations you refuse to substantiate.

The Democratic fan of Bernie Sanders shot up a Congressional baseball game and almost murdered House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) while shouting about healthcare, shortly after Sanders informed the public that Republican healthcare plans would kill millions.

Bernie Sanders, Democrats claim 'people will die' under Republican health care bill
People will die whatever the gop does. Ask the leftists

Dems gaslight everything and then state that the jokes Trump states are really what he means. Bleh...

So couldn’t democrats just say Bernie was kidding and you would have to accept that?
sure, but his follower still went out and shot up republicans. I don't care what you call it. I don't care actually. I still don't blame him because some nut job went out and shot up a field. you all on the other hand can't get out of each others way to blame a republican. that sir is just a fact. You all are whack jobs.
There is no game in asking you to support your claims. Show me one quote of Bernies to support what you are claiming. If cant then quit wasting 'everyones time with baseless accusations you refuse to substantiate.

The Democratic fan of Bernie Sanders shot up a Congressional baseball game and almost murdered House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) while shouting about healthcare, shortly after Sanders informed the public that Republican healthcare plans would kill millions.

Bernie Sanders, Democrats claim 'people will die' under Republican health care bill
People will die whatever the gop does. Ask the leftists

Dems gaslight everything and then state that the jokes Trump states are really what he means. Bleh...

So couldn’t democrats just say Bernie was kidding and you would have to accept that?

Except he wasn't.
it doesn't matter anyway. the fact is the dude went out and shot up the ball field. That is just a fact. He did it in the name of whatever, and I don't really care, I just want his ass put to death.

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