Why are we so afraid to admit the obvious?

Everyone should admit the obvious. We have taken in millions and millions of people to this country who aren't and don't want to be American. Dumbest policy mistake in the history of mankind. We are at a brink of war.
Just think of all the millions that have migrated here that refused to be Indians.

Yeah, this is an endorsement for letting an invasion take place. It worked so well for the Indians.
Why cry so much about it?

His own tribe.

Can I quote the OP to you?

But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

Please show me where he challenged his own tribe. So again...Shouldnā€™t the OP be calling out his own tribe if heā€™s wanting others to do it? Or are you looking past the detail that he refuses to practice what he preaches?

Itā€™s from the OP. You seemed to have missed it. Reading tests are being administered in your community. You should attend.

Looks like everybody was covered to me

Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

You only read what you wanted to read and since you got so salty over it you must not have liked being called out.

Call me out all you like. I debate in the manner in which Iā€™m debated.

The point remains and stands; When you tell others to address their tribe and donā€™t address your ownā€”as I shown aboveā€”you lack credibility. The OP has not addressed his own tribe and therefore lacks credibility.

Why you continue to pretend otherwise is a mystery.

Again, please point out who was left out. Why you pretend this to be the case when the words are right there in front of you remains a mystery.

From two posts ago.

His own tribe.

Are there words in that that you donā€™t understand? Itā€™s 3 words.

Where does he call out his own tribe?

Again, this is the quote of the OP:

But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

Scripture says ā€œLet he who is without sin cast the first stoneā€ā€¦ Obviously we are all sinners so he should be calling out his own tribe.

And again

And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end

You do realize, criticizing each end encompasses the entire spectrum, right, from right, left, to everyone in between? Is English not your first language? Maybe that's the problem.

Usually the word ā€œourā€ is possessive meaning that youā€™re a member of a group. ā€œOur churchā€ doesnā€™t mean your church. ā€œOur familyā€ doesnā€™t mean your family. ā€œOur message boardā€ doesnā€™t mean your message board.

This is basic English. You seem to not know the meaning of the word. Or much else.

Soā€¦.when he says ā€œour own tribeā€ā€¦he means his tribe.

Where is he challenging his tribe? Thatā€™s all Iā€™m asking. You seem to want to focus on the personal attack which is fine. No worries there. But if you could stick to the question..that would be great.
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?
Because one side is promoting violence and only condemns one side.....the other side (mine) condemns violence from anyone and does not promote it. so to fix the problem, you need to stop promoting violence and start condemning anyone who does it.....it's pretty clear who needs to do that (not my side, they already do that)

For example, actor Jame Cromwell just said if the dems don't win, there will be blood in the streets....Trump has never said anything close to that.....both sides are not the same.

First off, I had to google Jame Cromwell... Could you please tell what office he holds int he Democratic Party? How many voted for him in the last election?

Then there is Trump who is President:
Trump warns of left-wing 'violence'

"If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise," he said on Feb. 1, 2016.

At a Las Vegas rally later that month, he said security guards were too gentle with a protester. "He's walking out with big high-fives, smiling, laughing," Trump said. "I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you."

A similar situation unfolded at a rally that month in Warren, Michigan.

"Get him out," he said of a protester. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court. Don't worry about it."
He's a celebrity and a democrat.....I mean the democrats talk about Trump like he's saying these kinds of things...he's not....but James Cromwell is
Looks like everybody was covered to me

You only read what you wanted to read and since you got so salty over it you must not have liked being called out.

Call me out all you like. I debate in the manner in which Iā€™m debated.

The point remains and stands; When you tell others to address their tribe and donā€™t address your ownā€”as I shown aboveā€”you lack credibility. The OP has not addressed his own tribe and therefore lacks credibility.

Why you continue to pretend otherwise is a mystery.

Again, please point out who was left out. Why you pretend this to be the case when the words are right there in front of you remains a mystery.

From two posts ago.

His own tribe.

Are there words in that that you donā€™t understand? Itā€™s 3 words.

Where does he call out his own tribe?

Again, this is the quote of the OP:

But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

Scripture says ā€œLet he who is without sin cast the first stoneā€ā€¦ Obviously we are all sinners so he should be calling out his own tribe.

And again

And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end

You do realize, criticizing each end encompasses the entire spectrum, right, from right, left, to everyone in between? Is English not your first language? Maybe that's the problem.

Usually the word ā€œourā€ is possessive meaning that youā€™re a member of a group. ā€œOur churchā€ doesnā€™t mean your church. ā€œOur familyā€ doesnā€™t mean your family. ā€œOur message boardā€ doesnā€™t mean your message board.

This is basic English. You seem to not know the meaning of the word. Or much else.

Soā€¦.when he says ā€œour own tribeā€ā€¦he means his tribe.

Where is he challenging his tribe? Thatā€™s all Iā€™m asking. You seem to want to focus on the personal attack which is fine. No worries there. But if you could stick to the question..that would be great.

Republicans have challenged their tribe for decades.....I mean Paul Ryan gets a lot of shit...as he should at times.......you guys NEVER call out your side. Even with crazy statements.....

show me someone calling out Maxine Watters? On this board or in the media
Or Al Sharpton
Or Chuck Schumer
Or pick someone
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?
Because one side is practicing violence and only condemns one side.....the other side (mine) condemns violence from anyone and does not promote it. so to fix the problem, you need to stop promoting violence and start condemning anyone who does it.....it's pretty clear who needs to do that (not my side, they already do that)
Both sides promote violence, so you have failed to see the truth.
No both sides do not. Give me an example of a credible right winger promoting that
Mr. Trump.
Ok, so give me an example....lets compare, shall we.
shots fired into a republican office and hasn't been reported in MSM. why? hey MAC, when you can equalize the reporting by MSM you have a point. right now you still have nothing.

They have been reported on the MSM. That is one of the frustrations. You read in something in your echo chamber and repeat it without bothering to check on whether itā€™s true.
No, you're missing the point......the media makes a quick statement on it.....and then ignores it. If it were the reverse, it would be doing panel after panel for days.
I mean you have the left not even acknowledging the baseball field shooting in this debate. I mean once they knew it was a lefty with apolitical motive, they moved off the story super fast (they spent maybe one day on that story)...someone almost died. in contrast, this bombing story, no one got hurt, and no bombs went off, and they've been on it for at least a week. the amount of coverage also is important, and things that make lefties and democrats look bad, the media ignores them or moves on from them very very quick....it's like clockwork.
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?

A Trump supporter Sent packages through the mail that contained bombs. Another idiot was so enraged by the hysteria preached by the blob about the migrants heading northward that he shot a dozen people in Pittsburgh.

No dumbass. Both sides arenā€™t right.

Not Trump's fault. Same as it was not Bernie's fault when his supporter tried to kill Republicans. Grow up, loser.

Cite Bernieā€™s speeches where he incited violence.

Are you kidding? At every GOP rally his supporters were the violent ones. Heck his whole rhetoric is "revolution". You know many revolutions w/o violence? You're obviously trolling now.
There are plenty of recpvolutions without violence.

Please cite a quote of Bernie inciting violence.
his supporters would go to rallies to try and interrupt them...that is wrong
his supporters screamed all kinds of stupid thigs there and are violent
They spit and assault people at the rallies

I don't remember him condemning this........do you have something for us?
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?
Because one side is promoting violence and only condemns one side.....the other side (mine) condemns violence from anyone and does not promote it. so to fix the problem, you need to stop promoting violence and start condemning anyone who does it.....it's pretty clear who needs to do that (not my side, they already do that)

For example, actor Jame Cromwell just said if the dems don't win, there will be blood in the streets....Trump has never said anything close to that.....both sides are not the same.

First off, I had to google Jame Cromwell... Could you please tell what office he holds int he Democratic Party? How many voted for him in the last election?

Then there is Trump who is President:
Trump warns of left-wing 'violence'

"If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise," he said on Feb. 1, 2016.

At a Las Vegas rally later that month, he said security guards were too gentle with a protester. "He's walking out with big high-fives, smiling, laughing," Trump said. "I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you."

A similar situation unfolded at a rally that month in Warren, Michigan.

"Get him out," he said of a protester. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court. Don't worry about it."
He's a celebrity and a democrat.....I mean the democrats talk about Trump like he's saying these kinds of things...he's not....but James Cromwell is
James Cromwell is a nut..
shots fired into a republican office and hasn't been reported in MSM. why? hey MAC, when you can equalize the reporting by MSM you have a point. right now you still have nothing.

They have been reported on the MSM. That is one of the frustrations. You read in something in your echo chamber and repeat it without bothering to check on whether itā€™s true.
post the youtube clips from CNN or MSNBC or ABC or NBC. feel free.
I am not going there with you, Coyote. If you cannot see that his revolutionary rhetoric can inspire violence then I cannot help You. Did you not watch the news of Trump supporters getting attacked? Who do you think the attackers were? Old ladies who supported HRC or lost millenials who have no clue as to what they are doing.
Quote then, is it that hard to do?

So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playing this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

The only one playing a game is you.

For one thing, the campaign rhetoric you cite is almost as benign as it gets. I recall in the early 1980ā€™s a Tip Oā€™Neil said something to the tune of Reagan having ice water in his veins. In 1984, Dukakis said ā€œThe fish rots from the head down.ā€ There were countless innuendo and statements by Bush questioning the patriotism of those opposed to his war. Your citation of Bernie is an object lesson in lameness when you try to tie that to a nut job who opened fire.

I agree but his supporters were violent there is no disputing that. And it is not his fault.

Trump said ā€œanyone who can do a body slamā€ (referring to a fellow Republican) ā€œis my kind of guyā€. Do you think that encourages or discourages violence from his flock?
TV Stations have shown wrestlers on national tv giving others bodyslams every week for fking decades. Did that cause violence on the street? now because someone admires someone who can physically do it calling for violence? too special. fk can't make this shit up you leftists create.
Cite Bernieā€™s speeches where he incited violence.

Are you kidding? At every GOP rally his supporters were the violent ones. Heck his whole rhetoric is "revolution". You know many revolutions w/o violence? You're obviously trolling now.
There are plenty of recpvolutions without violence.

Please cite a quote of Bernie inciting violence.

I am not going there with you, Coyote. If you cannot see that his revolutionary rhetoric can inspire violence then I cannot help You. Did you not watch the news of Trump supporters getting attacked? Who do you think the attackers were? Old ladies who supported HRC or lost millenials who have no clue as to what they are doing.
Quote then, is it that hard to do?

So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playting this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

There is no game in asking you to support your claims. Show me one quote of Bernies to support what you are claiming. If cant then quit wasting 'everyones time with baseless accusations you refuse to substantiate.
Quote then, is it that hard to do?

So you are going to play this game. The man says that because of Republicans we cannot have equality in pay, free healthcare and free college and is shocked when a whacko supporter decides to shoot those same Republicans? As I said, I am not Playing this game with you Coyote. Your playing naive act will not work here.

The only one playing a game is you.

For one thing, the campaign rhetoric you cite is almost as benign as it gets. I recall in the early 1980ā€™s a Tip Oā€™Neil said something to the tune of Reagan having ice water in his veins. In 1984, Dukakis said ā€œThe fish rots from the head down.ā€ There were countless innuendo and statements by Bush questioning the patriotism of those opposed to his war. Your citation of Bernie is an object lesson in lameness when you try to tie that to a nut job who opened fire.

I agree but his supporters were violent there is no disputing that. And it is not his fault.

Trump said ā€œanyone who can do a body slamā€ (referring to a fellow Republican) ā€œis my kind of guyā€. Do you think that encourages or discourages violence from his flock?
TV Stations have shown wrestlers on national tv giving others bodyslams every week for fking decades. Did that cause violence on the street? now because someone admires someone who can physically do it calling for violence? too special. fk can't make this shit up you leftists create.
Professional wrestlers are not the POTUS. Do you have any more false equivalencies?
We just need to step back. And be quiet. And listen for a change. Rocket science is easier.
From what I can tell, listening is now considered a sign of weakness and capitulation.

What you're supposed to be doing when the other person is speaking is formulating spin, distortion, hyperbole and personal insults.

For the zillionth time, I start a thread with a specific premise, and a few dozen posters jump right in to prove the premise. This place is absolutely amazing.
Why listen when youā€™ve heard it all before? Why not accept, and respect the fact that we are divided, and work from there?
It's statements like this that do nothing but add to the discord.

You know what, you strike me as a lot smarter than the rest of the wingnuts here.

Can you honestly tell me that you don't look at Trump's behavior and think, "Man, that guy is nuts".

Or do you just hope it'll all work out.

I look at President Trump and see a man who is exceptionlly successful at business and is using those skills as the chief executive of the USA. I don't see anything clownish. In fact, I think he is brilliant for the way he is making the Left and media do his bidding.
And I will tell you something else..this violence is put up with in the states Demcorats run. The liberal states or cities. They arent rioting in Houston are they?

Isn't the mayor of Houston a Democrat? Or, was that the last one? Hard to keep up with from a distance.
shots fired into a republican office and hasn't been reported in MSM. why? hey MAC, when you can equalize the reporting by MSM you have a point. right now you still have nothing.

They have been reported on the MSM. That is one of the frustrations. You read in something in your echo chamber and repeat it without bothering to check on whether itā€™s true.
post the youtube clips from CNN or MSNBC or ABC or NBC. feel free.
I read, do you? A google search produced articles on it.
A Trump supporter Sent packages through the mail that contained bombs. Another idiot was so enraged by the hysteria preached by the blob about the migrants heading northward that he shot a dozen people in Pittsburgh.

No dumbass. Both sides arenā€™t right.

Not Trump's fault. Same as it was not Bernie's fault when his supporter tried to kill Republicans. Grow up, loser.

Cite Bernieā€™s speeches where he incited violence.

Are you kidding? At every GOP rally his supporters were the violent ones. Heck his whole rhetoric is "revolution". You know many revolutions w/o violence? You're obviously trolling now.
There are plenty of recpvolutions without violence.

Please cite a quote of Bernie inciting violence.
his supporters would go to rallies to try and interrupt them...that is wrong
his supporters screamed all kinds of stupid thigs there and are violent
They spit and assault people at the rallies

I don't remember him condemning this........do you have something for us?
Call me out all you like. I debate in the manner in which Iā€™m debated.

The point remains and stands; When you tell others to address their tribe and donā€™t address your ownā€”as I shown aboveā€”you lack credibility. The OP has not addressed his own tribe and therefore lacks credibility.

Why you continue to pretend otherwise is a mystery.

Again, please point out who was left out. Why you pretend this to be the case when the words are right there in front of you remains a mystery.

From two posts ago.

His own tribe.

Are there words in that that you donā€™t understand? Itā€™s 3 words.

Where does he call out his own tribe?

Again, this is the quote of the OP:

But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

Scripture says ā€œLet he who is without sin cast the first stoneā€ā€¦ Obviously we are all sinners so he should be calling out his own tribe.

And again

And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end

You do realize, criticizing each end encompasses the entire spectrum, right, from right, left, to everyone in between? Is English not your first language? Maybe that's the problem.

Usually the word ā€œourā€ is possessive meaning that youā€™re a member of a group. ā€œOur churchā€ doesnā€™t mean your church. ā€œOur familyā€ doesnā€™t mean your family. ā€œOur message boardā€ doesnā€™t mean your message board.

This is basic English. You seem to not know the meaning of the word. Or much else.

Soā€¦.when he says ā€œour own tribeā€ā€¦he means his tribe.

Where is he challenging his tribe? Thatā€™s all Iā€™m asking. You seem to want to focus on the personal attack which is fine. No worries there. But if you could stick to the question..that would be great.

Republicans have challenged their tribe for decades.....I mean Paul Ryan gets a lot of shit...as he should at times.......you guys NEVER call out your side. Even with crazy statements.....

show me someone calling out Maxine Watters? On this board or in the media
Or Al Sharpton
Or Chuck Schumer
Or pick someone
I have posted multiple times that what Waters said was wrong as is harrassing citizens and refusing to serve them because of their politics. Others have as well.

And prominant Dens critisized her for it.

Now Trump is ratchetting up the rhetoric.

Are prominant Republicans condemning it? I hope so.
We just need to step back. And be quiet. And listen for a change. Rocket science is easier.
From what I can tell, listening is now considered a sign of weakness and capitulation.

What you're supposed to be doing when the other person is speaking is formulating spin, distortion, hyperbole and personal insults.

For the zillionth time, I start a thread with a specific premise, and a few dozen posters jump right in to prove the premise. This place is absolutely amazing.
Why listen when youā€™ve heard it all before? Why not accept, and respect the fact that we are divided, and work from there?
Because I find the behaviors of partisan ideologues to be fascinating, and I'm always curious.

And fortunately, I don't require anyone's approval.

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