Why are we so easily offended?

He looked like someone who did commit a crime apparently.
Correct, a robbery. That's what the police dispatch recorder said. >>

"The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery,” a St. Anthony police officer on patrol said , according to police audio obtained by the Star Tribune. “The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just because of the wide-set nose. I couldn’t get a good look at the passenger.”
'So it was connected to a recent robbery, and cop calling it in, made a visual ID connection between Castille, and someone who had engaged in a recent robbery.
Last edited:
Either or. He committed no crime to get him pulled over. And the confrontation was hardly confrontational on his part.
By confrontation, I meant the cop Jeronimo Yanez, and Castille, were simply together talking to one another. I did not imply any behavioral aspect.

One does not have to commit a crime to get pulled over. Cops often pull people over just on suspicion, if/when the driver matches a description of someone they seek. This is routine. Doesn't mean there is a judgement of criminal guilt.

As for behavioral confrontation, after the initial words, Castille engaged in a serious threat to the officer by reaching into his jacket. He also told the officer he had a gun.
The cop was legitimately cleared of any wrongdoing, and the shooting was correctly defined as self-defense.

It wouldn't have mattered if Castille had not mentioned his gun. Just reaching into his jacket is a 100% NO-NO, when confronting a cop, especially when the cop already has a gun drawn. Castille was another victim of the liberal MISeducation system, run by liberals who have no knowledge of guns and law enforcement.

RULE # 1 - whenever you are in confrontation with police, ALWAYS keep your hands EMPTY & VISIBLE. It takes 1/2 second for a gun to be pulled and fired, and cops have zero chance to defend themselves, in such a case. That's why if a suspect's hand(s) disappears, the cop MUST shoot to defend him/herself. This is standard police academy training, and it is correct.

If anyone is at fault here, it is the liberal MISeducation system, that does not teach this stuff. They also don't teach anything about criminal law. Most high school graduates are unaware that it is a crime to punch someone.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Some examples please.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Do we? And have you an example?

Sure, the right gets very triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time. Anytime there's a liberal monologue it's posted here on USMB with many conservatives all offended.

Hell conservatives got all bent out of shape over Gillette's commercial...how touchy indeed.

The very issue is identity politics and tribalism and it goes both ways. Referring to conservatives as "we" if nothing else only proves this.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.
It is less about left/right and more about why are we so PC?

I don't dispute that whatsoever but it goes both ways is all I'm saying.

It's LITERALLY all you're saying, since you have yet to continue it by providing evidence.

There's a word for assertions of "fact" without proof: lies.

Calm down over there, I actually have a life outside of USMB. Gillette's commercial, the biased liberal media (which I agree it is), people burning the US flag, BLM, and so on.

Hell a lot of conservatives are triggered over being told to wear a mask in public...
And yet the police pulled him over.
I thought you meant AFTER they pulled him over, and were in confrontation.
Either or. He committed no crime to get him pulled over. And the confrontation was hardly confrontational on his part.
Why was he pulled over?
He looked like someone who did commit a crime apparently.
Oh...the old mistaken identity.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.
It is less about left/right and more about why are we so PC?

I don't dispute that whatsoever but it goes both ways is all I'm saying.

It's LITERALLY all you're saying, since you have yet to continue it by providing evidence.

There's a word for assertions of "fact" without proof: lies.

Calm down over there, I actually have a life outside of USMB. Gillette's commercial, the biased liberal media (which I agree it is), people burning the US flag, BLM, and so on.

Hell a lot of conservatives are triggered over being told to wear a mask in public...
Is it triggered when Leftists force Disney to redo a 50 yr old theme park ride? Who was triggered first? Is it triggered when a movie about the Moon landing doesn’t show the American flag being put down? Those are more criticisms than “triggers” but I see your POV. Thank you.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Some examples please.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Do we? And have you an example?

Sure, the right gets very triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time. Anytime there's a liberal monologue it's posted here on USMB with many conservatives all offended.

Hell conservatives got all bent out of shape over Gillette's commercial...how touchy indeed.

The very issue is identity politics and tribalism and it goes both ways. Referring to conservatives as "we" if nothing else only proves this.

"Triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time". Like . . . what times in particular? You mean like when they mock, insult, and ridicule us? Fancy getting offended by people deliberately TRYING to offend you.

I have no idea what "liberal monologues" you had in mind. Please specify.

I don't remember anyone being "bent out of shape" over Gillette's commercial. I remember people talking about it, and liking or disliking it. I don't recall anyone reacting to it with the level of touchy, melodramatic outrage and offense the left routinely applies to - for example - "misgendering" someone, or advertising on the wrong radio program, or a CEO of a corporation stating a personal opinion they don't agree with.

If you think simply recognizing that a group of people is like-minded with you on an issue is "identity politics", then your happy ass needs to wake the fuck up and smell the protest marchers.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Some examples please.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Do we? And have you an example?

Sure, the right gets very triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time. Anytime there's a liberal monologue it's posted here on USMB with many conservatives all offended.

Hell conservatives got all bent out of shape over Gillette's commercial...how touchy indeed.

The very issue is identity politics and tribalism and it goes both ways. Referring to conservatives as "we" if nothing else only proves this.

"Triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time". Like . . . what times in particular? You mean like when they mock, insult, and ridicule us? Fancy getting offended by people deliberately TRYING to offend you.

I have no idea what "liberal monologues" you had in mind. Please specify.

I don't remember anyone being "bent out of shape" over Gillette's commercial. I remember people talking about it, and liking or disliking it. I don't recall anyone reacting to it with the level of touchy, melodramatic outrage and offense the left routinely applies to - for example - "misgendering" someone, or advertising on the wrong radio program, or a CEO of a corporation stating a personal opinion they don't agree with.

If you think simply recognizing that a group of people is like-minded with you on an issue is "identity politics", then your happy ass needs to wake the fuck up and smell the protest marchers.

I cant remember the last time I was sitting in a restaurant and a bunch of conservatives marched in screaming obscenities and demanding to be heard.
Or blocking traffic and demanding lower taxes.
Or the host of other things liberals do that civilized people dont.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.
It is less about left/right and more about why are we so PC?

I don't dispute that whatsoever but it goes both ways is all I'm saying.

It's LITERALLY all you're saying, since you have yet to continue it by providing evidence.

There's a word for assertions of "fact" without proof: lies.

Calm down over there, I actually have a life outside of USMB. Gillette's commercial, the biased liberal media (which I agree it is), people burning the US flag, BLM, and so on.

Hell a lot of conservatives are triggered over being told to wear a mask in public...
Is it triggered when Leftists force Disney to redo a 50 yr old theme park ride? Who was triggered first? Is it triggered when a movie about the Moon landing doesn’t show the American flag being put down? Those are more criticisms than “triggers” but I see your POV. Thank you.

Of course that's the liberals being triggered, being offended by Splash Mountain is the height of stupidity. That doesn't take away from the conservatives being offended easily though.

  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Some examples please.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Do we? And have you an example?

Sure, the right gets very triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time. Anytime there's a liberal monologue it's posted here on USMB with many conservatives all offended.

Hell conservatives got all bent out of shape over Gillette's commercial...how touchy indeed.

The very issue is identity politics and tribalism and it goes both ways. Referring to conservatives as "we" if nothing else only proves this.

"Triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time". Like . . . what times in particular? You mean like when they mock, insult, and ridicule us? Fancy getting offended by people deliberately TRYING to offend you.

I have no idea what "liberal monologues" you had in mind. Please specify.

I don't remember anyone being "bent out of shape" over Gillette's commercial. I remember people talking about it, and liking or disliking it. I don't recall anyone reacting to it with the level of touchy, melodramatic outrage and offense the left routinely applies to - for example - "misgendering" someone, or advertising on the wrong radio program, or a CEO of a corporation stating a personal opinion they don't agree with.

If you think simply recognizing that a group of people is like-minded with you on an issue is "identity politics", then your happy ass needs to wake the fuck up and smell the protest marchers.

I'm trying to understand you here. If you insult somebody they're a snowflake, if someone insults you they're an asshole. Is that about the gist of what you're saying?

You sound triggered by resorting to personal insults by the way and profanity. Of course the protesters are also doing identity politics, but so are you. By identifying as an individual on the conservative side for the sake of making a political argument that's the very definition of identity politics.

As for a monologue example when Jimmy Kimmel went on a monologue about health care (something I disagree with him on for the record) conservatives were outraged-including Ben Shapiro who made a big stink about it.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.
It is less about left/right and more about why are we so PC?

I don't dispute that whatsoever but it goes both ways is all I'm saying.

It's LITERALLY all you're saying, since you have yet to continue it by providing evidence.

There's a word for assertions of "fact" without proof: lies.

Calm down over there, I actually have a life outside of USMB. Gillette's commercial, the biased liberal media (which I agree it is), people burning the US flag, BLM, and so on.

Hell a lot of conservatives are triggered over being told to wear a mask in public...
Is it triggered when Leftists force Disney to redo a 50 yr old theme park ride? Who was triggered first? Is it triggered when a movie about the Moon landing doesn’t show the American flag being put down? Those are more criticisms than “triggers” but I see your POV. Thank you.

Of course that's the liberals being triggered, being offended by Splash Mountain is the height of stupidity. That doesn't take away from the conservatives being offended easily though.

  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Some examples please.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Do we? And have you an example?

Sure, the right gets very triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time. Anytime there's a liberal monologue it's posted here on USMB with many conservatives all offended.

Hell conservatives got all bent out of shape over Gillette's commercial...how touchy indeed.

The very issue is identity politics and tribalism and it goes both ways. Referring to conservatives as "we" if nothing else only proves this.

"Triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time". Like . . . what times in particular? You mean like when they mock, insult, and ridicule us? Fancy getting offended by people deliberately TRYING to offend you.

I have no idea what "liberal monologues" you had in mind. Please specify.

I don't remember anyone being "bent out of shape" over Gillette's commercial. I remember people talking about it, and liking or disliking it. I don't recall anyone reacting to it with the level of touchy, melodramatic outrage and offense the left routinely applies to - for example - "misgendering" someone, or advertising on the wrong radio program, or a CEO of a corporation stating a personal opinion they don't agree with.

If you think simply recognizing that a group of people is like-minded with you on an issue is "identity politics", then your happy ass needs to wake the fuck up and smell the protest marchers.

I'm trying to understand you here. If you insult somebody they're a snowflake, if someone insults you they're an asshole. Is that about the gist of what you're saying?

You sound triggered by resorting to personal insults by the way and profanity. Of course the protesters are also doing identity politics, but so are you. By identifying as an individual on the conservative side for the sake of making a political argument that's the very definition of identity politics.

As for a monologue example when Jimmy Kimmel went on a monologue about health care (something I disagree with him on for the record) conservatives were outraged-including Ben Shapiro who made a big stink about it.
It’s not the liberals. They are fine. It’s the Leftists. The ones who tell me that gender is malleable.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.
It is less about left/right and more about why are we so PC?

I don't dispute that whatsoever but it goes both ways is all I'm saying.

It's LITERALLY all you're saying, since you have yet to continue it by providing evidence.

There's a word for assertions of "fact" without proof: lies.

Calm down over there, I actually have a life outside of USMB. Gillette's commercial, the biased liberal media (which I agree it is), people burning the US flag, BLM, and so on.

Hell a lot of conservatives are triggered over being told to wear a mask in public...
Is it triggered when Leftists force Disney to redo a 50 yr old theme park ride? Who was triggered first? Is it triggered when a movie about the Moon landing doesn’t show the American flag being put down? Those are more criticisms than “triggers” but I see your POV. Thank you.

Of course that's the liberals being triggered, being offended by Splash Mountain is the height of stupidity. That doesn't take away from the conservatives being offended easily though.

  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Some examples please.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Do we? And have you an example?

Sure, the right gets very triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time. Anytime there's a liberal monologue it's posted here on USMB with many conservatives all offended.

Hell conservatives got all bent out of shape over Gillette's commercial...how touchy indeed.

The very issue is identity politics and tribalism and it goes both ways. Referring to conservatives as "we" if nothing else only proves this.

"Triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time". Like . . . what times in particular? You mean like when they mock, insult, and ridicule us? Fancy getting offended by people deliberately TRYING to offend you.

I have no idea what "liberal monologues" you had in mind. Please specify.

I don't remember anyone being "bent out of shape" over Gillette's commercial. I remember people talking about it, and liking or disliking it. I don't recall anyone reacting to it with the level of touchy, melodramatic outrage and offense the left routinely applies to - for example - "misgendering" someone, or advertising on the wrong radio program, or a CEO of a corporation stating a personal opinion they don't agree with.

If you think simply recognizing that a group of people is like-minded with you on an issue is "identity politics", then your happy ass needs to wake the fuck up and smell the protest marchers.

I'm trying to understand you here. If you insult somebody they're a snowflake, if someone insults you they're an asshole. Is that about the gist of what you're saying?

You sound triggered by resorting to personal insults by the way and profanity. Of course the protesters are also doing identity politics, but so are you. By identifying as an individual on the conservative side for the sake of making a political argument that's the very definition of identity politics.

As for a monologue example when Jimmy Kimmel went on a monologue about health care (something I disagree with him on for the record) conservatives were outraged-including Ben Shapiro who made a big stink about it.

No, you're not trying to understand me. You're trying to TELL me what I am according to what you want to think I am, and trying to make yourself feel like you're a good, open-minded person instead of a judgemental twit by pretending you're asking questions to understand me.

When you want to give a try to BEING virtuous, rather than simply virtue-signaling, here are a couple of tips: Saying, "THIS is what you do and think, am I right about that?" is not a question. It's statement, signaling that you've made up your mind, and just want to be told how brilliant you are. Likewise, posting on a public message board and then triumphantly announcing that people responding to your posts is proof they're "triggered" is also a sure sign that your claims of "wanting to understand" were nothing more than a facade for confirmation bias.

Once again, let me point out that if you think merely expressing disagreement is "just the same as leftists being triggered", then you really need to wake up and get some perspective.

Come back when you have the emotional maturity to have conversations that involve someone other than yourself.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.
It is less about left/right and more about why are we so PC?

I don't dispute that whatsoever but it goes both ways is all I'm saying.

It's LITERALLY all you're saying, since you have yet to continue it by providing evidence.

There's a word for assertions of "fact" without proof: lies.

Calm down over there, I actually have a life outside of USMB. Gillette's commercial, the biased liberal media (which I agree it is), people burning the US flag, BLM, and so on.

Hell a lot of conservatives are triggered over being told to wear a mask in public...
Is it triggered when Leftists force Disney to redo a 50 yr old theme park ride? Who was triggered first? Is it triggered when a movie about the Moon landing doesn’t show the American flag being put down? Those are more criticisms than “triggers” but I see your POV. Thank you.

Of course that's the liberals being triggered, being offended by Splash Mountain is the height of stupidity. That doesn't take away from the conservatives being offended easily though.

  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Some examples please.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Do we? And have you an example?

Sure, the right gets very triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time. Anytime there's a liberal monologue it's posted here on USMB with many conservatives all offended.

Hell conservatives got all bent out of shape over Gillette's commercial...how touchy indeed.

The very issue is identity politics and tribalism and it goes both ways. Referring to conservatives as "we" if nothing else only proves this.

"Triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time". Like . . . what times in particular? You mean like when they mock, insult, and ridicule us? Fancy getting offended by people deliberately TRYING to offend you.

I have no idea what "liberal monologues" you had in mind. Please specify.

I don't remember anyone being "bent out of shape" over Gillette's commercial. I remember people talking about it, and liking or disliking it. I don't recall anyone reacting to it with the level of touchy, melodramatic outrage and offense the left routinely applies to - for example - "misgendering" someone, or advertising on the wrong radio program, or a CEO of a corporation stating a personal opinion they don't agree with.

If you think simply recognizing that a group of people is like-minded with you on an issue is "identity politics", then your happy ass needs to wake the fuck up and smell the protest marchers.

I'm trying to understand you here. If you insult somebody they're a snowflake, if someone insults you they're an asshole. Is that about the gist of what you're saying?

You sound triggered by resorting to personal insults by the way and profanity. Of course the protesters are also doing identity politics, but so are you. By identifying as an individual on the conservative side for the sake of making a political argument that's the very definition of identity politics.

As for a monologue example when Jimmy Kimmel went on a monologue about health care (something I disagree with him on for the record) conservatives were outraged-including Ben Shapiro who made a big stink about it.

No, you're not trying to understand me. You're trying to TELL me what I am according to what you want to think I am, and trying to make yourself feel like you're a good, open-minded person instead of a judgemental twit by pretending you're asking questions to understand me.

When you want to give a try to BEING virtuous, rather than simply virtue-signaling, here are a couple of tips: Saying, "THIS is what you do and think, am I right about that?" is not a question. It's statement, signaling that you've made up your mind, and just want to be told how brilliant you are. Likewise, posting on a public message board and then triumphantly announcing that people responding to your posts is proof they're "triggered" is also a sure sign that your claims of "wanting to understand" were nothing more than a facade for confirmation bias.

Once again, let me point out that if you think merely expressing disagreement is "just the same as leftists being triggered", then you really need to wake up and get some perspective.

Come back when you have the emotional maturity to have conversations that involve someone other than yourself.

First of all I find it funny that you're resorting to personal insults, ad hominems, etc. when none were present in my posts whatsoever yet I'm the one who's lacking emotional maturity?

Also, you literally referred to conservatives as "we" which obviously implies that you identify as one. That's not me labeling you as a conservative or telling you what you believe-that's blatantly you doing so. I never put words/ideas into your mouth that you didn't initially do.

Lastly you're completely deflecting. You asked for examples of conservatives being offended/triggered publicly. I cited examples and you've ignored them completely and are now moving the goal posts to focus in on me on a personal level rather than the content we're discussing.

My posts here are not attacking conservatives, personal in nature, etc. It's why another conservative (I'm assuming) person and myself had a civil conversation with nobody getting upset at each other. I actually lean toward the right MUCH more than I do the left. My whole point is let's not throw rocks if we live in a glass house.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.
It is less about left/right and more about why are we so PC?

I don't dispute that whatsoever but it goes both ways is all I'm saying.

It's LITERALLY all you're saying, since you have yet to continue it by providing evidence.

There's a word for assertions of "fact" without proof: lies.

Calm down over there, I actually have a life outside of USMB. Gillette's commercial, the biased liberal media (which I agree it is), people burning the US flag, BLM, and so on.

Hell a lot of conservatives are triggered over being told to wear a mask in public...
Is it triggered when Leftists force Disney to redo a 50 yr old theme park ride? Who was triggered first? Is it triggered when a movie about the Moon landing doesn’t show the American flag being put down? Those are more criticisms than “triggers” but I see your POV. Thank you.

Of course that's the liberals being triggered, being offended by Splash Mountain is the height of stupidity. That doesn't take away from the conservatives being offended easily though.

  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Some examples please.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Do we? And have you an example?

Sure, the right gets very triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time. Anytime there's a liberal monologue it's posted here on USMB with many conservatives all offended.

Hell conservatives got all bent out of shape over Gillette's commercial...how touchy indeed.

The very issue is identity politics and tribalism and it goes both ways. Referring to conservatives as "we" if nothing else only proves this.

"Triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time". Like . . . what times in particular? You mean like when they mock, insult, and ridicule us? Fancy getting offended by people deliberately TRYING to offend you.

I have no idea what "liberal monologues" you had in mind. Please specify.

I don't remember anyone being "bent out of shape" over Gillette's commercial. I remember people talking about it, and liking or disliking it. I don't recall anyone reacting to it with the level of touchy, melodramatic outrage and offense the left routinely applies to - for example - "misgendering" someone, or advertising on the wrong radio program, or a CEO of a corporation stating a personal opinion they don't agree with.

If you think simply recognizing that a group of people is like-minded with you on an issue is "identity politics", then your happy ass needs to wake the fuck up and smell the protest marchers.

I'm trying to understand you here. If you insult somebody they're a snowflake, if someone insults you they're an asshole. Is that about the gist of what you're saying?

You sound triggered by resorting to personal insults by the way and profanity. Of course the protesters are also doing identity politics, but so are you. By identifying as an individual on the conservative side for the sake of making a political argument that's the very definition of identity politics.

As for a monologue example when Jimmy Kimmel went on a monologue about health care (something I disagree with him on for the record) conservatives were outraged-including Ben Shapiro who made a big stink about it.
It’s not the liberals. They are fine. It’s the Leftists. The ones who tell me that gender is malleable.

Agreed 100%
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.
It is less about left/right and more about why are we so PC?

I don't dispute that whatsoever but it goes both ways is all I'm saying.

It's LITERALLY all you're saying, since you have yet to continue it by providing evidence.

There's a word for assertions of "fact" without proof: lies.

Calm down over there, I actually have a life outside of USMB. Gillette's commercial, the biased liberal media (which I agree it is), people burning the US flag, BLM, and so on.

Hell a lot of conservatives are triggered over being told to wear a mask in public...
Is it triggered when Leftists force Disney to redo a 50 yr old theme park ride? Who was triggered first? Is it triggered when a movie about the Moon landing doesn’t show the American flag being put down? Those are more criticisms than “triggers” but I see your POV. Thank you.

Of course that's the liberals being triggered, being offended by Splash Mountain is the height of stupidity. That doesn't take away from the conservatives being offended easily though.

  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Some examples please.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

Do we? And have you an example?

Sure, the right gets very triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time. Anytime there's a liberal monologue it's posted here on USMB with many conservatives all offended.

Hell conservatives got all bent out of shape over Gillette's commercial...how touchy indeed.

The very issue is identity politics and tribalism and it goes both ways. Referring to conservatives as "we" if nothing else only proves this.

"Triggered at liberal Hollywood all of the time". Like . . . what times in particular? You mean like when they mock, insult, and ridicule us? Fancy getting offended by people deliberately TRYING to offend you.

I have no idea what "liberal monologues" you had in mind. Please specify.

I don't remember anyone being "bent out of shape" over Gillette's commercial. I remember people talking about it, and liking or disliking it. I don't recall anyone reacting to it with the level of touchy, melodramatic outrage and offense the left routinely applies to - for example - "misgendering" someone, or advertising on the wrong radio program, or a CEO of a corporation stating a personal opinion they don't agree with.

If you think simply recognizing that a group of people is like-minded with you on an issue is "identity politics", then your happy ass needs to wake the fuck up and smell the protest marchers.

I'm trying to understand you here. If you insult somebody they're a snowflake, if someone insults you they're an asshole. Is that about the gist of what you're saying?

You sound triggered by resorting to personal insults by the way and profanity. Of course the protesters are also doing identity politics, but so are you. By identifying as an individual on the conservative side for the sake of making a political argument that's the very definition of identity politics.

As for a monologue example when Jimmy Kimmel went on a monologue about health care (something I disagree with him on for the record) conservatives were outraged-including Ben Shapiro who made a big stink about it.

No, you're not trying to understand me. You're trying to TELL me what I am according to what you want to think I am, and trying to make yourself feel like you're a good, open-minded person instead of a judgemental twit by pretending you're asking questions to understand me.

When you want to give a try to BEING virtuous, rather than simply virtue-signaling, here are a couple of tips: Saying, "THIS is what you do and think, am I right about that?" is not a question. It's statement, signaling that you've made up your mind, and just want to be told how brilliant you are. Likewise, posting on a public message board and then triumphantly announcing that people responding to your posts is proof they're "triggered" is also a sure sign that your claims of "wanting to understand" were nothing more than a facade for confirmation bias.

Once again, let me point out that if you think merely expressing disagreement is "just the same as leftists being triggered", then you really need to wake up and get some perspective.

Come back when you have the emotional maturity to have conversations that involve someone other than yourself.

First of all I find it funny that you're resorting to personal insults, ad hominems, etc. when none were present in my posts whatsoever yet I'm the one who's lacking emotional maturity?

Also, you literally referred to conservatives as "we" which obviously implies that you identify as one. That's not me labeling you as a conservative or telling you what you believe-that's blatantly you doing so. I never put words/ideas into your mouth that you didn't initially do.

Lastly you're completely deflecting. You asked for examples of conservatives being offended/triggered publicly. I cited examples and you've ignored them completely and are now moving the goal posts to focus in on me on a personal level rather than the content we're discussing.

My posts here are not attacking conservatives, personal in nature, etc. It's why another conservative (I'm assuming) person and myself had a civil conversation with nobody getting upset at each other. I actually lean toward the right MUCH more than I do the left. My whole point is let's not throw rocks if we live in a glass house.

First of all, I find it funny that the only thing sticking in your mind is that you got insulted. The fact that it was richly deserved, and that I explained WHY it was richly deserved, sailed right over your head in your rush to never, EVER hear any criticisms.

Second of all, I didn't bother reading any of the rest of your post, since you obviously didn't bother to improve your posts sufficiently to deserve my attention.

Do better, or go bother the other third-raters.

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