Why are we so easily offended?

  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.

I guess this is what happens to free societies?
People are too stupid to appreciate it and refuse to think for themselves.

Yep, Americans have had it way too easy. Time for some REALLY bad times to right the ship.
  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.

I guess this is what happens to free societies?
People are too stupid to appreciate it and refuse to think for themselves.

Yep, Americans have had it way too easy. Time for some REALLY bad times to right the ship.

Voting better American loving people into office would help a lot, no more National Socialist bullcrap to fall for. This nation is a Constitutional REPUBLIC and it should stay that way!
By getting people to repeat things such as is mentioned in the OP, they hope to get people to think about their actions. I wouldn't take them too literally, but if you are asking, it shows you are already thinking about your behavior. Whether critically enough, is up for debate.
  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.

I can tell you why we're so easily offended. It's because our society is now a giant game, and the first person who claims offense and victimhood wins the prize.
  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.

1) Why do you care what someone identifies as? It doesn't affect you, it's not something you should worry about.
2) These statues and figures were always offensive. They were traitors for crying out loud.
3) Once again, you fail to grasp that it's not about disrespect. It's about unequal treatment under that same flag. I'm assuming you're white so you don't have to experience that side of the unequal treatment. Not everyone gets that luxury.
4) Police have been allowed a lot of leniency and deferential treatment over the years. Before George Floyd (which was just the tipping point), the bad apples usually got a slap on the wrist and right back out on the streets to continue their bad behavior. Can you see why people might be upset? You and I wouldn't be allowed to get away with that kind of behavior.
5) I'll use the phrase Silence is Condoning. You can of course have whatever opinion you'd like. But can you honestly watch that George Floyd video from the beginning and not say, "How can one human being do this to another?". By silence, you are giving tacit permission for the behavior to continue.

1) When someone gets pissy because I called them the wrong pronoun, it affects me.
2) George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were traitors?
3) No matter what the protester thinks it means, they can't dictate how people perceive it.
4) So making their job impossible, making there be less of them, and ALSO gutting a person's RKBA at the same time is the solution?
5) Some people just refuse to give sound bite responses expected by SJW losers like you. Your side then uses that as a "victory moment" and then ask for something even more retarded.

I hope you enjoyed your fisking, you SJW wuss.

For the record, George Washington and the other Founders WERE, technically speaking, traitors. Had they lost the war, that's exactly what the British would have hanged them for. That's kinda what "revolution" means.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

The difference is the right doesn't call for people to be cancelled, unless it's holding the left to their own standard for their own people.

And that is just fighting back, not a policy we want to continue.

We don't even really want them cancelled, so much as we just want to make the hypocrites admit their hypocrisy.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.

The difference is the right doesn't call for people to be cancelled, unless it's holding the left to their own standard for their own people.

And that is just fighting back, not a policy we want to continue.

The posts here don't mention canceling anything (that I noticed at least), but just the concept of being offended.

I'm all on pins and needles, waiting to see if you ever actually get around to substantiating your claim.
Kinda like how people are offended by “Black lives matter” as opposed to “all lives matter”?

No one is trying to stop people from saying black lives matter, all the butt hurt happens when someone responds all lives matter, or blue lives matter.

Which is interesting, because "black lives matter" is actually intended to be insulting.
  1. We cannot assume gender. I had young people (teens and early 20s) tell me that they ask new people they meet what gender they prefer before addressing them. New normal? Weird
  2. Statues and Dixie are offensive? When will the word "South" become offensive?
  3. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?
  4. Saying anything positive about our police officers on social media is now offensive? Why? Because some (very few) are bad? That doesn't make much sense considering that the vast majority are great people who risk their lives to protect us. Why can I not support our local police force without people becoming offended?
  5. Since when is silence violence? And it is also violence when someone has a disparate opinion from the "Woke" crowd? Why??

Let's see how many responses mention "Trump" in them when this has nothing to do with Trump.

1) Why do you care what someone identifies as? It doesn't affect you, it's not something you should worry about.
2) These statues and figures were always offensive. They were traitors for crying out loud.
3) Once again, you fail to grasp that it's not about disrespect. It's about unequal treatment under that same flag. I'm assuming you're white so you don't have to experience that side of the unequal treatment. Not everyone gets that luxury.
4) Police have been allowed a lot of leniency and deferential treatment over the years. Before George Floyd (which was just the tipping point), the bad apples usually got a slap on the wrist and right back out on the streets to continue their bad behavior. Can you see why people might be upset? You and I wouldn't be allowed to get away with that kind of behavior.
5) I'll use the phrase Silence is Condoning. You can of course have whatever opinion you'd like. But can you honestly watch that George Floyd video from the beginning and not say, "How can one human being do this to another?". By silence, you are giving tacit permission for the behavior to continue.

1) When someone gets pissy because I called them the wrong pronoun, it affects me.
2) George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were traitors?
3) No matter what the protester thinks it means, they can't dictate how people perceive it.
4) So making their job impossible, making there be less of them, and ALSO gutting a person's RKBA at the same time is the solution?
5) Some people just refuse to give sound bite responses expected by SJW losers like you. Your side then uses that as a "victory moment" and then ask for something even more retarded.

I hope you enjoyed your fisking, you SJW wuss.

For the record, George Washington and the other Founders WERE, technically speaking, traitors. Had they lost the war, that's exactly what the British would have hanged them for. That's kinda what "revolution" means.

Only losers are traitors, and only if the the winning side holds them as such.
Kinda like how people are offended by “Black lives matter” as opposed to “all lives matter”?

No one is trying to stop people from saying black lives matter, all the butt hurt happens when someone responds all lives matter, or blue lives matter.
I wouldn’t go that far.

Are people offended by “black lives matter”? Yes. Yes they are.

No, people are offended by the actions of Black Lives Matter. One is an organization, the other is a concept.

I also recognize that the phrase itself is intentionally insulting, although I don't give enough of a damn about what the people who say it think to be offended by it.
By getting people to repeat things such as is mentioned in the OP, they hope to get people to think about their actions. I wouldn't take them too literally, but if you are asking, it shows you are already thinking about your behavior. Whether critically enough, is up for debate.

Nope. Nothing listed in the OP is "making me think about my behavior". All I'm thinking is that a bunch of arrogant assholes have too much time on their hands.
  1. American Flag and the Anthem are offensive. Why? I have been to 100s of games and ALWAYS before the anthem is played the PA says "please rise to honor those who served". How is it racist to honor those who served?

I agree with you on everything you said, but let's be honest the right gets triggered just as easily.
It is less about left/right and more about why are we so PC?

I don't dispute that whatsoever but it goes both ways is all I'm saying.

It's LITERALLY all you're saying, since you have yet to continue it by providing evidence.

There's a word for assertions of "fact" without proof: lies.
Public schools became about comfort and diversity rather than the sometimes hard knocks of learning and growing up.
This carried into adulthood and feelings became priority over facts.
Feelings over facts begat catering to the lowest common denominator
You will find very little hair trigger offendedness in people 55 and over but as you work downward the level of running ones life on emotions, wishes and what “could” be increases

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