Why are we spending billions on Ukraine when our banks are collapsing?

Sorry to ask the obvious question. I really want to know. Shouldn't we use that money to insure we don't crash into a Great Depression? Did they think we would just not notice the blatant disconnect?
The answer is simple. For America to continue to have powerful influence throughout the world, it needs what Russia has.

At the moment, the situation is worse for America than when the war against Russia began. Russia has left no doubt that their trade relations will make China first.
Why is the Federal government getting bigger when it is already the size of all but one other GDP on earth?

Why are going $1.4 trillion in debt when we are already $32 trillion in debt?

Why isn't the border sealed against the invasion of taco eating welfare queens?

Why don't we produce all the oil we are capable of producing and building new nuclear plants?

Why is the Federal government pouring wasteful money into stupid Environmental Wacko projects?

Why did we fuck up the withdrawal from Afghanistan?

Why is it that nobody wants to be in Potatohead's military?

Why has the filthy ass government gone bat shit crazy woke?

Why did we let Potatohead get away with stealing the 2020 election and fuck up the country so bad?

Many more questions to be answered.
Is it?
The last time I checked, neither Russia or The Ukraine share a common border with The Untied States.
It's about time that Europeans settle their own differences without US aid or involvement.
Yes it is. Preventing WW3 should be a top priority.
Please recall that the US kept troops in the EU since 1945 to keep a lid on things. So far so good.
I would think if its such a national priority we would send in troops... I mean what is this?... one foot in one out?... it doesn't make sense... now we lost a 32 million dollar high tech drone... you can bet its in Russian hands by now....
Actually the drone blew up and its pieces are in 5,000 feet of water.

We don't need to send in troops, just military aid.
Stopping Russian aggression is in our national interest.
Besides that we signed the Bucharest Memorandum.
Ukraine gave up nukes, we guaranteed their sovereignty.
How is it in our National interest? What is the benefit? Oil? If it’s oil, then great.

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