Why are we spending billions on Ukraine when our banks are collapsing?

Hate to burst your horseshit bubble, but NATO has supplied several billions to Ukraine.

According to the latest data from the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a German think tank, NATO members committed at least 75.2 billion euros ($80.5bn) in financial, humanitarian and military aid between January 24 and November 20, 2022.

Wow! Several billion!! Wow!!
Actually the drone blew up and its pieces are in 5,000 feet of water.

We don't need to send in troops, just military aid.
Well I respect your opinion but I have to say we are broke... we just left a 20 year war which cost us trillions of dollars and untold dead and injured... and right off the bat we are sending billions to Ukraine... our weapons are being found all over the world many are ending up in Iran so they can reverse engineer them... this is out of control and it doesn't look like Ukraine can even win in the end... so what are we doing...
I would have preferred that we had sent in troops right away to Ukraine as if they were a NATO member and dared Putin to invade... we could of had 5 bases and air strips built in Ukraine by now...
No guts no glory but you don't make up for that by doing dumb things....
Yes it is. Preventing WW3 should be a top priority.
Please recall that the US kept troops in the EU since 1945 to keep a lid on things. So far so good.

It only becomes World War III if we, the other half of that world, chose to get involved.

If we stay home and mind our own business, it remains only one of hundreds of different European wars over the last 2,000 years.
It only becomes World War III if we, the other half of that world, chose to get involved.

If we stay home and mind our own business, it remains only one of hundreds of different European wars over the last 2,000 years.
its a little to late to stay home,,, we've been in it since the beginning,,
It's never too late to pull out.

All we've done so far is undo the bra and smear the lipstick of this conflict...

... still plenty of time for coitus interruptus.
we've ripped that bitches pants down bent her over and unloaded a big wad in her,,

pulling out now wont change anything,, the deed is done,,
we've ripped that bitches pants down bent her over and unloaded a big wad in her,,

pulling out now wont change anything,, the deed is done,,

If you believe that is the case, then time to move one, become a dead-beat dad and let her apply to Brussels for ADC and WIC.

No reason to hang around and raise this bastard.
Sorry to ask the obvious question. I really want to know. Shouldn't we use that money to insure we don't crash into a Great Depression? Did they think we would just not notice the blatant disconnect?

Because even ignorant fucking Cultists might question sending the money directly to democrat bank accounts.
This launders it.
Stop the spread like with Vietnam, right?
The difference between Vietnam and Ukraine is that in South Vietnam we were were more interested in fighting the Communists than most of the South Vietnamese. Many South Vietnamese supported the Communists.

The Ukrainians will fight the unprovoked Russian invasion with or without our support, but they appreciate our support.
The difference between Vietnam and Ukraine is that in South Vietnam we were were more interested in fighting the Communists than most of the South Vietnamese. Many South Vietnamese supported the Communists.

The Ukrainians will fight the unprovoked Russian invasion with or without our support, but they appreciate our support.
theres still a lot of pro russians in ukraine,,

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