Why are you such a partisan lunatic?

The vast majority of people here are raging partisan lunatics. But why? I'm not asking why you're liberal or conservative or somewhere along the spectrum. Why are you such a partisan? Why are you so stubborn? So closed minded?

Because there is nothing attractive or acceptable under our Constitution in what the Democrats preach, and I will do what I legally can to have none of it.

This does not explain why you are a partisan lunatic, it simply establishes that you are a partisan lunatic.
The vast majority of people here are raging partisan lunatics. But why? I'm not asking why you're liberal or conservative or somewhere along the spectrum. Why are you such a partisan? Why are you so stubborn? So closed minded?

Because there is nothing attractive or acceptable under our Constitution in what the Democrats preach, and I will do what I legally can to have none of it.

This does not explain why you are a partisan lunatic, it simply establishes that you are a partisan lunatic.
The vast majority of people here are raging partisan lunatics. But why? I'm not asking why you're liberal or conservative or somewhere along the spectrum. Why are you such a partisan? Why are you so stubborn? So closed minded?

Because there is nothing attractive or acceptable under our Constitution in what the Democrats preach, and I will do what I legally can to have none of it.

This does not explain why you are a partisan lunatic, it simply establishes that you are a partisan lunatic.
The vast majority of people here are raging partisan lunatics. But why? I'm not asking why you're liberal or conservative or somewhere along the spectrum. Why are you such a partisan? Why are you so stubborn? So closed minded?

Because there is nothing attractive or acceptable under our Constitution in what the Democrats preach, and I will do what I legally can to have none of it.

This does not explain why you are a partisan lunatic, it simply establishes that you are a partisan lunatic.

What the Dems are proposing is Social Democracy and that is unconstitutional.
Our Constitution guarantee's us a Republic form of government.

Art. 4 , Sec. 4
The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a Republican Form of government.

Not a Social Democracy of government control.
If the Democrats want to install Fundamental Transformation, they need to amend several parts of the Constitution. Good luck with that.
Without partisan lunacy, the Republican party wouldn't be able to win elections.
It's much much easier to join a tribe and defend it, than it is to make the effort to think for yourself and see the big picture.

MUCH easier.

We've become intellectually lazy and completely incurious. This is how that manifests. Enjoy!

This seems to be the perfect description, based on the responses so far. Most people seem intent on a "defend the castle" explanation; simply pointing to the other side of the spectrum and insisting that the need to fight them is so great that becoming a partisan lunatic in opposition to them was the only reasonable thing to do. They assume their own party is innately correct. But they fail to realize that such an explanation is inherently partisan. The "we have to fight them at all costs" explanations are only possible after a person has become a partisan lunatic.
It's much much easier to join a tribe and defend it, than it is to make the effort to think for yourself and see the big picture.

MUCH easier.

We've become intellectually lazy and completely incurious. This is how that manifests. Enjoy!

This seems to be the perfect description, based on the responses so far. Most people seem intent on a "defend the castle" explanation; simply pointing to the other side of the spectrum and insisting that the need to fight them is so great that becoming a partisan lunatic in opposition to them was the only reasonable thing to do. They assume their own party is innately correct. But they fail to realize that such an explanation is inherently partisan. The "we have to fight them at all costs" explanations are only possible after a person has become a partisan lunatic.

Uniting in opposition to a common foe is not "partisan lunacy". It's a smart strategy.
I'm a "partisan" about putting the interests of my fellow Americans first and in our government officials working to improve the quality of our lives.

I wish our Democratic friends here shared that perspective.

This does not explain why you are a partisan lunatic, it simply establishes that you are a partisan lunatic.
Because he has a brain and uses Logic and Common Sense.
This is a political discussion forum. To quote Harry Truman "if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen". It seems that people who refer to other people as "lunatics" simply because they have strong political beliefs might be a little loony themselves.
It's much much easier to join a tribe and defend it, than it is to make the effort to think for yourself and see the big picture.

MUCH easier.

We've become intellectually lazy and completely incurious. This is how that manifests. Enjoy!

This seems to be the perfect description, based on the responses so far. Most people seem intent on a "defend the castle" explanation; simply pointing to the other side of the spectrum and insisting that the need to fight them is so great that becoming a partisan lunatic in opposition to them was the only reasonable thing to do. They assume their own party is innately correct. But they fail to realize that such an explanation is inherently partisan. The "we have to fight them at all costs" explanations are only possible after a person has become a partisan lunatic.

Uniting in opposition to a common foe is not "partisan lunacy". It's a smart strategy.

Why are fellow Americans your foes?
This is a political discussion forum. To quote Harry Truman "if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen". It seems that people who refer to other people as "lunatics" simply because they have strong political beliefs might be a little loony themselves.

Strong political beliefs. Don't think we've seen those in this country for a very long time. But we have lots of party based ideology. Sculptable as ice cream on a warm day, and equally as messy.
It's much much easier to join a tribe and defend it, than it is to make the effort to think for yourself and see the big picture.

MUCH easier.

We've become intellectually lazy and completely incurious. This is how that manifests. Enjoy!

This seems to be the perfect description, based on the responses so far. Most people seem intent on a "defend the castle" explanation; simply pointing to the other side of the spectrum and insisting that the need to fight them is so great that becoming a partisan lunatic in opposition to them was the only reasonable thing to do. They assume their own party is innately correct. But they fail to realize that such an explanation is inherently partisan. The "we have to fight them at all costs" explanations are only possible after a person has become a partisan lunatic.

Uniting in opposition to a common foe is not "partisan lunacy". It's a smart strategy.

Why are fellow Americans your foes?

Because they/you support Big Gov't dependence and enslavement of the masses.
Any other simple questions?
It's much much easier to join a tribe and defend it, than it is to make the effort to think for yourself and see the big picture.

MUCH easier.

We've become intellectually lazy and completely incurious. This is how that manifests. Enjoy!

This seems to be the perfect description, based on the responses so far. Most people seem intent on a "defend the castle" explanation; simply pointing to the other side of the spectrum and insisting that the need to fight them is so great that becoming a partisan lunatic in opposition to them was the only reasonable thing to do. They assume their own party is innately correct. But they fail to realize that such an explanation is inherently partisan. The "we have to fight them at all costs" explanations are only possible after a person has become a partisan lunatic.

Uniting in opposition to a common foe is not "partisan lunacy". It's a smart strategy.

Why are fellow Americans your foes?

Because they/you support Big Gov't dependence and enslavement of the masses.
Any other simple questions?
Does "enslavement" seem a little hyperbolic to you, or are you being literal?
It's much much easier to join a tribe and defend it, than it is to make the effort to think for yourself and see the big picture.

MUCH easier.

We've become intellectually lazy and completely incurious. This is how that manifests. Enjoy!

This seems to be the perfect description, based on the responses so far. Most people seem intent on a "defend the castle" explanation; simply pointing to the other side of the spectrum and insisting that the need to fight them is so great that becoming a partisan lunatic in opposition to them was the only reasonable thing to do. They assume their own party is innately correct. But they fail to realize that such an explanation is inherently partisan. The "we have to fight them at all costs" explanations are only possible after a person has become a partisan lunatic.

Uniting in opposition to a common foe is not "partisan lunacy". It's a smart strategy.

Why are fellow Americans your foes?

Democrat activists commonly use slogans containing aggressive language like fight, resist, overcome and revolution. Iconography like the raised fist. They've been play-acting as violent revolutionaries my entire life. My "partisanship" is a defensive posture.
The vast majority of people here are raging partisan lunatics. But why? I'm not asking why you're liberal or conservative or somewhere along the spectrum. Why are you such a partisan? Why are you so stubborn? So closed minded?

Because the left are lying filthy scum of the earth that's why. A pox be upon them.
It's much much easier to join a tribe and defend it, than it is to make the effort to think for yourself and see the big picture.

MUCH easier.

We've become intellectually lazy and completely incurious. This is how that manifests. Enjoy!

This seems to be the perfect description, based on the responses so far. Most people seem intent on a "defend the castle" explanation; simply pointing to the other side of the spectrum and insisting that the need to fight them is so great that becoming a partisan lunatic in opposition to them was the only reasonable thing to do. They assume their own party is innately correct. But they fail to realize that such an explanation is inherently partisan. The "we have to fight them at all costs" explanations are only possible after a person has become a partisan lunatic.

Uniting in opposition to a common foe is not "partisan lunacy". It's a smart strategy.

Why are fellow Americans your foes?

Because they/you support Big Gov't dependence and enslavement of the masses.
Any other simple questions?
Does "enslavement" seem a little hyperbolic to you, or are you being literal?

Enslavement means no options.
Example #1: Medicare for all.
I'm being literal.
Example #2: Slavery reparations (ironically!)
Leads to increased taxes with no opting out, of course, as that is the nature of taxes.

Once again, enslavement means no options.
I'm being literal.
Example #3: Green New Deal.
Pick from a multitude of Big Gov't mandatory harebrained ideas leading to no options.

Enslavement means no options. Once again, I'm being literal.
I havent voted a straight ticket since I voted for Reagan. Politicians that closely share my views interest me more than left or right.

Todays division of parties really took root because Obama was brown. Thats not why I didnt vote for him.

Trump is a fucking liar. I despise liars. Thats EXACTLY why I didnt vote for the POS.

call me partisan or not -
They assume their own party is innately correct.
They assume their own party is innately correct, and they also appear to be genetically incapable of admitting the obvious. I could go down the list of issues: A vast majority of the time, I can't get them to even acknowledge the obvious for even a moment. The other tribe is 100% to blame, 100% of the time. Period. And there's something wrong with me for seeing both sides.

The part that fascinates me so much is that I don't even think they're lying; they appear to be absolutely serious, sincere. This is how deep it goes. You may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus, or a protest sign-holding Westboro Baptist Church member picketing the funeral of a soldier. There's just no light getting in.
I havent voted a straight ticket since I voted for Reagan. Politicians that closely share my views interest me more than left or right.

Todays division of parties really took root because Obama was brown. Thats not why I didnt vote for him.

Trump is a fucking liar. I despise liars. Thats EXACTLY why I didnt vote for the POS.

call me partisan or not -
Trump isn't perfect. He repeats things he hears in the news that turn out not to be true. He exaggerates. He doesn't lie.

Second, Most people who voted against Obama didn't give a flying fuck what color he was.

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