"Why Aren't Christians More Like Jesus!?!?"--A Blistering BB Article

You are not a Christian if you don't believe in the Virgin Birth, and I am a born-again Christian. I'm not telling you my denomination; it doesn't matter. It's not a big deal.

If you think the most important thing about Christianity is whether or not anyone popped his mom's cherry, you've definitely missed the point.
Why so you can Google it Jackboots? Your illiteracy is obvious with every post.

No I have it memorized, not like Protestants , I remember the book and chapter. You Protestants memorize one liners.

Penny Jackboots claims she has the entire Gospels memorized

Sure Penny sure because you cannot use even proper elementary English grammar here, but sure 'nough you have the entire books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John memorized chapter and verse

What denomination is Penny?

She grew up Catholic but is not Christian now. Word on the street is that her husband is Muslim which makes sense, and which I have asked her before--fits with her super liberal views and esp. her hatred of Jews and Holocaust denial.

She can come along and confirm, deny or remain silent.

My husband, if its any of your business, is a RC and born in the USA. I was born and raise RC and Christianity is in my blood, RC Christianity, you know the type of Christianity with high moral standards, although I'm not a believer anymore.
First you had Christians, then in the 300's, Catholicism. Some Protestants have memorized the Gospels like you. Which is your favorite, I like Matthew.
I cannot put it any better than these fine folks at Babylon Bee, so here it is in its entirety. I would guess this is in response to the Twitter storms this week regarding the ICE raids and Jesus--but who knows. This is timeless:

(PS Unbelievers: THIS IS SATIRE)


Christians these days are just the worst. They are always taking stances on divisive issues like abortion and marriage and constantly have a lot of people angry at them. This is so unlike the person they’re supposed to be emulating -- Jesus, a cool dude whom everyone loved.

Now, I’ve never read the Bible (I think Jesus would agree not to waste time on really old books when there are much lighter, more uplifting alternatives available on Audible), but my impression is that he was this really nice guy who went around giving everybody great self-esteem, telling people, “Hey, keep doing whatever you’re doing. You’re great and are going to Heaven.” That’s why everyone loves Jesus: because he told people they’re all great the way they are and don’t need to change. I don’t know where Christians got this idea that people need to sacrifice their old way of living and follow some exclusive Savior to get to Heaven, but it doesn’t sound very Jesus-like to me.

In fact, if Jesus were around today, I’ll bet he’d tell Christians to “chill out” on all their narrow morality that upsets people and accept whatever people feel like doing because it’s all good. The only thing he might challenge people to change is to try more socialism. The main thing to keep in mind is that if you’re making people upset, you’re not being like Jesus, who only made everyone happy.

Christians Should Be More Like Jesus, Who Was Loved By Everybody And Never Divisive
Yeah, Jesus was so popular and cool they killed him for it. As sauce on the meal, it took a couple of centuries for people to realize his words were the truth.

Something tells Me that the author of this little piece would be at home on those benighted times before Christianity.

Psssssst: (Lean in close) It's satire. He wasn't that cool and popular in his time.

It's funny to me that I put IN BOLD that the piece is satire and people are STILL not getting it. They're so TRIGGERED by a piece about Jesus Christ they can't even process it properly....WOW

What is satire:
Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

and that site writes about Democrats, attempting to shame them.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what they do. Christianity has needed something like the Babylon Bee for a very long time. They also point their Satire Sword at the Church, Christianity and all things like that often--and right on the nose too.

What do you expect from Evangelicals and fundamentalists. They think they are the right kind of Christians and really they are bigots.
Which is why we have had 2000 years of religious wars.
Yeah, Jesus was so popular and cool they killed him for it. As sauce on the meal, it took a couple of centuries for people to realize his words were the truth.

Something tells Me that the author of this little piece would be at home on those benighted times before Christianity.

Psssssst: (Lean in close) It's satire. He wasn't that cool and popular in his time.

It's funny to me that I put IN BOLD that the piece is satire and people are STILL not getting it. They're so TRIGGERED by a piece about Jesus Christ they can't even process it properly....WOW

What is satire:
Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

and that site writes about Democrats, attempting to shame them.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what they do. Christianity has needed something like the Babylon Bee for a very long time. They also point their Satire Sword at the Church, Christianity and all things like that often--and right on the nose too.

What do you expect from Evangelicals and fundamentalists. They think they are the right kind of Christians and really they are bigots.
Which is why we have had 2000 years of religious wars.

Protestants are against God, the Bible says not to quarrel among the ones of Christ, to not go to war among the ones of Christ,
this proves that Protestant existence is against God.

Well, duh.
They aren't very Holy, or Christ like.

In Europe the Protestants support Euthanasia, LGBTQ, and Abortion.

In America the Protestants support War, Greed, helping the Rich get Richer, and destruction of the Environment.

Catholics aren't doing any of these things wrong on the scale that Protestants are.
Psssssst: (Lean in close) It's satire. He wasn't that cool and popular in his time.

It's funny to me that I put IN BOLD that the piece is satire and people are STILL not getting it. They're so TRIGGERED by a piece about Jesus Christ they can't even process it properly....WOW

What is satire:
Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

and that site writes about Democrats, attempting to shame them.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what they do. Christianity has needed something like the Babylon Bee for a very long time. They also point their Satire Sword at the Church, Christianity and all things like that often--and right on the nose too.

What do you expect from Evangelicals and fundamentalists. They think they are the right kind of Christians and really they are bigots.
Which is why we have had 2000 years of religious wars.

Protestants are against God, the Bible says not to quarrel among the ones of Christ, to not go to war among the ones of Christ,
this proves that Protestant existence is against God.

Well, duh.
They aren't very Holy, or Christ like.

In Europe the Protestants support Euthanasia, LGBTQ, and Abortion.

In America the Protestants support War, Greed, helping the Rich get Richer, and destruction of the Environment.

Catholics aren't doing any of these things wrong on the scale that Protestants are.
Do you know any of the reasons Martin Luther pulled away from the Catholic Church?
No I have it memorized, not like Protestants , I remember the book and chapter. You Protestants memorize one liners.

Penny Jackboots claims she has the entire Gospels memorized

Sure Penny sure because you cannot use even proper elementary English grammar here, but sure 'nough you have the entire books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John memorized chapter and verse

What denomination is Penny?

She grew up Catholic but is not Christian now. Word on the street is that her husband is Muslim which makes sense, and which I have asked her before--fits with her super liberal views and esp. her hatred of Jews and Holocaust denial.

She can come along and confirm, deny or remain silent.

My husband, if its any of your business, is a RC and born in the USA. I was born and raise RC and Christianity is in my blood, RC Christianity, you know the type of Christianity with high moral standards, although I'm not a believer anymore.
First you had Christians, then in the 300's, Catholicism. Some Protestants have memorized the Gospels like you. Which is your favorite, I like Matthew.

Probably a few have memorized the entire texts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I'm sure there are a few over two millennium with photographic memories. And I'm sure Penny is not one of them.
Because the Protestants follow Paul and to hell with Jesus.

You don't know the first thing about the Bible. I know enough to know that is true, Jackboots.

Ask me a question??

I have a question. First, some background. Some Bible critics claim there is a contradiction between Genesis 15:13, which appears to say the children of Israel would suffer in Egypt for 400 years and Exodus 12:40,41. which appears to say they suffered 430 years. Here are the relevant verses.

“And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him. And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance” (Genesis 15:13, KJV).

“Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt” (Exodus 12:40,41, KJV).

My question: I know the Bible critics are wrong, but can you explain why? This is an easy question for anyone who has a basic knowledge of the Bible.
Penny Jackboots claims she has the entire Gospels memorized

Sure Penny sure because you cannot use even proper elementary English grammar here, but sure 'nough you have the entire books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John memorized chapter and verse

What denomination is Penny?

She grew up Catholic but is not Christian now. Word on the street is that her husband is Muslim which makes sense, and which I have asked her before--fits with her super liberal views and esp. her hatred of Jews and Holocaust denial.

She can come along and confirm, deny or remain silent.

My husband, if its any of your business, is a RC and born in the USA. I was born and raise RC and Christianity is in my blood, RC Christianity, you know the type of Christianity with high moral standards, although I'm not a believer anymore.
First you had Christians, then in the 300's, Catholicism. Some Protestants have memorized the Gospels like you. Which is your favorite, I like Matthew.

Probably a few have memorized the entire texts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I'm sure there are a few over two millennium with photographic memories. And I'm sure Penny is not one of them.

As I said I do not have the bible memorized but I know what books to look in when someone quotes a one liner like Evans and Fundis do so often.
Because the Protestants follow Paul and to hell with Jesus.

You don't know the first thing about the Bible. I know enough to know that is true, Jackboots.

Ask me a question??

I have a question. First, some background. Some Bible critics claim there is a contradiction between Genesis 15:13, which appears to say the children of Israel would suffer in Egypt for 400 years and Exodus 12:40,41. which appears to say they suffered 430 years. Here are the relevant verses.

“And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him. And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance” (Genesis 15:13, KJV).

“Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt” (Exodus 12:40,41, KJV).

My question: I know the Bible critics are wrong, but can you explain why? This is an easy question for anyone who has a basic knowledge of the Bible.

He made the pact with Abraham, so something like that. I might add the Hebrews were slaves for 400 years, but that is not how long they were in Egypt.
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What denomination is Penny?

She grew up Catholic but is not Christian now. Word on the street is that her husband is Muslim which makes sense, and which I have asked her before--fits with her super liberal views and esp. her hatred of Jews and Holocaust denial.

She can come along and confirm, deny or remain silent.

My husband, if its any of your business, is a RC and born in the USA. I was born and raise RC and Christianity is in my blood, RC Christianity, you know the type of Christianity with high moral standards, although I'm not a believer anymore.
First you had Christians, then in the 300's, Catholicism. Some Protestants have memorized the Gospels like you. Which is your favorite, I like Matthew.

Probably a few have memorized the entire texts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I'm sure there are a few over two millennium with photographic memories. And I'm sure Penny is not one of them.

As I said I do not have the bible memorized but I know what books to look in when someone quote a one liner like Evans and Fundis do so often.

Okay you have backtracked. I will accept that.

Now, let's see how you do at application. Please explain why, without looking it up, you actually are wrong when you say Catholics follow Jesus and Protestants follow Paul. IOW give the Protestant argument here, Penny. Let's hear you theological argument.
What is satire:
Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

and that site writes about Democrats, attempting to shame them.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what they do. Christianity has needed something like the Babylon Bee for a very long time. They also point their Satire Sword at the Church, Christianity and all things like that often--and right on the nose too.

What do you expect from Evangelicals and fundamentalists. They think they are the right kind of Christians and really they are bigots.

You're a Jackboots wearing bigot so you have us all beat, dear.

Do you believe in the virgin birth, and by the way what type of Christian are you??

You are not a Christian if you don't believe in the Virgin Birth, and I am a born-again Christian. I'm not telling you my denomination; it doesn't matter. It's not a big deal.

Born again, usually people that are born again are born again out of some tragedy or low point in their life. What was yours??
Yes, that is EXACTLY what they do. Christianity has needed something like the Babylon Bee for a very long time. They also point their Satire Sword at the Church, Christianity and all things like that often--and right on the nose too.

What do you expect from Evangelicals and fundamentalists. They think they are the right kind of Christians and really they are bigots.

You're a Jackboots wearing bigot so you have us all beat, dear.

Do you believe in the virgin birth, and by the way what type of Christian are you??

You are not a Christian if you don't believe in the Virgin Birth, and I am a born-again Christian. I'm not telling you my denomination; it doesn't matter. It's not a big deal.

Born again, usually people that are born again are born again out of some tragedy or low point in their life. What was yours??

It was nothing of the sort. .

Answer the question, Penny Jackboots.
What do you expect from Evangelicals and fundamentalists. They think they are the right kind of Christians and really they are bigots.

You're a Jackboots wearing bigot so you have us all beat, dear.

Do you believe in the virgin birth, and by the way what type of Christian are you??

You are not a Christian if you don't believe in the Virgin Birth, and I am a born-again Christian. I'm not telling you my denomination; it doesn't matter. It's not a big deal.

Born again, usually people that are born again are born again out of some tragedy or low point in their life. What was yours??

It was nothing of the sort. .

Answer the question, Penny Jackboots.

What possessed you to have to get born again??

What question?
She grew up Catholic but is not Christian now. Word on the street is that her husband is Muslim which makes sense, and which I have asked her before--fits with her super liberal views and esp. her hatred of Jews and Holocaust denial.

She can come along and confirm, deny or remain silent.

My husband, if its any of your business, is a RC and born in the USA. I was born and raise RC and Christianity is in my blood, RC Christianity, you know the type of Christianity with high moral standards, although I'm not a believer anymore.
First you had Christians, then in the 300's, Catholicism. Some Protestants have memorized the Gospels like you. Which is your favorite, I like Matthew.

Probably a few have memorized the entire texts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I'm sure there are a few over two millennium with photographic memories. And I'm sure Penny is not one of them.

As I said I do not have the bible memorized but I know what books to look in when someone quote a one liner like Evans and Fundis do so often.

Okay you have backtracked. I will accept that.

Now, let's see how you do at application. Please explain why, without looking it up, you actually are wrong when you say Catholics follow Jesus and Protestants follow Paul. IOW give the Protestant argument here, Penny. Let's hear you theological argument.

More often than not Protestants, Evans and fundamentalist quote verses from Paul instead of Jesus.
My husband, if its any of your business, is a RC and born in the USA. I was born and raise RC and Christianity is in my blood, RC Christianity, you know the type of Christianity with high moral standards, although I'm not a believer anymore.
First you had Christians, then in the 300's, Catholicism. Some Protestants have memorized the Gospels like you. Which is your favorite, I like Matthew.

Probably a few have memorized the entire texts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I'm sure there are a few over two millennium with photographic memories. And I'm sure Penny is not one of them.

As I said I do not have the bible memorized but I know what books to look in when someone quote a one liner like Evans and Fundis do so often.

Okay you have backtracked. I will accept that.

Now, let's see how you do at application. Please explain why, without looking it up, you actually are wrong when you say Catholics follow Jesus and Protestants follow Paul. IOW give the Protestant argument here, Penny. Let's hear you theological argument.

More often than not Protestants, Evans and fundamentalist quote verses from Paul instead of Jesus.

That or the Devil.
It's not a Christian belief to support greed, war mongering & help the rich get richer.

Protestants tend to believe in greed & war anyways.
What is satire:
Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

and that site writes about Democrats, attempting to shame them.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what they do. Christianity has needed something like the Babylon Bee for a very long time. They also point their Satire Sword at the Church, Christianity and all things like that often--and right on the nose too.

What do you expect from Evangelicals and fundamentalists. They think they are the right kind of Christians and really they are bigots.

You're a Jackboots wearing bigot so you have us all beat, dear.

Do you believe in the virgin birth, and by the way what type of Christian are you??

You are not a Christian if you don't believe in the Virgin Birth, and I am a born-again Christian. I'm not telling you my denomination; it doesn't matter. It's not a big deal.

I am aware the KJV and the NAB say virgin, but it was corrected when they revamped the OT of the bible.

* [7:14] Isaiah’s sign seeks to reassure Ahaz that he need not fear the invading armies of Syria and Israel in the light of God’s promise to David (2 Sm 7:1216). The oracle follows a traditional announcement formula by which the birth and sometimes naming of a child is promised to particular individuals (Gn 16:11; Jgs 13:3). The young woman: Hebrew ‘almah designates a young woman of marriageable age without specific reference to virginity. The Septuagint translated the Hebrew term as parthenos, which normally does mean virgin, and this translation underlies Mt 1:23. Emmanuel: the name means “with us is God.” Since for the Christian the incarnation is the ultimate expression of God’s willingness to “be with us,” it is understandable that this text was interpreted to refer to the birth of Christ.

NABRE 2011 edition.

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