Why aren't the liberal politicians in VA being held accountable for withholding the police?

The Vice Mayor is a black racist who's name escapes me at the moment. I'm sure he had a hand in it.

The Antifa thugs came in helmets and gear and were armed with clubs, bats, and batons. They were there to incite violence period. The government needs to be investigated and the people who allowed this to happen should be arrested.
Very troubling. The democrat mayor apparently thought it useful politically for a martyr or two so he and other Swamp Rats can whine about President Trump and Whitey.
It's outrageous. One writer pointed out that considering they could not legally stopped the rally, they let the counter protestors stop the rally. THAT's disturbing.

"Fox News reporter Doug McKelway was in attendance during yesterday’s deadly events in Charlottesville, VA, where he reported that the police were called off as soon as things started turning violent.

“But when the tear gas started to fly, thrown by protesters, the police themselves began to evacuate then. I asked the guy who was in charge, “Where you going?” He said,

We’re leaving. It’s too dangerous.They had a chance to nip this thing in the bud and they chose not to.“"

Video at link:

Charlottesville Police Called Off When Violence Began: “We’re Leaving, It’s Too Dangerous” | Zero Hedge
Yep, what does a death matter? All for their cause. Sickening.
Very troubling. The democrat mayor apparently thought it useful politically for a martyr or two so he and other Swamp Rats can whine about President Trump and Whitey.
The police are standing down routinely now. It's cheaper than police brutality lawsuits.
---------------------------------------------------------------- i think that the entire society is becoming lawless so why not local governments from 'governor' on down to the 'mayor' who i think is the boss of the 'chief' of police . --------------- people get mad at me when i say that all the people i just mentioned and more are simply in their jobs for the money .
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This reminds me of Katrina.

Flood waters were known to be imminent yet local DEMOCRAT politicians failed to heed the warning and utilize city owned busses to evacuate the residents that could not FLEE on their own. Those subsequent deaths were then blamed on Bush.

It's the same shit all over again but with Trump.

Did the city/county officials issue a protest permit to the opposing faction? Did they give them a permit for an opposing protest on the same day at the same location? Did they not supply appropriate law enforcement in the hopes that violence would occur?
The Vice Mayor is a black racist who's name escapes me at the moment. I'm sure he had a hand in it.

The Antifa thugs came in helmets and gear and were armed with clubs, bats, and batons. They were there to incite violence period. The government needs to be investigated and the people who allowed this to happen should be arrested.

Weren't there some white nationalists there who were dressed in helmets and body armor of some sort, carrying shields? I thought I had seen a picture showing that in one of the threads on the subject, but I'm not sure. :dunno:

If the police were ordered not to intervene, someone(s) should definitely be held accountable.
This reminds me of Katrina.

Flood waters were known to be imminent yet local DEMOCRAT politicians failed to heed the warning and utilize city owned busses to evacuate the residents that could not FLEE on their own. Those subsequent deaths were then blamed on Bush.

It's the same shit all over again but with Trump.

Did the city/county officials issue a protest permit to the opposing faction? Did they give them a permit for an opposing protest on the same day at the same location? Did they not supply appropriate law enforcement in the hopes that violence would occur?

It all goes along with the same M.O. that the Progs have used for decades; create a problem that didn't exist before, then offer yourself as the solution.
The Vice Mayor is a black racist who's name escapes me at the moment. I'm sure he had a hand in it.

The Antifa thugs came in helmets and gear and were armed with clubs, bats, and batons. They were there to incite violence period. The government needs to be investigated and the people who allowed this to happen should be arrested.

Weren't there some white nationalists there who were dressed in helmets and body armor of some sort, carrying shields? I thought I had seen a picture showing that in one of the threads on the subject, but I'm not sure. :dunno:

If the police were ordered not to intervene, someone(s) should definitely be held accountable.

If it's the picture going around on Facebook, those are Antifa. Next time you see it notice the "Stop Hate" sign.

If I see it again, I'' post it here.
The Vice Mayor is a black racist who's name escapes me at the moment. I'm sure he had a hand in it.

The Antifa thugs came in helmets and gear and were armed with clubs, bats, and batons. They were there to incite violence period. The government needs to be investigated and the people who allowed this to happen should be arrested.

Weren't there some white nationalists there who were dressed in helmets and body armor of some sort, carrying shields? I thought I had seen a picture showing that in one of the threads on the subject, but I'm not sure. :dunno:

If the police were ordered not to intervene, someone(s) should definitely be held accountable.

Also, have you seen the video where the car backs out after ramming the crowd? The Antifa thugs are beating the car with their bats and clubs.
The Vice Mayor is a black racist who's name escapes me at the moment. I'm sure he had a hand in it.

The Antifa thugs came in helmets and gear and were armed with clubs, bats, and batons. They were there to incite violence period. The government needs to be investigated and the people who allowed this to happen should be arrested.

Weren't there some white nationalists there who were dressed in helmets and body armor of some sort, carrying shields? I thought I had seen a picture showing that in one of the threads on the subject, but I'm not sure. :dunno:

If the police were ordered not to intervene, someone(s) should definitely be held accountable.
IF is the keyword. I don't know it to be factual but it sure seems VERY suspicious. They knew in advance a bunch of racists would be present mixed into the crowd.
For all the hoopla the left makes about how violent racists & the right are and we're supposed to believe they just ignored this possible timebomb?
The Vice Mayor is a black racist who's name escapes me at the moment. I'm sure he had a hand in it.

The Antifa thugs came in helmets and gear and were armed with clubs, bats, and batons. They were there to incite violence period. The government needs to be investigated and the people who allowed this to happen should be arrested.

Weren't there some white nationalists there who were dressed in helmets and body armor of some sort, carrying shields? I thought I had seen a picture showing that in one of the threads on the subject, but I'm not sure. :dunno:

If the police were ordered not to intervene, someone(s) should definitely be held accountable.

Also, have you seen the video where the car backs out after ramming the crowd? The Antifa thugs are beating the car with their bats and clubs.
That's hardly a bad thing. If I saw someone run over a bunch of pedestrians I would have yanked him out of the car and beat him half to death given the chance.

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