Why aren't the liberal politicians in VA being held accountable for withholding the police?

The police are standing down routinely now. It's cheaper than police brutality lawsuits.
Thanks to liberals agenda and over scrutinizing the police, we practically have no police protection. Cops are made to be the bad guys, and criminals skate free. I have had it with this mindset. We talk about Islam being hijacked by extremist, so is American liberalism . It's crazy how bad liberals have become. I am a liberal, these kids scare the hell out of ME.

Are you too stupid to realize that the extremism in Charlottesville was headed by a neo-Nazi who drove his car into a bunch of innocent people?

Hint: that's a yes or no question.

If this City, State, County was under Republican control the left would be in hysterics.

The defense of rightwing terrorism is getting downright weird on USMB.
I called the killer a terrorist. I even dedicated a thread to it so you can shove your self Righteous bullshit up your ass.

This thread is dedicated to the people tasked with protecting the public not the idiots fighting that night

So you would have preferred that the police take this sort of action against the neo-Nazis?

In the event of violence the police are tasked with subduing the perps regardless of who they are.

You want to see labels to determine guilt. That's shameful

Was that a yes or a no?
Well, I am not Eisenstein. I am a liberal. Old school . I notice the disconnect with the media and how they rarely if ever mention black hate crimes, and just revel in underlining and emphasizing white hate crimes. What happened in Charlotte is a regrettable example. I think the media LOVES these incidents. How the liberal media overplays white on black crimes and underplays violence in poor black communities as well, if not ignoring black on white race crimes. This underlays my whole skeptical if not cynical view of media coverage.
The police are standing down routinely now. It's cheaper than police brutality lawsuits.
Thanks to liberals agenda and over scrutinizing the police, we practically have no police protection. Cops are made to be the bad guys, and criminals skate free. I have had it with this mindset. We talk about Islam being hijacked by extremist, so is American liberalism . It's crazy how bad liberals have become. I am a liberal, these kids scare the hell out of ME.

Are you too stupid to realize that the extremism in Charlottesville was headed by a neo-Nazi who drove his car into a bunch of innocent people?

Hint: that's a yes or no question.
He wasn't the head of anything, dumbass.
The Vice Mayor is a black racist who's name escapes me at the moment. I'm sure he had a hand in it.

The Antifa thugs came in helmets and gear and were armed with clubs, bats, and batons. They were there to incite violence period. The government needs to be investigated and the people who allowed this to happen should be arrested.

Weren't there some white nationalists there who were dressed in helmets and body armor of some sort, carrying shields? I thought I had seen a picture showing that in one of the threads on the subject, but I'm not sure. :dunno:

If the police were ordered not to intervene, someone(s) should definitely be held accountable.

The ANTIFA and BLM scum were also sporting clubs, sheileds, pepper spray and body armor. Furthermore, they were wearing masks. There's only one reason a person wears a mask to a protest, and that's because they intend to commit crimes.

I'm not defending anyone bringing that stuff to a supposedly peaceful protest, I'm just questioning if it was a one-sided issue.
Weird for you libs we know, but it is called Truth.
Prove it or go fuck yourself.
There you go, a multiple choice question.
It is being proven every fucking day, ass hat.
I dont have to spoon feed morons like you, go hire a nurse.
Well put, this is why people hate liberals. Short nasty and mean spirited and self righteous. Bravo.
Until I read about this Google shit, I thought that real liberals, moderate liberals, would denounce this and demand some kind of government action, but no, not a gawd damned one of them is speaking out against it at all.

The story is pretty much dead now and we have millions of IT people unemployed still, but thats OK if it is just conservatives getting fucked, to these cretins anyway.
Fuck liberals, fuck each and every gawd damned one of them that would stay quiet on this.
Fuck it....
If the police want to let it be known that they wont get in the way of the happenings maybe it's time to bring out the big guns.

Lets get the party started already.
I have seen liberal mobs at MLK or Anti Columbus day rallies. Liberalism crossed a line, I say this as a liberal flower child. Nietzsche once said, if you look into the darkness, it looks back. You become the think you hate, just by hating. Or, to quote pogo, we have met the enemy, and he is US.
It's outrageous. One writer pointed out that considering they could not legally stopped the rally, they let the counter protestors stop the rally. THAT's disturbing.

"Fox News reporter Doug McKelway was in attendance during yesterday’s deadly events in Charlottesville, VA, where he reported that the police were called off as soon as things started turning violent.

“But when the tear gas started to fly, thrown by protesters, the police themselves began to evacuate then. I asked the guy who was in charge, “Where you going?” He said,

We’re leaving. It’s too dangerous.They had a chance to nip this thing in the bud and they chose not to.“"

Video at link:

Charlottesville Police Called Off When Violence Began: “We’re Leaving, It’s Too Dangerous” | Zero Hedge

That's very funny. From Fox News? Listen to what he was reporting----- A tense situation. Should the camera be on focusing on what is going on?

So why is this reporter do not have a real voice or video of what he was reporting?
Don't tell me his cameraman didn't have his camera or cell phone.

Lo and Behold---- He has a camera reporting his bull shit.
"Why aren't the liberal politicians in VA being held accountable for withholding the police?"

-Nuff said...
It's outrageous. One writer pointed out that considering they could not legally stopped the rally, they let the counter protestors stop the rally. THAT's disturbing.

"Fox News reporter Doug McKelway was in attendance during yesterday’s deadly events in Charlottesville, VA, where he reported that the police were called off as soon as things started turning violent.

“But when the tear gas started to fly, thrown by protesters, the police themselves began to evacuate then. I asked the guy who was in charge, “Where you going?” He said,

We’re leaving. It’s too dangerous.They had a chance to nip this thing in the bud and they chose not to.“"

Video at link:

Charlottesville Police Called Off When Violence Began: “We’re Leaving, It’s Too Dangerous” | Zero Hedge

That's very funny. From Fox News? Listen to what he was reporting----- A tense situation. Should the camera be on focusing on what is going on?

So why is this reporter do not have a real voice or video of what he was reporting?
Don't tell me his cameraman didn't have his camera or cell phone.

Lo and Behold---- He has a camera reporting his bull shit.

Asshole the ACLU confirmed it. It happened. They were told to stand down. Fucking deal with it. Others are finally getting around to reporting on it.

Robert Barnes‏ @Barnes_Law

Robert Barnes Retweeted ACLU of Virginia

ACLU confirms that police were given stand-down order. This invited the violence the city used to shut down a court-permitted protest.

Robert Barnes added,


ACLU of VirginiaVerified account @ACLUVA
Clash between protesters and counter protesters. Police says "We'll not intervene until given command to do so." #Charlottesville
4:55 PM - 12 Aug 2017

Robert Barnes on Twitter
"Why aren't the liberal politicians in VA being held accountable for withholding the police?"

-Nuff said...

This was their method of shutting down the rally. The court ruling pissed them off so they used Antifa to shut down the Unite the Right rally.
This reminds me of Katrina.

Flood waters were known to be imminent yet local DEMOCRAT politicians failed to heed the warning and utilize city owned busses to evacuate the residents that could not FLEE on their own. Those subsequent deaths were then blamed on Bush.

It's the same shit all over again but with Trump.

Did the city/county officials issue a protest permit to the opposing faction? Did they give them a permit for an opposing protest on the same day at the same location? Did they not supply appropriate law enforcement in the hopes that violence would occur?
It's the same shit again alright, nothing but blame and denial everywhere ya look. That's america.

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