Why Aren't the Republicans Calling Witnesses to Defend Trump?

first hand knowledge.

the idiots learned a new phrase.

first hand knowledge witnesses wont be credible enough for those pukes when they show up and shit on Goldilocks.

not in 100 years -

Again, Trump has no burden of proof here.n.

Of course Trump has no burden of proof.

The question is why he is actively blocking the testimony of those who know what happened and preventing the release of documents?
So far all Republicans have done is try to smear the witnesses before the House. The witnesses the Republicans want to call have no knowledge of Trump's activities in Ukraine.

Why don't the Republicans call Pompeo?

Why don't the Republicans call Giuliani?

Why don't the Republicans call Pence?

Why don't the Republicans call Mulvaney?

These are all people with first hand knowledge of what happened- if there was no bribery attempt- they could testify as to their first hand knowledge that there was no bribery attempt.

If the President wasn't demanding an investigation into Biden's in exchange for arms or for a visit in the White House- these people could make that absolutely clear- easily.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?

The witness today defended Trump and was clear she had no knowledge of any criminality.

Stewart: Do you have any information regarding the president of the United States accepting any bribes?

Yovanovitch: No.

Stewart: Do you any have information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the United States has been involved with at all?

Yovanovitch: No.

I don't think that Yovanovitch either defended or attacked Trump.

Why don't you think that the GOP want Pompeo or Mulvaney to testify?
probably for the same reason the democrats don't want Hunter Biden or papa Joe to testify.
So far all Republicans have done is try to smear the witnesses before the House. The witnesses the Republicans want to call have no knowledge of Trump's activities in Ukraine.

Why don't the Republicans call Pompeo?

Why don't the Republicans call Giuliani?

Why don't the Republicans call Pence?

Why don't the Republicans call Mulvaney?

These are all people with first hand knowledge of what happened- if there was no bribery attempt- they could testify as to their first hand knowledge that there was no bribery attempt.

If the President wasn't demanding an investigation into Biden's in exchange for arms or for a visit in the White House- these people could make that absolutely clear- easily.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?

Trump has to prove he's not guilty? Shouldn't the burden of proof be on the prosecution?
Trump, himself, has said he wants to allow the Republicans to defend him. Trump wants whistleblower to testify why not Mulvaney, Pompeo etc.
Why can't Republicans call the witnesses they want? That's how due process works, you fucking dumbass.
The only person that the Republicans have not been allowed to call is the whistleblower. The reason is for their personal safety. When the whistleblower came forward, Republicans said what he said was worthless because it was all second hand information, The witnesses coming forward are those who had told him what happened. They are individuals who have first hand knowledge. Plus the impeachment inquiry does not require due process. The impeachment trial would require due process if he is impeached.
Any Trump supporter calling anyone a dumbass is laughable. Trump supporters have redefined dumbass. They are the biggest dumbasses in the world.
Trump would not be elected if it were not for too many very stupid people.
So far all Republicans have done is try to smear the witnesses before the House. The witnesses the Republicans want to call have no knowledge of Trump's activities in Ukraine.

Why don't the Republicans call Pompeo?

Why don't the Republicans call Giuliani?

Why don't the Republicans call Pence?

Why don't the Republicans call Mulvaney?

These are all people with first hand knowledge of what happened- if there was no bribery attempt- they could testify as to their first hand knowledge that there was no bribery attempt.

If the President wasn't demanding an investigation into Biden's in exchange for arms or for a visit in the White House- these people could make that absolutely clear- easily.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?

The witness today defended Trump and was clear she had no knowledge of any criminality.

Stewart: Do you have any information regarding the president of the United States accepting any bribes?

Yovanovitch: No.

Stewart: Do you any have information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the United States has been involved with at all?

Yovanovitch: No.

I don't think that Yovanovitch either defended or attacked Trump.

Why don't you think that the GOP want Pompeo or Mulvaney to testify?

Why don't you think Schiff-for-Brains wants the whistleblower to testify?

Is it illegal for Pompeo to be called to testify?

It is illegal to call the whistleblower.

Here’s How The Law Protects The Ukraine Whistleblower

Under the law, the intelligence community inspector general is not allowed to disclose the identity of the whistleblower, except if it’s unavoidable. The whistleblower was revealed to be a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer, and CIA employees are protected by a 2014 amendment.
So far all Republicans have done is try to smear the witnesses before the House. The witnesses the Republicans want to call have no knowledge of Trump's activities in Ukraine.

Why don't the Republicans call Pompeo?

Why don't the Republicans call Giuliani?

Why don't the Republicans call Pence?

Why don't the Republicans call Mulvaney?

These are all people with first hand knowledge of what happened- if there was no bribery attempt- they could testify as to their first hand knowledge that there was no bribery attempt.

If the President wasn't demanding an investigation into Biden's in exchange for arms or for a visit in the White House- these people could make that absolutely clear- easily.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?

The witness today defended Trump and was clear she had no knowledge of any criminality.

Stewart: Do you have any information regarding the president of the United States accepting any bribes?

Yovanovitch: No.

Stewart: Do you any have information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the United States has been involved with at all?

Yovanovitch: No.

I don't think that Yovanovitch either defended or attacked Trump.

Why don't you think that the GOP want Pompeo or Mulvaney to testify?
probably for the same reason the democrats don't want Hunter Biden or papa Joe to testify.
I say screw it and bring them all in including Trump.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?
I suppose they don't want to expose them to the risk of perjury charges...
If you tell the truth there can be no perjury. All of the current individuals testifying are just as susceptible to perjury as anyone. They are not concerned because they tell the truth.

The current individuals did tell the truth. They are aware of no criminality. Why go any further than that? If the Dems have a witness claiming criminal behavior, let's see it.
There is definitely potential criminality on Trump's part, intimidation of a witness, abuse of power to name two. But impeachment does not require any criminality. I would like to quote Lindsay Graham's interpretation of impeachment.
"Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”

Trump can't sneeze without you turds calling it an impeachable offense.
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So far all Republicans have done is try to smear the witnesses before the House. The witnesses the Republicans want to call have no knowledge of Trump's activities in Ukraine.

Why don't the Republicans call Pompeo?

Why don't the Republicans call Giuliani?

Why don't the Republicans call Pence?

Why don't the Republicans call Mulvaney?

These are all people with first hand knowledge of what happened- if there was no bribery attempt- they could testify as to their first hand knowledge that there was no bribery attempt.

If the President wasn't demanding an investigation into Biden's in exchange for arms or for a visit in the White House- these people could make that absolutely clear- easily.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?

The witness today defended Trump and was clear she had no knowledge of any criminality.

Stewart: Do you have any information regarding the president of the United States accepting any bribes?

Yovanovitch: No.

Stewart: Do you any have information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the United States has been involved with at all?

Yovanovitch: No.

I don't think that Yovanovitch either defended or attacked Trump.

Why don't you think that the GOP want Pompeo or Mulvaney to testify?
probably for the same reason the democrats don't want Hunter Biden or papa Joe to testify.

So you think that Nick Mulvaney doesn't know anything about Trump withholding funds from Ukraine?
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?
I suppose they don't want to expose them to the risk of perjury charges...
If you tell the truth there can be no perjury. All of the current individuals testifying are just as susceptible to perjury as anyone. They are not concerned because they tell the truth.

The current individuals did tell the truth. They are aware of no criminality. Why go any further than that? If the Dems have a witness claiming criminal behavior, let's see it.
You do realize that the witnesses are not the ones who determine whether there was any crime- right?
So far all Republicans have done is try to smear the witnesses before the House. The witnesses the Republicans want to call have no knowledge of Trump's activities in Ukraine.

Why don't the Republicans call Pompeo?

Why don't the Republicans call Giuliani?

Why don't the Republicans call Pence?

Why don't the Republicans call Mulvaney?

These are all people with first hand knowledge of what happened- if there was no bribery attempt- they could testify as to their first hand knowledge that there was no bribery attempt.

If the President wasn't demanding an investigation into Biden's in exchange for arms or for a visit in the White House- these people could make that absolutely clear- easily.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?

Trump has to prove he's not guilty? Shouldn't the burden of proof be on the prosecution?
Trump, himself, has said he wants to allow the Republicans to defend him. Trump wants whistleblower to testify why not Mulvaney, Pompeo etc.
Why can't Republicans call the witnesses they want? That's how due process works, you fucking dumbass.

No that is not how the process works.

Why don't the Republicans want Mulvaney and Pompeo to testify?
That's how due process works, moron. I know that's not how the Schiff-for-Brains process works.

Why are you so afraid to let the whistleblower testify?
So far all Republicans have done is try to smear the witnesses before the House. The witnesses the Republicans want to call have no knowledge of Trump's activities in Ukraine.

Why don't the Republicans call Pompeo?

Why don't the Republicans call Giuliani?

Why don't the Republicans call Pence?

Why don't the Republicans call Mulvaney?

These are all people with first hand knowledge of what happened- if there was no bribery attempt- they could testify as to their first hand knowledge that there was no bribery attempt.

If the President wasn't demanding an investigation into Biden's in exchange for arms or for a visit in the White House- these people could make that absolutely clear- easily.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?
Zelensky already made a statement that exonerates Trump.

Trump released the transcript that exonerates him.

Trump already has the facts.

Democrats have people feeling like Trump did something wrong. You can't defend against feelings with facts.
So.....I just got ...dismayed by the usual dreck in a thread here at USMB.....and decided to look at the statistics
out of 110 responses
not responsive 58
Just insults 13
Slightly responsive 19
responseive 20
Just threats 1

So 58 out of 110- roughly 50% had nothing to do with the question in my thread.
13- about 10% were nothing but an insult
19 were slightly responsive- on topic somewhat but just somewhat
20 were actual responses.
1 was just a threat

Some like Brip- who can't post without insulting anyone- I gave credit for being somewhat responsive and didn't include as just insults.
Others like Bear- well Bear just is trolling. Almost all- maybe all- of his posts are not responsive.

And I think this is on par with USMB. Mostly just people talking shit, and you are lucky if there are even 10-20% of the posts who have anything to do with the thread.
I counted about 75 posts spanking your ass.

LOL- 75 posts of people like you spanking your monkey.
All the relevant facts are known. No more witnesses are necessary.

And of course, there is no there there. No crime. No bribery, fraud, extortion, QPQ...any of it. It's all bullshit.

No, wait! Trump fired an ambassador he didn't like. The NERVE!!!!!

You certainly seem determined that Americans don't hear the remainder of the witnesses......

Meanwhile- back on topic- why in their witness list do you think the
Republicans are not calling Giuliani?
Because he's the President's lawyer, moron. He isn't legally allowed to testify.
So far all Republicans have done is try to smear the witnesses before the House. The witnesses the Republicans want to call have no knowledge of Trump's activities in Ukraine.

Why don't the Republicans call Pompeo?

Why don't the Republicans call Giuliani?

Why don't the Republicans call Pence?

Why don't the Republicans call Mulvaney?

These are all people with first hand knowledge of what happened- if there was no bribery attempt- they could testify as to their first hand knowledge that there was no bribery attempt.

If the President wasn't demanding an investigation into Biden's in exchange for arms or for a visit in the White House- these people could make that absolutely clear- easily.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?

The witness today defended Trump and was clear she had no knowledge of any criminality.

Stewart: Do you have any information regarding the president of the United States accepting any bribes?

Yovanovitch: No.

Stewart: Do you any have information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the United States has been involved with at all?

Yovanovitch: No.

I don't think that Yovanovitch either defended or attacked Trump.

Why don't you think that the GOP want Pompeo or Mulvaney to testify?
probably for the same reason the democrats don't want Hunter Biden or papa Joe to testify.
I say screw it and bring them all in including Trump.
Same here.

The Bidens were pedaling influence to the tune of 50000 A month. That is as important to the overall story as Trump's reaction to it.

It seems silly to me to focus on whether there was quid pro quo with Trump when Biden actually bragged about it.
So far all Republicans have done is try to smear the witnesses before the House. The witnesses the Republicans want to call have no knowledge of Trump's activities in Ukraine.

Why don't the Republicans call Pompeo?

Why don't the Republicans call Giuliani?

Why don't the Republicans call Pence?

Why don't the Republicans call Mulvaney?

These are all people with first hand knowledge of what happened- if there was no bribery attempt- they could testify as to their first hand knowledge that there was no bribery attempt.

If the President wasn't demanding an investigation into Biden's in exchange for arms or for a visit in the White House- these people could make that absolutely clear- easily.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?

The witness today defended Trump and was clear she had no knowledge of any criminality.

Stewart: Do you have any information regarding the president of the United States accepting any bribes?

Yovanovitch: No.

Stewart: Do you any have information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the United States has been involved with at all?

Yovanovitch: No.

I don't think that Yovanovitch either defended or attacked Trump.

Why don't you think that the GOP want Pompeo or Mulvaney to testify?
probably for the same reason the democrats don't want Hunter Biden or papa Joe to testify.

So you think that Nick Mulvaney doesn't know anything about Trump withholding funds from Ukraine?
What difference does it make? He's not going to testify until the SC rules that he has to.
So far all Republicans have done is try to smear the witnesses before the House. The witnesses the Republicans want to call have no knowledge of Trump's activities in Ukraine.

Why don't the Republicans call Pompeo?

Why don't the Republicans call Giuliani?

Why don't the Republicans call Pence?

Why don't the Republicans call Mulvaney?

These are all people with first hand knowledge of what happened- if there was no bribery attempt- they could testify as to their first hand knowledge that there was no bribery attempt.

If the President wasn't demanding an investigation into Biden's in exchange for arms or for a visit in the White House- these people could make that absolutely clear- easily.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?

The witness today defended Trump and was clear she had no knowledge of any criminality.

Stewart: Do you have any information regarding the president of the United States accepting any bribes?

Yovanovitch: No.

Stewart: Do you any have information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the United States has been involved with at all?

Yovanovitch: No.

I don't think that Yovanovitch either defended or attacked Trump.

Why don't you think that the GOP want Pompeo or Mulvaney to testify?
probably for the same reason the democrats don't want Hunter Biden or papa Joe to testify.
I say screw it and bring them all in including Trump.
Of course you do. That's why we call you a moron.
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So far all Republicans have done is try to smear the witnesses before the House. The witnesses the Republicans want to call have no knowledge of Trump's activities in Ukraine.

Why don't the Republicans call Pompeo?

Why don't the Republicans call Giuliani?

Why don't the Republicans call Pence?

Why don't the Republicans call Mulvaney?

These are all people with first hand knowledge of what happened- if there was no bribery attempt- they could testify as to their first hand knowledge that there was no bribery attempt.

If the President wasn't demanding an investigation into Biden's in exchange for arms or for a visit in the White House- these people could make that absolutely clear- easily.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?

The witness today defended Trump and was clear she had no knowledge of any criminality.

Stewart: Do you have any information regarding the president of the United States accepting any bribes?

Yovanovitch: No.

Stewart: Do you any have information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the United States has been involved with at all?

Yovanovitch: No.

I don't think that Yovanovitch either defended or attacked Trump.

Why don't you think that the GOP want Pompeo or Mulvaney to testify?
probably for the same reason the democrats don't want Hunter Biden or papa Joe to testify.

Well if the dipshits vote to impeach they will get exactly that and much much more in the senate. Meanwhile the republican party will be racking up the seats in the 2020 election and winning winning winning. Oh yeah, bring it bitches! Let's play hard ball!
So far all Republicans have done is try to smear the witnesses before the House. The witnesses the Republicans want to call have no knowledge of Trump's activities in Ukraine.

Why don't the Republicans call Pompeo?

Why don't the Republicans call Giuliani?

Why don't the Republicans call Pence?

Why don't the Republicans call Mulvaney?

These are all people with first hand knowledge of what happened- if there was no bribery attempt- they could testify as to their first hand knowledge that there was no bribery attempt.

If the President wasn't demanding an investigation into Biden's in exchange for arms or for a visit in the White House- these people could make that absolutely clear- easily.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?

Trump has to prove he's not guilty? Shouldn't the burden of proof be on the prosecution?
Trump, himself, has said he wants to allow the Republicans to defend him. Trump wants whistleblower to testify why not Mulvaney, Pompeo etc.
Why can't Republicans call the witnesses they want? That's how due process works, you fucking dumbass.
The only person that the Republicans have not been allowed to call is the whistleblower. The reason is for their personal safety. When the whistleblower came forward, Republicans said what he said was worthless because it was all second hand information, The witnesses coming forward are those who had told him what happened. They are individuals who have first hand knowledge. Plus the impeachment inquiry does not require due process. The impeachment trial would require due process if he is impeached.
Any Trump supporter calling anyone a dumbass is laughable. Trump supporters have redefined dumbass. They are the biggest dumbasses in the world.
Trump would not be elected if it were not for too many very stupid people.
Too much stupidity and lies to bother with.

However, thanks for admitting that this process in no way resembles due process.
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Why would you need to call anyone?

This is a kangaroo court where the libtards already convicted him 3 years ago.


This kangaroo court will kick this unfit inept POTUS out of the office to jail.

His buddy Stone just convicted of all counts facing 20 years.

So better get ready.
So far all Republicans have done is try to smear the witnesses before the House. The witnesses the Republicans want to call have no knowledge of Trump's activities in Ukraine.

Why don't the Republicans call Pompeo?

Why don't the Republicans call Giuliani?

Why don't the Republicans call Pence?

Why don't the Republicans call Mulvaney?

These are all people with first hand knowledge of what happened- if there was no bribery attempt- they could testify as to their first hand knowledge that there was no bribery attempt.

If the President wasn't demanding an investigation into Biden's in exchange for arms or for a visit in the White House- these people could make that absolutely clear- easily.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?
Why would Trump need a defense?
So far all Republicans have done is try to smear the witnesses before the House. The witnesses the Republicans want to call have no knowledge of Trump's activities in Ukraine.

Why don't the Republicans call Pompeo?

Why don't the Republicans call Giuliani?

Why don't the Republicans call Pence?

Why don't the Republicans call Mulvaney?

These are all people with first hand knowledge of what happened- if there was no bribery attempt- they could testify as to their first hand knowledge that there was no bribery attempt.

If the President wasn't demanding an investigation into Biden's in exchange for arms or for a visit in the White House- these people could make that absolutely clear- easily.
Why don't Republicans want to mount a defense with witnesses who can refute those who say there was a quid pro quo for Trump's personal benefit?

Trump has to prove he's not guilty? Shouldn't the burden of proof be on the prosecution?
Trump, himself, has said he wants to allow the Republicans to defend him. Trump wants whistleblower to testify why not Mulvaney, Pompeo etc.
Why can't Republicans call the witnesses they want? That's how due process works, you fucking dumbass.
The only person that the Republicans have not been allowed to call is the whistleblower. The reason is for their personal safety. When the whistleblower came forward, Republicans said what he said was worthless because it was all second hand information, The witnesses coming forward are those who had told him what happened. They are individuals who have first hand knowledge. Plus the impeachment inquiry does not require due process. The impeachment trial would require due process if he is impeached.
Any Trump supporter calling anyone a dumbass is laughable. Trump supporters have redefined dumbass. They are the biggest dumbasses in the world.
Trump would not be elected if it were not for too many very stupid people.

You're making Trump into a legend

Keep it up

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