Why be a liberal?

What did the middle eastern christians do to them, to be beheaded, burned alive, and have their churches turned to ash?

Did they bomb them?
Can you give me specific examples of what you are talking about?

Is This the End of Christianity in the Middle East?

If you really don't know what I speak of. You are either playing a shell game, which I wont play with you.

Or you simply don't pay attention.

This is on a scale of mass genocide, in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Egypt.

So again, what did these christians do to muslims. Based on your original comment, they must have bombed them right?
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Cults spread hate and fear. Religions spread love and joy. There is your difference. :) You're welcome!

I see. So when some Christian fundamentalists preach hate and fear then Christianity is a cult. Right?


Wrong? Islam is a religion, it's accepted as one in this country and mosques all across this country enjoy tax exempt status. All you have is your worthless opinion.

Well, I also have Richard Hobbs.

Why Islam is a Cult

Why is his opinion any more important than yours? It's not.

It's not, but it IS more important than yours. :2up: Absolutely!
And here are some of the reasons Professor Hobbs gives as to why Islam is a cult.

The double standard principle is a key part of Islam, and it has been a great advantage in the spread of Islam (and the suppression of competing religions or ideologies). Muslims demand concessions and accommodations but they refuse any reciprocity. They demand respect but show no respect to non-Muslims. Their arrogant intolerance stands them against the rest of the world.

It is forbidden to kill a Muslim (except for a just cause). It is not forbidden to kill an infidel. This causes a bond between Muslims, fear in non-Muslims, and motivation to become Muslim.

6. The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.

Islam is dualistic: humanity is divided into believers (that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the prophet of Allah) and kafirs (all non-Muslims or unbelievers). A kafir is hated, ignorant, evil, a liar, disgraced, unclean, cursed, a partner of Satan, and can be beheaded, enslaved, raped, mocked, confused, terrorized, deceived, annihilated, robbed, killed, crucified, plotted against, made war on and humiliated, and a Muslim cannot be his friend. [Each of these is from Islamic texts.]

Islam divides the world, which belongs to Allah, into the Dar al-Islam (land of submission) and the Dar al-Harb (land of war). That is that Islamic lands are good and the rest of the world should be subjugated. It is the duty of the faithful to gain control of any parts of the world that are not following Islamic law and establish sharia. It is a sin to let it be.

Islam must always be defended. This idea is a primary linchpin that gives justification for war with almost anybody. After the enemy is defeated, of course, Muslims are required to establish an Islamic state. Islamic writings teach the use of pretext to start wars. The use of pretext tends to make the West defenseless against the Islamic invasion now underway. Muslim terrorists are not naïve people. They are smart, educated, well-funded, and being used by a very clever ideology.

7. The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations).

Muhammad was supposedly the perfect man, answerable only to Allah if anyone, but Allah seems to be an invention of Muhammad or whoever invented Muhammad. There is no central authority in Islam. Thus various imams, mullahs, ayatollahs, sheikhs, and other leaders often add their own interpretations to theocratic and political questions. Al Azhar University in Cairo is regarded as a top center of Sunni Islam and the supreme leader or ayatollah in Iran tries to represent Shiites, but there are still other groups: Alawites, Ismailis, Sufis, Druze, Deobandis, etc.

8. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members' participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).

Islam has explicit double standards: one standard for Muslims and a different standard for non-Muslims, which always gives the advantage to Muslims and within a Muslim country, it provides incentives to convert. There is no right and wrong in Islam; there is NO GOLDEN RULE IN ISLAM. What advances Islam is good; what impedes the advance of Islam is bad. Islam must be free to spread around the world, but other religions cannot try to spread their religion.

The Qur'an counsels the use of deceit when dealing with infidels. According to one of the hadiths, Muhammad instructed one of his followers to lie if he had to. The principle was clear: If it helps Islam, it's okay to deceive non-Muslims. This is taqiyya. It has been used historically and is still used: Islamic leaders saying one thing in English for the Western press, and saying something entirely different in Arabic for their Muslim audience.

The Qur'an says, "War is deceit" and since Islam is at war with the non-Islamic world until the whole world follows sharia, all non-Muslims living in non-Islamic states are enemies. So deceiving Westerners is totally acceptable. It is encouraged if it can forward the goal of the spread of Islam.

One of the most embarrassing events of Islamic history, or mythology, is when Muhammad had up to 900 Jews of the Banu Qurayzah tribe in Medina beheaded before their wives and children for refusing to convert to Islam after the Battle of the Ditch. Beheading has been a hallmark of Islam as well as rape, torture, dismemberment, and castration. Professionals who have studied this behavior state that Islamist mutilation is a ritualistic crime, a deliberate desecration of the enemy, to alleviate shame and restore honor. For Islamists, honor is the male characteristic of courage and bravery while dishonor is a female characteristic signified by weakness and submissiveness. Shame comes from hypersensitivity to real or perceived humiliation. Thus compassion symbolizes weakness while brutality and violence symbolize strength and are viewed as heroic. Islamists can therefore commit crimes which otherwise would be considered atrocities by civilized nations and still be hailed as heroes by Islamists all over the world.

Giving money to charities which have later been shown in courts to be supporters of Hamas and HezbAllah has been widespread in the US Muslim community. Hamas was created in 1987 by the International Muslim Brotherhood and it ordered the Brotherhood chapters around the world to establish Palestine Committees. The trial of the Holy Land Foundation revealed that CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) had been created as part of the US Palestine Committee and CAIR and its founder Omar Awad were named as unindicted co-conspirators.
I see. So when some Christian fundamentalists preach hate and fear then Christianity is a cult. Right?


Wrong? Islam is a religion, it's accepted as one in this country and mosques all across this country enjoy tax exempt status. All you have is your worthless opinion.

Well, I also have Richard Hobbs.

Why Islam is a Cult

Why is his opinion any more important than yours? It's not.

It's not, but it IS more important than yours. :2up: Absolutely!

I never said my opinion matters. As a legal matter Islam is as much a religion as Christianity. That's the fact.

Wrong? Islam is a religion, it's accepted as one in this country and mosques all across this country enjoy tax exempt status. All you have is your worthless opinion.

Well, I also have Richard Hobbs.

Why Islam is a Cult

Why is his opinion any more important than yours? It's not.

It's not, but it IS more important than yours. :2up: Absolutely!

I never said my opinion matters. As a legal matter Islam is as much a religion as Christianity. That's the fact.

Well, many MANY people would disagree with you, and the examples of cult-like behaviors are given in my post above.
Wrong? Islam is a religion, it's accepted as one in this country and mosques all across this country enjoy tax exempt status. All you have is your worthless opinion.

Well, I also have Richard Hobbs.

Why Islam is a Cult

Why is his opinion any more important than yours? It's not.

It's not, but it IS more important than yours. :2up: Absolutely!

I never said my opinion matters. As a legal matter Islam is as much a religion as Christianity. That's the fact.

Well, many MANY people would disagree with you, and the examples of cult-like behaviors are given in my post above.

What religion doesn't have members that behave like cults? For me anyone who believes in space gods without any evidence is behaving like they are in a cult, blackmailed into dogooderness on the promise of ever lasting life.

However, we have a Constitution that doesn't allow us to choose how we treat different religions. I guess you have to be an American to understand.
Well, I also have Richard Hobbs.

Why Islam is a Cult

Why is his opinion any more important than yours? It's not.

It's not, but it IS more important than yours. :2up: Absolutely!

I never said my opinion matters. As a legal matter Islam is as much a religion as Christianity. That's the fact.

Well, many MANY people would disagree with you, and the examples of cult-like behaviors are given in my post above.

What religion doesn't have members that behave like cults? For me anyone who believes in space gods without any evidence is behaving like they are in a cult, blackmailed into dogooderness on the promise of ever lasting life.

However, we have a Constitution that doesn't allow us to choose how we treat different religions. I guess you have to be an American to understand.

Yes we can CHOOSE how we treat different religions. The choice is mine to make.
Why is his opinion any more important than yours? It's not.

It's not, but it IS more important than yours. :2up: Absolutely!

I never said my opinion matters. As a legal matter Islam is as much a religion as Christianity. That's the fact.

Well, many MANY people would disagree with you, and the examples of cult-like behaviors are given in my post above.

What religion doesn't have members that behave like cults? For me anyone who believes in space gods without any evidence is behaving like they are in a cult, blackmailed into dogooderness on the promise of ever lasting life.

However, we have a Constitution that doesn't allow us to choose how we treat different religions. I guess you have to be an American to understand.

Yes we can CHOOSE how we treat different religions. The choice is mine to make.

And how would you treat them differently?

EDIT: And though I thought it was clear, when I say 'us' I'm referring to the laws of the United States, comrade.
It's not, but it IS more important than yours. :2up: Absolutely!

I never said my opinion matters. As a legal matter Islam is as much a religion as Christianity. That's the fact.

Well, many MANY people would disagree with you, and the examples of cult-like behaviors are given in my post above.

What religion doesn't have members that behave like cults? For me anyone who believes in space gods without any evidence is behaving like they are in a cult, blackmailed into dogooderness on the promise of ever lasting life.

However, we have a Constitution that doesn't allow us to choose how we treat different religions. I guess you have to be an American to understand.

Yes we can CHOOSE how we treat different religions. The choice is mine to make.

And how would you treat them differently?

EDIT: And though I thought it was clear, when I say 'us' I'm referring to the laws of the United States, comrade.

I was born, raised and live in the US, and I don't like the Muslim cult. So now what are you going to do about it? Call me names? Lol! Ooooo. You are a tough guy, aren't you?
I never said my opinion matters. As a legal matter Islam is as much a religion as Christianity. That's the fact.

Well, many MANY people would disagree with you, and the examples of cult-like behaviors are given in my post above.

What religion doesn't have members that behave like cults? For me anyone who believes in space gods without any evidence is behaving like they are in a cult, blackmailed into dogooderness on the promise of ever lasting life.

However, we have a Constitution that doesn't allow us to choose how we treat different religions. I guess you have to be an American to understand.

Yes we can CHOOSE how we treat different religions. The choice is mine to make.

And how would you treat them differently?

EDIT: And though I thought it was clear, when I say 'us' I'm referring to the laws of the United States, comrade.

I was born, raised and live in the US, and I don't like the Muslim cult. So now what are you going to do about it? Call me names? Lol! Ooooo. You are a tough guy, aren't you?

No reason to get your fee fees bent out of shape over me calling you comrade.

Anyway, I think it's clear that we've established that you treating Muslims differently than other religious people is practically meaningless and it still stands that Islam is a valid religion in the United States we can move on from the meaningless debate of what you consider a cult.
I treat Islam any differently than all the other utter BS called religion. Save it, Mac.

And here the Christians are the problem - not the Muslims. Not enough of them to field a baseball game.

One year ago forty-nine people were murdered and fifty-three injured. Did it take enough of radical Islamic Terrorists to field a baseball game? How about San Bernardino in December? Fort Lauderdale in January?
Well, many MANY people would disagree with you, and the examples of cult-like behaviors are given in my post above.

What religion doesn't have members that behave like cults? For me anyone who believes in space gods without any evidence is behaving like they are in a cult, blackmailed into dogooderness on the promise of ever lasting life.

However, we have a Constitution that doesn't allow us to choose how we treat different religions. I guess you have to be an American to understand.

Yes we can CHOOSE how we treat different religions. The choice is mine to make.

And how would you treat them differently?

EDIT: And though I thought it was clear, when I say 'us' I'm referring to the laws of the United States, comrade.

I was born, raised and live in the US, and I don't like the Muslim cult. So now what are you going to do about it? Call me names? Lol! Ooooo. You are a tough guy, aren't you?

No reason to get your fee fees bent out of shape over me calling you comrade.

Anyway, I think it's clear that we've established that you treating Muslims differently than other religious people is practically meaningless and it still stands that Islam is a valid religion in the United States we can move on from the meaningless debate of what you consider a cult.

The tides are turning as intelligent people wake up to the realities of Islam.
Definitely a cult. The amount of people who follow the cult is irrelevant.

You have your own dictionary, don't you?

  • a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing:"a cult of personality surrounding the leaders"synonyms: obsession with · fixation on · mania for · passion for · idolization of · devotion to · worship of · veneration of
  • a person or thing that is popular or fashionable, especially among a particular section of society: "a cult film"
Definitely a cult. The amount of people who follow the cult is irrelevant.

Every religion is a cult. They are still religions.

Cults spread hate and fear. Religions spread love and joy. There is your difference. :) You're welcome!

I see. So when some Christian fundamentalists preach hate and fear then Christianity is a cult. Right?


Wrong? Islam is a religion, it's accepted as one in this country and mosques all across this country enjoy tax exempt status. All you have is your worthless opinion.

Yeah! Tax free terror recruitment!

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