Why be a liberal?

Your inability to understand that Christian nations, there are some, do not ban themselves from saying they are Christian nations but secular nations do and we are - a secular nation.
You do not understand the difference between laws and culture. You think they are one and the same but the dictionary says otherwise. As I pointed out earlier there are MANY Christian references on historical public buildings. A secular nation would have no such thing. You know a lot that isn't true.
Now you are just going for semantics. If the Founders had wanted a Christian Nation, they wouldn't have written a secular (godless) Constitution.

Christianity has no more standing here than - any other religion.
The Founders KNEW they had a Christian nation...so, there was no need to want one. Silly.

The Constitution they developed and implemented merely prevented ANY religion from being forced on the people.
Which includes - Christianity. TY.
Of course. Are you slow or being purposely stupid?

I'm being declarative.
A nation of Christians. The US is a secular state. Sorry if that bothers you.

You can move to Greece? That is, written right down in their Constitution (unlike us), a Christian nation.
Wrong. We have secular laws to protect all the people but secular laws don't make us a secular state. Lots of Christian references in the states and DC in official buildings prove it. Sorry. How many kids did you brainwash?

A Christian nation that bans itself from declaring it's a Christian nation? Care to try again?
That makes no sense. You clearly are retarded.
Your inability to understand that Christian nations, there are some, do not ban themselves from saying they are Christian nations but secular nations do and we are - a secular nation.
And since when did this so called secularsm take hold in this nation completely, and so much so that it trumped our original majority in which were Christian in heart, mind, body, and in soul ?? Not perfect mind you, but yes believing in Jesus Christ as the Lord our God whom has set us free, and for whom has given us grace and mercy abundantly in order to fuel our survival in this world has been what most have believed here from day one..... Of course we must continue to accept him as our Lord and saviour in order to hopefully someday come into his presence redeemed, and this in order to be cleaned of our past as we enter into the next stages of our eternal lives, and as eternal beings. The devil wants a seat at the table, but it has been written. It is why we see the devil trying to gain big in these latter days, and to attempt to gain all that he can gain before his time has come to pass. Sadly his (Satan's) use of the very things in which we have been freely given by our Lord, are being used against us as he (Satan) twist everything he possibly can into a pretzel. The evidence of our early days here in America, and by which we had arrived here from over the pond, and the wars we have fought, the successes we have had, the history we have written down, the carvings we have made in stone are of course evidence of a Christian led nation in which had been formed here by us so many years ago. Now the fall from Grace we have been experiencing over the years now, has since tested our ability to hold on to the title, but the majority I feel still identify as Christin here, even though there has been a huge falling away due to the ramped up pace in which those who label themselves as secularist have taken in these latter days. It is a spiritual war that is taking place now just as it has always been since the beginning of time, and you are yet another who is trying to win the hearts and souls of this nation over to your ways of thinking or acting, but you won't succeed as the evidence is to strong, and to the contrary of that success, even though you playing with those numbers might suggest otherwise. Do you realize that securalism has been allowed to live here in and amongst us, and not the opposite ?? There is a tolerance held by the Christian's in which allows those who are upon the fence to then see the two sides for what they are. It is being done in hopes to win the lost back over to the Lord once the lost have the evidence that tells them that what they thought was right was of course destroying them in their minds, bodies, and soul's. Many have returned to God after they experienced the confused paths in which they had been led astray upon, and thank God for their return..... Just my take on things, but you have your freedoms to think otherwise if you want to, and so do we.

The Christians do not tolerate the secular liberals, the secular liberals tolerate the Christians.
Wrong. We have secular laws to protect all the people but secular laws don't make us a secular state. Lots of Christian references in the states and DC in official buildings prove it. Sorry. How many kids did you brainwash?

A Christian nation that bans itself from declaring it's a Christian nation? Care to try again?
That makes no sense. You clearly are retarded.
Your inability to understand that Christian nations, there are some, do not ban themselves from saying they are Christian nations but secular nations do and we are - a secular nation.
And since when did this so called secularsm take hold in this nation completely, and so much so that it trumped our original majority in which were Christian in heart, mind, body, and in soul ?? Not perfect mind you, but yes believing in Jesus Christ as the Lord our God whom has set us free, and for whom has given us grace and mercy abundantly in order to fuel our survival in this world has been what most have believed here from day one..... Of course we must continue to accept him as our Lord and saviour in order to hopefully someday come into his presence redeemed, and this in order to be cleaned of our past as we enter into the next stages of our eternal lives, and as eternal beings. The devil wants a seat at the table, but it has been written. It is why we see the devil trying to gain big in these latter days, and to attempt to gain all that he can gain before his time has come to pass. Sadly his (Satan's) use of the very things in which we have been freely given by our Lord, are being used against us as he (Satan) twist everything he possibly can into a pretzel. The evidence of our early days here in America, and by which we had arrived here from over the pond, and the wars we have fought, the successes we have had, the history we have written down, the carvings we have made in stone are of course evidence of a Christian led nation in which had been formed here by us so many years ago. Now the fall from Grace we have been experiencing over the years now, has since tested our ability to hold on to the title, but the majority I feel still identify as Christin here, even though there has been a huge falling away due to the ramped up pace in which those who label themselves as secularist have taken in these latter days. It is a spiritual war that is taking place now just as it has always been since the beginning of time, and you are yet another who is trying to win the hearts and souls of this nation over to your ways of thinking or acting, but you won't succeed as the evidence is to strong, and to the contrary of that success, even though you playing with those numbers might suggest otherwise. Do you realize that securalism has been allowed to live here in and amongst us, and not the opposite ?? There is a tolerance held by the Christian's in which allows those who are upon the fence to then see the two sides for what they are. It is being done in hopes to win the lost back over to the Lord once the lost have the evidence that tells them that what they thought was right was of course destroying them in their minds, bodies, and soul's. Many have returned to God after they experienced the confused paths in which they had been led astray upon, and thank God for their return..... Just my take on things, but you have your freedoms to think otherwise if you want to, and so do we.

The Christians do not tolerate the secular liberals, the secular liberals tolerate the Christians.
Secular liberals are the most intolerant people in the country.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?

"Why be a Liberal?"
Because you love a government hand-holding and believe you should "live and let live on other people's money" and because you want to associate with this:


And this:


And this:



And this:


And this:


You Loonies should be so proud....hahaha
I am so f*cking tired of lazy and fat right wingers taking our money.

Wrong. We have secular laws to protect all the people but secular laws don't make us a secular state. Lots of Christian references in the states and DC in official buildings prove it. Sorry. How many kids did you brainwash?

A Christian nation that bans itself from declaring it's a Christian nation? Care to try again?
That makes no sense. You clearly are retarded.
Your inability to understand that Christian nations, there are some, do not ban themselves from saying they are Christian nations but secular nations do and we are - a secular nation.
And since when did this so called secularsm take hold in this nation completely, and so much so that it trumped our original majority in which were Christian in heart, mind, body, and in soul ?? Not perfect mind you, but yes believing in Jesus Christ as the Lord our God whom has set us free, and for whom has given us grace and mercy abundantly in order to fuel our survival in this world has been what most have believed here from day one..... Of course we must continue to accept him as our Lord and saviour in order to hopefully someday come into his presence redeemed, and this in order to be cleaned of our past as we enter into the next stages of our eternal lives, and as eternal beings. The devil wants a seat at the table, but it has been written. It is why we see the devil trying to gain big in these latter days, and to attempt to gain all that he can gain before his time has come to pass. Sadly his (Satan's) use of the very things in which we have been freely given by our Lord, are being used against us as he (Satan) twist everything he possibly can into a pretzel. The evidence of our early days here in America, and by which we had arrived here from over the pond, and the wars we have fought, the successes we have had, the history we have written down, the carvings we have made in stone are of course evidence of a Christian led nation in which had been formed here by us so many years ago. Now the fall from Grace we have been experiencing over the years now, has since tested our ability to hold on to the title, but the majority I feel still identify as Christin here, even though there has been a huge falling away due to the ramped up pace in which those who label themselves as secularist have taken in these latter days. It is a spiritual war that is taking place now just as it has always has been since the beginning of time, and you are yet another who is trying to win the hearts and souls of this nation over to your ways of thinking or acting, but you won't succeed as the evidence is to strong, and to the contrary of that success, even though you playing with those numbers might suggest otherwise. Do you realize that securalism has been allowed to live here in and amongst us, and not the opposite ?? There is a tolerance held by the Christian's in which allows those who are upon the fence to then see the two sides for what they are. It is being done in hopes to win the lost back over to the Lord once the lost have the evidence that tells them that what they thought was right was of course destroying them in their minds, bodies, and soul's. Many have returned to God after they experienced the confused paths in which they had been led astray upon, and thank God for their return..... Just my take on things, but you have your freedoms to think otherwise if you want to, and so do we.
Republicans are satanic. They mock the poor and disabled. Such hateful people. They are not traditional Christians.

Pull your own weight and contribute...SIMPLE SHIT!
Your inability to understand that Christian nations, there are some, do not ban themselves from saying they are Christian nations but secular nations do and we are - a secular nation.
You do not understand the difference between laws and culture. You think they are one and the same but the dictionary says otherwise. As I pointed out earlier there are MANY Christian references on historical public buildings. A secular nation would have no such thing. You know a lot that isn't true.
Now you are just going for semantics. If the Founders had wanted a Christian Nation, they wouldn't have written a secular (godless) Constitution.Christianity has no more standing here than - any other religion.
The Founders KNEW they had a Christian nation...so, there was no need to want one. Silly.The Constitution they developed and implemented merely prevented ANY religion from being forced on the people.
Which includes - Christianity. TY.
Of course. Are you slow or being purposely stupid?
. I'd like for him to tell us who has forced Christianity on him. In what form or way did they hold him down or lock him up in a room, to then spoon-feed him Christianity until he said uncle ? ROTFLMBO. You can't make up this bullcrap or make these people up I tell ya... LOL........ Now here we have on the one hand these anti-christians who are attempting to force bad things in every way possible unto the Christian's or onto the Christian way of life here, and here they are crying when it gets pushed back into their faces ??? Good grief..
Wrong. We have secular laws to protect all the people but secular laws don't make us a secular state. Lots of Christian references in the states and DC in official buildings prove it. Sorry. How many kids did you brainwash?

A Christian nation that bans itself from declaring it's a Christian nation? Care to try again?
That makes no sense. You clearly are retarded.
Your inability to understand that Christian nations, there are some, do not ban themselves from saying they are Christian nations but secular nations do and we are - a secular nation.
And since when did this so called secularsm take hold in this nation completely, and so much so that it trumped our original majority in which were Christian in heart, mind, body, and in soul ?? Not perfect mind you, but yes believing in Jesus Christ as the Lord our God whom has set us free, and for whom has given us grace and mercy abundantly in order to fuel our survival in this world has been what most have believed here from day one..... Of course we must continue to accept him as our Lord and saviour in order to hopefully someday come into his presence redeemed, and this in order to be cleaned of our past as we enter into the next stages of our eternal lives, and as eternal beings. The devil wants a seat at the table, but it has been written. It is why we see the devil trying to gain big in these latter days, and to attempt to gain all that he can gain before his time has come to pass. Sadly his (Satan's) use of the very things in which we have been freely given by our Lord, are being used against us as he (Satan) twist everything he possibly can into a pretzel. The evidence of our early days here in America, and by which we had arrived here from over the pond, and the wars we have fought, the successes we have had, the history we have written down, the carvings we have made in stone are of course evidence of a Christian led nation in which had been formed here by us so many years ago. Now the fall from Grace we have been experiencing over the years now, has since tested our ability to hold on to the title, but the majority I feel still identify as Christin here, even though there has been a huge falling away due to the ramped up pace in which those who label themselves as secularist have taken in these latter days. It is a spiritual war that is taking place now just as it has always been since the beginning of time, and you are yet another who is trying to win the hearts and souls of this nation over to your ways of thinking or acting, but you won't succeed as the evidence is to strong, and to the contrary of that success, even though you playing with those numbers might suggest otherwise. Do you realize that securalism has been allowed to live here in and amongst us, and not the opposite ?? There is a tolerance held by the Christian's in which allows those who are upon the fence to then see the two sides for what they are. It is being done in hopes to win the lost back over to the Lord once the lost have the evidence that tells them that what they thought was right was of course destroying them in their minds, bodies, and soul's. Many have returned to God after they experienced the confused paths in which they had been led astray upon, and thank God for their return..... Just my take on things, but you have your freedoms to think otherwise if you want to, and so do we.

The Christians do not tolerate the secular liberals, the secular liberals tolerate the Christians.
What tolerate them long enough to figure out how to destroy them ?
A Christian nation that bans itself from declaring it's a Christian nation? Care to try again?
That makes no sense. You clearly are retarded.
Your inability to understand that Christian nations, there are some, do not ban themselves from saying they are Christian nations but secular nations do and we are - a secular nation.
And since when did this so called secularsm take hold in this nation completely, and so much so that it trumped our original majority in which were Christian in heart, mind, body, and in soul ?? Not perfect mind you, but yes believing in Jesus Christ as the Lord our God whom has set us free, and for whom has given us grace and mercy abundantly in order to fuel our survival in this world has been what most have believed here from day one..... Of course we must continue to accept him as our Lord and saviour in order to hopefully someday come into his presence redeemed, and this in order to be cleaned of our past as we enter into the next stages of our eternal lives, and as eternal beings. The devil wants a seat at the table, but it has been written. It is why we see the devil trying to gain big in these latter days, and to attempt to gain all that he can gain before his time has come to pass. Sadly his (Satan's) use of the very things in which we have been freely given by our Lord, are being used against us as he (Satan) twist everything he possibly can into a pretzel. The evidence of our early days here in America, and by which we had arrived here from over the pond, and the wars we have fought, the successes we have had, the history we have written down, the carvings we have made in stone are of course evidence of a Christian led nation in which had been formed here by us so many years ago. Now the fall from Grace we have been experiencing over the years now, has since tested our ability to hold on to the title, but the majority I feel still identify as Christin here, even though there has been a huge falling away due to the ramped up pace in which those who label themselves as secularist have taken in these latter days. It is a spiritual war that is taking place now just as it has always been since the beginning of time, and you are yet another who is trying to win the hearts and souls of this nation over to your ways of thinking or acting, but you won't succeed as the evidence is to strong, and to the contrary of that success, even though you playing with those numbers might suggest otherwise. Do you realize that securalism has been allowed to live here in and amongst us, and not the opposite ?? There is a tolerance held by the Christian's in which allows those who are upon the fence to then see the two sides for what they are. It is being done in hopes to win the lost back over to the Lord once the lost have the evidence that tells them that what they thought was right was of course destroying them in their minds, bodies, and soul's. Many have returned to God after they experienced the confused paths in which they had been led astray upon, and thank God for their return..... Just my take on things, but you have your freedoms to think otherwise if you want to, and so do we.

The Christians do not tolerate the secular liberals, the secular liberals tolerate the Christians.
Secular liberals are the most intolerant people in the country.
Ah, no. But we don't tolerate you American Taliban types.
A Christian nation that bans itself from declaring it's a Christian nation? Care to try again?
That makes no sense. You clearly are retarded.
Your inability to understand that Christian nations, there are some, do not ban themselves from saying they are Christian nations but secular nations do and we are - a secular nation.
And since when did this so called secularsm take hold in this nation completely, and so much so that it trumped our original majority in which were Christian in heart, mind, body, and in soul ?? Not perfect mind you, but yes believing in Jesus Christ as the Lord our God whom has set us free, and for whom has given us grace and mercy abundantly in order to fuel our survival in this world has been what most have believed here from day one..... Of course we must continue to accept him as our Lord and saviour in order to hopefully someday come into his presence redeemed, and this in order to be cleaned of our past as we enter into the next stages of our eternal lives, and as eternal beings. The devil wants a seat at the table, but it has been written. It is why we see the devil trying to gain big in these latter days, and to attempt to gain all that he can gain before his time has come to pass. Sadly his (Satan's) use of the very things in which we have been freely given by our Lord, are being used against us as he (Satan) twist everything he possibly can into a pretzel. The evidence of our early days here in America, and by which we had arrived here from over the pond, and the wars we have fought, the successes we have had, the history we have written down, the carvings we have made in stone are of course evidence of a Christian led nation in which had been formed here by us so many years ago. Now the fall from Grace we have been experiencing over the years now, has since tested our ability to hold on to the title, but the majority I feel still identify as Christin here, even though there has been a huge falling away due to the ramped up pace in which those who label themselves as secularist have taken in these latter days. It is a spiritual war that is taking place now just as it has always been since the beginning of time, and you are yet another who is trying to win the hearts and souls of this nation over to your ways of thinking or acting, but you won't succeed as the evidence is to strong, and to the contrary of that success, even though you playing with those numbers might suggest otherwise. Do you realize that securalism has been allowed to live here in and amongst us, and not the opposite ?? There is a tolerance held by the Christian's in which allows those who are upon the fence to then see the two sides for what they are. It is being done in hopes to win the lost back over to the Lord once the lost have the evidence that tells them that what they thought was right was of course destroying them in their minds, bodies, and soul's. Many have returned to God after they experienced the confused paths in which they had been led astray upon, and thank God for their return..... Just my take on things, but you have your freedoms to think otherwise if you want to, and so do we.

The Christians do not tolerate the secular liberals, the secular liberals tolerate the Christians.
What tolerate them long enough to figure out how to destroy them ?
They do that all by themselves. They are living in the past.
That makes no sense. You clearly are retarded.
Your inability to understand that Christian nations, there are some, do not ban themselves from saying they are Christian nations but secular nations do and we are - a secular nation.
And since when did this so called secularsm take hold in this nation completely, and so much so that it trumped our original majority in which were Christian in heart, mind, body, and in soul ?? Not perfect mind you, but yes believing in Jesus Christ as the Lord our God whom has set us free, and for whom has given us grace and mercy abundantly in order to fuel our survival in this world has been what most have believed here from day one..... Of course we must continue to accept him as our Lord and saviour in order to hopefully someday come into his presence redeemed, and this in order to be cleaned of our past as we enter into the next stages of our eternal lives, and as eternal beings. The devil wants a seat at the table, but it has been written. It is why we see the devil trying to gain big in these latter days, and to attempt to gain all that he can gain before his time has come to pass. Sadly his (Satan's) use of the very things in which we have been freely given by our Lord, are being used against us as he (Satan) twist everything he possibly can into a pretzel. The evidence of our early days here in America, and by which we had arrived here from over the pond, and the wars we have fought, the successes we have had, the history we have written down, the carvings we have made in stone are of course evidence of a Christian led nation in which had been formed here by us so many years ago. Now the fall from Grace we have been experiencing over the years now, has since tested our ability to hold on to the title, but the majority I feel still identify as Christin here, even though there has been a huge falling away due to the ramped up pace in which those who label themselves as secularist have taken in these latter days. It is a spiritual war that is taking place now just as it has always been since the beginning of time, and you are yet another who is trying to win the hearts and souls of this nation over to your ways of thinking or acting, but you won't succeed as the evidence is to strong, and to the contrary of that success, even though you playing with those numbers might suggest otherwise. Do you realize that securalism has been allowed to live here in and amongst us, and not the opposite ?? There is a tolerance held by the Christian's in which allows those who are upon the fence to then see the two sides for what they are. It is being done in hopes to win the lost back over to the Lord once the lost have the evidence that tells them that what they thought was right was of course destroying them in their minds, bodies, and soul's. Many have returned to God after they experienced the confused paths in which they had been led astray upon, and thank God for their return..... Just my take on things, but you have your freedoms to think otherwise if you want to, and so do we.

The Christians do not tolerate the secular liberals, the secular liberals tolerate the Christians.
What tolerate them long enough to figure out how to destroy them ?
They do that all by themselves. They are living in the past.
. No we do quite well on our own until people like you shoW up. You think you can save someone, but 1st you gotta figure out where the window in that basement is, because you ain't getting out through the front door and you know it.. lol
Your inability to understand that Christian nations, there are some, do not ban themselves from saying they are Christian nations but secular nations do and we are - a secular nation.
And since when did this so called secularsm take hold in this nation completely, and so much so that it trumped our original majority in which were Christian in heart, mind, body, and in soul ?? Not perfect mind you, but yes believing in Jesus Christ as the Lord our God whom has set us free, and for whom has given us grace and mercy abundantly in order to fuel our survival in this world has been what most have believed here from day one..... Of course we must continue to accept him as our Lord and saviour in order to hopefully someday come into his presence redeemed, and this in order to be cleaned of our past as we enter into the next stages of our eternal lives, and as eternal beings. The devil wants a seat at the table, but it has been written. It is why we see the devil trying to gain big in these latter days, and to attempt to gain all that he can gain before his time has come to pass. Sadly his (Satan's) use of the very things in which we have been freely given by our Lord, are being used against us as he (Satan) twist everything he possibly can into a pretzel. The evidence of our early days here in America, and by which we had arrived here from over the pond, and the wars we have fought, the successes we have had, the history we have written down, the carvings we have made in stone are of course evidence of a Christian led nation in which had been formed here by us so many years ago. Now the fall from Grace we have been experiencing over the years now, has since tested our ability to hold on to the title, but the majority I feel still identify as Christin here, even though there has been a huge falling away due to the ramped up pace in which those who label themselves as secularist have taken in these latter days. It is a spiritual war that is taking place now just as it has always been since the beginning of time, and you are yet another who is trying to win the hearts and souls of this nation over to your ways of thinking or acting, but you won't succeed as the evidence is to strong, and to the contrary of that success, even though you playing with those numbers might suggest otherwise. Do you realize that securalism has been allowed to live here in and amongst us, and not the opposite ?? There is a tolerance held by the Christian's in which allows those who are upon the fence to then see the two sides for what they are. It is being done in hopes to win the lost back over to the Lord once the lost have the evidence that tells them that what they thought was right was of course destroying them in their minds, bodies, and soul's. Many have returned to God after they experienced the confused paths in which they had been led astray upon, and thank God for their return..... Just my take on things, but you have your freedoms to think otherwise if you want to, and so do we.

The Christians do not tolerate the secular liberals, the secular liberals tolerate the Christians.
What tolerate them long enough to figure out how to destroy them ?
They do that all by themselves. They are living in the past.
. No we do quite well on our own until people like you shoW up. You think you can save someone, but 1st you gotta figure out where the window in that basement is, because you ain't getting out through the front door and you know it.. lol

This is a liberal nation so we tolerate the very stupid. How very lucky for you.
That makes no sense. You clearly are retarded.
Your inability to understand that Christian nations, there are some, do not ban themselves from saying they are Christian nations but secular nations do and we are - a secular nation.
And since when did this so called secularsm take hold in this nation completely, and so much so that it trumped our original majority in which were Christian in heart, mind, body, and in soul ?? Not perfect mind you, but yes believing in Jesus Christ as the Lord our God whom has set us free, and for whom has given us grace and mercy abundantly in order to fuel our survival in this world has been what most have believed here from day one..... Of course we must continue to accept him as our Lord and saviour in order to hopefully someday come into his presence redeemed, and this in order to be cleaned of our past as we enter into the next stages of our eternal lives, and as eternal beings. The devil wants a seat at the table, but it has been written. It is why we see the devil trying to gain big in these latter days, and to attempt to gain all that he can gain before his time has come to pass. Sadly his (Satan's) use of the very things in which we have been freely given by our Lord, are being used against us as he (Satan) twist everything he possibly can into a pretzel. The evidence of our early days here in America, and by which we had arrived here from over the pond, and the wars we have fought, the successes we have had, the history we have written down, the carvings we have made in stone are of course evidence of a Christian led nation in which had been formed here by us so many years ago. Now the fall from Grace we have been experiencing over the years now, has since tested our ability to hold on to the title, but the majority I feel still identify as Christin here, even though there has been a huge falling away due to the ramped up pace in which those who label themselves as secularist have taken in these latter days. It is a spiritual war that is taking place now just as it has always been since the beginning of time, and you are yet another who is trying to win the hearts and souls of this nation over to your ways of thinking or acting, but you won't succeed as the evidence is to strong, and to the contrary of that success, even though you playing with those numbers might suggest otherwise. Do you realize that securalism has been allowed to live here in and amongst us, and not the opposite ?? There is a tolerance held by the Christian's in which allows those who are upon the fence to then see the two sides for what they are. It is being done in hopes to win the lost back over to the Lord once the lost have the evidence that tells them that what they thought was right was of course destroying them in their minds, bodies, and soul's. Many have returned to God after they experienced the confused paths in which they had been led astray upon, and thank God for their return..... Just my take on things, but you have your freedoms to think otherwise if you want to, and so do we.

The Christians do not tolerate the secular liberals, the secular liberals tolerate the Christians.
Secular liberals are the most intolerant people in the country.
Ah, no. But we don't tolerate you American Taliban types.
You don't tolerate truth. You're just a leftist maggot that owns no original thought.
Your inability to understand that Christian nations, there are some, do not ban themselves from saying they are Christian nations but secular nations do and we are - a secular nation.
And since when did this so called secularsm take hold in this nation completely, and so much so that it trumped our original majority in which were Christian in heart, mind, body, and in soul ?? Not perfect mind you, but yes believing in Jesus Christ as the Lord our God whom has set us free, and for whom has given us grace and mercy abundantly in order to fuel our survival in this world has been what most have believed here from day one..... Of course we must continue to accept him as our Lord and saviour in order to hopefully someday come into his presence redeemed, and this in order to be cleaned of our past as we enter into the next stages of our eternal lives, and as eternal beings. The devil wants a seat at the table, but it has been written. It is why we see the devil trying to gain big in these latter days, and to attempt to gain all that he can gain before his time has come to pass. Sadly his (Satan's) use of the very things in which we have been freely given by our Lord, are being used against us as he (Satan) twist everything he possibly can into a pretzel. The evidence of our early days here in America, and by which we had arrived here from over the pond, and the wars we have fought, the successes we have had, the history we have written down, the carvings we have made in stone are of course evidence of a Christian led nation in which had been formed here by us so many years ago. Now the fall from Grace we have been experiencing over the years now, has since tested our ability to hold on to the title, but the majority I feel still identify as Christin here, even though there has been a huge falling away due to the ramped up pace in which those who label themselves as secularist have taken in these latter days. It is a spiritual war that is taking place now just as it has always been since the beginning of time, and you are yet another who is trying to win the hearts and souls of this nation over to your ways of thinking or acting, but you won't succeed as the evidence is to strong, and to the contrary of that success, even though you playing with those numbers might suggest otherwise. Do you realize that securalism has been allowed to live here in and amongst us, and not the opposite ?? There is a tolerance held by the Christian's in which allows those who are upon the fence to then see the two sides for what they are. It is being done in hopes to win the lost back over to the Lord once the lost have the evidence that tells them that what they thought was right was of course destroying them in their minds, bodies, and soul's. Many have returned to God after they experienced the confused paths in which they had been led astray upon, and thank God for their return..... Just my take on things, but you have your freedoms to think otherwise if you want to, and so do we.

The Christians do not tolerate the secular liberals, the secular liberals tolerate the Christians.
Secular liberals are the most intolerant people in the country.
Ah, no. But we don't tolerate you American Taliban types.
You don't tolerate truth. You're just a leftist maggot that owns no original thought.

I'm a liberal, like the Founders, dummy.
And since when did this so called secularsm take hold in this nation completely, and so much so that it trumped our original majority in which were Christian in heart, mind, body, and in soul ?? Not perfect mind you, but yes believing in Jesus Christ as the Lord our God whom has set us free, and for whom has given us grace and mercy abundantly in order to fuel our survival in this world has been what most have believed here from day one..... Of course we must continue to accept him as our Lord and saviour in order to hopefully someday come into his presence redeemed, and this in order to be cleaned of our past as we enter into the next stages of our eternal lives, and as eternal beings. The devil wants a seat at the table, but it has been written. It is why we see the devil trying to gain big in these latter days, and to attempt to gain all that he can gain before his time has come to pass. Sadly his (Satan's) use of the very things in which we have been freely given by our Lord, are being used against us as he (Satan) twist everything he possibly can into a pretzel. The evidence of our early days here in America, and by which we had arrived here from over the pond, and the wars we have fought, the successes we have had, the history we have written down, the carvings we have made in stone are of course evidence of a Christian led nation in which had been formed here by us so many years ago. Now the fall from Grace we have been experiencing over the years now, has since tested our ability to hold on to the title, but the majority I feel still identify as Christin here, even though there has been a huge falling away due to the ramped up pace in which those who label themselves as secularist have taken in these latter days. It is a spiritual war that is taking place now just as it has always been since the beginning of time, and you are yet another who is trying to win the hearts and souls of this nation over to your ways of thinking or acting, but you won't succeed as the evidence is to strong, and to the contrary of that success, even though you playing with those numbers might suggest otherwise. Do you realize that securalism has been allowed to live here in and amongst us, and not the opposite ?? There is a tolerance held by the Christian's in which allows those who are upon the fence to then see the two sides for what they are. It is being done in hopes to win the lost back over to the Lord once the lost have the evidence that tells them that what they thought was right was of course destroying them in their minds, bodies, and soul's. Many have returned to God after they experienced the confused paths in which they had been led astray upon, and thank God for their return..... Just my take on things, but you have your freedoms to think otherwise if you want to, and so do we.

The Christians do not tolerate the secular liberals, the secular liberals tolerate the Christians.
Secular liberals are the most intolerant people in the country.
Ah, no. But we don't tolerate you American Taliban types.
You don't tolerate truth. You're just a leftist maggot that owns no original thought.

I'm a liberal, like the Founders, dummy.
See parrot reference above.
The Christians do not tolerate the secular liberals, the secular liberals tolerate the Christians.
Secular liberals are the most intolerant people in the country.
Ah, no. But we don't tolerate you American Taliban types.
You don't tolerate truth. You're just a leftist maggot that owns no original thought.

I'm a liberal, like the Founders, dummy.
See parrot reference above.

What a shame (you hating Liberty). Oh well.
Secular liberals are the most intolerant people in the country.
Ah, no. But we don't tolerate you American Taliban types.
You don't tolerate truth. You're just a leftist maggot that owns no original thought.

I'm a liberal, like the Founders, dummy.
See parrot reference above.

What a shame (you hating Liberty). Oh well.
........yawn. You have nothing.
Ah, no. But we don't tolerate you American Taliban types.
You don't tolerate truth. You're just a leftist maggot that owns no original thought.

I'm a liberal, like the Founders, dummy.
See parrot reference above.

What a shame (you hating Liberty). Oh well.
........yawn. You have nothing.

I have a nation full of morons like you, wanting Jesus to rule.
You don't tolerate truth. You're just a leftist maggot that owns no original thought.

I'm a liberal, like the Founders, dummy.
See parrot reference above.

What a shame (you hating Liberty). Oh well.
........yawn. You have nothing.

I have a nation full of morons like you, wanting Jesus to rule.

Got to love that straw man
I consider Islam more of a cult than a religion, TBH, so for me it is no different than a Waco situation except on a much larger scale.
Idiotic. 1.6 billion people isn't a cult. That was Jesus and his 12.

Definitely a cult. The amount of people who follow the cult is irrelevant.

Every religion is a cult. They are still religions.

Cults spread hate and fear. Religions spread love and joy. There is your difference. :) You're welcome!

That's false. A cult is a SMALL group of people who venerate a person or object, often in a sinister and unhealthy way.

Not all religions spread love and joy. Fundamentalist Christian sects often focus on fire and brimstone and the fear of eternal damnation. The Taliban attack women who don't conform to dress codes and bar women from working.

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