Why blacks don't like Ben Carson and don't vote Republican

It's just telling how hypocritical libtools turn on carson, but they's bend over backwards to support a black thug that attacked a cop.
Or how quick you are to defend the cops when a black is exercising his 2nd amendment right. I guess carrying a gun is a white priviledge thang.
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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have been appalled by the OP.

I doubt that.

Show roof.

He would have been appalled by your obsession with skin color and insistence upon black staying on the Racist Democrat Plantation.

No he would not have been.

Show proof.

Show proof that he would have approved of you attacking a conservative black man.

You were asked to show proof first. So you show proof of how MLK would have been upset about me making skin color and issue and why he would support me leaving the democratic party to join a party whose stated policies are not in my best interest. Then you show me how he would have approved of a black man telling other blacks how the racism that exists doesn't and that it's al their fault for the problems we are facing and not the system.

In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the
Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."

I have a dream speech paragraph 4.

It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. And there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

I have a dream speech paragraph 6

There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. *We cannot be satisfied as long as the negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their self-hood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating: "For Whites Only."* We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."¹

I have a dream speech paragraph 12

these words from King escape you. And I can find more in other speeches that have escaped you. Don't tell me about what King would or would not like. You don't know shit about King.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have been appalled by the OP.

I doubt that.

Show roof.

He would have been appalled by your obsession with skin color and insistence upon black staying on the Racist Democrat Plantation.

No he would not have been.

Show proof.

And I'm not denying that white companies purposely don't hire blacks because the hiring managers are racist. It's tough being black. Even though I'm not black I feel for you guys. In a lot of ways I have more empathy for black people than Ben Carson does.

I'm just saying the black community has to do a lot more to clean up the mess, even if white created it. Don't wait for us to do it because we won't. But don't say it's impossible this day and age because it's not. And if they aint fixing up your hood, get out. Maybe with less people looking for jobs the community you left will be better off. You know, less people competing for the same jobs.

And we are seeing white young people moving back to Detroit. Detroit will never work if it's black only. It has to be a place where all people want to live. If whites won't live there why would they open a business there? You feel me?

Don't think arrogant and ignorant Ben Carson is all wrong. He's right about a lot of the things he says about the black community. Even us liberals agree black people need to take on more responsibility for fixing their communities, no matter who's at fault. Get over it.
Carson is someone black people should look up to.. he is one of the most respected doctors in the country!
Guess he should start selling crack, hitting old white people in the face for the LOLZ and abandonhis children. Will that make him likeable?
Carson is someone black people should look up to.. he is one of the most respected doctors in the country!
Guess he should start selling crack, hitting old white people in the face for the LOLZ and abandonhis children. Will that make him likeable?
Is he one of the most respected doctors in the country? I call bullshit. Why is he? He's a former doctor who doesn't practice anymore. Instead he's a politician now. The worst profession one can go into, remember? Oh yea I forgot you guys hate government except for Republican gov. That you worship because it serves your master Capitalism and the rich.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have been appalled by the OP.

I doubt that.

Show roof.

He would have been appalled by your obsession with skin color and insistence upon black staying on the Racist Democrat Plantation.

No he would not have been.

Show proof.

And I'm not denying that white companies purposely don't hire blacks because the hiring managers are racist. It's tough being black. Even though I'm not black I feel for you guys. In a lot of ways I have more empathy for black people than Ben Carson does.

I'm just saying the black community has to do a lot more to clean up the mess, even if white created it. Don't wait for us to do it because we won't. But don't say it's impossible this day and age because it's not. And if they aint fixing up your hood, get out. Maybe with less people looking for jobs the community you left will be better off. You know, less people competing for the same jobs.

And we are seeing white young people moving back to Detroit. Detroit will never work if it's black only. It has to be a place where all people want to live. If whites won't live there why would they open a business there? You feel me?

Don't think arrogant and ignorant Ben Carson is all wrong. He's right about a lot of the things he says about the black community. Even us liberals agree black people need to take on more responsibility for fixing their communities, no matter who's at fault. Get over it.

No, that's not good enough. Whites don't have to move when they want improvement. Ben Carson is not right about the black community. Why in the fuck do you think you can tell me about the community I live in? Don't talk to me about responsibility either white.... We contribute over 1 trillion dollars to this economy, we have made whites rich, we pay taxes and we demand that money gets returned to our communities sufficient enough for us to fix the damages whites created.

You talk about young whites moving back to Detriot. Do you even know why? Or how?

You think that because you agree with me on some things that now you are the fucking expert who can tell me what blacks need to do. No, I am black and you need to shut your white ass up and listen.
Carson is someone black people should look up to.. he is one of the most respected doctors in the country!
Guess he should start selling crack, hitting old white people in the face for the LOLZ and abandonhis children. Will that make him likeable?
I look up to any rich person who is self made. But is Ben Carson self made?

Ben Carson experienced periods of poverty in his youth, and his family intermittently relied on government assistance (primarily food stamps).


Dr. Ben Carson: Welfare Benefactor?
Carson is someone black people should look up to.. he is one of the most respected doctors in the country!
Guess he should start selling crack, hitting old white people in the face for the LOLZ and abandonhis children. Will that make him likeable?

Maybe he can help end that fentanyl addiction you white folks have.
It's just telling how hypocritical libtools turn on carson, but they's bend over backwards to support a black thug that attacked a cop.
Or how quick you are to defend the cops when a black is exercising his 2nd amendment right. I guess carrying a gun is a white priviledge thang.
And even quicker how you "rebutt" my claim when you have no idea what I referred to.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have been appalled by the OP.

I doubt that.

Show roof.

He would have been appalled by your obsession with skin color and insistence upon black staying on the Racist Democrat Plantation.

No he would not have been.

Show proof.

And I'm not denying that white companies purposely don't hire blacks because the hiring managers are racist. It's tough being black. Even though I'm not black I feel for you guys. In a lot of ways I have more empathy for black people than Ben Carson does.

I'm just saying the black community has to do a lot more to clean up the mess, even if white created it. Don't wait for us to do it because we won't. But don't say it's impossible this day and age because it's not. And if they aint fixing up your hood, get out. Maybe with less people looking for jobs the community you left will be better off. You know, less people competing for the same jobs.

And we are seeing white young people moving back to Detroit. Detroit will never work if it's black only. It has to be a place where all people want to live. If whites won't live there why would they open a business there? You feel me?

Don't think arrogant and ignorant Ben Carson is all wrong. He's right about a lot of the things he says about the black community. Even us liberals agree black people need to take on more responsibility for fixing their communities, no matter who's at fault. Get over it.

No, that's not good enough. Whites don't have to move when they want improvement. Ben Carson is not right about the black community. Why in the fuck do you think you can tell me about the community I live in? Don't talk to me about responsibility either white.... We contribute over 1 trillion dollars to this economy, we have made whites rich, we pay taxes and we demand that money gets returned to our communities sufficient enough for us to fix the damages whites created.

You talk about young whites moving back to Detriot. Do you even know why? Or how?

You think that because you agree with me on some things that now you are the fucking expert who can tell me what blacks need to do. No, I am black and you need to shut your white ass up and listen.
You blacks need to do some listening too. You aren't 100% right. Just maybe 80% right. The 20% you guys need to do yourselves. And I'm not knocking middle class blacks. I'm only talking about poor blacks in ghettos. Is that where you live? What black community do you live in?

I love message boards because we can be brutally honest. I don't mean no disrespect but you do want to hear what we are thinking, right? That way you can dispel any myths. I'm trying to tell you why your community has victim mentality. Yes you've been victimized but instead of telling us how you overcame, you keep telling us why you haven't because of the victimization. That's victim mentality.

In 10 years I want to hear black people say we overcame despite your racism. Instead I think we will be hearing "black people still live in poverty because it's whity's fault.". I'm willing to bet the black community will still be fubar'ed in 10 years.
I still don't get why black don't like Carson.
He's a dumb uncle tom arrogant prick conservative Republican. He could be purple I'd still hate him and I'm white, successful, straight, a man, make pretty good money, save, love my guns. He's a typical Republican know it all liar like Trump.

Uncle Tom -- because he made something of himself? You only like po' black folk who know their place and can be "brought to heel"?
I still don't get why black don't like Carson.
He's a dumb uncle tom arrogant prick conservative Republican. He could be purple I'd still hate him and I'm white, successful, straight, a man, make pretty good money, save, love my guns. He's a typical Republican know it all liar like Trump.

Uncle Tom -- because he made something of himself? You only like po' black folk who know their place and can be "brought to heel"?
Beyonce made something of herself. I don't call her aunt jaimima. Maybe it's because she's not a greedy arrogant and ignorant Republican

It's like calling a white a honkey. It's not as bad as calling a black the n word but I consider you white Republicans the white equivilent of an uncle tom. If you aren't rich you are dumb and if you are rich you are greedy. Are you rich? Didn't think so.
I still don't get why black don't like Carson.
He's a dumb uncle tom arrogant prick conservative Republican. He could be purple I'd still hate him and I'm white, successful, straight, a man, make pretty good money, save, love my guns. He's a typical Republican know it all liar like Trump.

Uncle Tom -- because he made something of himself? You only like po' black folk who know their place and can be "brought to heel"?
Beyonce made something of herself. I don't call her aunt jaimima. Maybe it's because she's not a greedy arrogant and ignorant Republican

It's like calling a white a honkey. It's not as bad as calling a black the n word but I consider you white Republicans the white equivilent of an uncle tom. If you aren't rich you are dumb and if you are rich you are greedy. Are you rich? Didn't think so.

So successful blacks who refuse to shuck and jive on the Democrat Plantation get the Jemima and Ben labels. Stay faithful to a system that locks black into inter-generational poverty and you're golden
I still don't get why black don't like Carson.
He's a dumb uncle tom arrogant prick conservative Republican. He could be purple I'd still hate him and I'm white, successful, straight, a man, make pretty good money, save, love my guns. He's a typical Republican know it all liar like Trump.

Uncle Tom -- because he made something of himself? You only like po' black folk who know their place and can be "brought to heel"?
Beyonce made something of herself. I don't call her aunt jaimima. Maybe it's because she's not a greedy arrogant and ignorant Republican

It's like calling a white a honkey. It's not as bad as calling a black the n word but I consider you white Republicans the white equivilent of an uncle tom. If you aren't rich you are dumb and if you are rich you are greedy. Are you rich? Didn't think so.

So successful blacks who refuse to shuck and jive on the Democrat Plantation get the Jemima and Ben labels. Stay faithful to a system that locks black into inter-generational poverty and you're golden
I think we can see what the problem is.
I doubt that.

Show roof.

He would have been appalled by your obsession with skin color and insistence upon black staying on the Racist Democrat Plantation.

No he would not have been.

Show proof.

And I'm not denying that white companies purposely don't hire blacks because the hiring managers are racist. It's tough being black. Even though I'm not black I feel for you guys. In a lot of ways I have more empathy for black people than Ben Carson does.

I'm just saying the black community has to do a lot more to clean up the mess, even if white created it. Don't wait for us to do it because we won't. But don't say it's impossible this day and age because it's not. And if they aint fixing up your hood, get out. Maybe with less people looking for jobs the community you left will be better off. You know, less people competing for the same jobs.

And we are seeing white young people moving back to Detroit. Detroit will never work if it's black only. It has to be a place where all people want to live. If whites won't live there why would they open a business there? You feel me?

Don't think arrogant and ignorant Ben Carson is all wrong. He's right about a lot of the things he says about the black community. Even us liberals agree black people need to take on more responsibility for fixing their communities, no matter who's at fault. Get over it.

No, that's not good enough. Whites don't have to move when they want improvement. Ben Carson is not right about the black community. Why in the fuck do you think you can tell me about the community I live in? Don't talk to me about responsibility either white.... We contribute over 1 trillion dollars to this economy, we have made whites rich, we pay taxes and we demand that money gets returned to our communities sufficient enough for us to fix the damages whites created.

You talk about young whites moving back to Detriot. Do you even know why? Or how?

You think that because you agree with me on some things that now you are the fucking expert who can tell me what blacks need to do. No, I am black and you need to shut your white ass up and listen.
You blacks need to do some listening too. You aren't 100% right. Just maybe 80% right. The 20% you guys need to do yourselves. And I'm not knocking middle class blacks. I'm only talking about poor blacks in ghettos. Is that where you live? What black community do you live in?

I love message boards because we can be brutally honest. I don't mean no disrespect but you do want to hear what we are thinking, right? That way you can dispel any myths. I'm trying to tell you why your community has victim mentality. Yes you've been victimized but instead of telling us how you overcame, you keep telling us why you haven't because of the victimization. That's victim mentality.

In 10 years I want to hear black people say we overcame despite your racism. Instead I think we will be hearing "black people still live in poverty because it's whity's fault.". I'm willing to bet the black community will still be fubar'ed in 10 years.

No I don't need to listen to some white dude after working for 32 years these communitiies. You are full of shit.

For example you talk about young whites going back to Detroit. But like most whites you leave something out.

Detroit is 83 percent African-American, and 38 percent of its population lives below the poverty line. But the older, blacker Detroit starkly contrasts with a whiter, wealthier new Detroit that's been wooed in by tax breaks and living incentives—which gives these evictions a heavily racial subtext.


These same tax breaks and incentives could have been offered to the black community for rebuilding and business investment. This is another example of how it's public policy that is the problem. Single mothers or kids born out of wedlock did not make these policies. nor did fatherless homes.
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I still don't get why black don't like Carson.
He's a dumb uncle tom arrogant prick conservative Republican. He could be purple I'd still hate him and I'm white, successful, straight, a man, make pretty good money, save, love my guns. He's a typical Republican know it all liar like Trump.

Uncle Tom -- because he made something of himself? You only like po' black folk who know their place and can be "brought to heel"?
Beyonce made something of herself. I don't call her aunt jaimima. Maybe it's because she's not a greedy arrogant and ignorant Republican

It's like calling a white a honkey. It's not as bad as calling a black the n word but I consider you white Republicans the white equivilent of an uncle tom. If you aren't rich you are dumb and if you are rich you are greedy. Are you rich? Didn't think so.

So successful blacks who refuse to shuck and jive on the Democrat Plantation get the Jemima and Ben labels. Stay faithful to a system that locks black into inter-generational poverty and you're golden

But there are more successful blacks in the democratic party.
I still don't get why black don't like Carson.
He's a dumb uncle tom arrogant prick conservative Republican. He could be purple I'd still hate him and I'm white, successful, straight, a man, make pretty good money, save, love my guns. He's a typical Republican know it all liar like Trump.

Uncle Tom -- because he made something of himself? You only like po' black folk who know their place and can be "brought to heel"?

Again, there are more rich and successful black democrats than republians.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

For Starters -- You misrepresented every thing this guy said. You said it was because "Carson is stupid". The guy spent the first 5 minutes calling him intelligent and exceptional. This guy who is NOT "a brain surgeon" simply doesn't like Carson's politics. Because he's anti-progressive, ProLife, etc. That's not a RACIAL problem is it? YOU just don't like "post-racial American politics" -- that's HIS and YOUR problem.

The guy with the job to spew into a microphone just calls Carson "confused". That's not a FACT -- it's a political opinion... Got nothing to do with Uncle Tomming around. UNLESS -- you're a race baiter that has a priority to take down any successful Black people for their political opinions.

Got news flash for you. MOST of the pent-up anger and oppression in communities of color occur BECAUSE the inhabitants are politically oppressed. YES !!! But that OPPRESSION comes from local, muni, state government that tries to RUN low income working poor cities just like a wealthy suburban muni. They make NO accomodations for ingenuity, convenience, or customer service for the people they serve.

In Ferguson, you had an average of 3 WARRANTS and 1.5 ARRESTS per YEAR --- per household. Because the ADMINSTRATION of justice stinks. The govt persists in oppressing folks by DEMANDING they stick strictly to the CITY'S schedule and rules. So 1/2 the warrants are BOGUS. The courts don't think the working poor personal time is available so they make you wait an entire day to avoid a warrant for Non-appearance. They toss folks IN JAIL for trying to fines "in installments".. They SUCK at treating their "customers" with respect. And the PO-lice are only a small part of this horrendous community service. BECAUSE you race baiters want to enforce people VOTING ONE WAY.. With no choice and not even LISTENING to the other side.

What you got here is a political feud. NOT a racial feud... And you can TRY to blame it all on race. But being a captive reliable vote for the same team over and over again -- has NOT served you well.

Government is a BIGGER problem for working poor Black America than the parties, or even racial bias..
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

For Starters -- You misrepresented every thing this guy said. You said it was because "Carson is stupid". The guy spent the first 5 minutes calling him intelligent and exceptional. This guy who is NOT "a brain surgeon" simply doesn't like Carson's politics. Because he's anti-progressive, ProLife, etc. That's not a RACIAL problem is it? YOU just don't like "post-racial American politics" -- that's HIS and YOUR problem.

The guy with the job to spew into a microphone just calls Carson "confused". That's not a FACT -- it's a political opinion... Got nothing to do with Uncle Tomming around. UNLESS -- you're a race baiter that has a priority to take down any successful Black people for their political opinions.

Got news flash for you. MOST of the pent-up anger and oppression in communities of color occur BECAUSE the inhabitants are politically oppressed. YES !!! But that OPPRESSION comes from local, muni, state government that tries to RUN low income working poor cities just like a wealthy suburban muni. They make NO accomodations for ingenuity, convenience, or customer service for the people they serve.

In Ferguson, you had an average of 3 WARRANTS and 1.5 ARRESTS per YEAR --- per household. Because the ADMINSTRATION of justice stinks. The govt persists in oppressing folks by DEMANDING they stick strictly to the CITY'S schedule and rules. So 1/2 the warrants are BOGUS. The courts don't think the working poor personal time is available so they make you wait an entire day to avoid a warrant for Non-appearance. They toss folks IN JAIL for trying to fines "in installments".. They SUCK at treating their "customers" with respect. And the PO-lice are only a small part of this horrendous community service. BECAUSE you race baiters want to enforce people VOTING ONE WAY.. With no choice and not even LISTENING to the other side.

What you got here is a political feud. NOT a racial feud... And you can TRY to blame it all on race. But being a captive reliable vote for the same team over and over again -- has NOT served you well.

Government is a BIGGER problem for working poor Black America than the parties, or even racial bias..

You last line is wrong. I am black, I am sure I don't need white people to tell me where the problem comes from.. I watched the who ideo, the guy doesn't like Carson or the republican party, the DOJ has shown what the deal was in Ferguson, And the guy in the video is black and he doesn't like Ben Carson,. Race is not going to be an issue when you are the same race.

Look fool, this is not about being captive to jack shit, We see republican policy. It sucks. When was the last time the majority of whites voted democrat? Seems that you guys are a captive and reliable vote for the same team, not us.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

For Starters -- You misrepresented every thing this guy said. You said it was because "Carson is stupid". The guy spent the first 5 minutes calling him intelligent and exceptional. This guy who is NOT "a brain surgeon" simply doesn't like Carson's politics. Because he's anti-progressive, ProLife, etc. That's not a RACIAL problem is it? YOU just don't like "post-racial American politics" -- that's HIS and YOUR problem.

The guy with the job to spew into a microphone just calls Carson "confused". That's not a FACT -- it's a political opinion... Got nothing to do with Uncle Tomming around. UNLESS -- you're a race baiter that has a priority to take down any successful Black people for their political opinions.

Got news flash for you. MOST of the pent-up anger and oppression in communities of color occur BECAUSE the inhabitants are politically oppressed. YES !!! But that OPPRESSION comes from local, muni, state government that tries to RUN low income working poor cities just like a wealthy suburban muni. They make NO accomodations for ingenuity, convenience, or customer service for the people they serve.

In Ferguson, you had an average of 3 WARRANTS and 1.5 ARRESTS per YEAR --- per household. Because the ADMINSTRATION of justice stinks. The govt persists in oppressing folks by DEMANDING they stick strictly to the CITY'S schedule and rules. So 1/2 the warrants are BOGUS. The courts don't think the working poor personal time is available so they make you wait an entire day to avoid a warrant for Non-appearance. They toss folks IN JAIL for trying to fines "in installments".. They SUCK at treating their "customers" with respect. And the PO-lice are only a small part of this horrendous community service. BECAUSE you race baiters want to enforce people VOTING ONE WAY.. With no choice and not even LISTENING to the other side.

What you got here is a political feud. NOT a racial feud... And you can TRY to blame it all on race. But being a captive reliable vote for the same team over and over again -- has NOT served you well.

Government is a BIGGER problem for working poor Black America than the parties, or even racial bias..

You last line is wrong. I am black, I am sure I don't need white people to tell me where the problem comes from.. I watched the who ideo, the guy doesn't like Carson or the republican party, the DOJ has shown what the deal was in Ferguson, And the guy in the video is black and he doesn't like Ben Carson,. Race is not going to be an issue when you are the same race.

Look fool, this is not about being captive to jack shit, We see republican policy. It sucks. When was the last time the majority of whites voted democrat? Seems that you guys are a captive and reliable vote for the same team, not us.

I pulled all those FACTS from the DOJ report on Ferguson. The main conclusions were SYSTEMIC failure of GOVT. Not racism, not just the Police Dept. --- You should actually read it.. It'll make you more receptive to the TRUTH -- that rewarding the SAME party and voting for MORE BIGGER MUSCULAR govt --- is actually where a lot of the O-ppression and RE-pression that is harming these communities. Story of a woman in there who TRIED TO PAY $20 a week on a fine. Her money was returned, she was bankrupted and put out on the streets. That's what MORE BIG GOVT does for you.. Yet -- that's what you constantly vote for and endorse politically.

Repubs aren't reliable either. Because they also like BIGGER MUSCULAR govt in some cases.

There are other choices and Indies who would run disadvantaged communities like Ferguson and Baltimore as a more "customer friendly, efficient, and JUST" venture than what you're getting now..

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