Why blacks don't like Ben Carson and don't vote Republican

I've worked on those problems for 32 years of my life The overall problem is simply not what you say. There are too many studies done that show the issue is due to pubic policy, not some breakdown in family. This nation has a 50 percent rate of divorce. So the black family being broken is not it because the white family is broken too.
Yes! Exactly! White kids from divorced families are fucked up too! Now take a kid and put him in a high poverty high crime city and take his dad away. It's even worse.

The white kid at least gets favoritism for jobs and jobs are available where he lives. So it's not as bad when a white kid has no father.

The fail you have is in not understanding the role public policy plays in creating poverty in certain communities. This thing is not about broken families. I will tell you that as I have worked in these communities.
Excuses! I lived in Detroit till 4th grade. The counselor in my new school said "other than what my mom taught me I learned nothing in the detroit public school." Imagine how many parents don't care that their kids aren't learning.

So we got out. If you live in Detroit black or white you may need to move.

I don't disagree whites helped create a mess for the black community. Any black that wants better should leave. We moved 45 minutes away. My dad got a job in metro Detroit and got us out.

Blacks can succeed here and send their kids to better schools.

You know 700,000 detroiters left after the bush great recession? And blacks moved to Detroit from the south for jobs initially. Why are you all so stationary now?

Blacks do not need to leave the black community for things to change. Money needs to be invested in these communities. Just as they are in other areas.
Same advice I'm giving people in coal country. Don't wait for Trump to bring jobs back. And no one, not even black businessmen will invest in Detroit. Downtown they will but the high crime keeps grocery stores and pharmacies and every other business from moving to Detroit.

Decades ago Ford Lincoln plant was here in metro Detroit and they hired a lot of blacks. Same with Chrysler and GM. Yes it made a difference and would again if they'd stop going to Mexico and China. I hate it that they don't move jobs here. But they aren't coming back. Stop waiting for them to. There are jobs in metro Detroit but detroiters feel stuck. I don't think they are. Only in their heads.
Blacks find jobs out here.

And if blacks think Detroit can be fixed and is the place to stay go for it. This is a free country

You need to get out of the advice giving business.
Yes! Exactly! White kids from divorced families are fucked up too! Now take a kid and put him in a high poverty high crime city and take his dad away. It's even worse.

The white kid at least gets favoritism for jobs and jobs are available where he lives. So it's not as bad when a white kid has no father.

The fail you have is in not understanding the role public policy plays in creating poverty in certain communities. This thing is not about broken families. I will tell you that as I have worked in these communities.
Excuses! I lived in Detroit till 4th grade. The counselor in my new school said "other than what my mom taught me I learned nothing in the detroit public school." Imagine how many parents don't care that their kids aren't learning.

So we got out. If you live in Detroit black or white you may need to move.

I don't disagree whites helped create a mess for the black community. Any black that wants better should leave. We moved 45 minutes away. My dad got a job in metro Detroit and got us out.

Blacks can succeed here and send their kids to better schools.

You know 700,000 detroiters left after the bush great recession? And blacks moved to Detroit from the south for jobs initially. Why are you all so stationary now?

Blacks do not need to leave the black community for things to change. Money needs to be invested in these communities. Just as they are in other areas.
Sure, everyone in a black area is going to invest part of their welfare check into their own community. Sounds like a plan. Go for it! :biggrin:
You dumb mudda fucker

You call him dumb but you empower his stupidity. He is evidence that racism still exists, but you want to tell people how it doesn't and how they must believe that. You are no better than mudda yourself.
The fail you have is in not understanding the role public policy plays in creating poverty in certain communities. This thing is not about broken families. I will tell you that as I have worked in these communities.
Excuses! I lived in Detroit till 4th grade. The counselor in my new school said "other than what my mom taught me I learned nothing in the detroit public school." Imagine how many parents don't care that their kids aren't learning.

So we got out. If you live in Detroit black or white you may need to move.

I don't disagree whites helped create a mess for the black community. Any black that wants better should leave. We moved 45 minutes away. My dad got a job in metro Detroit and got us out.

Blacks can succeed here and send their kids to better schools.

You know 700,000 detroiters left after the bush great recession? And blacks moved to Detroit from the south for jobs initially. Why are you all so stationary now?

Blacks do not need to leave the black community for things to change. Money needs to be invested in these communities. Just as they are in other areas.
Sure, everyone in a black area is going to invest part of their welfare check into their own community. Sounds like a plan. Go for it! :biggrin:
You dumb mudda fucker

You call him dumb but you empower his stupidity. He is evidence that racism still exists, but you want to tell people how it doesn't and how they must believe that. You are no better than mudda yourself.
You want white people to invest more in black neighbourhoods. We get it. Ain't gonna happen. You should try raising your own property taxes by cleaning up the hoods and making it so that people want to come and live there. And not just continuously ask for a handout.
Blacks don't like Carson because he goes against the misguided black ideology that it is the white man that keeps blacks from succeeding. He is proof that that is bullshit.

No I think the guy in the video tape has articulated very well why Carson is not liked You want to tell us the white reason but we blacks do have opinions, we do think and we do have a very solid reason to not like Carson. There are plenty of more successful blacks than Carson ever will be who are not disliked like Carson thank you.

That misguided ideology does not exist. But what does is a more than 240 year record of white racist behavior and it will be a minimum 241 years of it on July 4th.
Blacks who are as or more successful than Carson who aren't disliked by other blacks are definitely neither Republican nor conservative. i can't think of one black R/c who hasn't been labeled Uncle Tom, an Oreo cookie, etc., etc., etc.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

i love when people who aren't part of a group pretend they know why that "group" does anything.

ben carson is bizarre and his political views are extreme.

they only make while supremacist rightwingnuts happy.

no one hates anyone because they are successful.


Are you talking to me? You have my quote up thee and I am saying the same thing you are. So I hope I am not the idiot you are reFerring to.

yeah, sorry.....
Blacks don't like Carson because he goes against the misguided black ideology that it is the white man that keeps blacks from succeeding. He is proof that that is bullshit.

No I think the guy in the video tape has articulated very well why Carson is not liked You want to tell us the white reason but we blacks do have opinions, we do think and we do have a very solid reason to not like Carson. There are plenty of more successful blacks than Carson ever will be who are not disliked like Carson thank you.

That misguided ideology does not exist. But what does is a more than 240 year record of white racist behavior and it will be a minimum 241 years of it on July 4th.
Blacks who are as or more successful than Carson who aren't disliked by other blacks are definitely neither Republican nor conservative. i can't think of one black R/c who hasn't been labeled Uncle Tom, an Oreo cookie, etc., etc., etc.

probably because their positions disparage their own people... .like Clarence Thomas who went to school benefitting from affirmative action programs and then screws his own people on a regular basis by denying them the advantages he had.
If every person (not just blacks) in this country aspired and worked as hard as Ben Carson has, there would be no Black issue, there would be very little in the way of poverty as an issue.

Ben Carson scares racists like IM2 because he shows how they can achieve their dreams of freedom, both personal and economic.
I've just read a piece about Ben Carson and learned that he was from a broken family. Says his mother discovered that his father was a bigamist and divorced him.

His mother evidently really pushed him to do well in school and several of his educators mentored him. When any child has a persistent parent and mentors, they are more likely to succeed. Too many of our children have uninterested parents and are part of educational systems that do not believe in them or expect them to ever do well.

I believe that our economic system is such that a certain percentage of people are kept in poverty to provide the constant cash flow needed. People dependent on assistance spend the money right away and it goes right back into the system. Helping folks out of poverty would mean they could save their money, like the rich do, and thus it would not circulate.

I do not, by the way, believe IM2 is a racist.
Ben Carson was pushed by a tough mom. That was key. You have to have at least one good parent. Sometimes that's even not enough.

Hell, I know two brothers whos parents raised them in the white suburbs. The bad one went to jail for trying to rob a bank and he was a drug dealer. The good one who graduated from Michigan State University just died of a heroine od. Why did all their white classmates grow up to lead normal lives and these two couldn't figure it out?

I think the Tupac selling drug hip hop baby mama culture is being emulated by even black kids who aren't in the hood and they're misbehaving too.

And yes, whites do it too. We call them wiggers.

The problem is that the Tupac culture you talk about really doesn't exist all that much.
That's not what white employers see. And I'm not talking about middle class blacks who have Al already made it. I'm talking about the ghettos.

And wait a second. Are you telling me Tupac and Biggy exaggerated? Black kids in inner cities don't live in violence like they say on PBS documentaries?

I hope you know it's the poverty blacks in ghettos who I'm giving advice to. Not middle class blacks who have overcome. They need to be told racism is over. They need to believe that. And they need to know they need to make changes themselves. If not their poverty is their fault.

Any argument is victim mentality. Yes youve been wronged. Now what? Is it racism because you don't get the job? Is it racism when your boss tells you what to do? Is it racism when you get fired?

I worked in such communities for over 30 yeas. I did not say it doesn't exist, but it doesn't exist as much as those like you say. It exists in the white community but no one over dramatizes it, no one points out the violence in some of the music coming from white artists, none of the stereotypes we face are done to whites and all you do is perpetuate the problem.

You are not offering advice to those young kids if you are telling then racism does not exist. You are lying to them. They don't need to believe a lie. They need to be told it exists and how to properly deal with it. You need to get out of the advice giving business if you aren't going to tell the truth.
I do tell the truth. Yes racism exists. But you aren't willing to address the problems that only the black community can change themselves from within.

Fatherlessness is the big one. Stop setting your kids up for failure. It takes two to raise a kid
Excuses! I lived in Detroit till 4th grade. The counselor in my new school said "other than what my mom taught me I learned nothing in the detroit public school." Imagine how many parents don't care that their kids aren't learning.

So we got out. If you live in Detroit black or white you may need to move.

I don't disagree whites helped create a mess for the black community. Any black that wants better should leave. We moved 45 minutes away. My dad got a job in metro Detroit and got us out.

Blacks can succeed here and send their kids to better schools.

You know 700,000 detroiters left after the bush great recession? And blacks moved to Detroit from the south for jobs initially. Why are you all so stationary now?

Blacks do not need to leave the black community for things to change. Money needs to be invested in these communities. Just as they are in other areas.
Sure, everyone in a black area is going to invest part of their welfare check into their own community. Sounds like a plan. Go for it! :biggrin:
You dumb mudda fucker

You call him dumb but you empower his stupidity. He is evidence that racism still exists, but you want to tell people how it doesn't and how they must believe that. You are no better than mudda yourself.
You want white people to invest more in black neighbourhoods. We get it. Ain't gonna happen. You should try raising your own property taxes by cleaning up the hoods and making it so that people want to come and live there. And not just continuously ask for a handout.

What they don't understand is that they aren't 100% right. A lot of what they say is true about the generational racism and yes they can't fix their communities unless the country invests in their communities like they do in ours. But they aren't going to until they fix the lawlessness, fatherlessness, welfare, poverty, eubonics, crime, etc.

In other words they have to make the first move. No corporation wants to move its factories to a high crime area. Companies move to communities because they are safe, have good public schools, etc.

And then they get mad when the cops get tough on crime. I'm sorry but cops act different in the hood than they do in my neighborhood. Not because they are racist but because they are in a crime zone.
I still don't get why black don't like Carson.
He's a dumb uncle tom arrogant prick conservative Republican. He could be purple I'd still hate him and I'm white, successful, straight, a man, make pretty good money, save, love my guns. He's a typical Republican know it all liar like Trump.
If every person (not just blacks) in this country aspired and worked as hard as Ben Carson has, there would be no Black issue, there would be very little in the way of poverty as an issue.

Ben Carson scares racists like IM2 because he shows how they can achieve their dreams of freedom, both personal and economic.
I've just read a piece about Ben Carson and learned that he was from a broken family. Says his mother discovered that his father was a bigamist and divorced him.

His mother evidently really pushed him to do well in school and several of his educators mentored him. When any child has a persistent parent and mentors, they are more likely to succeed. Too many of our children have uninterested parents and are part of educational systems that do not believe in them or expect them to ever do well.

I believe that our economic system is such that a certain percentage of people are kept in poverty to provide the constant cash flow needed. People dependent on assistance spend the money right away and it goes right back into the system. Helping folks out of poverty would mean they could save their money, like the rich do, and thus it would not circulate.

I do not, by the way, believe IM2 is a racist.
Ben Carson was pushed by a tough mom. That was key. You have to have at least one good parent. Sometimes that's even not enough.

Hell, I know two brothers whos parents raised them in the white suburbs. The bad one went to jail for trying to rob a bank and he was a drug dealer. The good one who graduated from Michigan State University just died of a heroine od. Why did all their white classmates grow up to lead normal lives and these two couldn't figure it out?

I think the Tupac selling drug hip hop baby mama culture is being emulated by even black kids who aren't in the hood and they're misbehaving too.

And yes, whites do it too. We call them wiggers.
My graduating class of 78 was over 900 students. Half of them were dead ten years out. The point is that it isn't about race but about attitude.

If you have goals, and a willingness to achieve them; regardless of race, you can achieve them. Ben Carson proves that and its why so many failures in life attack him.

WelI I attack Carson and I have helped built one business from the ground up and helped a couple of others.. Then I retired at age of 52. I attack Carson because he is worthless to blacks and only serves to promote what whites believe about us.
He does no such thing.
If every person (not just blacks) in this country aspired and worked as hard as Ben Carson has, there would be no Black issue, there would be very little in the way of poverty as an issue.

Ben Carson scares racists like IM2 because he shows how they can achieve their dreams of freedom, both personal and economic.
I've just read a piece about Ben Carson and learned that he was from a broken family. Says his mother discovered that his father was a bigamist and divorced him.

His mother evidently really pushed him to do well in school and several of his educators mentored him. When any child has a persistent parent and mentors, they are more likely to succeed. Too many of our children have uninterested parents and are part of educational systems that do not believe in them or expect them to ever do well.

I believe that our economic system is such that a certain percentage of people are kept in poverty to provide the constant cash flow needed. People dependent on assistance spend the money right away and it goes right back into the system. Helping folks out of poverty would mean they could save their money, like the rich do, and thus it would not circulate.

I do not, by the way, believe IM2 is a racist.
Ben Carson was pushed by a tough mom. That was key. You have to have at least one good parent. Sometimes that's even not enough.

Hell, I know two brothers whos parents raised them in the white suburbs. The bad one went to jail for trying to rob a bank and he was a drug dealer. The good one who graduated from Michigan State University just died of a heroine od. Why did all their white classmates grow up to lead normal lives and these two couldn't figure it out?

I think the Tupac selling drug hip hop baby mama culture is being emulated by even black kids who aren't in the hood and they're misbehaving too.

And yes, whites do it too. We call them wiggers.
My graduating class of 78 was over 900 students. Half of them were dead ten years out. The point is that it isn't about race but about attitude.

If you have goals, and a willingness to achieve them; regardless of race, you can achieve them. Ben Carson proves that and its why so many failures in life attack him.

WelI I attack Carson and I have helped built one business from the ground up and helped a couple of others.. Then I retired at age of 52. I attack Carson because he is worthless to blacks and only serves to promote what whites believe about us.
He does no such thing.

Carson proves ignorance arrogance and greed come in all colors. To Republicans, it's not about color. They treat all poor people like n*#$*rs.
I've just read a piece about Ben Carson and learned that he was from a broken family. Says his mother discovered that his father was a bigamist and divorced him.

His mother evidently really pushed him to do well in school and several of his educators mentored him. When any child has a persistent parent and mentors, they are more likely to succeed. Too many of our children have uninterested parents and are part of educational systems that do not believe in them or expect them to ever do well.

I believe that our economic system is such that a certain percentage of people are kept in poverty to provide the constant cash flow needed. People dependent on assistance spend the money right away and it goes right back into the system. Helping folks out of poverty would mean they could save their money, like the rich do, and thus it would not circulate.

I do not, by the way, believe IM2 is a racist.
Ben Carson was pushed by a tough mom. That was key. You have to have at least one good parent. Sometimes that's even not enough.

Hell, I know two brothers whos parents raised them in the white suburbs. The bad one went to jail for trying to rob a bank and he was a drug dealer. The good one who graduated from Michigan State University just died of a heroine od. Why did all their white classmates grow up to lead normal lives and these two couldn't figure it out?

I think the Tupac selling drug hip hop baby mama culture is being emulated by even black kids who aren't in the hood and they're misbehaving too.

And yes, whites do it too. We call them wiggers.
My graduating class of 78 was over 900 students. Half of them were dead ten years out. The point is that it isn't about race but about attitude.

If you have goals, and a willingness to achieve them; regardless of race, you can achieve them. Ben Carson proves that and its why so many failures in life attack him.

WelI I attack Carson and I have helped built one business from the ground up and helped a couple of others.. Then I retired at age of 52. I attack Carson because he is worthless to blacks and only serves to promote what whites believe about us.
He does no such thing.

Carson proves ignorance arrogance and greed come in all colors. To Republicans, it's not about color. They treat all poor people like n*#$*rs.
Well, that simply isn't true. Carson set a goal for himself and reached it. He is a law abiding citizen and gives back to the community in which he lives. He is, in fact, living exactly as every upstanding citizen should live. People who diss him because he is successful and black do so because it puts a lie to their talking points.

Enough said on the subject.
Ben Carson was pushed by a tough mom. That was key. You have to have at least one good parent. Sometimes that's even not enough.

Hell, I know two brothers whos parents raised them in the white suburbs. The bad one went to jail for trying to rob a bank and he was a drug dealer. The good one who graduated from Michigan State University just died of a heroine od. Why did all their white classmates grow up to lead normal lives and these two couldn't figure it out?

I think the Tupac selling drug hip hop baby mama culture is being emulated by even black kids who aren't in the hood and they're misbehaving too.

And yes, whites do it too. We call them wiggers.
My graduating class of 78 was over 900 students. Half of them were dead ten years out. The point is that it isn't about race but about attitude.

If you have goals, and a willingness to achieve them; regardless of race, you can achieve them. Ben Carson proves that and its why so many failures in life attack him.

WelI I attack Carson and I have helped built one business from the ground up and helped a couple of others.. Then I retired at age of 52. I attack Carson because he is worthless to blacks and only serves to promote what whites believe about us.
He does no such thing.

Carson proves ignorance arrogance and greed come in all colors. To Republicans, it's not about color. They treat all poor people like n*#$*rs.
Well, that simply isn't true. Carson set a goal for himself and reached it. He is a law abiding citizen and gives back to the community in which he lives. He is, in fact, living exactly as every upstanding citizen should live. People who diss him because he is successful and black do so because it puts a lie to their talking points.

Enough said on the subject.
You don't decide when enough is said or what truth is. It may be the way you see it. It may be the facts as you know them. But it's not reality. It's like someone says, "people hate me because I'm beautiful". No they don't. They hate you because you are a bitch. LOL.

Carson had the capability mentally to be a doctor. Assuming you aren't a doctor, you probably don't have it in you to be a doctor. I know I don't.

People like Ben don't have empathy. They are incapable of understanding that everyone has different circumstances. Assholes like Ben also overlook all the liberal social programs he took advantage of as a child.

People like ben think, "If I did it why can't everyone else". Well Mr. Carson, not everyone has the same circumstances.
Ben Carson was pushed by a tough mom. That was key. You have to have at least one good parent. Sometimes that's even not enough.

Hell, I know two brothers whos parents raised them in the white suburbs. The bad one went to jail for trying to rob a bank and he was a drug dealer. The good one who graduated from Michigan State University just died of a heroine od. Why did all their white classmates grow up to lead normal lives and these two couldn't figure it out?

I think the Tupac selling drug hip hop baby mama culture is being emulated by even black kids who aren't in the hood and they're misbehaving too.

And yes, whites do it too. We call them wiggers.
My graduating class of 78 was over 900 students. Half of them were dead ten years out. The point is that it isn't about race but about attitude.

If you have goals, and a willingness to achieve them; regardless of race, you can achieve them. Ben Carson proves that and its why so many failures in life attack him.

WelI I attack Carson and I have helped built one business from the ground up and helped a couple of others.. Then I retired at age of 52. I attack Carson because he is worthless to blacks and only serves to promote what whites believe about us.
He does no such thing.

Carson proves ignorance arrogance and greed come in all colors. To Republicans, it's not about color. They treat all poor people like n*#$*rs.
Well, that simply isn't true. Carson set a goal for himself and reached it. He is a law abiding citizen and gives back to the community in which he lives. He is, in fact, living exactly as every upstanding citizen should live. People who diss him because he is successful and black do so because it puts a lie to their talking points.

Enough said on the subject.

You don t get to determine when enough is said about anything. I've been a pretty successful man. I've made goals and reached them too. My opposition to Carson has nothing to do with what darkwind says.

Here is a successful man who had goals and met them too. He doesn't like Ben Carson and certainly doesn't oppose him because he hates success..

WATCH: Roland Martin Blasts HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson For Saying Slaves Were Immigrants

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have been appalled by the OP.

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