Why blacks don't like Ben Carson and don't vote Republican

Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Actually he talks a lot and says nothing.
...just like the OP.
Nah, I 'm a grown ass black man. Here's what most blacks think about Carson.

I guess this man is a white kid making blacks look bad too.

Have you ever wondered why mostly whites like you like Ben Carson? I mean this is a guy who should be in the black folks hall of fame, but he is despised And it's not because he is successful. His is the mindset that is the problem. But whites like you like that because it allows you to continue what you do.
You're right. I'm allowed to respect people regardless of race that achieve the pinnacle of their chosen profession. You may be old, but grown up you are not. All you offer is hate and racism. You could no nothing so you are jealous of those that didn't need your pathetic excuses because it proves you're a fraud. Truth is your enemy.

Oh no, I don't spread hatred or racism. And you are the childish one. You can't accept that whites aren't better.

You don't know what I have done. White racism is not an excuse. You prove it. The truth is my best friend. YOU are the one troubled by it.
Liar. You hate Carson because of his skin color. He proves you wrong. Every one of your posts demonstrates what a racist loser you are.

That's hilarious. I am black and hate Carson for his skin color:badgrin:. Have you considered maybe playing the comedy club?

What has Carson done to prove me wrong? I'm 10 years younger than Carson and retired 10 years sooner. That's how good I've done.

You don't know jack about me.

Of course you hate Carson because he has an (R) after his name and says to blacks get over it already...

They hate Carson because he tells black dead beat dads to take responsibility for their children.

THATs what he talks about regarding "family" not some made up BS from the video in the OP about gay marriage.

The guy in the video is an idiot....who needs to learn that cherry picked 3 word clips does not an argument make.

He still never said why blacks vote for democrats either he just bloviated with a lot with nonsense...like most liberals.
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Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Actually he talks a lot and says nothing.
...just like the OP.

Exactly like the OP.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Love this. My husband always says that in the republican economy, the only thing that trickles down is negativity. Many of the white Christian men running the country are guilty of adultery, bribery, racism, immorality, taking from the poor and giving to the rich, lying, cheating, drug abuse, alcoholism, etc., etc. And that's the kind of stuff that trickles down to those on the bottom.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Love this. My husband always says that in the republican economy, the only thing that trickles down is negativity. Many of the white Christian men running the country are guilty of adultery, bribery, racism, immorality, taking from the poor and giving to the rich, lying, cheating, drug abuse, alcoholism, etc., etc. And that's the kind of stuff that trickles down to those on the bottom.
That's prety stupid since the rich got richer during obama;s years and the big money people supported him and Hillary. The dems have higher moral standards? LOL.

Looks like you all are uniformed brainwashed racists.
There you go again with the racist crap. "Whites like me"... Shut up. Whites like me are awesome.:eusa_dance: And I have raised both. And the only time you would hear me say, "Blacks, like you" is to point out your racism. I don't give a shit about color and have never started a thread with, "Here's a lesson you blacks need to learn". That shit would not fly in my house in either direction. And I am not a son, I am my Daddy's daughter. And a good one.

On to the facts:
Wright was a preacher, asking God to damn America. If it was about government fail, he would have asked God to damn government. Both he and Oprah are close to Louis Farrakhan, the very personification of racism. Birds of a feather flock together. "You blacks" as well as whites, need to teach your children that they can be anything they want because this country is for both of us. Instill in them what we can accomplish in this country when we work together, because this:
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creates this:
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Think of what could happen if we looked for the good in people...
There you go again with the racist crap. "Whites like me"... Shut up. Whites like me are awesome.:eusa_dance: And I have raised both. And the only time you would hear me say, "Blacks, like you" is to point out your racism. I don't give a shit about color and have never started a thread with, "Here's a lesson you blacks need to learn". That shit would not fly in my house in either direction. And I am not a son, I am my Daddy's daughter. And a good one.

On to the facts:
Wright was a preacher, asking God to damn America. If it was about government fail, he would have asked God to damn government. Both he and Oprah are close to Louis Farrakhan, the very personification of racism. Birds of a feather flock together. "You blacks" as well as whites, need to teach your children that they can be anything they want because this country is for both of us. Instill in them what we can accomplish in this country when we work together, because this:
View attachment 135281
creates this:
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Think of what could happen if we looked for the good in people...
I'm actually a proud progressive liberal who believes in social security public schools yada yada but I actually wish more black people in the black community would leave the Democratic party and be more vocal in their communities and tell them the only way to get out of poverty is to take the Republicans advice.

Yes us liberals are right life has not and is not fair for you, but you have to stop the victim mentality. Democrats tell you you're victims, and you have been and in some ways still are being victimized. But it's time to have owner mentality not victim mentality. I learned about that at a company I worked for. People are either owners or victims. Example

A. I was raped and that's why my life sucks.

B. I was raped but I overcame it and it doesn't define me. I'm now in karate and I'm an advocate for.....

Why do we need to take republican advice when we are already doing what republicans say we aren't?

We are accomplishing things without laws denying people of the same opportunities while we do it. I don't know any blacks with this victim mentality. I do know that white racism still exists and the victims are going to be the ones who allow whites to tell you to ignore what's going on around you, don't talk about it, and be more concerned with us calling you victims and racists than stopping whites from being racist.


You post the victim here non stop, yea most blacks in the South don't play the victim no more because Republicans provide them with jobs..its only the northern blacks who play the victim because the Democrats need the two races divided to stay in power.

Actually there are many many rich white cities in the south and always right next to those thriving white cities are poor black neighborhoods. Are you suggesting things are fair in the south? They are not.

The same reason blacks don't fuck around down south is the cops won't have it. The blacks are afraid. Same reason detroiters don't come out to the rich white suburbs and commit crime. They're afraid they'll get caught. They aren't afraid they'll get caught in Detroit or Chicago. The cops don't care as long as it stays black on black
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Love this. My husband always says that in the republican economy, the only thing that trickles down is negativity. Many of the white Christian men running the country are guilty of adultery, bribery, racism, immorality, taking from the poor and giving to the rich, lying, cheating, drug abuse, alcoholism, etc., etc. And that's the kind of stuff that trickles down to those on the bottom.
That's prety stupid since the rich got richer during obama;s years and the big money people supported him and Hillary. The dems have higher moral standards? LOL.

Looks like you all are uniformed brainwashed racists.

Apparently she missed the affairs and bastard children of John Edwards and Bill Clinton ...not to mention the rape victims of Bill Clinton and Harvey Milk. Barney Frank's hookers and sex parties anyone??

* Rolls eyes*
There you go again with the racist crap. "Whites like me"... Shut up. Whites like me are awesome.:eusa_dance: And I have raised both. And the only time you would hear me say, "Blacks, like you" is to point out your racism. I don't give a shit about color and have never started a thread with, "Here's a lesson you blacks need to learn". That shit would not fly in my house in either direction. And I am not a son, I am my Daddy's daughter. And a good one.

On to the facts:
Wright was a preacher, asking God to damn America. If it was about government fail, he would have asked God to damn government. Both he and Oprah are close to Louis Farrakhan, the very personification of racism. Birds of a feather flock together. "You blacks" as well as whites, need to teach your children that they can be anything they want because this country is for both of us. Instill in them what we can accomplish in this country when we work together, because this:
View attachment 135281
creates this:
View attachment 135282

Think of what could happen if we looked for the good in people...
There you go again with the racist crap. "Whites like me"... Shut up. Whites like me are awesome.:eusa_dance: And I have raised both. And the only time you would hear me say, "Blacks, like you" is to point out your racism. I don't give a shit about color and have never started a thread with, "Here's a lesson you blacks need to learn". That shit would not fly in my house in either direction. And I am not a son, I am my Daddy's daughter. And a good one.

On to the facts:
Wright was a preacher, asking God to damn America. If it was about government fail, he would have asked God to damn government. Both he and Oprah are close to Louis Farrakhan, the very personification of racism. Birds of a feather flock together. "You blacks" as well as whites, need to teach your children that they can be anything they want because this country is for both of us. Instill in them what we can accomplish in this country when we work together, because this:
View attachment 135281
creates this:
View attachment 135282

Think of what could happen if we looked for the good in people...
I'm actually a proud progressive liberal who believes in social security public schools yada yada but I actually wish more black people in the black community would leave the Democratic party and be more vocal in their communities and tell them the only way to get out of poverty is to take the Republicans advice.

Yes us liberals are right life has not and is not fair for you, but you have to stop the victim mentality. Democrats tell you you're victims, and you have been and in some ways still are being victimized. But it's time to have owner mentality not victim mentality. I learned about that at a company I worked for. People are either owners or victims. Example

A. I was raped and that's why my life sucks.

B. I was raped but I overcame it and it doesn't define me. I'm now in karate and I'm an advocate for.....

Why do we need to take republican advice when we are already doing what republicans say we aren't?

We are accomplishing things without laws denying people of the same opportunities while we do it. I don't know any blacks with this victim mentality. I do know that white racism still exists and the victims are going to be the ones who allow whites to tell you to ignore what's going on around you, don't talk about it, and be more concerned with us calling you victims and racists than stopping whites from being racist.


You post the victim here non stop, yea most blacks in the South don't play the victim no more because Republicans provide them with jobs..its only the northern blacks who play the victim because the Democrats need the two races divided to stay in power.

Actually there are many many rich white cities in the south and always right next to those thriving white cities are poor black neighborhoods. Are you suggesting things are fair in the south? They are not.

The same reason blacks don't fuck around down south is the cops won't have it. The blacks are afraid. Same reason detroiters don't come out to the rich white suburbs and commit crime. They're afraid they'll get caught. They aren't afraid they'll get caught in Detroit or Chicago. The cops don't care as long as it stays black on black

It takes time of over hundred or so years of years of Democrat control.

The upstate of South Carolina and over to the east of Charlotte NC is prime examples.

Oh no, I don't spread hatred or racism. And you are the childish one. You can't accept that whites aren't better.

You don't know what I have done. White racism is not an excuse. You prove it. The truth is my best friend. YOU are the one troubled by it.
Liar. You hate Carson because of his skin color. He proves you wrong. Every one of your posts demonstrates what a racist loser you are.

That's hilarious. I am black and hate Carson for his skin color:badgrin:. Have you considered maybe playing the comedy club?

What has Carson done to prove me wrong? I'm 10 years younger than Carson and retired 10 years sooner. That's how good I've done.

You don't know jack about me.
That's what I said. Carson is the wrong skin color to do what he did for race baiters like you. We know what his kind of thinking can accomplish. Your kind of thinking gets blacks killed or incarcerated.

No, my kind of thinking gets former gang bangers into college and graduated. .You stay stuck on Carson being a neurosurgeon. How many white neurosurgeons can you name? None. That's because it's no big deal for someone white to be one. But oh boy we blacks need to bow in the presence of Ben Carson because he's a neurosurgeon. You can't see your persona racism in that attitude. Ben Carson is a failed human being. The measure of a man is not his own personal accomplishments but what he does for others. Ben Carson hurts blacks in this nation because he validates racists like you which empowers them to continue their racism because they know they can find a black out there who will tell other blacks to not pay attention to it because it doesn't exist.
Carson sticks out for the reasons I already mentioned. He defied your line of thinking. Racism leads to problems and that's what you offer.

Carson hurts blacks because he validates my racism? You are one dumb asshole. Not nearly as smart as you think you are. Everyone here seems to have drawn the same conclusion. Go peddle your stupid loser mentality to kids in the street, no one here buys it.

Your stupidity and hate held you back, not your skin color.
I didn't get every job I ever applied for. Must be because I'm white. Oh well. Eventually I found a company to take a chance on my white ass.

It could have something to do with my college degree and ability to communicate.
No where in America are any races united.
I see various races getting along just fine without your approval. Sucks to be you and be wrong about so much.

Nowhere in this country are the races united. Fact. Sucks to be you and wrong about so much.

I said UNITED dumb ass. Getting along with someone doesn't mean you are united.
We were after 9-11 until bush squandered that bipartisanship and used it to push his right wing policies. Disaster capitalism
Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.

Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.

Carson is a big winner and loves the life he worked for. He is the epitome of success. Lot's of money, lots of prestige, lots of expertise. Of course blacks would resent him. He makes the rest look ineffectual.
You don't recognize prosperity, let alone strive for it...

You don't have to like Ben Carson, or Johnny Carson, or Kit Carson. That is your prerogative. To blame whites for the way you feel about Ben Carson is where you went wrong. Your lack has nothing to do with color, yours or mine.......

What lack would that be? Your ass knows nothing about me.

I am not blaming whites for shit. I am showing you whites what blacks think about your hand picked black lawn jockeys.

You see black folks love Oprah. And if success was supposed to be hated by blacks or examples thereof then Oprah would be called all kids of nasty things. She can buy Ben Carson's family that's how much more successful she has been than Carson. Yet she is not despised. So all this bull you racists post about how blacks hate Carson because they hate examples of success gets shoved up your racist a--.

We don't like Ben Carson. We don't have to like him because you whites do. We definitely are not going to like him if you think you can tell us who to look up to. And we don't like him because he's a failure as a black man.

So tell me...what would be the bigger accomplishment?
Becoming the youngest head of NeuroSurgery at John Hopkins or having a talk show that only idiots watch?

I think the answers pretty clear.

Yes. the answer is very clear. Ben Carson is a failure.

Great..hope ya need some high end brain surgery,you can watch Oprah in your hospital bed right up till they cut the wrong spot in your puny brain.
Not that anyone will notice.
Carson is a big winner and loves the life he worked for. He is the epitome of success. Lot's of money, lots of prestige, lots of expertise. Of course blacks would resent him. He makes the rest look ineffectual.
You don't recognize prosperity, let alone strive for it...

You don't have to like Ben Carson, or Johnny Carson, or Kit Carson. That is your prerogative. To blame whites for the way you feel about Ben Carson is where you went wrong. Your lack has nothing to do with color, yours or mine.......

What lack would that be? Your ass knows nothing about me.

I am not blaming whites for shit. I am showing you whites what blacks think about your hand picked black lawn jockeys.

You see black folks love Oprah. And if success was supposed to be hated by blacks or examples thereof then Oprah would be called all kids of nasty things. She can buy Ben Carson's family that's how much more successful she has been than Carson. Yet she is not despised. So all this bull you racists post about how blacks hate Carson because they hate examples of success gets shoved up your racist a--.

We don't like Ben Carson. We don't have to like him because you whites do. We definitely are not going to like him if you think you can tell us who to look up to. And we don't like him because he's a failure as a black man.

So tell me...what would be the bigger accomplishment?
Becoming the youngest head of NeuroSurgery at John Hopkins or having a talk show that only idiots watch?

I think the answers pretty clear.

Yes. the answer is very clear. Ben Carson is a failure.

Someone is jealous.

What do I have to be jealous of?

Your desperation is showing...
This is why black people don't like Ben Carson

This is why black people don't like Ben Carson

I hope you at least admit that the Republicans advice or bill Cosby's advice still does have some validity. Fatherless is a big problem in the black community. It is directly related to poverty. Is the black community making a push to stop the cycle? I see a little push in Detroit but I'd like to see more. We see the same tv detroiters see. I don't see enough psa's. I don't see billboards off the expressway.

The black community needs to make a push to end eubonics 24x7. Kids want to talk that way on the playground fine but not in school. That alone is holding them back.

I say them because I assume you are bi lingual
This is why black people don't like Ben Carson

I hope you at least admit that the Republicans advice or bill Cosby's advice still does have some validity. Fatherless is a big problem in the black community. It is directly related to poverty. Is the black community making a push to stop the cycle? I see a little push in Detroit but I'd like to see more. We see the same tv detroiters see. I don't see enough psa's. I don't see billboards off the expressway.

The black community needs to make a push to end eubonics 24x7. Kids want to talk that way on the playground fine but not in school. That alone is holding them back.

I say them because I assume you are bi lingual

I say they are both invalid and should not be listened to. In fact your entire post is invalid. We can go back before the Civil Rights act was passed when the black family was supposed to be more intact and see the poverty rate was double that of today. The problem with the illegitimate child argument is that illegitimate only mans a child was born out of wedlock. This does not man these children do not see their fathers.

The push that is needed is for blacks to stop people who may not be black from actually believing they can tell us what we need to do.
This is why black people don't like Ben Carson

I hope you at least admit that the Republicans advice or bill Cosby's advice still does have some validity. Fatherless is a big problem in the black community. It is directly related to poverty. Is the black community making a push to stop the cycle? I see a little push in Detroit but I'd like to see more. We see the same tv detroiters see. I don't see enough psa's. I don't see billboards off the expressway.

The black community needs to make a push to end eubonics 24x7. Kids want to talk that way on the playground fine but not in school. That alone is holding them back.

I say them because I assume you are bi lingual

I say they are both invalid and should not be listened to. In fact your entire post is invalid. We can go back before the Civil Rights act was passed when the black family was supposed to be more intact and see the poverty rate was double that of today. The problem with the illegitimate child argument is that illegitimate only mans a child was born out of wedlock. This does not man these children do not see their fathers.

The push that is needed is for blacks to stop people who may not be black from actually believing they can tell us what we need to do.

See this is the problem with your side. Same problem we have with the other side. You refuse to admit where you are wrong.

I agree with all the things you say but you are unable to admit that the black community has internal problems that they now need to correct themselves.

If I told you the breaking up of the black family was the white man's fault you would agree with me. But now you can't agree the black family is broken and all because I'm saying it's all on you to fix it.
This is why black people don't like Ben Carson

I hope you at least admit that the Republicans advice or bill Cosby's advice still does have some validity. Fatherless is a big problem in the black community. It is directly related to poverty. Is the black community making a push to stop the cycle? I see a little push in Detroit but I'd like to see more. We see the same tv detroiters see. I don't see enough psa's. I don't see billboards off the expressway.

The black community needs to make a push to end eubonics 24x7. Kids want to talk that way on the playground fine but not in school. That alone is holding them back.

I say them because I assume you are bi lingual

I say they are both invalid and should not be listened to. In fact your entire post is invalid. We can go back before the Civil Rights act was passed when the black family was supposed to be more intact and see the poverty rate was double that of today. The problem with the illegitimate child argument is that illegitimate only mans a child was born out of wedlock. This does not man these children do not see their fathers.

The push that is needed is for blacks to stop people who may not be black from actually believing they can tell us what we need to do.

See this is the problem with your side. Same problem we have with the other side. You refuse to admit where you are wrong.

I agree with all the things you say but you are unable to admit that the black community has internal problems that they now need to correct themselves.

If I told you the breaking up of the black family was the white man's fault you would agree with me. But now you can't agree the black family is broken and all because I'm saying it's all on you to fix it.

I've worked on those problems for 32 years of my life The overall problem is simply not what you say. There are too many studies done that show the issue is due to pubic policy, not some breakdown in family. This nation has a 50 percent rate of divorce. So the black family being broken is not it because the white family is broken too.
If every person (not just blacks) in this country aspired and worked as hard as Ben Carson has, there would be no Black issue, there would be very little in the way of poverty as an issue.

Ben Carson scares racists like IM2 because he shows how they can achieve their dreams of freedom, both personal and economic.
This is why black people don't like Ben Carson

I hope you at least admit that the Republicans advice or bill Cosby's advice still does have some validity. Fatherless is a big problem in the black community. It is directly related to poverty. Is the black community making a push to stop the cycle? I see a little push in Detroit but I'd like to see more. We see the same tv detroiters see. I don't see enough psa's. I don't see billboards off the expressway.

The black community needs to make a push to end eubonics 24x7. Kids want to talk that way on the playground fine but not in school. That alone is holding them back.

I say them because I assume you are bi lingual

I say they are both invalid and should not be listened to. In fact your entire post is invalid. We can go back before the Civil Rights act was passed when the black family was supposed to be more intact and see the poverty rate was double that of today. The problem with the illegitimate child argument is that illegitimate only mans a child was born out of wedlock. This does not man these children do not see their fathers.

The push that is needed is for blacks to stop people who may not be black from actually believing they can tell us what we need to do.

See this is the problem with your side. Same problem we have with the other side. You refuse to admit where you are wrong.

I agree with all the things you say but you are unable to admit that the black community has internal problems that they now need to correct themselves.

If I told you the breaking up of the black family was the white man's fault you would agree with me. But now you can't agree the black family is broken and all because I'm saying it's all on you to fix it.

I've worked on those problems for 32 years of my life The overall problem is simply not what you say. There are too many studies done that show the issue is due to pubic policy, not some breakdown in family. This nation has a 50 percent rate of divorce. So the black family being broken is not it because the white family is broken too.

Yes! Exactly! White kids from divorced families are fucked up too! Now take a kid and put him in a high poverty high crime city and take his dad away. It's even worse.

The white kid at least gets favoritism for jobs and jobs are available where he lives. So it's not as bad when a white kid has no father.
If every person (not just blacks) in this country aspired and worked as hard as Ben Carson has, there would be no Black issue, there would be very little in the way of poverty as an issue.

Ben Carson scares racists like IM2 because he shows how they can achieve their dreams of freedom, both personal and economic.
I've just read a piece about Ben Carson and learned that he was from a broken family. Says his mother discovered that his father was a bigamist and divorced him.

His mother evidently really pushed him to do well in school and several of his educators mentored him. When any child has a persistent parent and mentors, they are more likely to succeed. Too many of our children have uninterested parents and are part of educational systems that do not believe in them or expect them to ever do well.

I believe that our economic system is such that a certain percentage of people are kept in poverty to provide the constant cash flow needed. People dependent on assistance spend the money right away and it goes right back into the system. Helping folks out of poverty would mean they could save their money, like the rich do, and thus it would not circulate.

I do not, by the way, believe IM2 is a racist.

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