Why blacks don't like Ben Carson and don't vote Republican

Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson.

^if I said, "You black people".. you would scream that I was racist. Your racism is palpable enough that you really didn't need to announce your color. We already knew.

But I am curious, what is the first lesson you blacks taught us whites?

Your use of false equivalences means nothing here.

To answer your first question, we taught you whites how to work. Think about it. Whites were too lazy to work the land themselves so they that had to get slaves to do the work they were too lazy to do themselves.

No black ever taught me how to work to get ahead. That was my Dad, who was present and accounted for, and raised me. Color had 0 to do with it.
But, if you want to go down that work road, let me remind you that you wouldn't have electric, phones, radios, tv's, a car in every garage, a computer in your lap, libraries, skyscrapers, refrigeration, vacines for polio, measles etc. if it wasn't for whitey. To understand the difference, compare white America with black Africa.

I really don't think you want to go down the road you mentioned the son.


White America- New York City


Black Africa-Nigeria City Nigeria
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

He said it the best. Black Democrats are chumps

He said that about both parties. He said blacks were being POLITICAL CHUMPS OF BOTH PARTIES in this speech.

When you try using videos of black leaders it's best you don't try doing so in a OP started by a black person who has heard the speech you posted.
Oprah is racist to the bone. Her pastor is none other than, "God damn America" Rev. Wright. Great choice for you to emulate...

Wright said nothing racist in that sermon. The sermon was about how governments fail.

Jeremiah Wright: "God Damn America"

Whites like you have things backwards.

Nothing wrong with Oprah. Your evaluation of a black person means nothing to black people.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson.

^if I said, "You black people".. you would scream that I was racist. Your racism is palpable enough that you really didn't need to announce your color. We already knew.

But I am curious, what is the first lesson you blacks taught us whites?

Your use of false equivalences means nothing here.

To answer your first question, we taught you whites how to work. Think about it. Whites were too lazy to work the land themselves so they that had to get slaves to do the work they were too lazy to do themselves.

No black ever taught me how to work to get ahead. That was my Dad, who was present and accounted for, and raised me. Color had 0 to do with it.
But, if you want to go down that work road, let me remind you that you wouldn't have electric, phones, radios, tv's, a car in every garage, a computer in your lap, libraries, skyscrapers, refrigeration, vacines for polio, measles etc. if it wasn't for whitey. To understand the difference, compare white America with black Africa.

I really don't think you want to go down the road you mentioned the son.


White America- New York City


Black Africa-Nigeria City Nigeria

And who made the steel that enabled buildings to scrape the sky?? Black or white?
Blacks don't like Carson because he goes against the misguided black ideology that it is the white man that keeps blacks from succeeding. He is proof that that is bullshit.
Even as a liberal I strongly strongly agree the black community needs more black Republicans in the hood telling their people to stop blaming and waiting for whites to save them. In the condition they are in it's not going to happen. The poorly educated are never going to get ahead. So educate the next generation better.

My dad didn't finish highschool but his 2 sons graduated college and my bro is a VP of a fortune 500. Uneducated blacks need to raise better citizens.

Sorry if truth hurts
Jobs; scary stuff, eh?
If there were jobs in Detroit they wouldn't have a problem.

Now I lived in Detroit and my dad took us and left. Blacks who don't have jobs could leave too.

PS. Notice I said my dad took us out of Detroit? Most of the people in poverty don't have dad's. Is that whitys fault?
There you go again with the racist crap. "Whites like me"... Shut up. Whites like me are awesome.:eusa_dance: And I have raised both. And the only time you would hear me say, "Blacks, like you" is to point out your racism. I don't give a shit about color and have never started a thread with, "Here's a lesson you blacks need to learn". That shit would not fly in my house in either direction. And I am not a son, I am my Daddy's daughter. And a good one.

On to the facts:
Wright was a preacher, asking God to damn America. If it was about government fail, he would have asked God to damn government. Both he and Oprah are close to Louis Farrakhan, the very personification of racism. Birds of a feather flock together. "You blacks" as well as whites, need to teach your children that they can be anything they want because this country is for both of us. Instill in them what we can accomplish in this country when we work together, because this:

creates this:

Think of what could happen if we looked for the good in people...
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Oprah is racist to the bone. Her pastor is none other than, "God damn America" Rev. Wright. Great choice for you to emulate...

Wright said nothing racist in that sermon. The sermon was about how governments fail.

Jeremiah Wright: "God Damn America"

Whites like you have things backwards.

Nothing wrong with Oprah. Your evaluation of a black person means nothing to black people.

Then find his sermon on "God Damn Africa"...
Blacks don't like Carson because he goes against the misguided black ideology that it is the white man that keeps blacks from succeeding. He is proof that that is bullshit.

No I think the guy in the video tape has articulated very well why Carson is not liked You want to tell us the white reason but we blacks do have opinions, we do think and we do have a very solid reason to not like Carson. There are plenty of more successful blacks than Carson ever will be who are not disliked like Carson thank you.

That misguided ideology does not exist. But what does is a more than 240 year record of white racist behavior and it will be a minimum 241 years of it on July 4th.

For that matter plenty of white people don't care for him either. What's really hilarious is that no one recalls how Trump even tried to delegitimatize his autobiography "Gifted Hands" during his campaign. Phony, fake pretentious assholes seem to have forgotten about that. And what's really sad is that "Uncle Ben" has too.

Trump: Carson still suffers from 'pathological disease' - CNNPolitics.com
There you go again with the racist crap. "Whites like me"... Shut up. Whites like me are awesome.:eusa_dance: And I have raised both. And the only time you would hear me say, "Blacks, like you" is to point out your racism. I don't give a shit about color and have never started a thread with, "Here's a lesson you blacks need to learn". That shit would not fly in my house in either direction. And I am not a son, I am my Daddy's daughter. And a good one.

On to the facts:
Wright was a preacher, asking God to damn America. If it was about government fail, he would have asked God to damn government. Both he and Oprah are close to Louis Farrakhan, the very personification of racism. Birds of a feather flock together. "You blacks" as well as whites, need to teach your children that they can be anything they want because this country is for both of us. Instill in them what we can accomplish in this country when we work together, because this:
View attachment 135281
creates this:
View attachment 135282

Think of what could happen if we looked for the good in people...
There you go again with the racist crap. "Whites like me"... Shut up. Whites like me are awesome.:eusa_dance: And I have raised both. And the only time you would hear me say, "Blacks, like you" is to point out your racism. I don't give a shit about color and have never started a thread with, "Here's a lesson you blacks need to learn". That shit would not fly in my house in either direction. And I am not a son, I am my Daddy's daughter. And a good one.

On to the facts:
Wright was a preacher, asking God to damn America. If it was about government fail, he would have asked God to damn government. Both he and Oprah are close to Louis Farrakhan, the very personification of racism. Birds of a feather flock together. "You blacks" as well as whites, need to teach your children that they can be anything they want because this country is for both of us. Instill in them what we can accomplish in this country when we work together, because this:
View attachment 135281
creates this:
View attachment 135282

Think of what could happen if we looked for the good in people...
I'm actually a proud progressive liberal who believes in social security public schools yada yada but I actually wish more black people in the black community would leave the Democratic party and be more vocal in their communities and tell them the only way to get out of poverty is to take the Republicans advice.

Yes us liberals are right life has not and is not fair for you, but you have to stop the victim mentality. Democrats tell you you're victims, and you have been and in some ways still are being victimized. But it's time to have owner mentality not victim mentality. I learned about that at a company I worked for. People are either owners or victims. Example

A. I was raped and that's why my life sucks.

B. I was raped but I overcame it and it doesn't define me. I'm now in karate and I'm an advocate for.....
Blacks don't like Carson because he goes against the misguided black ideology that it is the white man that keeps blacks from succeeding. He is proof that that is bullshit.

No I think the guy in the video tape has articulated very well why Carson is not liked You want to tell us the white reason but we blacks do have opinions, we do think and we do have a very solid reason to not like Carson. There are plenty of more successful blacks than Carson ever will be who are not disliked like Carson thank you.

That misguided ideology does not exist. But what does is a more than 240 year record of white racist behavior and it will be a minimum 241 years of it on July 4th.

For that matter plenty of white people don't care for him either. What's really hilarious is that no one recalls how Trump even tried to delegitimatize his autobiography "Gifted Hands" during his campaign. Phony, fake pretentious assholes seem to have forgotten about that. And what's really sad is that "Uncle Ben" has too.

Trump: Carson still suffers from 'pathological disease' - CNNPolitics.com
And Carson is grossly unqualified to be running the pants department at JC Penny let alone the dept of hud.
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Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

He said it the best. Black Democrats are chumps

He said that about both parties. He said blacks were being POLITICAL CHUMPS OF BOTH PARTIES in this speech.

When you try using videos of black leaders it's best you don't try doing so in a OP started by a black person who has heard the speech you posted.

Actually watch the video, them we'll talk
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

People on food stamps typically don't vote. Why would the black community who vote vote for welfare?

The GOP says this about all Democrats. We all want handouts they say
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

What is the "progressive agenda"?

We know what it is:

Human rights
Voting rights
Preparing people for modern jobs
Religious Freedom

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Republicans are 90% white with that 10% being everyone else. Black, Native American, Asian and so on.

Worst of all is the fact Republicans constantly point at blacks insisting they need to change and yet, you have Appalachia which covers the 13 poorest states and their counties in the United States. Perhaps Republicans should spend some time on those poor white people. But they don't. Why?

We know why. Because poor whites in Appalachia accept their being f*cked. They don't see any way out. They vote race with the GOP. And Republicans aren't going to change the perception of their poor and ignorant base. They don't want to. It's that ignorance that keeps Republicans in power.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

He said it the best. Black Democrats are chumps

He said that about both parties. He said blacks were being POLITICAL CHUMPS OF BOTH PARTIES in this speech.

When you try using videos of black leaders it's best you don't try doing so in a OP started by a black person who has heard the speech you posted.

Actually watch the video, them we'll talk

I have watched the video therefore I am talking.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.
That's why you can't be taken seriously. How many movies did they make about your life? You're nothing but a low level cheap shot racist on the internet. Like any punk kid. Probably a white kid too, making blacks look bad.

Nah, I 'm a grown ass black man. Here's what most blacks think about Carson.

I guess this man is a white kid making blacks look bad too.

Have you ever wondered why mostly whites like you like Ben Carson? I mean this is a guy who should be in the black folks hall of fame, but he is despised And it's not because he is successful. His is the mindset that is the problem. But whites like you like that because it allows you to continue what you do.
You're right. I'm allowed to respect people regardless of race that achieve the pinnacle of their chosen profession. You may be old, but grown up you are not. All you offer is hate and racism. You could no nothing so you are jealous of those that didn't need your pathetic excuses because it proves you're a fraud. Truth is your enemy.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson.

^if I said, "You black people".. you would scream that I was racist. Your racism is palpable enough that you really didn't need to announce your color. We already knew.

But I am curious, what is the first lesson you blacks taught us whites?

Your use of false equivalences means nothing here.

To answer your first question, we taught you whites how to work. Think about it. Whites were too lazy to work the land themselves so they that had to get slaves to do the work they were too lazy to do themselves.

No black ever taught me how to work to get ahead. That was my Dad, who was present and accounted for, and raised me. Color had 0 to do with it.
But, if you want to go down that work road, let me remind you that you wouldn't have electric, phones, radios, tv's, a car in every garage, a computer in your lap, libraries, skyscrapers, refrigeration, vacines for polio, measles etc. if it wasn't for whitey. To understand the difference, compare white America with black Africa.

I really don't think you want to go down the road you mentioned the son.


White America- New York City


Black Africa-Nigeria City Nigeria

And who made the steel that enabled buildings to scrape the sky?? Black or white?

Who cares? You wanted to talk shit about white America and black Africa and got dealt with.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.
That's why you can't be taken seriously. How many movies did they make about your life? You're nothing but a low level cheap shot racist on the internet. Like any punk kid. Probably a white kid too, making blacks look bad.

Nah, I 'm a grown ass black man. Here's what most blacks think about Carson.

I guess this man is a white kid making blacks look bad too.

Have you ever wondered why mostly whites like you like Ben Carson? I mean this is a guy who should be in the black folks hall of fame, but he is despised And it's not because he is successful. His is the mindset that is the problem. But whites like you like that because it allows you to continue what you do.
You're right. I'm allowed to respect people regardless of race that achieve the pinnacle of their chosen profession. You may be old, but grown up you are not. All you offer is hate and racism. You could no nothing so you are jealous of those that didn't need your pathetic excuses because it proves you're a fraud. Truth is your enemy.

Oh no, I don't spread hatred or racism. And you are the childish one. You can't accept that whites aren't better.

You don't know what I have done. White racism is not an excuse. You prove it. The truth is my best friend. YOU are the one troubled by it.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.
That's why you can't be taken seriously. How many movies did they make about your life? You're nothing but a low level cheap shot racist on the internet. Like any punk kid. Probably a white kid too, making blacks look bad.

Nah, I 'm a grown ass black man. Here's what most blacks think about Carson.

I guess this man is a white kid making blacks look bad too.

Have you ever wondered why mostly whites like you like Ben Carson? I mean this is a guy who should be in the black folks hall of fame, but he is despised And it's not because he is successful. His is the mindset that is the problem. But whites like you like that because it allows you to continue what you do.
You're right. I'm allowed to respect people regardless of race that achieve the pinnacle of their chosen profession. You may be old, but grown up you are not. All you offer is hate and racism. You could no nothing so you are jealous of those that didn't need your pathetic excuses because it proves you're a fraud. Truth is your enemy.

Oh no, I don't spread hatred or racism. And you are the childish one. You can't accept that whites aren't better.

You don't know what I have done. White racism is not an excuse. You prove it. The truth is my best friend. YOU are the one troubled by it.
Liar. You hate Carson because of his skin color. He proves you wrong. Every one of your posts demonstrates what a racist loser you are.

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