Why Blacks Should Vote for Trump

Obama cant stop whites from being racist and not hiring Blacks. On the other hand more Blacks are being smart and opening up their own businesses. White lap dogs like you keep looking for that pension that died out with the industrial age. Stop being such an uncle tonto and licking the white mans booty.
Selling crack isn't really the same as opening up a business, Tyrone.
I never suggested you should sell crack. I suggest you get a legit business and something more honorable than licking the white mans but crack.
I don't sell crack. I'm not black.

Now selling plastic beads and blankets made in Vietnam to gullible white yahoo tourists with more money than brains....

Yeah I might be guilty of that.
Your boyfriends the white man sell more crack than anyone. Meth too. Dont lie. i know you sell it to make your white man happy.
Whatever you say, Oreo.
Good boy. Now heel uncle tonto.
So what has Democrat Party done for you lately racist, ignorant, fool?

Kiss my ass you ignorant racist fuck. :lol:

I'm not a democrat, but .. Black president .. thousands of elected Black legislators all over the country .. Black people all throughout the Democratic Party .. attention to our issues .. compared to your all white party full of racist motherfuckers just like you.

The choice seems pretty clear.

Check this out Bozo .. African-Americans were once overwhelmingly republican .. what the fuck did the Republican Party do for blacks during those times? We didn't even have basic human and civil rights. 'Black Wall Street' was destroyed by racists, hundreds were murdered, and the city was bombed from the air. Republicans didn't do shit about it.

Mississippi has been republican for a lot of years .. what the fuck are republicans doing about the poorest state in the country? It's a red state .. poorest fucking state in the country. IN FACT .. 9 of the 10 poorest states in American vote consistently republican .. even though republicans haven't done shit for them.

How about you skip your country-fried ass away to talk to somebody else dummy.
Yeah. Blacks permeate Democrat Party. That's why black communities are in ruins, unemployment is rampant, and 7 out of 10 black babies born out of wedlock. "Boy dat Democrats Party sho do lots fo me...I calls black Republicans Uncle Toms."

Voting republican is why Mississippi and 9 out of 10 other states are the poorest states in the nation. You morons can't even take care of white people. :0)

.. and oh yeah .. don't kill yourself ..

Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US
Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US | Psych Central News

White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets
White, middle-age suicide spiked 40% in the last 10 years.
White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets

Doesn't appear that it's all that great being you.

I was on the Michigan math team that won the State of Michigan and every math competition in the State that year. There were four of us and we were undefeated. I double majored in Math and Computer Science at Maryland with a 3.22 GPA. Got my masters in Computer Science at Virginia Tech. And got my MBA at Michigan with high distinction (top 10% of the class). Since then I worked at top fortune 500 companies across America.

Know how I started out? I raked leaves, mowed grass. My church paid me to clean the building every week including moping the floors and cleaning the toilets. I also steamed carpets and did whatever else I needed to do to get sarted.

And YOU think you're BETTER than me? Fuck you, you ass pounding piece of shit. You don't want to work for it? Fuck you and the fart that blew you in. You're a dick of a human being, a complete ass. Get off your ass and work your own way doing whatever it takes.

Unbelievable, how do you get your fucking worthless head through doorways?

:0) I you are as well-educated as you claim, you would have easily recognized that I've never claimed to be better than anyone else. That's the point .. there is nothing more special about me then anyone else. Nor is there anything special about you. Your 'raking leaves' story is cute .. but a more intelligent man would recognize and accept that this is not about you. This is about a proven and undeniable system of discrimination, and a program that has successfully helped millions of Americans of all races get through doors previously closed to them.

If you were actually as intelligent as you claim, you would recognize that your scream of 'BETTER' is a clear indication of your own low self-esteem. I've never suggested 'better' .. which would be true of us both. I went to public school .. yet with all your so-called degrees, you're sure as Hell not demonstrating anything beyond the typical rube under-educated-too stupid to know Trump doesn't want to be president-dumb ass persona that makes up most of his base. :0) You're a Trump supporter, aren't you?

Got any rational reason why 'black people should vote for Trump?' I'm betting that you don't .. but I'd like to see you demonstrate all that supposed intelligence..

.. but then again.. :0)

It's been nice talking to you Mr. Wizard, Do come again.

I claimed I was educated, I said nothing about "intelligent." Maybe if you paid more attention in school, you'd have gotten a better job. I guess blaming your problems on your skin color gets you off the hook, doesn't it?

And yeah, you think you're better than me. I started out as I said moping floors, cleaning toilets, raking leaves. But you don't want to do what you need to do and work up from there. I showed how far hard work can go. But all you heard was intelligence.

No one gave me shit. My father was a deadbeat. I'm the oldest, my sister is just over a year younger and we have a younger brother. My parents agreed my father would help me through college, my mother would help my sister. Guess how that worked out for me? The father who didn't pay child support? I knew my mother couldn't afford us both, so I didn't say anything to her. My brother ended up getting a free ride at the Naval Academy. Well financially free, obviously he had a big obligation.

So? I worked, I built custom built in cabinets, painted, worked as a network communications operator at night, mowed, raked, steamed carpets, cleaned houses (including toilets). I painted a huge house one summer by myself. I was reliable and had no problem earning $10 an hour. Tax free. Pretty good wages in the eighties for that. Got through school with $4K in debt.

Do you notice again how I keep talking about starting where I was and ... working ... The word you never hear in my posts. What I am telling you is get off your lazy ass, stop whining about your skin color and you can do anything you fucking want in this country. You can even be President with no skills and no qualifications as Obama just proved and you can suck for four years and get four more.

Get to it man. But you're going to have to work for it. Government can only give you so much
Last edited:
The other morning I stopped at the gas station while on my way to work to get my morning cup of coffee. While there I had the very real pleasure of bumping into a group of 5 black guys who were part of a roofing company. Two of the men were brothers and owned it, the others were hired men. We got to talking politics and I was NOT surprised that all 5 of them were voting Trump. They said their biggest obstacle in the roofing business was illegal labor. One of the brothers explained that he could take me around the area and show me numerous bids he had lost, and illegal labor on that job right now. According to Dem's these are jobs Americans won't do. Also, Black America should remember how Bill Clinton set up the housing bubble that hurt so many Black families.
FAIL: Hillary Clinton Ad Attacks Donald Trump On Housing Crisis, But Her Donors, Husband Implicated In Mortgage Meltdown - Breitbart
Blacks should vote for Drumpf because of what 5 Black guys said? Thats even more retarded than using Briebart for a source. :laugh:

Of course you ignored his point, but why should blacks for for someone who wants to import illegals to fire them? Are you man enough to once in your life stand up to a real question? I'm thinking no, you can't
He is a retarded cave chimp at best. No need to take anything he says seriously. He is just here for me to use as I see fit.

I called that one, you aren't. He's right on the point that Democrats are screwing blacks by importing the low wages you attack businesses of wanting in China. Why on earth would you support Democrats bringing it here? Jobs is where it all starts, and no one is harmed more by the importation of slave wage labor rates than blacks are. How can you possibly go along with that?
The other morning I stopped at the gas station while on my way to work to get my morning cup of coffee. While there I had the very real pleasure of bumping into a group of 5 black guys who were part of a roofing company. Two of the men were brothers and owned it, the others were hired men. We got to talking politics and I was NOT surprised that all 5 of them were voting Trump. They said their biggest obstacle in the roofing business was illegal labor. One of the brothers explained that he could take me around the area and show me numerous bids he had lost, and illegal labor on that job right now. According to Dem's these are jobs Americans won't do. Also, Black America should remember how Bill Clinton set up the housing bubble that hurt so many Black families.
FAIL: Hillary Clinton Ad Attacks Donald Trump On Housing Crisis, But Her Donors, Husband Implicated In Mortgage Meltdown - Breitbart
Blacks should vote for Drumpf because of what 5 Black guys said? Thats even more retarded than using Briebart for a source. :laugh:

How are Black Lives Better (BLM) under Obama? Have you people checked the Black Unemployment numbers over the last 8 years vs. previous 8 years? You trash using Breitbart for a source.....as opposed to Dan Rather CBS or Brian Williams NBC? CBS and NBC are proven liars.
Easy. we have a Black POTUS for starters. He has shown many Blacks you silly white fucks cant stop Black people no matter how hard you try. Thats just for starters. My net worth has almost tripled since 2008. Thanks Obama.

You think Obama has helped blacks? Yeah. What policy was that?
The other morning I stopped at the gas station while on my way to work to get my morning cup of coffee. While there I had the very real pleasure of bumping into a group of 5 black guys who were part of a roofing company. Two of the men were brothers and owned it, the others were hired men. We got to talking politics and I was NOT surprised that all 5 of them were voting Trump. They said their biggest obstacle in the roofing business was illegal labor. One of the brothers explained that he could take me around the area and show me numerous bids he had lost, and illegal labor on that job right now. According to Dem's these are jobs Americans won't do. Also, Black America should remember how Bill Clinton set up the housing bubble that hurt so many Black families.
FAIL: Hillary Clinton Ad Attacks Donald Trump On Housing Crisis, But Her Donors, Husband Implicated In Mortgage Meltdown - Breitbart
Blacks should vote for Drumpf because of what 5 Black guys said? Thats even more retarded than using Briebart for a source. :laugh:

How are Black Lives Better (BLM) under Obama? Have you people checked the Black Unemployment numbers over the last 8 years vs. previous 8 years? You trash using Breitbart for a source.....as opposed to Dan Rather CBS or Brian Williams NBC? CBS and NBC are proven liars.
Easy. we have a Black POTUS for starters. He has shown many Blacks you silly white fucks cant stop Black people no matter how hard you try. Thats just for starters. My net worth has almost tripled since 2008. Thanks Obama.
Most blacks aren't oreos like you. Black joblessness, especially among the youth, has skyrocketed under your historic president and median income has dropped precipitously. Not all blacks can sell crack to triple their income.
Obama cant stop whites from being racist and not hiring Blacks. On the other hand more Blacks are being smart and opening up their own businesses. White lap dogs like you keep looking for that pension that died out with the industrial age. Stop being such an uncle tonto and licking the white mans booty.

Blacks have it way easier than whites in corporate America and have for a long time. If you're black, you have a huge advantage, companies are trying hit targets. If you're white, it's pure competition for a job. If you're black, you just have to prove you can do the job.

But other than the snide attitude, what you are saying is exactly right in a free market. Companies that don't hire the best employees lose out in the long run. If the best ones are passed over, start your own that does hire the best people and eat them for lunch.

Government solutions just end up being never ending quotas and games with government. Free markets are the solution. Embrace that, don't just say it
So what has Democrat Party done for you lately racist, ignorant, fool?

Kiss my ass you ignorant racist fuck. :lol:

I'm not a democrat, but .. Black president .. thousands of elected Black legislators all over the country .. Black people all throughout the Democratic Party .. attention to our issues .. compared to your all white party full of racist motherfuckers just like you.

The choice seems pretty clear.

Check this out Bozo .. African-Americans were once overwhelmingly republican .. what the fuck did the Republican Party do for blacks during those times? We didn't even have basic human and civil rights. 'Black Wall Street' was destroyed by racists, hundreds were murdered, and the city was bombed from the air. Republicans didn't do shit about it.

Mississippi has been republican for a lot of years .. what the fuck are republicans doing about the poorest state in the country? It's a red state .. poorest fucking state in the country. IN FACT .. 9 of the 10 poorest states in American vote consistently republican .. even though republicans haven't done shit for them.

How about you skip your country-fried ass away to talk to somebody else dummy.
Yeah. Blacks permeate Democrat Party. That's why black communities are in ruins, unemployment is rampant, and 7 out of 10 black babies born out of wedlock. "Boy dat Democrats Party sho do lots fo me...I calls black Republicans Uncle Toms."

Voting republican is why Mississippi and 9 out of 10 other states are the poorest states in the nation. You morons can't even take care of white people. :0)

.. and oh yeah .. don't kill yourself ..

Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US
Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US | Psych Central News

White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets
White, middle-age suicide spiked 40% in the last 10 years.
White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets

Doesn't appear that it's all that great being you.
There is a reason God turned people white back in the day. No one really wants to be white. The only reason they tolerate it is because they had 400 years of white AA and legally kept Black people from the wealth they hold as a group.

I call RW republicans pink people .. giving white people a bad reputation.
I'm going to do a magic trick for you. Now watch closely.

work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ... work ...

Now, how many times did I say "work?" It was 140. But you didn't see it in there once, did you?


I don't know about blacks, but if Trump wants your vote, he needs to make work disappear too

I doubt folks here will read the documents below...Oddly, folks here, despite their participation in a political forum, actually seem uninterested in reading high quality research and very thoroughly developed and presented ideas. I also think that folks here are largely oblivious to extant political history and political science that discusses things more deeply than news headlines and editorials do as goes the evolution of the two major parties and their strategies. Ever more sadly, and strangely, in consideration of folks' apparent desire to discuss politics, subtlety isn't in any dimension a strong suit around here, except perhaps when someone is of the mind to toss about insults.

That said, I'll attempt some degree of perspective to this topic...

Background information one should know well in before embarking on this type of topic:
That little lesson you've presented might be relevant and considerably more accurate had the racists in the pre-Clinton era Democratic party not to have moved into the Republican party.

The Southern Strategy:

To understand why the nation's racists find comfort now in the GOP, one needs to go back to Bill Bennett's infamous remark on his nationally syndicated talk radio show said, "I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose -- you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down."

Recall next the late Lee Atwater's remarks in a 1981 interview explaining the evolution of the GOP's Southern strategy:

Atwater, who would manage George H.W. Bush's successful run for the presidency in 1988 (the Willie Horton campaign) and then serve as national party chairman, was talking with Alexander P. Lamis, a political-science professor at Case Western Reserve University. Mr. Lamis quoted Atwater in the book ''Southern Politics in the 1990's.''

The truth is that there was very little that was subconscious about the GOP's relentless appeal to racist whites. Tired of losing elections, it saw an opportunity to renew itself by opening its arms wide to white voters who could never forgive the Democratic Party for its support of civil rights and voting rights for blacks.

The payoff was huge. Just as the Democratic Party would have been crippled in the old days without the support of the segregationist South, today's Republicans would have only a fraction of their current political power without the near-solid support of voters who are hostile to blacks. When Democrats revolted against racism, the GOP rallied to its banner.

Ronald Reagan, the GOP's biggest hero, opposed both the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act of the mid-1960's. And he began his general election campaign in 1980 with a powerfully symbolic appearance in Philadelphia, Miss., where three young civil rights workers were murdered in the summer of 1964. He drove the crowd wild when he declared: ''I believe in states' rights.''

Bill Bennett's musings about the extermination of blacks in America is all of a piece with a Republican Party philosophy that is endlessly insulting to black people and overwhelmingly hostile to their interests. But the white racist vote, once so important to the Democrats, and now so important to the GOP, has been steadily shrinking. The U.S. is less prejudiced than it was 20 or 30 or 40 years ago, which is why George W. Bush had to try so hard to disenfranchise black voters in Florida in 2000; and why Jeb Bush had to call out the state police to try to intimidate black voters in Orlando, Fla., in 2004; and why Republicans in Georgia have come up with the equivalent of a poll tax (requiring people without a driver's license to pay $20 for a voter identification card), which will hurt poor, black and elderly voters. The GOP wasn't always the party of the racists, but now it is.

This election cycle, Donald Trump has toed the racist line to a "T," and with every bit as much subtlety as Lee Atwater, Ronald Reagan and Bill Bennett did.
I think that's probably enough for black folks to see that there's no reason to believe Trump's assertions about caring about black people. It's also provides palpable illustrations of how the GOP is the party that has bamboozled (or at least is trying to) America by embracing the racists that now call it their political home.

Additional Reference Materials Used or Read to prepare this post:

I doubt folks here will read the documents below...Oddly, folks here, despite their participation in a political forum, actually seem uninterested in reading high quality research and very thoroughly developed and presented ideas. I also think that folks here are largely oblivious to extant political history and political science that discusses things more deeply than news headlines and editorials do as goes the evolution of the two major parties and their strategies. Ever more sadly, and strangely, in consideration of folks' apparent desire to discuss politics, subtlety isn't in any dimension a strong suit around here, except perhaps when someone is of the mind to toss about insults.

That said, I'll attempt some degree of perspective to this topic...

Background information one should know well in before embarking on this type of topic:
That little lesson you've presented might be relevant and considerably more accurate had the racists in the pre-Clinton era Democratic party not to have moved into the Republican party.

The Southern Strategy:

To understand why the nation's racists find comfort now in the GOP, one needs to go back to Bill Bennett's infamous remark on his nationally syndicated talk radio show said, "I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose -- you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down."

Recall next the late Lee Atwater's remarks in a 1981 interview explaining the evolution of the GOP's Southern strategy:

Atwater, who would manage George H.W. Bush's successful run for the presidency in 1988 (the Willie Horton campaign) and then serve as national party chairman, was talking with Alexander P. Lamis, a political-science professor at Case Western Reserve University. Mr. Lamis quoted Atwater in the book ''Southern Politics in the 1990's.''

The truth is that there was very little that was subconscious about the GOP's relentless appeal to racist whites. Tired of losing elections, it saw an opportunity to renew itself by opening its arms wide to white voters who could never forgive the Democratic Party for its support of civil rights and voting rights for blacks.

The payoff was huge. Just as the Democratic Party would have been crippled in the old days without the support of the segregationist South, today's Republicans would have only a fraction of their current political power without the near-solid support of voters who are hostile to blacks. When Democrats revolted against racism, the GOP rallied to its banner.

Ronald Reagan, the GOP's biggest hero, opposed both the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act of the mid-1960's. And he began his general election campaign in 1980 with a powerfully symbolic appearance in Philadelphia, Miss., where three young civil rights workers were murdered in the summer of 1964. He drove the crowd wild when he declared: ''I believe in states' rights.''

Bill Bennett's musings about the extermination of blacks in America is all of a piece with a Republican Party philosophy that is endlessly insulting to black people and overwhelmingly hostile to their interests. But the white racist vote, once so important to the Democrats, and now so important to the GOP, has been steadily shrinking. The U.S. is less prejudiced than it was 20 or 30 or 40 years ago, which is why George W. Bush had to try so hard to disenfranchise black voters in Florida in 2000; and why Jeb Bush had to call out the state police to try to intimidate black voters in Orlando, Fla., in 2004; and why Republicans in Georgia have come up with the equivalent of a poll tax (requiring people without a driver's license to pay $20 for a voter identification card), which will hurt poor, black and elderly voters. The GOP wasn't always the party of the racists, but now it is.

This election cycle, Donald Trump has toed the racist line to a "T," and with every bit as much subtlety as Lee Atwater, Ronald Reagan and Bill Bennett did.
I think that's probably enough for black folks to see that there's no reason to believe Trump's assertions about caring about black people. It's also provides palpable illustrations of how the GOP is the party that has bamboozled (or at least is trying to) America by embracing the racists that now call it their political home.

Additional Reference Materials Used or Read to prepare this post:

When you provide high quality research, please, by all means, do let us know....:lol:

Some slaves, once freed by republicans, refused to leave the plantation.....we opened the gates to the democrat plantation decades ago....walk off, what do you have to lose?
Blacks should vote for Drumpf because of what 5 Black guys said? Thats even more retarded than using Briebart for a source. :laugh:

How are Black Lives Better (BLM) under Obama? Have you people checked the Black Unemployment numbers over the last 8 years vs. previous 8 years? You trash using Breitbart for a source.....as opposed to Dan Rather CBS or Brian Williams NBC? CBS and NBC are proven liars.
Easy. we have a Black POTUS for starters. He has shown many Blacks you silly white fucks cant stop Black people no matter how hard you try. Thats just for starters. My net worth has almost tripled since 2008. Thanks Obama.
Most blacks aren't oreos like you. Black joblessness, especially among the youth, has skyrocketed under your historic president and median income has dropped precipitously. Not all blacks can sell crack to triple their income.
Obama cant stop whites from being racist and not hiring Blacks. On the other hand more Blacks are being smart and opening up their own businesses. White lap dogs like you keep looking for that pension that died out with the industrial age. Stop being such an uncle tonto and licking the white mans booty.
Selling crack isn't really the same as opening up a business, Tyrone.

nah...nothing racist about you. :rolleyes: :cuckoo:

that's the beauty about people like you, you can't even manage to sound like you aren't a bigot
The other morning I stopped at the gas station while on my way to work to get my morning cup of coffee. While there I had the very real pleasure of bumping into a group of 5 black guys who were part of a roofing company. Two of the men were brothers and owned it, the others were hired men. We got to talking politics and I was NOT surprised that all 5 of them were voting Trump. They said their biggest obstacle in the roofing business was illegal labor. One of the brothers explained that he could take me around the area and show me numerous bids he had lost, and illegal labor on that job right now. According to Dem's these are jobs Americans won't do. Also, Black America should remember how Bill Clinton set up the housing bubble that hurt so many Black families.
FAIL: Hillary Clinton Ad Attacks Donald Trump On Housing Crisis, But Her Donors, Husband Implicated In Mortgage Meltdown - Breitbart
Blacks should vote for Drumpf because of what 5 Black guys said? Thats even more retarded than using Briebart for a source. :laugh:

How are Black Lives Better (BLM) under Obama? Have you people checked the Black Unemployment numbers over the last 8 years vs. previous 8 years? You trash using Breitbart for a source.....as opposed to Dan Rather CBS or Brian Williams NBC? CBS and NBC are proven liars.
Easy. we have a Black POTUS for starters. He has shown many Blacks you silly white fucks cant stop Black people no matter how hard you try. Thats just for starters. My net worth has almost tripled since 2008. Thanks Obama.

You sidestepped the quuestion. Since you brought up your net worth over the last 8 years, why can't you answer the question as to why Black Unemployment under Obama as grown as well?
Kiss my ass you ignorant racist fuck. :lol:

I'm not a democrat, but .. Black president .. thousands of elected Black legislators all over the country .. Black people all throughout the Democratic Party .. attention to our issues .. compared to your all white party full of racist motherfuckers just like you.

The choice seems pretty clear.

Check this out Bozo .. African-Americans were once overwhelmingly republican .. what the fuck did the Republican Party do for blacks during those times? We didn't even have basic human and civil rights. 'Black Wall Street' was destroyed by racists, hundreds were murdered, and the city was bombed from the air. Republicans didn't do shit about it.

Mississippi has been republican for a lot of years .. what the fuck are republicans doing about the poorest state in the country? It's a red state .. poorest fucking state in the country. IN FACT .. 9 of the 10 poorest states in American vote consistently republican .. even though republicans haven't done shit for them.

How about you skip your country-fried ass away to talk to somebody else dummy.
Yeah. Blacks permeate Democrat Party. That's why black communities are in ruins, unemployment is rampant, and 7 out of 10 black babies born out of wedlock. "Boy dat Democrats Party sho do lots fo me...I calls black Republicans Uncle Toms."

Voting republican is why Mississippi and 9 out of 10 other states are the poorest states in the nation. You morons can't even take care of white people. :0)

.. and oh yeah .. don't kill yourself ..

Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US
Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US | Psych Central News

White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets
White, middle-age suicide spiked 40% in the last 10 years.
White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets

Doesn't appear that it's all that great being you.

I was on the Michigan math team that won the State of Michigan and every math competition in the State that year. There were four of us and we were undefeated. I double majored in Math and Computer Science at Maryland with a 3.22 GPA. Got my masters in Computer Science at Virginia Tech. And got my MBA at Michigan with high distinction (top 10% of the class). Since then I worked at top fortune 500 companies across America.

Know how I started out? I raked leaves, mowed grass. My church paid me to clean the building every week including moping the floors and cleaning the toilets. I also steamed carpets and did whatever else I needed to do to get sarted.

And YOU think you're BETTER than me? Fuck you, you ass pounding piece of shit. You don't want to work for it? Fuck you and the fart that blew you in. You're a dick of a human being, a complete ass. Get off your ass and work your own way doing whatever it takes.

Unbelievable, how do you get your fucking worthless head through doorways?

:0) I you are as well-educated as you claim, you would have easily recognized that I've never claimed to be better than anyone else. That's the point .. there is nothing more special about me then anyone else. Nor is there anything special about you. Your 'raking leaves' story is cute .. but a more intelligent man would recognize and accept that this is not about you. This is about a proven and undeniable system of discrimination, and a program that has successfully helped millions of Americans of all races get through doors previously closed to them.

If you were actually as intelligent as you claim, you would recognize that your scream of 'BETTER' is a clear indication of your own low self-esteem. I've never suggested 'better' .. which would be true of us both. I went to public school .. yet with all your so-called degrees, you're sure as Hell not demonstrating anything beyond the typical rube under-educated-too stupid to know Trump doesn't want to be president-dumb ass persona that makes up most of his base. :0) You're a Trump supporter, aren't you?

Got any rational reason why 'black people should vote for Trump?' I'm betting that you don't .. but I'd like to see you demonstrate all that supposed intelligence..

.. but then again.. :0)

It's been nice talking to you Mr. Wizard, Do come again.

I claimed I was educated, I said nothing about "intelligent." Maybe if you paid more attention in school, you'd have gotten a better job. I guess blaming your problems on your skin color gets you off the hook, doesn't it?

And yeah, you think you're better than me. I started out as I said moping floors, cleaning toilets, raking leaves. But you don't want to do what you need to do and work up from there. I showed how far hard work can go. But all you heard was intelligence.

No one gave me shit. My father was a deadbeat. I'm the oldest, my sister is just over a year younger and we have a younger brother. My parents agreed my father would help me through college, my mother would help my sister. Guess how that worked out for me? The father who didn't pay child support? I knew my mother couldn't afford us both, so I didn't say anything to her. My brother ended up getting a free ride at the Naval Academy. Well financially free, obviously he had a big obligation.

So? I worked, I built custom built in cabinets, painted, worked as a network communications operator at night, mowed, raked, steamed carpets, cleaned houses (including toilets). I painted a huge house one summer by myself. I was reliable and had no problem earning $10 an hour. Tax free. Pretty good wages in the eighties for that. Got through school with $4K in debt.

Do you notice again how I keep talking about starting where I was and ... working ... The word you never hear in my posts. What I am telling you is get off your lazy ass, stop whining about your skin color and you can do anything you fucking want in this country. You can even be President with no skills and no qualifications as Obama just proved and you can suck for four years and get four more.

Get to it man. But you're going to have to work for it. Government can only give you so much

the rightwingnut brain is odd.... dumb donald insults everyone who isn't white male. and his uneducated white supremacist male minions don't understand why trump gets crushed in every demographic except for angry uneducated white males.

it's not about "free stuff" no matter what the rightwingnut blogosphere and your own ignorance tell you
Yeah. Blacks permeate Democrat Party. That's why black communities are in ruins, unemployment is rampant, and 7 out of 10 black babies born out of wedlock. "Boy dat Democrats Party sho do lots fo me...I calls black Republicans Uncle Toms."

Voting republican is why Mississippi and 9 out of 10 other states are the poorest states in the nation. You morons can't even take care of white people. :0)

.. and oh yeah .. don't kill yourself ..

Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US
Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US | Psych Central News

White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets
White, middle-age suicide spiked 40% in the last 10 years.
White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets

Doesn't appear that it's all that great being you.

I was on the Michigan math team that won the State of Michigan and every math competition in the State that year. There were four of us and we were undefeated. I double majored in Math and Computer Science at Maryland with a 3.22 GPA. Got my masters in Computer Science at Virginia Tech. And got my MBA at Michigan with high distinction (top 10% of the class). Since then I worked at top fortune 500 companies across America.

Know how I started out? I raked leaves, mowed grass. My church paid me to clean the building every week including moping the floors and cleaning the toilets. I also steamed carpets and did whatever else I needed to do to get sarted.

And YOU think you're BETTER than me? Fuck you, you ass pounding piece of shit. You don't want to work for it? Fuck you and the fart that blew you in. You're a dick of a human being, a complete ass. Get off your ass and work your own way doing whatever it takes.

Unbelievable, how do you get your fucking worthless head through doorways?

:0) I you are as well-educated as you claim, you would have easily recognized that I've never claimed to be better than anyone else. That's the point .. there is nothing more special about me then anyone else. Nor is there anything special about you. Your 'raking leaves' story is cute .. but a more intelligent man would recognize and accept that this is not about you. This is about a proven and undeniable system of discrimination, and a program that has successfully helped millions of Americans of all races get through doors previously closed to them.

If you were actually as intelligent as you claim, you would recognize that your scream of 'BETTER' is a clear indication of your own low self-esteem. I've never suggested 'better' .. which would be true of us both. I went to public school .. yet with all your so-called degrees, you're sure as Hell not demonstrating anything beyond the typical rube under-educated-too stupid to know Trump doesn't want to be president-dumb ass persona that makes up most of his base. :0) You're a Trump supporter, aren't you?

Got any rational reason why 'black people should vote for Trump?' I'm betting that you don't .. but I'd like to see you demonstrate all that supposed intelligence..

.. but then again.. :0)

It's been nice talking to you Mr. Wizard, Do come again.

I claimed I was educated, I said nothing about "intelligent." Maybe if you paid more attention in school, you'd have gotten a better job. I guess blaming your problems on your skin color gets you off the hook, doesn't it?

And yeah, you think you're better than me. I started out as I said moping floors, cleaning toilets, raking leaves. But you don't want to do what you need to do and work up from there. I showed how far hard work can go. But all you heard was intelligence.

No one gave me shit. My father was a deadbeat. I'm the oldest, my sister is just over a year younger and we have a younger brother. My parents agreed my father would help me through college, my mother would help my sister. Guess how that worked out for me? The father who didn't pay child support? I knew my mother couldn't afford us both, so I didn't say anything to her. My brother ended up getting a free ride at the Naval Academy. Well financially free, obviously he had a big obligation.

So? I worked, I built custom built in cabinets, painted, worked as a network communications operator at night, mowed, raked, steamed carpets, cleaned houses (including toilets). I painted a huge house one summer by myself. I was reliable and had no problem earning $10 an hour. Tax free. Pretty good wages in the eighties for that. Got through school with $4K in debt.

Do you notice again how I keep talking about starting where I was and ... working ... The word you never hear in my posts. What I am telling you is get off your lazy ass, stop whining about your skin color and you can do anything you fucking want in this country. You can even be President with no skills and no qualifications as Obama just proved and you can suck for four years and get four more.

Get to it man. But you're going to have to work for it. Government can only give you so much

the rightwingnut brain is odd.... dumb donald insults everyone who isn't white male. and his uneducated white supremacist male minions don't understand why trump gets crushed in every demographic except for angry uneducated white males.

it's not about "free stuff" no matter what the rightwingnut blogosphere and your own ignorance tell you
Is about your democrat plantation.....do you whip the people? Or are you a shackler?

Being you're an uneducated dolt, they will never let you be a master.....
Yeah. Blacks permeate Democrat Party. That's why black communities are in ruins, unemployment is rampant, and 7 out of 10 black babies born out of wedlock. "Boy dat Democrats Party sho do lots fo me...I calls black Republicans Uncle Toms."

Voting republican is why Mississippi and 9 out of 10 other states are the poorest states in the nation. You morons can't even take care of white people. :0)

.. and oh yeah .. don't kill yourself ..

Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US
Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US | Psych Central News

White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets
White, middle-age suicide spiked 40% in the last 10 years.
White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets

Doesn't appear that it's all that great being you.

I was on the Michigan math team that won the State of Michigan and every math competition in the State that year. There were four of us and we were undefeated. I double majored in Math and Computer Science at Maryland with a 3.22 GPA. Got my masters in Computer Science at Virginia Tech. And got my MBA at Michigan with high distinction (top 10% of the class). Since then I worked at top fortune 500 companies across America.

Know how I started out? I raked leaves, mowed grass. My church paid me to clean the building every week including moping the floors and cleaning the toilets. I also steamed carpets and did whatever else I needed to do to get sarted.

And YOU think you're BETTER than me? Fuck you, you ass pounding piece of shit. You don't want to work for it? Fuck you and the fart that blew you in. You're a dick of a human being, a complete ass. Get off your ass and work your own way doing whatever it takes.

Unbelievable, how do you get your fucking worthless head through doorways?

:0) I you are as well-educated as you claim, you would have easily recognized that I've never claimed to be better than anyone else. That's the point .. there is nothing more special about me then anyone else. Nor is there anything special about you. Your 'raking leaves' story is cute .. but a more intelligent man would recognize and accept that this is not about you. This is about a proven and undeniable system of discrimination, and a program that has successfully helped millions of Americans of all races get through doors previously closed to them.

If you were actually as intelligent as you claim, you would recognize that your scream of 'BETTER' is a clear indication of your own low self-esteem. I've never suggested 'better' .. which would be true of us both. I went to public school .. yet with all your so-called degrees, you're sure as Hell not demonstrating anything beyond the typical rube under-educated-too stupid to know Trump doesn't want to be president-dumb ass persona that makes up most of his base. :0) You're a Trump supporter, aren't you?

Got any rational reason why 'black people should vote for Trump?' I'm betting that you don't .. but I'd like to see you demonstrate all that supposed intelligence..

.. but then again.. :0)

It's been nice talking to you Mr. Wizard, Do come again.

I claimed I was educated, I said nothing about "intelligent." Maybe if you paid more attention in school, you'd have gotten a better job. I guess blaming your problems on your skin color gets you off the hook, doesn't it?

And yeah, you think you're better than me. I started out as I said moping floors, cleaning toilets, raking leaves. But you don't want to do what you need to do and work up from there. I showed how far hard work can go. But all you heard was intelligence.

No one gave me shit. My father was a deadbeat. I'm the oldest, my sister is just over a year younger and we have a younger brother. My parents agreed my father would help me through college, my mother would help my sister. Guess how that worked out for me? The father who didn't pay child support? I knew my mother couldn't afford us both, so I didn't say anything to her. My brother ended up getting a free ride at the Naval Academy. Well financially free, obviously he had a big obligation.

So? I worked, I built custom built in cabinets, painted, worked as a network communications operator at night, mowed, raked, steamed carpets, cleaned houses (including toilets). I painted a huge house one summer by myself. I was reliable and had no problem earning $10 an hour. Tax free. Pretty good wages in the eighties for that. Got through school with $4K in debt.

Do you notice again how I keep talking about starting where I was and ... working ... The word you never hear in my posts. What I am telling you is get off your lazy ass, stop whining about your skin color and you can do anything you fucking want in this country. You can even be President with no skills and no qualifications as Obama just proved and you can suck for four years and get four more.

Get to it man. But you're going to have to work for it. Government can only give you so much

the rightwingnut brain is odd.... dumb donald insults everyone who isn't white male. and his uneducated white supremacist male minions don't understand why trump gets crushed in every demographic except for angry uneducated white males.

it's not about "free stuff" no matter what the rightwingnut blogosphere and your own ignorance tell you

Free stuff is paid for by working people who pay taxes.
Voting republican is why Mississippi and 9 out of 10 other states are the poorest states in the nation. You morons can't even take care of white people. :0)

.. and oh yeah .. don't kill yourself ..

Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US
Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US | Psych Central News

White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets
White, middle-age suicide spiked 40% in the last 10 years.
White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets

Doesn't appear that it's all that great being you.

I was on the Michigan math team that won the State of Michigan and every math competition in the State that year. There were four of us and we were undefeated. I double majored in Math and Computer Science at Maryland with a 3.22 GPA. Got my masters in Computer Science at Virginia Tech. And got my MBA at Michigan with high distinction (top 10% of the class). Since then I worked at top fortune 500 companies across America.

Know how I started out? I raked leaves, mowed grass. My church paid me to clean the building every week including moping the floors and cleaning the toilets. I also steamed carpets and did whatever else I needed to do to get sarted.

And YOU think you're BETTER than me? Fuck you, you ass pounding piece of shit. You don't want to work for it? Fuck you and the fart that blew you in. You're a dick of a human being, a complete ass. Get off your ass and work your own way doing whatever it takes.

Unbelievable, how do you get your fucking worthless head through doorways?

:0) I you are as well-educated as you claim, you would have easily recognized that I've never claimed to be better than anyone else. That's the point .. there is nothing more special about me then anyone else. Nor is there anything special about you. Your 'raking leaves' story is cute .. but a more intelligent man would recognize and accept that this is not about you. This is about a proven and undeniable system of discrimination, and a program that has successfully helped millions of Americans of all races get through doors previously closed to them.

If you were actually as intelligent as you claim, you would recognize that your scream of 'BETTER' is a clear indication of your own low self-esteem. I've never suggested 'better' .. which would be true of us both. I went to public school .. yet with all your so-called degrees, you're sure as Hell not demonstrating anything beyond the typical rube under-educated-too stupid to know Trump doesn't want to be president-dumb ass persona that makes up most of his base. :0) You're a Trump supporter, aren't you?

Got any rational reason why 'black people should vote for Trump?' I'm betting that you don't .. but I'd like to see you demonstrate all that supposed intelligence..

.. but then again.. :0)

It's been nice talking to you Mr. Wizard, Do come again.

I claimed I was educated, I said nothing about "intelligent." Maybe if you paid more attention in school, you'd have gotten a better job. I guess blaming your problems on your skin color gets you off the hook, doesn't it?

And yeah, you think you're better than me. I started out as I said moping floors, cleaning toilets, raking leaves. But you don't want to do what you need to do and work up from there. I showed how far hard work can go. But all you heard was intelligence.

No one gave me shit. My father was a deadbeat. I'm the oldest, my sister is just over a year younger and we have a younger brother. My parents agreed my father would help me through college, my mother would help my sister. Guess how that worked out for me? The father who didn't pay child support? I knew my mother couldn't afford us both, so I didn't say anything to her. My brother ended up getting a free ride at the Naval Academy. Well financially free, obviously he had a big obligation.

So? I worked, I built custom built in cabinets, painted, worked as a network communications operator at night, mowed, raked, steamed carpets, cleaned houses (including toilets). I painted a huge house one summer by myself. I was reliable and had no problem earning $10 an hour. Tax free. Pretty good wages in the eighties for that. Got through school with $4K in debt.

Do you notice again how I keep talking about starting where I was and ... working ... The word you never hear in my posts. What I am telling you is get off your lazy ass, stop whining about your skin color and you can do anything you fucking want in this country. You can even be President with no skills and no qualifications as Obama just proved and you can suck for four years and get four more.

Get to it man. But you're going to have to work for it. Government can only give you so much

the rightwingnut brain is odd.... dumb donald insults everyone who isn't white male. and his uneducated white supremacist male minions don't understand why trump gets crushed in every demographic except for angry uneducated white males.

it's not about "free stuff" no matter what the rightwingnut blogosphere and your own ignorance tell you

Free stuff is paid for by working people who pay taxes.

blue states pay more in taxes than they take. red states take more from the feds than they pay. what part about people rejecting your bigoted fascist not being about "free stuff" didn't you understand?
Drumpf will get approximately 10% of the Black Vote or less. The reason for the rampant disparity is a bit of mystery. Blacks are one of the few blocks of voters that Mr. Trump has not aggressivly offended.

I feel that blacks, as a group, value their votes more than most since it was so hard to get. Obama's four square endorsement of HRC helps but the rest of the astounding deficit Mr. Trump is suffering from has to be of his own making.
"For the times they are a changing..."
Not enough to help your messiah.
Voting republican is why Mississippi and 9 out of 10 other states are the poorest states in the nation. You morons can't even take care of white people. :0)

.. and oh yeah .. don't kill yourself ..

Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US
Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US | Psych Central News

White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets
White, middle-age suicide spiked 40% in the last 10 years.
White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets

Doesn't appear that it's all that great being you.

I was on the Michigan math team that won the State of Michigan and every math competition in the State that year. There were four of us and we were undefeated. I double majored in Math and Computer Science at Maryland with a 3.22 GPA. Got my masters in Computer Science at Virginia Tech. And got my MBA at Michigan with high distinction (top 10% of the class). Since then I worked at top fortune 500 companies across America.

Know how I started out? I raked leaves, mowed grass. My church paid me to clean the building every week including moping the floors and cleaning the toilets. I also steamed carpets and did whatever else I needed to do to get sarted.

And YOU think you're BETTER than me? Fuck you, you ass pounding piece of shit. You don't want to work for it? Fuck you and the fart that blew you in. You're a dick of a human being, a complete ass. Get off your ass and work your own way doing whatever it takes.

Unbelievable, how do you get your fucking worthless head through doorways?

:0) I you are as well-educated as you claim, you would have easily recognized that I've never claimed to be better than anyone else. That's the point .. there is nothing more special about me then anyone else. Nor is there anything special about you. Your 'raking leaves' story is cute .. but a more intelligent man would recognize and accept that this is not about you. This is about a proven and undeniable system of discrimination, and a program that has successfully helped millions of Americans of all races get through doors previously closed to them.

If you were actually as intelligent as you claim, you would recognize that your scream of 'BETTER' is a clear indication of your own low self-esteem. I've never suggested 'better' .. which would be true of us both. I went to public school .. yet with all your so-called degrees, you're sure as Hell not demonstrating anything beyond the typical rube under-educated-too stupid to know Trump doesn't want to be president-dumb ass persona that makes up most of his base. :0) You're a Trump supporter, aren't you?

Got any rational reason why 'black people should vote for Trump?' I'm betting that you don't .. but I'd like to see you demonstrate all that supposed intelligence..

.. but then again.. :0)

It's been nice talking to you Mr. Wizard, Do come again.

I claimed I was educated, I said nothing about "intelligent." Maybe if you paid more attention in school, you'd have gotten a better job. I guess blaming your problems on your skin color gets you off the hook, doesn't it?

And yeah, you think you're better than me. I started out as I said moping floors, cleaning toilets, raking leaves. But you don't want to do what you need to do and work up from there. I showed how far hard work can go. But all you heard was intelligence.

No one gave me shit. My father was a deadbeat. I'm the oldest, my sister is just over a year younger and we have a younger brother. My parents agreed my father would help me through college, my mother would help my sister. Guess how that worked out for me? The father who didn't pay child support? I knew my mother couldn't afford us both, so I didn't say anything to her. My brother ended up getting a free ride at the Naval Academy. Well financially free, obviously he had a big obligation.

So? I worked, I built custom built in cabinets, painted, worked as a network communications operator at night, mowed, raked, steamed carpets, cleaned houses (including toilets). I painted a huge house one summer by myself. I was reliable and had no problem earning $10 an hour. Tax free. Pretty good wages in the eighties for that. Got through school with $4K in debt.

Do you notice again how I keep talking about starting where I was and ... working ... The word you never hear in my posts. What I am telling you is get off your lazy ass, stop whining about your skin color and you can do anything you fucking want in this country. You can even be President with no skills and no qualifications as Obama just proved and you can suck for four years and get four more.

Get to it man. But you're going to have to work for it. Government can only give you so much

the rightwingnut brain is odd.... dumb donald insults everyone who isn't white male. and his uneducated white supremacist male minions don't understand why trump gets crushed in every demographic except for angry uneducated white males.

it's not about "free stuff" no matter what the rightwingnut blogosphere and your own ignorance tell you

Free stuff is paid for by working people who pay taxes.

So when Trump offers you a tax break and is going to triple the number of jack booted thugs from ICE and enlarge the military, you don't feel guilty for getting the extra government services at a cheaper rate?
Yeah. Blacks permeate Democrat Party. That's why black communities are in ruins, unemployment is rampant, and 7 out of 10 black babies born out of wedlock. "Boy dat Democrats Party sho do lots fo me...I calls black Republicans Uncle Toms."

Voting republican is why Mississippi and 9 out of 10 other states are the poorest states in the nation. You morons can't even take care of white people. :0)

.. and oh yeah .. don't kill yourself ..

Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US
Why Older White Men Have Highest Suicide Rate in US | Psych Central News

White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets
White, middle-age suicide spiked 40% in the last 10 years.
White, Middle-Age Suicide In America Skyrockets

Doesn't appear that it's all that great being you.

I was on the Michigan math team that won the State of Michigan and every math competition in the State that year. There were four of us and we were undefeated. I double majored in Math and Computer Science at Maryland with a 3.22 GPA. Got my masters in Computer Science at Virginia Tech. And got my MBA at Michigan with high distinction (top 10% of the class). Since then I worked at top fortune 500 companies across America.

Know how I started out? I raked leaves, mowed grass. My church paid me to clean the building every week including moping the floors and cleaning the toilets. I also steamed carpets and did whatever else I needed to do to get sarted.

And YOU think you're BETTER than me? Fuck you, you ass pounding piece of shit. You don't want to work for it? Fuck you and the fart that blew you in. You're a dick of a human being, a complete ass. Get off your ass and work your own way doing whatever it takes.

Unbelievable, how do you get your fucking worthless head through doorways?

:0) I you are as well-educated as you claim, you would have easily recognized that I've never claimed to be better than anyone else. That's the point .. there is nothing more special about me then anyone else. Nor is there anything special about you. Your 'raking leaves' story is cute .. but a more intelligent man would recognize and accept that this is not about you. This is about a proven and undeniable system of discrimination, and a program that has successfully helped millions of Americans of all races get through doors previously closed to them.

If you were actually as intelligent as you claim, you would recognize that your scream of 'BETTER' is a clear indication of your own low self-esteem. I've never suggested 'better' .. which would be true of us both. I went to public school .. yet with all your so-called degrees, you're sure as Hell not demonstrating anything beyond the typical rube under-educated-too stupid to know Trump doesn't want to be president-dumb ass persona that makes up most of his base. :0) You're a Trump supporter, aren't you?

Got any rational reason why 'black people should vote for Trump?' I'm betting that you don't .. but I'd like to see you demonstrate all that supposed intelligence..

.. but then again.. :0)

It's been nice talking to you Mr. Wizard, Do come again.

I claimed I was educated, I said nothing about "intelligent." Maybe if you paid more attention in school, you'd have gotten a better job. I guess blaming your problems on your skin color gets you off the hook, doesn't it?

And yeah, you think you're better than me. I started out as I said moping floors, cleaning toilets, raking leaves. But you don't want to do what you need to do and work up from there. I showed how far hard work can go. But all you heard was intelligence.

No one gave me shit. My father was a deadbeat. I'm the oldest, my sister is just over a year younger and we have a younger brother. My parents agreed my father would help me through college, my mother would help my sister. Guess how that worked out for me? The father who didn't pay child support? I knew my mother couldn't afford us both, so I didn't say anything to her. My brother ended up getting a free ride at the Naval Academy. Well financially free, obviously he had a big obligation.

So? I worked, I built custom built in cabinets, painted, worked as a network communications operator at night, mowed, raked, steamed carpets, cleaned houses (including toilets). I painted a huge house one summer by myself. I was reliable and had no problem earning $10 an hour. Tax free. Pretty good wages in the eighties for that. Got through school with $4K in debt.

Do you notice again how I keep talking about starting where I was and ... working ... The word you never hear in my posts. What I am telling you is get off your lazy ass, stop whining about your skin color and you can do anything you fucking want in this country. You can even be President with no skills and no qualifications as Obama just proved and you can suck for four years and get four more.

Get to it man. But you're going to have to work for it. Government can only give you so much

the rightwingnut brain is odd.... dumb donald insults everyone who isn't white male. and his uneducated white supremacist male minions don't understand why trump gets crushed in every demographic except for angry uneducated white males.

it's not about "free stuff" no matter what the rightwingnut blogosphere and your own ignorance tell you

It's not about free stuff to blacks, just you, huh?

That isn't what I said to black as coal. I pointed to how I worked for everything I have. Being white did shit for me. He needs to get off his lazy ass and work for what he wants, there is endless opportunity in this country. His skin color doesn't stop him.

I don't know what your excuse is
I was on the Michigan math team that won the State of Michigan and every math competition in the State that year. There were four of us and we were undefeated. I double majored in Math and Computer Science at Maryland with a 3.22 GPA. Got my masters in Computer Science at Virginia Tech. And got my MBA at Michigan with high distinction (top 10% of the class). Since then I worked at top fortune 500 companies across America.

Know how I started out? I raked leaves, mowed grass. My church paid me to clean the building every week including moping the floors and cleaning the toilets. I also steamed carpets and did whatever else I needed to do to get sarted.

And YOU think you're BETTER than me? Fuck you, you ass pounding piece of shit. You don't want to work for it? Fuck you and the fart that blew you in. You're a dick of a human being, a complete ass. Get off your ass and work your own way doing whatever it takes.

Unbelievable, how do you get your fucking worthless head through doorways?

:0) I you are as well-educated as you claim, you would have easily recognized that I've never claimed to be better than anyone else. That's the point .. there is nothing more special about me then anyone else. Nor is there anything special about you. Your 'raking leaves' story is cute .. but a more intelligent man would recognize and accept that this is not about you. This is about a proven and undeniable system of discrimination, and a program that has successfully helped millions of Americans of all races get through doors previously closed to them.

If you were actually as intelligent as you claim, you would recognize that your scream of 'BETTER' is a clear indication of your own low self-esteem. I've never suggested 'better' .. which would be true of us both. I went to public school .. yet with all your so-called degrees, you're sure as Hell not demonstrating anything beyond the typical rube under-educated-too stupid to know Trump doesn't want to be president-dumb ass persona that makes up most of his base. :0) You're a Trump supporter, aren't you?

Got any rational reason why 'black people should vote for Trump?' I'm betting that you don't .. but I'd like to see you demonstrate all that supposed intelligence..

.. but then again.. :0)

It's been nice talking to you Mr. Wizard, Do come again.

I claimed I was educated, I said nothing about "intelligent." Maybe if you paid more attention in school, you'd have gotten a better job. I guess blaming your problems on your skin color gets you off the hook, doesn't it?

And yeah, you think you're better than me. I started out as I said moping floors, cleaning toilets, raking leaves. But you don't want to do what you need to do and work up from there. I showed how far hard work can go. But all you heard was intelligence.

No one gave me shit. My father was a deadbeat. I'm the oldest, my sister is just over a year younger and we have a younger brother. My parents agreed my father would help me through college, my mother would help my sister. Guess how that worked out for me? The father who didn't pay child support? I knew my mother couldn't afford us both, so I didn't say anything to her. My brother ended up getting a free ride at the Naval Academy. Well financially free, obviously he had a big obligation.

So? I worked, I built custom built in cabinets, painted, worked as a network communications operator at night, mowed, raked, steamed carpets, cleaned houses (including toilets). I painted a huge house one summer by myself. I was reliable and had no problem earning $10 an hour. Tax free. Pretty good wages in the eighties for that. Got through school with $4K in debt.

Do you notice again how I keep talking about starting where I was and ... working ... The word you never hear in my posts. What I am telling you is get off your lazy ass, stop whining about your skin color and you can do anything you fucking want in this country. You can even be President with no skills and no qualifications as Obama just proved and you can suck for four years and get four more.

Get to it man. But you're going to have to work for it. Government can only give you so much

the rightwingnut brain is odd.... dumb donald insults everyone who isn't white male. and his uneducated white supremacist male minions don't understand why trump gets crushed in every demographic except for angry uneducated white males.

it's not about "free stuff" no matter what the rightwingnut blogosphere and your own ignorance tell you

Free stuff is paid for by working people who pay taxes.

blue states pay more in taxes than they take. red states take more from the feds than they pay. what part about people rejecting your bigoted fascist not being about "free stuff" didn't you understand?
I was on the Michigan math team that won the State of Michigan and every math competition in the State that year. There were four of us and we were undefeated. I double majored in Math and Computer Science at Maryland with a 3.22 GPA. Got my masters in Computer Science at Virginia Tech. And got my MBA at Michigan with high distinction (top 10% of the class). Since then I worked at top fortune 500 companies across America.

Know how I started out? I raked leaves, mowed grass. My church paid me to clean the building every week including moping the floors and cleaning the toilets. I also steamed carpets and did whatever else I needed to do to get sarted.

And YOU think you're BETTER than me? Fuck you, you ass pounding piece of shit. You don't want to work for it? Fuck you and the fart that blew you in. You're a dick of a human being, a complete ass. Get off your ass and work your own way doing whatever it takes.

Unbelievable, how do you get your fucking worthless head through doorways?

:0) I you are as well-educated as you claim, you would have easily recognized that I've never claimed to be better than anyone else. That's the point .. there is nothing more special about me then anyone else. Nor is there anything special about you. Your 'raking leaves' story is cute .. but a more intelligent man would recognize and accept that this is not about you. This is about a proven and undeniable system of discrimination, and a program that has successfully helped millions of Americans of all races get through doors previously closed to them.

If you were actually as intelligent as you claim, you would recognize that your scream of 'BETTER' is a clear indication of your own low self-esteem. I've never suggested 'better' .. which would be true of us both. I went to public school .. yet with all your so-called degrees, you're sure as Hell not demonstrating anything beyond the typical rube under-educated-too stupid to know Trump doesn't want to be president-dumb ass persona that makes up most of his base. :0) You're a Trump supporter, aren't you?

Got any rational reason why 'black people should vote for Trump?' I'm betting that you don't .. but I'd like to see you demonstrate all that supposed intelligence..

.. but then again.. :0)

It's been nice talking to you Mr. Wizard, Do come again.

I claimed I was educated, I said nothing about "intelligent." Maybe if you paid more attention in school, you'd have gotten a better job. I guess blaming your problems on your skin color gets you off the hook, doesn't it?

And yeah, you think you're better than me. I started out as I said moping floors, cleaning toilets, raking leaves. But you don't want to do what you need to do and work up from there. I showed how far hard work can go. But all you heard was intelligence.

No one gave me shit. My father was a deadbeat. I'm the oldest, my sister is just over a year younger and we have a younger brother. My parents agreed my father would help me through college, my mother would help my sister. Guess how that worked out for me? The father who didn't pay child support? I knew my mother couldn't afford us both, so I didn't say anything to her. My brother ended up getting a free ride at the Naval Academy. Well financially free, obviously he had a big obligation.

So? I worked, I built custom built in cabinets, painted, worked as a network communications operator at night, mowed, raked, steamed carpets, cleaned houses (including toilets). I painted a huge house one summer by myself. I was reliable and had no problem earning $10 an hour. Tax free. Pretty good wages in the eighties for that. Got through school with $4K in debt.

Do you notice again how I keep talking about starting where I was and ... working ... The word you never hear in my posts. What I am telling you is get off your lazy ass, stop whining about your skin color and you can do anything you fucking want in this country. You can even be President with no skills and no qualifications as Obama just proved and you can suck for four years and get four more.

Get to it man. But you're going to have to work for it. Government can only give you so much

the rightwingnut brain is odd.... dumb donald insults everyone who isn't white male. and his uneducated white supremacist male minions don't understand why trump gets crushed in every demographic except for angry uneducated white males.

it's not about "free stuff" no matter what the rightwingnut blogosphere and your own ignorance tell you

Free stuff is paid for by working people who pay taxes.

blue states pay more in taxes than they take. red states take more from the feds than they pay. what part about people rejecting your bigoted fascist not being about "free stuff" didn't you understand?

Cool, so let's slash spending
I was on the Michigan math team that won the State of Michigan and every math competition in the State that year. There were four of us and we were undefeated. I double majored in Math and Computer Science at Maryland with a 3.22 GPA. Got my masters in Computer Science at Virginia Tech. And got my MBA at Michigan with high distinction (top 10% of the class). Since then I worked at top fortune 500 companies across America.

Know how I started out? I raked leaves, mowed grass. My church paid me to clean the building every week including moping the floors and cleaning the toilets. I also steamed carpets and did whatever else I needed to do to get sarted.

And YOU think you're BETTER than me? Fuck you, you ass pounding piece of shit. You don't want to work for it? Fuck you and the fart that blew you in. You're a dick of a human being, a complete ass. Get off your ass and work your own way doing whatever it takes.

Unbelievable, how do you get your fucking worthless head through doorways?

:0) I you are as well-educated as you claim, you would have easily recognized that I've never claimed to be better than anyone else. That's the point .. there is nothing more special about me then anyone else. Nor is there anything special about you. Your 'raking leaves' story is cute .. but a more intelligent man would recognize and accept that this is not about you. This is about a proven and undeniable system of discrimination, and a program that has successfully helped millions of Americans of all races get through doors previously closed to them.

If you were actually as intelligent as you claim, you would recognize that your scream of 'BETTER' is a clear indication of your own low self-esteem. I've never suggested 'better' .. which would be true of us both. I went to public school .. yet with all your so-called degrees, you're sure as Hell not demonstrating anything beyond the typical rube under-educated-too stupid to know Trump doesn't want to be president-dumb ass persona that makes up most of his base. :0) You're a Trump supporter, aren't you?

Got any rational reason why 'black people should vote for Trump?' I'm betting that you don't .. but I'd like to see you demonstrate all that supposed intelligence..

.. but then again.. :0)

It's been nice talking to you Mr. Wizard, Do come again.

I claimed I was educated, I said nothing about "intelligent." Maybe if you paid more attention in school, you'd have gotten a better job. I guess blaming your problems on your skin color gets you off the hook, doesn't it?

And yeah, you think you're better than me. I started out as I said moping floors, cleaning toilets, raking leaves. But you don't want to do what you need to do and work up from there. I showed how far hard work can go. But all you heard was intelligence.

No one gave me shit. My father was a deadbeat. I'm the oldest, my sister is just over a year younger and we have a younger brother. My parents agreed my father would help me through college, my mother would help my sister. Guess how that worked out for me? The father who didn't pay child support? I knew my mother couldn't afford us both, so I didn't say anything to her. My brother ended up getting a free ride at the Naval Academy. Well financially free, obviously he had a big obligation.

So? I worked, I built custom built in cabinets, painted, worked as a network communications operator at night, mowed, raked, steamed carpets, cleaned houses (including toilets). I painted a huge house one summer by myself. I was reliable and had no problem earning $10 an hour. Tax free. Pretty good wages in the eighties for that. Got through school with $4K in debt.

Do you notice again how I keep talking about starting where I was and ... working ... The word you never hear in my posts. What I am telling you is get off your lazy ass, stop whining about your skin color and you can do anything you fucking want in this country. You can even be President with no skills and no qualifications as Obama just proved and you can suck for four years and get four more.

Get to it man. But you're going to have to work for it. Government can only give you so much

the rightwingnut brain is odd.... dumb donald insults everyone who isn't white male. and his uneducated white supremacist male minions don't understand why trump gets crushed in every demographic except for angry uneducated white males.

it's not about "free stuff" no matter what the rightwingnut blogosphere and your own ignorance tell you

Free stuff is paid for by working people who pay taxes.

So when Trump offers you a tax break and is going to triple the number of jack booted thugs from ICE and enlarge the military, you don't feel guilty for getting the extra government services at a cheaper rate?

Black booted thugs from ICE? The lying chick who said she's for securing our borders kills another of her own tales

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