Why Blacks Vote Democrat

Well I can see that if that is the depth of the GOP thinking process, they'll never get it. White people trying explain why black people do what they do, a little short on reality..
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The Democratic Party has ALWAYS been the party of racism, first they were admitting their racism, passing laws to limit our freedom & "keep us in our place", ain't much changed as everyone knows the arguments they have eventually boil down to "we are not racist, the republicans are the REAL racists! WE LOVE BLACK PEOPLE! Hey, here's some free shit, now stay in your place, make sure you don't aspire to be great & build up your community, just make sure you vote for us!"
They promote the genocide of black babies in our schools, you don't see these assholes making as much effort in any other community. They won't help out poor black families unless there is no man in the home, Hence why we have an abysmal rate of intact families in the black community....I could rail on and on.

Black people have become the gunea pigs for state control & manipulation, and I am sick of it. All in all, the democrats never actually changed, all they did was figure out a way to fool blacks into thinking destroying our community is actually GOOD for us. Welfare state politics are just a clever way to keep us "in our place" & voting democrat. Now it's destroying all of America, you white folks shouldve got a clue just by looking at the condition the black American community is in....somehow you white liberals think 70% single parent households & reliance on government was good for the whole country.

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Don't get me wrong. I don't think Republicans have done much better representing our interests in a looooong time. They just aren't pretending to care while enacting policies that hurt us and promoting government dependency like the Dems are.
Blacks vote Democrat for same reasons all people who vote Democrat do: "Waaaaaaa I'm a victim of the mean ol' United States."
Pretty much, Bush. Though some rich white liberals seem to think they're humanitarians for voting to keep us enslaved on the government tit plantation.
In some of the southern states, there are many conservative African Americans who vote GOP. For instance in Mississippi, where the African American population accounts for about 40% of the state population, the election results in 2012 were 55.29% GOP vs 43.79% Democrats. If all African Americans voted Democrat, it would mean that the Democrat vote in Mississippi was comprised almost entirely of African Americans. It would be silly to assume that virtually all non-blacks or Hispanics in Mississippi voted GOP, accounting for 60% of the state population.

United States presidential election in Mississippi, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Funny how people expect a whole bible-thick book's worth of history out of a video meant to give an opinion with quick facts, it's aimed at a majority of average Americans, who have short attention spans as we all could agree, Id hope.

He gave enough info to prove his point.

How about you debunk what he said instead of sitting here & bitching that he didn't detail every aspect of the history of blacks in America?
Funny how people expect a whole bible-thick book's worth of history out of a video meant to give an opinion with quick facts, it's aimed at a majority of average Americans, who have short attention spans as we all could agree, Id hope.

He gave enough info to prove his point.

How about you debunk what he said instead of sitting here & bitching that he didn't detail every aspect of the history of blacks in America?
Ok, some good points, wrapped in half truths.

Impossible; the mere thought brings everyone from Trotter, Garvey, & DuBois straight to mind. :D
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