Why Blacks Vote Democrat

Blacks vote Democratic now because the GOP has made white males its foundation..
...and attempts to prevent blacks and Hispanics from voting at all
Allen West,Condi Rice, Michel Steel, are but some of these white men right?

Republicans have elected six blacks to higher office in the last 100 years

Well guess them democrats shouldn't have made it dangerous for them to run for 60 years.
Yes, since 1995. I have no problem with a state providing an ID if the citizens want it. Whatever it takes.

Whatever it takes to get it you mean; DMV had no office in my town. Gotta drive or walk 30 miles to get that ID.

Why do you feel that blacks are such helpless individuals? They can't get a free voter ID card? Why are they not intelligent enough? They can't drive or take a bus to the DMV? I just don't understand why you people feel that blacks are incapable of simple tasks.

Because we all know:

1) it is a bullshit democrat rhetorical dodge to keep anyone from interfering with their election rigging.

2) the Democrats have always considered blacks to be stupid and criminals by nature. That is why they argue that 'enforce the laws' = racism and that cutting welfare = racism.
Tea Party in Beverly Hills (best audio) Rev. Wayn…: [ame=http://youtu.be/fRE36Fxxx1w]Tea Party in Beverly Hills (best audio) Rev. Wayne Perryman "Blacks, Whites & Racist Democrats"(3/8) - YouTube[/ame]
My Caucasian (as far as I know, I do not research the bedroom activities lives of my of my ancestors.) mother had no photo ID, due to disability, had no problem voting. I am damn sure hyped up. In my area, one must go 30 miles to DMV and of course, shell out money to get Florida ID. A poll tax if the precinct does not have affidavits, and you have someone with you to sign it. (I had to go with someone I knew in 2002 to sign so he could vote, he had his license revoked, could not afford to pay speeding and parking tickets), didn't think he would need the "State ID". Its a long wait now to vote in my area of Florida, not enough money for luxuries like VOTING. Now, a birth certificate is required to renew a license or get the ID. I was a poll watcher in 2012, I am not buying the spin, I know when the precincts in "black areas" opened, saw only one that appeared upset when leaving, we have a good SOE. But, I learned of precincts without affidavits from other poll watchers.


democrats oppose voter ID because ID interferes with election fraud, and you believe fraud is your right. Fraud is a long term democrat tradition, and you feel that it is your sacred right. Importing millions of illegals to proxy vote for party members is something you hold sacred.

I don't believe your story - first off, you're a democrat, which means integrity is pretty far down your list of priorities.

An elderly woman with health problems would have medicate - ID is required for medicare. If she was in Social Security - ID would be required to cash the check, or to get an EBT card.

The claim that democrats use about the poor is also a blatant lie - SNAP benefits require ID.

No Peach, you oppose ID because it will block fraud - which you hold as the right of your corrupt party.
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Name the Red States with strong teachers unions

Name the state that has no teachers union, Comrade?

Can you pick out the Red States?

how-strong-are-us-teacher-unions-map.png | The Thomas B. Fordham Institute

I especially like that democrats used to be 'red' then the msm decided calling them red was to close to calling them communist and well since it was a description that fit they then decided to call the pubs red this to clear things up. As with everything associated with the democrats.. they have to turn all the definitions upside down to confuse the folks.
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Changing voter ID laws (some every year) are obvious attempts to keep people from voting.

Yeah, because black people be PRO hib ited from having ID...

....No one sincerely thinks anything else

Izzsatrite, retard?

people who have voted for years suddenly are asked to buy an ID from the government for the right they already had..

..that's Klan stuff

You mean ID that is needed for SNAP - fuckwad?
Changing voter ID laws (some every year) are obvious attempts to keep people from voting.

....No one sincerely thinks anything else
people who have voted for years suddenly are asked to buy an ID from the government for the right they already had..

..that's Klan stuff

yes it is a right...for people allowed to vote. You're crazy if you think we should just let anyone vote just because they're here. How are we supposed to make sure they're legally allowed to vote w/o I.D.?

Do you ever get asked for your ID to cash a check?

His SNAP card be racist - ummm hmmmm - He is required to have ID to use it.

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