Why California Is In Trouble – 340,000 Public Employees With $100,000+ Paychecks Cost Taxpayers $45 Billion

Some people feel that the lockdown has lasted so long because it is not affecting public employees and elected politicians.

Anyone who gets paid by the government is getting his/her paycheck as usual. So it's understandable that they are not feeling the depression that people in the private sector are feeling.
You are 100% correct

most government employees are stting at home with full pay

We pay for schools through property taxes. If schools are closed our taxes should be reduced by that amount for every day they close. Teachers can get unemployment like everyone else.
Some people feel that the lockdown has lasted so long because it is not affecting public employees and elected politicians.

Anyone who gets paid by the government is getting his/her paycheck as usual. So it's understandable that they are not feeling the depression that people in the private sector are feeling.
You are 100% correct

most government employees are stting at home with full pay

We pay for schools through property taxes. If schools are closed our taxes should be reduced by that amount for every day they close. Teachers can get unemployment like everyone else.

To be honest, I think the majority of teachers are conscientious, and want to do right by their students. However, the administration, and a hard corp group of political activist teachers only want to indoctrinate our kids. I have witnessed this first hand at my daughters school. As a grade schooler the science teacher was terrifying the kids with global warming horse shit. Theories that had been debunked years ago. She was coming home just terrified. I sat her down, and educated her on the real science.

We spent three weeks going through the hard science behind geology, and chemistry, and meteorology so that she understood the concepts better than her science teacher did. The shitstorm began when she started teaching her fellow students the actual facts. I got called in before the principle, and the science teacher to explain myself. I was called an anti science denier, a religious zealot, and a danger to society until I presented my credentials. Suddenly they couldn't call me an anti science denier as I hold a PhD in geology from Caltech. Not exactly a religious fundamentalist school.

Needless to say I read them the riot act of my own and stated that if they continued to present unsubstantiated claims that I would sue them personally. They wouldn't get to use school funds to protect themselves, nor would they be able to get the county to provide for their defense either. I did say that they could present ANYTHING they wanted in support of the global warming nonsense so long as it would hold up to actual peer review. Not the "pal review" (which I was able to prove to them) that the global warming fraudsters are pushing, but papers that would stand up to scrutiny from any credible person.

We have been in a uneasy truce since then.
To be honest, I think the majority of teachers are conscientious, and want to do right by their students
If so very few are willing to let doing the right thing get in the way of their teaching career and future cushy retirement plans

but before I forget let me say your post was one of the best I have read in a long time

well done
Why are you so triggered?
Considering the piss poor education result the supers are not worth that much money
Considering a good number of the students don't speak or read English, how do you consider those poor results?
The results are poor regardless of what the reason is

If there are too many foreign speakers in the schools its not because of legal immigration but rather illegal aliens

But for some reason public teachers are big supporters of illegal aliens even at the expense of American kids

Public school teachers do not make policy, dumbass!
Of course they do. They support their unions pushing this shit. Their dues support it. They don’t ever stand up against those policies. They’ll walk off the job for a raise but they won’t do that to change bad policies.

They support all this shit. What are you talking about.
It allows bad teachers to stay on the job. Our children are short changed.

So you don't believe in due process?

Anyone critical of teacher's unions usually never stop to consider that. Imagine your new boss just didn't like you, yet you performed you job beyond expectations. Would it be OK for them to fire you with no cause?

When I was a school administrator, I found that truly incompetent teachers were not being removed from the classroom because the administrators failed to document deficiencies. BTW, I was reassigned from my job as an assistant principal because my principal decided to fire two teachers without justification just because she didn't like them. I refused to fire them, but she did anyway.
I worked in the world of nursing. Non union. Our pay was merit based. Do a good job get rewards. Be lazy and uncaring your rewards are not coming. The unions tried to work their way into the work place but we voted them down twice. Teachers could actually teach without unions.
How do you judge the performance of a teacher?
To be honest, I think the majority of teachers are conscientious, and want to do right by their students
If so very few are willing to let doing the right thing get in the way of their teaching career and future cushy retirement plans

but before I forget let me say your post was one of the best I have read in a long time

well done
Very few teachers have "cushy" retirement plans. The problem is you look at afew districts/states and paint all teachers as having those benefits.

My retirement plan is FL was for 30 years you got 48% of a shitty base salary and no other benefits. Cushy? Not hardly! I was drawing a salary for 50 weeks a year as an assistant principal, not even a teacher's pay, that was equivalent of a normal teacher's salary in another state. I left and got time off in the summer to compensate for my 60 hour work weeks the rest of the year.
Some people feel that the lockdown has lasted so long because it is not affecting public employees and elected politicians.

Anyone who gets paid by the government is getting his/her paycheck as usual. So it's understandable that they are not feeling the depression that people in the private sector are feeling.
You are 100% correct

most government employees are stting at home with full pay

We pay for schools through property taxes. If schools are closed our taxes should be reduced by that amount for every day they close. Teachers can get unemployment like everyone else.

To be honest, I think the majority of teachers are conscientious, and want to do right by their students. However, the administration, and a hard corp group of political activist teachers only want to indoctrinate our kids. I have witnessed this first hand at my daughters school. As a grade schooler the science teacher was terrifying the kids with global warming horse shit. Theories that had been debunked years ago. She was coming home just terrified. I sat her down, and educated her on the real science.

We spent three weeks going through the hard science behind geology, and chemistry, and meteorology so that she understood the concepts better than her science teacher did. The shitstorm began when she started teaching her fellow students the actual facts. I got called in before the principle, and the science teacher to explain myself. I was called an anti science denier, a religious zealot, and a danger to society until I presented my credentials. Suddenly they couldn't call me an anti science denier as I hold a PhD in geology from Caltech. Not exactly a religious fundamentalist school.

Needless to say I read them the riot act of my own and stated that if they continued to present unsubstantiated claims that I would sue them personally. They wouldn't get to use school funds to protect themselves, nor would they be able to get the county to provide for their defense either. I did say that they could present ANYTHING they wanted in support of the global warming nonsense so long as it would hold up to actual peer review. Not the "pal review" (which I was able to prove to them) that the global warming fraudsters are pushing, but papers that would stand up to scrutiny from any credible person.

We have been in a uneasy truce since then.

For a Phd., you still don't know the difference in "principle" and "principal"! :abgg2q.jpg:
Considering the piss poor education result the supers are not worth that much money

I'm a public school teacher.
Are you claiming that I do a 'piss poor job'
....looks like Cali has a bunch of shithead teachers/piss poor system/OVERCROWDED schools because of illegals and immigrants/etc
The sad fact is California used to have the finest system in the US. Now they are almost rock bottom. Unionized? That’s not working all that well for the students is it?
I think the biggest probem that liberal stupidity fails to solve is millions of illegal alien children flooding the system
Cali is the number one immigrant state and number one for ILLEGALS!!!! = shithole
Considering the piss poor education result the supers are not worth that much money

I'm a public school teacher.
Are you claiming that I do a 'piss poor job'


If you are a Cali public school teacher, supported by CALpers (serious taxpayer dollars) and ALLOW a D to be a passing grade, you are part of the problem.
Teachers do not make those policies.

They STAND by these failed policies.
Some people feel that the lockdown has lasted so long because it is not affecting public employees and elected politicians.

Anyone who gets paid by the government is getting his/her paycheck as usual. So it's understandable that they are not feeling the depression that people in the private sector are feeling.
You are 100% correct

most government employees are stting at home with full pay

We pay for schools through property taxes. If schools are closed our taxes should be reduced by that amount for every day they close. Teachers can get unemployment like everyone else.

To be honest, I think the majority of teachers are conscientious, and want to do right by their students. However, the administration, and a hard corp group of political activist teachers only want to indoctrinate our kids. I have witnessed this first hand at my daughters school. As a grade schooler the science teacher was terrifying the kids with global warming horse shit. Theories that had been debunked years ago. She was coming home just terrified. I sat her down, and educated her on the real science.

We spent three weeks going through the hard science behind geology, and chemistry, and meteorology so that she understood the concepts better than her science teacher did. The shitstorm began when she started teaching her fellow students the actual facts. I got called in before the principle, and the science teacher to explain myself. I was called an anti science denier, a religious zealot, and a danger to society until I presented my credentials. Suddenly they couldn't call me an anti science denier as I hold a PhD in geology from Caltech. Not exactly a religious fundamentalist school.

Needless to say I read them the riot act of my own and stated that if they continued to present unsubstantiated claims that I would sue them personally. They wouldn't get to use school funds to protect themselves, nor would they be able to get the county to provide for their defense either. I did say that they could present ANYTHING they wanted in support of the global warming nonsense so long as it would hold up to actual peer review. Not the "pal review" (which I was able to prove to them) that the global warming fraudsters are pushing, but papers that would stand up to scrutiny from any credible person.

We have been in a uneasy truce since then.

For a Phd., you still don't know the difference in "principle" and "principal"! :abgg2q.jpg:

Blame your "experts" who develop the spell check, moron.
Some people feel that the lockdown has lasted so long because it is not affecting public employees and elected politicians.

Anyone who gets paid by the government is getting his/her paycheck as usual. So it's understandable that they are not feeling the depression that people in the private sector are feeling.
You are 100% correct

most government employees are stting at home with full pay

We pay for schools through property taxes. If schools are closed our taxes should be reduced by that amount for every day they close. Teachers can get unemployment like everyone else.

To be honest, I think the majority of teachers are conscientious, and want to do right by their students. However, the administration, and a hard corp group of political activist teachers only want to indoctrinate our kids. I have witnessed this first hand at my daughters school. As a grade schooler the science teacher was terrifying the kids with global warming horse shit. Theories that had been debunked years ago. She was coming home just terrified. I sat her down, and educated her on the real science.

We spent three weeks going through the hard science behind geology, and chemistry, and meteorology so that she understood the concepts better than her science teacher did. The shitstorm began when she started teaching her fellow students the actual facts. I got called in before the principle, and the science teacher to explain myself. I was called an anti science denier, a religious zealot, and a danger to society until I presented my credentials. Suddenly they couldn't call me an anti science denier as I hold a PhD in geology from Caltech. Not exactly a religious fundamentalist school.

Needless to say I read them the riot act of my own and stated that if they continued to present unsubstantiated claims that I would sue them personally. They wouldn't get to use school funds to protect themselves, nor would they be able to get the county to provide for their defense either. I did say that they could present ANYTHING they wanted in support of the global warming nonsense so long as it would hold up to actual peer review. Not the "pal review" (which I was able to prove to them) that the global warming fraudsters are pushing, but papers that would stand up to scrutiny from any credible person.

We have been in a uneasy truce since then.

For a Phd., you still don't know the difference in "principle" and "principal"! :abgg2q.jpg:

Blame your "experts" who develop the spell check, moron.
I guess you don't understand :abgg2q.jpg:
Considering the piss poor education result the supers are not worth that much money

I'm a public school teacher.
Are you claiming that I do a 'piss poor job'


If you are a Cali public school teacher, supported by CALpers (serious taxpayer dollars) and ALLOW a D to be a passing grade, you are part of the problem.
Teachers do not make those policies.

They STAND by these failed policies.
What do you propose they do about it?
Some people feel that the lockdown has lasted so long because it is not affecting public employees and elected politicians.

Anyone who gets paid by the government is getting his/her paycheck as usual. So it's understandable that they are not feeling the depression that people in the private sector are feeling.
You are 100% correct

most government employees are stting at home with full pay

We pay for schools through property taxes. If schools are closed our taxes should be reduced by that amount for every day they close. Teachers can get unemployment like everyone else.

To be honest, I think the majority of teachers are conscientious, and want to do right by their students. However, the administration, and a hard corp group of political activist teachers only want to indoctrinate our kids. I have witnessed this first hand at my daughters school. As a grade schooler the science teacher was terrifying the kids with global warming horse shit. Theories that had been debunked years ago. She was coming home just terrified. I sat her down, and educated her on the real science.

We spent three weeks going through the hard science behind geology, and chemistry, and meteorology so that she understood the concepts better than her science teacher did. The shitstorm began when she started teaching her fellow students the actual facts. I got called in before the principle, and the science teacher to explain myself. I was called an anti science denier, a religious zealot, and a danger to society until I presented my credentials. Suddenly they couldn't call me an anti science denier as I hold a PhD in geology from Caltech. Not exactly a religious fundamentalist school.

Needless to say I read them the riot act of my own and stated that if they continued to present unsubstantiated claims that I would sue them personally. They wouldn't get to use school funds to protect themselves, nor would they be able to get the county to provide for their defense either. I did say that they could present ANYTHING they wanted in support of the global warming nonsense so long as it would hold up to actual peer review. Not the "pal review" (which I was able to prove to them) that the global warming fraudsters are pushing, but papers that would stand up to scrutiny from any credible person.

We have been in a uneasy truce since then.

For a Phd., you still don't know the difference in "principle" and "principal"! :abgg2q.jpg:

Blame your "experts" who develop the spell check, moron.
I guess you don't understand :abgg2q.jpg:

No, it appears you try and deflect from a weak position, which is typical.

Here's the deal, I support good teachers. They do fantastic jobs. The problem is there is no merit system for teachers. If a teacher is shit there is no way to get rid of them.

Several years ago we had a Teacher of the year, let go, to keep a teacher on who was crap, but had been there longer.

That's the problem.
Some people feel that the lockdown has lasted so long because it is not affecting public employees and elected politicians.

Anyone who gets paid by the government is getting his/her paycheck as usual. So it's understandable that they are not feeling the depression that people in the private sector are feeling.
You are 100% correct

most government employees are stting at home with full pay

We pay for schools through property taxes. If schools are closed our taxes should be reduced by that amount for every day they close. Teachers can get unemployment like everyone else.

To be honest, I think the majority of teachers are conscientious, and want to do right by their students. However, the administration, and a hard corp group of political activist teachers only want to indoctrinate our kids. I have witnessed this first hand at my daughters school. As a grade schooler the science teacher was terrifying the kids with global warming horse shit. Theories that had been debunked years ago. She was coming home just terrified. I sat her down, and educated her on the real science.

We spent three weeks going through the hard science behind geology, and chemistry, and meteorology so that she understood the concepts better than her science teacher did. The shitstorm began when she started teaching her fellow students the actual facts. I got called in before the principle, and the science teacher to explain myself. I was called an anti science denier, a religious zealot, and a danger to society until I presented my credentials. Suddenly they couldn't call me an anti science denier as I hold a PhD in geology from Caltech. Not exactly a religious fundamentalist school.

Needless to say I read them the riot act of my own and stated that if they continued to present unsubstantiated claims that I would sue them personally. They wouldn't get to use school funds to protect themselves, nor would they be able to get the county to provide for their defense either. I did say that they could present ANYTHING they wanted in support of the global warming nonsense so long as it would hold up to actual peer review. Not the "pal review" (which I was able to prove to them) that the global warming fraudsters are pushing, but papers that would stand up to scrutiny from any credible person.

We have been in a uneasy truce since then.

For a Phd., you still don't know the difference in "principle" and "principal"! :abgg2q.jpg:

Blame your "experts" who develop the spell check, moron.
I guess you don't understand :abgg2q.jpg:

No, it appears you try and deflect from a weak position, which is typical.

Here's the deal, I support good teachers. They do fantastic jobs. The problem is there is no merit system for teachers. If a teacher is shit there is no way to get rid of them.

Several years ago we had a Teacher of the year, let go, to keep a teacher on who was crap, but had been there longer.

That's the problem.

Whose opinion was it that the teacher was crap?

That is where your ignorance of public education shows. Teacher evaluation systems have been overhauled by many states based on a system used by one state and I do not recall from memory who and what it was. I do remember the process however. Don't perform? Get put on probation. Don't improve? You get fired. Tenured or not only reduces the required observations.

Because I was not tenured, I was let go from my last two positions because I was about to get tenured and had exceptional performance evaluations. They just didn't want me anymore. They could hire two teachers for what little they were paying me.
Considering the piss poor education result the supers are not worth that much money

I'm a public school teacher.
Are you claiming that I do a 'piss poor job'
Do you really want to hear what I think of public school teachers in America?


I think teachers do a terrible job during the time they have children in their grasp

you may be slightly better than average or worse

But the standard is pretty low

Well, that's because Republican governors and state leaders don't want to pay for the "children of the poor" to have a decent education, so they cut spending in poor districts. They also cut wages and resources for teachers, and bought textbooks that promoted dumb ideas like "American Exceptionalism", and other lies, and you wonder why your people are so boneheaded and stupid.

40 years of Republican policies in the economy, healthcare and education have left Americans broke, sick and stupid.
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Some people feel that the lockdown has lasted so long because it is not affecting public employees and elected politicians.

Anyone who gets paid by the government is getting his/her paycheck as usual. So it's understandable that they are not feeling the depression that people in the private sector are feeling.
You are 100% correct

most government employees are stting at home with full pay

We pay for schools through property taxes. If schools are closed our taxes should be reduced by that amount for every day they close. Teachers can get unemployment like everyone else.

To be honest, I think the majority of teachers are conscientious, and want to do right by their students. However, the administration, and a hard corp group of political activist teachers only want to indoctrinate our kids. I have witnessed this first hand at my daughters school. As a grade schooler the science teacher was terrifying the kids with global warming horse shit. Theories that had been debunked years ago. She was coming home just terrified. I sat her down, and educated her on the real science.

We spent three weeks going through the hard science behind geology, and chemistry, and meteorology so that she understood the concepts better than her science teacher did. The shitstorm began when she started teaching her fellow students the actual facts. I got called in before the principle, and the science teacher to explain myself. I was called an anti science denier, a religious zealot, and a danger to society until I presented my credentials. Suddenly they couldn't call me an anti science denier as I hold a PhD in geology from Caltech. Not exactly a religious fundamentalist school.

Needless to say I read them the riot act of my own and stated that if they continued to present unsubstantiated claims that I would sue them personally. They wouldn't get to use school funds to protect themselves, nor would they be able to get the county to provide for their defense either. I did say that they could present ANYTHING they wanted in support of the global warming nonsense so long as it would hold up to actual peer review. Not the "pal review" (which I was able to prove to them) that the global warming fraudsters are pushing, but papers that would stand up to scrutiny from any credible person.

We have been in a uneasy truce since then.

For a Phd., you still don't know the difference in "principle" and "principal"! :abgg2q.jpg:

Blame your "experts" who develop the spell check, moron.
I guess you don't understand :abgg2q.jpg:

No, it appears you try and deflect from a weak position, which is typical.

Here's the deal, I support good teachers. They do fantastic jobs. The problem is there is no merit system for teachers. If a teacher is shit there is no way to get rid of them.

Several years ago we had a Teacher of the year, let go, to keep a teacher on who was crap, but had been there longer.

That's the problem.

Whose opinion was it that the teacher was crap?

That is where your ignorance of public education shows. Teacher evaluation systems have been overhauled by many states based on a system used by one state and I do not recall from memory who and what it was. I do remember the process however. Don't perform? Get put on probation. Don't improve? You get fired. Tenured or not only reduces the required observations.

Because I was not tenured, I was let go from my last two positions because I was about to get tenured and had exceptional performance evaluations. They just didn't want me anymore. They could hire two teachers for what little they were paying me.

Pretty much every school kid she supposedly taught. Yada yada yada, who cares about teacher evaluation systems. They are all smoke and no thunder. They act as a smoke screen to protect shit teachers. That's all they do. The teachers unions cater to their sycophants and nobody else. Sounds like you shouldn't like the unions either. I know a guy who lives up in Virginia City. He is a member of the electricians union in san jose california. He pays dues and jumps through all the hoops they demand of him. He refuses to go work for a non union shop.

The problem is, if he did, he would be employed all of the time. With the union he gets two, maybe three gigs a year. All the rest of the jobs go to their pals. How about the Longshoremans union? They are so difficult to work with that almost all of them are out of work. In SF, there are so few ships offloading that they can use a skeleton crew now. Care to gues where the ships are offloading? Two new super harbors, one in Canada, and one in Mexico where they don't have to put up with the union shit.

That's where.
Well, that's because Republican governors and state leaders don't want to pay for the "children of the poor" to have a decent education, so they cut spending in poor districts.
You are a canadian who simply does not know what the hell you are talking about

schools are largly paid for by local taxes

and poor communities pay very little in taxes

for at least 30 years most states have been ordered by the courts to operate on the “Robin Hood” principle where tax money is taken from wealthier districts and funneled to the poor schools
Some people feel that the lockdown has lasted so long because it is not affecting public employees and elected politicians.

Anyone who gets paid by the government is getting his/her paycheck as usual. So it's understandable that they are not feeling the depression that people in the private sector are feeling.
You are 100% correct

most government employees are stting at home with full pay

We pay for schools through property taxes. If schools are closed our taxes should be reduced by that amount for every day they close. Teachers can get unemployment like everyone else.

To be honest, I think the majority of teachers are conscientious, and want to do right by their students. However, the administration, and a hard corp group of political activist teachers only want to indoctrinate our kids. I have witnessed this first hand at my daughters school. As a grade schooler the science teacher was terrifying the kids with global warming horse shit. Theories that had been debunked years ago. She was coming home just terrified. I sat her down, and educated her on the real science.

We spent three weeks going through the hard science behind geology, and chemistry, and meteorology so that she understood the concepts better than her science teacher did. The shitstorm began when she started teaching her fellow students the actual facts. I got called in before the principle, and the science teacher to explain myself. I was called an anti science denier, a religious zealot, and a danger to society until I presented my credentials. Suddenly they couldn't call me an anti science denier as I hold a PhD in geology from Caltech. Not exactly a religious fundamentalist school.

Needless to say I read them the riot act of my own and stated that if they continued to present unsubstantiated claims that I would sue them personally. They wouldn't get to use school funds to protect themselves, nor would they be able to get the county to provide for their defense either. I did say that they could present ANYTHING they wanted in support of the global warming nonsense so long as it would hold up to actual peer review. Not the "pal review" (which I was able to prove to them) that the global warming fraudsters are pushing, but papers that would stand up to scrutiny from any credible person.

We have been in a uneasy truce since then.

For a Phd., you still don't know the difference in "principle" and "principal"! :abgg2q.jpg:

Blame your "experts" who develop the spell check, moron.
I guess you don't understand :abgg2q.jpg:

No, it appears you try and deflect from a weak position, which is typical.

Here's the deal, I support good teachers. They do fantastic jobs. The problem is there is no merit system for teachers. If a teacher is shit there is no way to get rid of them.

Several years ago we had a Teacher of the year, let go, to keep a teacher on who was crap, but had been there longer.

That's the problem.

Whose opinion was it that the teacher was crap?

That is where your ignorance of public education shows. Teacher evaluation systems have been overhauled by many states based on a system used by one state and I do not recall from memory who and what it was. I do remember the process however. Don't perform? Get put on probation. Don't improve? You get fired. Tenured or not only reduces the required observations.

Because I was not tenured, I was let go from my last two positions because I was about to get tenured and had exceptional performance evaluations. They just didn't want me anymore. They could hire two teachers for what little they were paying me.

Pretty much every school kid she supposedly taught. Yada yada yada, who cares about teacher evaluation systems. They are all smoke and no thunder. They act as a smoke screen to protect shit teachers. That's all they do. The teachers unions cater to their sycophants and nobody else. Sounds like you shouldn't like the unions either. I know a guy who lives up in Virginia City. He is a member of the electricians union in san jose california. He pays dues and jumps through all the hoops they demand of him. He refuses to go work for a non union shop.

The problem is, if he did, he would be employed all of the time. With the union he gets two, maybe three gigs a year. All the rest of the jobs go to their pals. How about the Longshoremans union? They are so difficult to work with that almost all of them are out of work. In SF, there are so few ships offloading that they can use a skeleton crew now. Care to gues where the ships are offloading? Two new super harbors, one in Canada, and one in Mexico where they don't have to put up with the union shit.

That's where.

I was only a member of the unions for about half my career. One time they kept me from getting fired by a principal who was threatened by the fact that I had been an administrator. He constantly created problems with my performance out of mid-air just to mess with me. I embarrassed the crap out of him when he called our union rep in to fire me and I proved that I had been doing exactly as instructed and he just didn't know it because he was unfamiliar with our on-line grade program. I had helped design and install a similar program at my district while working on my Master's degree in Florida. He turned red in the face and did not speak to me for months afterward.

There were many students that thought I couldn't teach if you asked them, but they refused to even attempt the homework, slept in class, or did something else to guarantee their failure. Comparing their grades in other class, you found they failed those classes too. Principals and parents don't like having to deal with students who fail and often take it out on the teachers when the student alone is at fault.
Some people feel that the lockdown has lasted so long because it is not affecting public employees and elected politicians.

Anyone who gets paid by the government is getting his/her paycheck as usual. So it's understandable that they are not feeling the depression that people in the private sector are feeling.
You are 100% correct

most government employees are stting at home with full pay

We pay for schools through property taxes. If schools are closed our taxes should be reduced by that amount for every day they close. Teachers can get unemployment like everyone else.

To be honest, I think the majority of teachers are conscientious, and want to do right by their students. However, the administration, and a hard corp group of political activist teachers only want to indoctrinate our kids. I have witnessed this first hand at my daughters school. As a grade schooler the science teacher was terrifying the kids with global warming horse shit. Theories that had been debunked years ago. She was coming home just terrified. I sat her down, and educated her on the real science.

We spent three weeks going through the hard science behind geology, and chemistry, and meteorology so that she understood the concepts better than her science teacher did. The shitstorm began when she started teaching her fellow students the actual facts. I got called in before the principle, and the science teacher to explain myself. I was called an anti science denier, a religious zealot, and a danger to society until I presented my credentials. Suddenly they couldn't call me an anti science denier as I hold a PhD in geology from Caltech. Not exactly a religious fundamentalist school.

Needless to say I read them the riot act of my own and stated that if they continued to present unsubstantiated claims that I would sue them personally. They wouldn't get to use school funds to protect themselves, nor would they be able to get the county to provide for their defense either. I did say that they could present ANYTHING they wanted in support of the global warming nonsense so long as it would hold up to actual peer review. Not the "pal review" (which I was able to prove to them) that the global warming fraudsters are pushing, but papers that would stand up to scrutiny from any credible person.

We have been in a uneasy truce since then.

For a Phd., you still don't know the difference in "principle" and "principal"! :abgg2q.jpg:

Blame your "experts" who develop the spell check, moron.
I guess you don't understand :abgg2q.jpg:

No, it appears you try and deflect from a weak position, which is typical.

Here's the deal, I support good teachers. They do fantastic jobs. The problem is there is no merit system for teachers. If a teacher is shit there is no way to get rid of them.

Several years ago we had a Teacher of the year, let go, to keep a teacher on who was crap, but had been there longer.

That's the problem.

Whose opinion was it that the teacher was crap?

That is where your ignorance of public education shows. Teacher evaluation systems have been overhauled by many states based on a system used by one state and I do not recall from memory who and what it was. I do remember the process however. Don't perform? Get put on probation. Don't improve? You get fired. Tenured or not only reduces the required observations.

Because I was not tenured, I was let go from my last two positions because I was about to get tenured and had exceptional performance evaluations. They just didn't want me anymore. They could hire two teachers for what little they were paying me.

Pretty much every school kid she supposedly taught. Yada yada yada, who cares about teacher evaluation systems. They are all smoke and no thunder. They act as a smoke screen to protect shit teachers. That's all they do. The teachers unions cater to their sycophants and nobody else. Sounds like you shouldn't like the unions either. I know a guy who lives up in Virginia City. He is a member of the electricians union in san jose california. He pays dues and jumps through all the hoops they demand of him. He refuses to go work for a non union shop.

The problem is, if he did, he would be employed all of the time. With the union he gets two, maybe three gigs a year. All the rest of the jobs go to their pals. How about the Longshoremans union? They are so difficult to work with that almost all of them are out of work. In SF, there are so few ships offloading that they can use a skeleton crew now. Care to gues where the ships are offloading? Two new super harbors, one in Canada, and one in Mexico where they don't have to put up with the union shit.

That's where.

I was only a member of the unions for about half my career. One time they kept me from getting fired by a principal who was threatened by the fact that I had been an administrator. He constantly created problems with my performance out of mid-air just to mess with me. I embarrassed the crap out of him when he called our union rep in to fire me and I proved that I had been doing exactly as instructed and he just didn't know it because he was unfamiliar with our on-line grade program. I had helped design and install a similar program at my district while working on my Master's degree in Florida. He turned red in the face and did not speak to me for months afterward.

There were many students that thought I couldn't teach if you asked them, but they refused to even attempt the homework, slept in class, or did something else to guarantee their failure. Comparing their grades in other class, you found they failed those classes too. Principals and parents don't like having to deal with students who fail and often take it out on the teachers when the student alone is at fault.
There is opportunity for abuse on both sides

and I’m sure there is plenty of both

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