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Why Cant Republicans Admit The Truth!?

Not real bright, are you?
...Gunny actually I am very bright thank you, you don't know me to judge me like that, I study up on all forms of politics, read political books and have knowledge of the issues...one of those educated informed citizens you right wingers hate so much, and by the way is that all you can come up with in response? if so typical republican response, to name call. Obama has been far more open and forth right with the american public than has McCain, example below

Five Ohio Papers: John McCain's "Ambition" Ad Offers Little Straight Talk. "RATING 2 on a scale from 0 (misleading) to 10 (truthful) ... For a candidate who likes to brag about the 'Straight Talk Express,' it would have been more accurate for McCain to say that Obama worked with 'ex-terrorist Bill Ayers' since their time together was spent on education and charity projects, not blowing up buildings. Ayers also hosted an event at his home for Obama in the 1990s when Obama first ran for office. It's fair to point out that Obama and Ayers had a relationship, but the ad suggests a kinship much stronger than the record indicates. As for the 'Congressional liberals' in the ad, they do bear part of the responsibility for the collapse of the housing industry and they're all Obama's political allies. The ad, however, tells just part of the story. There's plenty of responsibility to go around for the collapse of the housing industry, including big chunks that should be assigned to 'congressional conservatives' and a Republican White House. They seldom, if ever, met a sector of the economy they didn't want to deregulate." [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 10/17/08: http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/news/1224232390214930.xml&coll=2]

CNN: McCain’s Small Business Tax Claims “False;” Apply Tax Stats “In a Way That is Highly Unlikely to Match Reality.” “The Statement: Speaking during a campaign stop Monday, Oct. 20 in Belton, Missouri, Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain criticized Democratic opponent Sen. Barack Obama's proposals on taxes. ‘The Obama tax increase would come at the worst possible time for America, and especially for small businesses like the one Joe dreams of owning,’ McCain said. ‘The small businesses Senator Obama would tax provide 16 million jobs in America.’ The Verdict: False. McCain uses an overly broad interpretation of the NFIB survey's figures — applying Obama's tax plan to those figures in a way that is highly unlikely to match reality.” [CNN, 10/21/08: CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Fact check: Would Obama hike taxes on small businesses that employ 16 million? - Blogs from CNN.com

Politifact.com: RNC Mailer “Beyond False. It’s Pants on Fire Wrong.” “Sometimes they make it easy on us fact-checkers. Take the new flier from the Republican National Committee landing in mailboxes in the hard-fought state of Virginia…To state the obvious, it's not fair to extrapolate from that comment the sentiment that ‘terrorists just need a good talking to.’ Iran, Cuba and Syria are indeed designated ‘state sponsors of terrorism’ by the U.S. State Department. But diplomacy with their leaders does not preclude confronting the countries in other ways, any more than summits with Soviet leaders kept Cold War-era presidents from engaging in the nuclear-arms race or competing with communism in Southeast Asia, Afghanistan and South America. On many occasions before and after that debate, Obama has spelled out that his diplomacy would not replace military options….Obama has arguably outhawked Sen. John McCain on that subject. McCain said in the second presidential debate that it was inappropriate for Obama to talk about launching cross-border raids into Pakistan because such talk "turns public opinion against us.’ …That's more than just a ‘good talking to.’ Examples abound of Obama pledging to take on terrorists militarily. This claim is beyond false. It's Pants on Fire wrong.” [1]

AP: Fact Check: Palin “Misrepresented” Biden comment on Obama. “Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin misrepresented to a campaign audience Thursday what her Democratic counterpart Joe Biden has said about Barack Obama's ability to handle a foreign crisis. ‘Sen. Obama's own running mate, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has informed us that a serious international crisis is certain if Obama is elected and that he is not ready to deal with it,’ Palin told thousands of supporters at a rally in this western Ohio city. That is not what Biden told fundraisers last weekend. Biden did say, ‘Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.’ And he asked his audience to be ready to display public support for Obama during such a crisis. But noting that President John Kennedy faced similar early foreign tests, Biden predicted Obama would fare well because he's ‘got steel in his spine.’” [AP, 10/23/08: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hWY02SRZHVGdfuDCu1cYVcBbLy1QD940F0N]

just a few of 165 misrepresentations of the truth or falsehoods from McCains so called straight talk express. Count the Lies - McCainPedia for all of them.

YES Obama is guilty as well but not to the extent of McCain.
Please inform yourself better and then get back with me and dont be depending on fixed noise, shawn hannity or limbaugh to be your informer.
A Republican hired Ayers. Really? Maybe someone should tell Ayers; he might want give the 50 million dollars back. :D

This morning John McCain put out a list of 100 former ambassadors who are supporting his campaign. Number two is Leonore Annenberg, the wife of Ambassador William Annenberg, the founder of the Annenberg Institute of Reform, which funded the Annenberg Challenge, which once had two famous board members: former "domestic terrorist" William Ayers and Sen. Barack Obama.

So either we should all be outraged that John McCain is supported by a family who funded a foundation that hired a domestic terrorist, or this whole William Ayers thing is just plain silly. I choose the latter.
...Gunny actually I am very bright thank you, you don't know me to judge me like that, I study up on all forms of politics, read political books and have knowledge of the issues...one of those educated informed citizens you right wingers hate so much, and by the way is that all you can come up with in response? if so typical republican response, to name call. Obama has been far more open and forth right with the american public than has McCain, example below

Five Ohio Papers: John McCain's "Ambition" Ad Offers Little Straight Talk. "RATING 2 on a scale from 0 (misleading) to 10 (truthful) ... For a candidate who likes to brag about the 'Straight Talk Express,' it would have been more accurate for McCain to say that Obama worked with 'ex-terrorist Bill Ayers' since their time together was spent on education and charity projects, not blowing up buildings. Ayers also hosted an event at his home for Obama in the 1990s when Obama first ran for office. It's fair to point out that Obama and Ayers had a relationship, but the ad suggests a kinship much stronger than the record indicates. As for the 'Congressional liberals' in the ad, they do bear part of the responsibility for the collapse of the housing industry and they're all Obama's political allies. The ad, however, tells just part of the story. There's plenty of responsibility to go around for the collapse of the housing industry, including big chunks that should be assigned to 'congressional conservatives' and a Republican White House. They seldom, if ever, met a sector of the economy they didn't want to deregulate." [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 10/17/08: http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/news/1224232390214930.xml&coll=2]

CNN: McCain’s Small Business Tax Claims “False;” Apply Tax Stats “In a Way That is Highly Unlikely to Match Reality.” “The Statement: Speaking during a campaign stop Monday, Oct. 20 in Belton, Missouri, Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain criticized Democratic opponent Sen. Barack Obama's proposals on taxes. ‘The Obama tax increase would come at the worst possible time for America, and especially for small businesses like the one Joe dreams of owning,’ McCain said. ‘The small businesses Senator Obama would tax provide 16 million jobs in America.’ The Verdict: False. McCain uses an overly broad interpretation of the NFIB survey's figures — applying Obama's tax plan to those figures in a way that is highly unlikely to match reality.” [CNN, 10/21/08: CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Fact check: Would Obama hike taxes on small businesses that employ 16 million? - Blogs from CNN.com

Politifact.com: RNC Mailer “Beyond False. It’s Pants on Fire Wrong.” “Sometimes they make it easy on us fact-checkers. Take the new flier from the Republican National Committee landing in mailboxes in the hard-fought state of Virginia…To state the obvious, it's not fair to extrapolate from that comment the sentiment that ‘terrorists just need a good talking to.’ Iran, Cuba and Syria are indeed designated ‘state sponsors of terrorism’ by the U.S. State Department. But diplomacy with their leaders does not preclude confronting the countries in other ways, any more than summits with Soviet leaders kept Cold War-era presidents from engaging in the nuclear-arms race or competing with communism in Southeast Asia, Afghanistan and South America. On many occasions before and after that debate, Obama has spelled out that his diplomacy would not replace military options….Obama has arguably outhawked Sen. John McCain on that subject. McCain said in the second presidential debate that it was inappropriate for Obama to talk about launching cross-border raids into Pakistan because such talk "turns public opinion against us.’ …That's more than just a ‘good talking to.’ Examples abound of Obama pledging to take on terrorists militarily. This claim is beyond false. It's Pants on Fire wrong.” [1]

AP: Fact Check: Palin “Misrepresented” Biden comment on Obama. “Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin misrepresented to a campaign audience Thursday what her Democratic counterpart Joe Biden has said about Barack Obama's ability to handle a foreign crisis. ‘Sen. Obama's own running mate, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has informed us that a serious international crisis is certain if Obama is elected and that he is not ready to deal with it,’ Palin told thousands of supporters at a rally in this western Ohio city. That is not what Biden told fundraisers last weekend. Biden did say, ‘Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.’ And he asked his audience to be ready to display public support for Obama during such a crisis. But noting that President John Kennedy faced similar early foreign tests, Biden predicted Obama would fare well because he's ‘got steel in his spine.’” [AP, 10/23/08: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hWY02SRZHVGdfuDCu1cYVcBbLy1QD940F0N]

just a few of 165 misrepresentations of the truth or falsehoods from McCains so called straight talk express. Count the Lies - McCainPedia for all of them.

YES Obama is guilty as well but not to the extent of McCain.
Please inform yourself better and then get back with me and dont be depending on fixed noise, shawn hannity or limbaugh to be your informer.

Gunny thinks anyone that he disagrees with is an idiot.
This morning John McCain put out a list of 100 former ambassadors who are supporting his campaign. Number two is Leonore Annenberg, the wife of Ambassador William Annenberg, the founder of the Annenberg Institute of Reform, which funded the Annenberg Challenge, which once had two famous board members: former "domestic terrorist" William Ayers and Sen. Barack Obama.

So either we should all be outraged that John McCain is supported by a family who funded a foundation that hired a domestic terrorist, or this whole William Ayers thing is just plain silly. I choose the latter.

As Obama would say, "This is just a distraction". Annenberg is not running for President. Here's what's important concerning Ayers:

1. Obama lied about his alliance with Ayers and continues to do so.
2. Obama's one executive experience was a failure as the projects he allocated money to all failed.
3. Obama funded and supported far left educational projects including one run by Ayers.
As Obama would say, "This is just a distraction". Annenberg is not running for President. Here's what's important concerning Ayers:

1. Obama lied about his alliance with Ayers and continues to do so.
2. Obama's one executive experience was a failure as the projects he allocated money to all failed.
3. Obama funded and supported far left educational projects including one run by Ayers.

1. Bush failed at everything he tried. If he wasn't rich, he'd be a bumb.

2. McCain has not be a maverick or leader. He crashed the S&L industry. He got away with it because he was a POW and admirals son, just like John Glenn got away with it for being an astronaut. But Keating was McCain's boy, no one elses. We all know McCaind did favors and made calls for the criminal. That cost America 3 trillion dollars.
3. Bush and McCain are terrorists. They've been manipulating us with lies for the past 8 years. Enough is enough.
4. You've had 2 years to convince us about Ayers. Just like you never shut the fuck up about Clinton. You still say he killed Vince Foster. Well prove it!!
5. Far left educational projects. How scary.
6. Obama didn't lie. You are lying.
...Gunny actually I am very bright thank you, you don't know me to judge me like that, I study up on all forms of politics, read political books and have knowledge of the issues...one of those educated informed citizens you right wingers hate so much, and by the way is that all you can come up with in response? if so typical republican response, to name call. Obama has been far more open and forth right with the american public than has McCain, example below

Five Ohio Papers: John McCain's "Ambition" Ad Offers Little Straight Talk. "RATING 2 on a scale from 0 (misleading) to 10 (truthful) ... For a candidate who likes to brag about the 'Straight Talk Express,' it would have been more accurate for McCain to say that Obama worked with 'ex-terrorist Bill Ayers' since their time together was spent on education and charity projects, not blowing up buildings. Ayers also hosted an event at his home for Obama in the 1990s when Obama first ran for office. It's fair to point out that Obama and Ayers had a relationship, but the ad suggests a kinship much stronger than the record indicates. As for the 'Congressional liberals' in the ad, they do bear part of the responsibility for the collapse of the housing industry and they're all Obama's political allies. The ad, however, tells just part of the story. There's plenty of responsibility to go around for the collapse of the housing industry, including big chunks that should be assigned to 'congressional conservatives' and a Republican White House. They seldom, if ever, met a sector of the economy they didn't want to deregulate." [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 10/17/08: http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/news/1224232390214930.xml&coll=2]

CNN: McCain’s Small Business Tax Claims “False;” Apply Tax Stats “In a Way That is Highly Unlikely to Match Reality.” “The Statement: Speaking during a campaign stop Monday, Oct. 20 in Belton, Missouri, Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain criticized Democratic opponent Sen. Barack Obama's proposals on taxes. ‘The Obama tax increase would come at the worst possible time for America, and especially for small businesses like the one Joe dreams of owning,’ McCain said. ‘The small businesses Senator Obama would tax provide 16 million jobs in America.’ The Verdict: False. McCain uses an overly broad interpretation of the NFIB survey's figures — applying Obama's tax plan to those figures in a way that is highly unlikely to match reality.” [CNN, 10/21/08: CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Fact check: Would Obama hike taxes on small businesses that employ 16 million? - Blogs from CNN.com

Politifact.com: RNC Mailer “Beyond False. It’s Pants on Fire Wrong.” “Sometimes they make it easy on us fact-checkers. Take the new flier from the Republican National Committee landing in mailboxes in the hard-fought state of Virginia…To state the obvious, it's not fair to extrapolate from that comment the sentiment that ‘terrorists just need a good talking to.’ Iran, Cuba and Syria are indeed designated ‘state sponsors of terrorism’ by the U.S. State Department. But diplomacy with their leaders does not preclude confronting the countries in other ways, any more than summits with Soviet leaders kept Cold War-era presidents from engaging in the nuclear-arms race or competing with communism in Southeast Asia, Afghanistan and South America. On many occasions before and after that debate, Obama has spelled out that his diplomacy would not replace military options….Obama has arguably outhawked Sen. John McCain on that subject. McCain said in the second presidential debate that it was inappropriate for Obama to talk about launching cross-border raids into Pakistan because such talk "turns public opinion against us.’ …That's more than just a ‘good talking to.’ Examples abound of Obama pledging to take on terrorists militarily. This claim is beyond false. It's Pants on Fire wrong.” [1]

AP: Fact Check: Palin “Misrepresented” Biden comment on Obama. “Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin misrepresented to a campaign audience Thursday what her Democratic counterpart Joe Biden has said about Barack Obama's ability to handle a foreign crisis. ‘Sen. Obama's own running mate, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has informed us that a serious international crisis is certain if Obama is elected and that he is not ready to deal with it,’ Palin told thousands of supporters at a rally in this western Ohio city. That is not what Biden told fundraisers last weekend. Biden did say, ‘Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.’ And he asked his audience to be ready to display public support for Obama during such a crisis. But noting that President John Kennedy faced similar early foreign tests, Biden predicted Obama would fare well because he's ‘got steel in his spine.’” [AP, 10/23/08: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hWY02SRZHVGdfuDCu1cYVcBbLy1QD940F0N]

just a few of 165 misrepresentations of the truth or falsehoods from McCains so called straight talk express. Count the Lies - McCainPedia for all of them.

YES Obama is guilty as well but not to the extent of McCain.
Please inform yourself better and then get back with me and dont be depending on fixed noise, shawn hannity or limbaugh to be your informer.

Not only are you not very bright, but you're quite long-winded. Guess it's not too hard for you to get your brain fried continually subjecting it to all that dogma.

Enjoy. Perhaps reality will find you some day.

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