Why Can't the Left Let Go of Slavery?

So black people should quietly accept being second class citizens because things are not so great in Africa? In what bizarro world does that make sense?
How are black people second class citizens? Why do you make false statements?
I heard the "they are better off here than in Africa" argument back during the civil rights era and ever since. It's terribly insulting. I have to conclude it was meant that way.
Is the statement true?

I'm still waiting for you to explain your motherfucking idiotic "second-class citizens" statement.
The struggle for equality is clearly not over yet. This is easily provable by the fact that you think you need to oppose finally wringing the racism out of the system. What does it cost you if another man gets the same as you?
If that were all you wanted, you're already there. Clearly, the only way you will be satisfied is with full-blown socialism. You're fooling no one.

But, I agree that this nation was flawed from the start.

We need to destroy it and start over. We'll go back to being the Republic of Texas and the rest of you can goose-step your asses right off a fucking cliff.
You don't even want to be in a country where you have no arbitrary advantage over every black man do you? Poor boomer. You lived long enough to become totally dumbfounded by the pace of change.

It is funny the way that you had to totally make up shit, in order to do any push back at all.

Why Can't the Left Let Go of Slavery?

3 Jul 2021 ~~ By Kevin Downey Jr.

Don’t Want to Be Your Grudge Slave​

The British brought slavery to the New World and Americans ended it roughly 230 years later. Every black person descended from slaves owes a debt to their ancestors’ struggles. The abomination of slavery is the reason most black people are here, in the greatest country in the world. I’m guessing almost every black American lives a better life than their counterparts in the modern-day Ivory Coast, where many slaves came from, and where today almost 50% of the country lives in poverty (African poverty, not American iPhone poverty) and the life expectancy for men and women is under 60 years. The poverty rate in Liberia, settled by liberated slaves, is even worse.
Yet some people just can’t let slavery go. Olympic hammer-tosser/headline-hustler Gwen Berry was “pissed” when the National Anthem was played after she won the bronze medal and made it to the Olympic team, even narcissistically suggesting it was a “setup” against her. Why else would they play the National Anthem at an Olympic American sports event other than to piss off an athlete no one has ever heard of in a sport no one knew was a sport?

Factually, Slavery only existed in the United States of America for 89 years, 1776-1865.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies wants to remember when slavery was the law and people were subject and obliged to obey slavery laws. The left needs and wants slaves.
PM/DSA Commies can’t win by productivity.
PM/DSA Commies have discovered they can only win by disqualifying the productive: abuse cultural norms of fairness and culpability (whatever those are at the time) to eject the objectively productive, that competition be removed up for grabs. Having vanquished those who actually do the work, a “cargo cult” follows - having seized the trappings of success, they expect the fruits of productivity will follow; that failing (to their surprise), they handle subsequent supply-and-demand problems by reducing demands - first by rationing, eventually by slaughter. As seen in all Communist totalitarian regimes....
Pretty broad question. It's like asking: Why can't the right tell the truth?

The correct question you need to ask - Why are the left focused on improving the living standards of African-Americans. Why can't they just focus on white people?

Now, if you have asked that question, the answer would be - Yes, there have been significant improvements in the living standards but there are still discriminations in employment, housing, etc. There is still an overwhelming discrepancy in the way the cops treat Blacks. Till that is improved, the Dems will continue to focus on improving the living standards of African-Americans.

Now, let's get back to my question. Why Can't The Right Tell The Truth?

No one has asked for anyone to "just focus on white people".

If you weren't a liar, you would have said, "why can't they just focus on ALL Americans, instead of targeting by race, like the racists they are?".

The left needs its plantation slaves, victim classes and racial hatred to survive. Without those things, the left would have nothing to push other than socialism/Marxism/communism.
Classic projection if I ever saw one.
Applied to the Democrat Party of the 1950s and early'60s, maybe so. Applied to today's shithole Democrat Party, it is dead-on-the-money correct. It's infestation with socialists, Marxists, communists and Muslims is now rising exponentially.
Why Can't The Right Tell The Truth?
Coming from someone who doesn't recognize the truth, that's a stupid question.

With you libs, the truth is a moving target...whatever you want it to be.

Magnus said:
The correct question you need to ask - Why are the left focused on improving the living standards of African-Americans.
The left isn't focused on improving the living standards of blacks. It's focused on maintaining the living standards of blacks while pretending to have solutions to their problems. Even BLM sees no problem with blacks killing blacks by the hundreds.
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Why Can't the Left Let Go of Slavery?

3 Jul 2021 ~~ By Kevin Downey Jr.

Don’t Want to Be Your Grudge Slave​

The British brought slavery to the New World and Americans ended it roughly 230 years later. Every black person descended from slaves owes a debt to their ancestors’ struggles. The abomination of slavery is the reason most black people are here, in the greatest country in the world. I’m guessing almost every black American lives a better life than their counterparts in the modern-day Ivory Coast, where many slaves came from, and where today almost 50% of the country lives in poverty (African poverty, not American iPhone poverty) and the life expectancy for men and women is under 60 years. The poverty rate in Liberia, settled by liberated slaves, is even worse.
Yet some people just can’t let slavery go. Olympic hammer-tosser/headline-hustler Gwen Berry was “pissed” when the National Anthem was played after she won the bronze medal and made it to the Olympic team, even narcissistically suggesting it was a “setup” against her. Why else would they play the National Anthem at an Olympic American sports event other than to piss off an athlete no one has ever heard of in a sport no one knew was a sport?

Factually, Slavery only existed in the United States of America for 89 years, 1776-1865.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies wants to remember when slavery was the law and people were subject and obliged to obey slavery laws. The left needs and wants slaves.
PM/DSA Commies can’t win by productivity.
PM/DSA Commies have discovered they can only win by disqualifying the productive: abuse cultural norms of fairness and culpability (whatever those are at the time) to eject the objectively productive, that competition be removed up for grabs. Having vanquished those who actually do the work, a “cargo cult” follows - having seized the trappings of success, they expect the fruits of productivity will follow; that failing (to their surprise), they handle subsequent supply-and-demand problems by reducing demands - first by rationing, eventually by slaughter. As seen in all Communist totalitarian regimes....
Pretty broad question. It's like asking: Why can't the right tell the truth?

The correct question you need to ask - Why are the left focused on improving the living standards of African-Americans. Why can't they just focus on white people?

Now, if you have asked that question, the answer would be - Yes, there have been significant improvements in the living standards but there are still discriminations in employment, housing, etc. There is still an overwhelming discrepancy in the way the cops treat Blacks. Till that is improved, the Dems will continue to focus on improving the living standards of African-Americans.

Now, let's get back to my question. Why Can't The Right Tell The Truth?

No one has asked for anyone to "just focus on white people".

If you weren't a liar, you would have said, "why can't they just focus on ALL Americans, instead of targeting by race, like the racists they are?".

Then you are against the Anti-White racism and CRT taught in our school that is being touted by the Progressive Left and agree with MLK Jr. that everyone should be judged on the content of their character and Not by the color of their skin.....

Why Can't the Left Let Go of Slavery?

3 Jul 2021 ~~ By Kevin Downey Jr.

Don’t Want to Be Your Grudge Slave​

The British brought slavery to the New World and Americans ended it roughly 230 years later. Every black person descended from slaves owes a debt to their ancestors’ struggles. The abomination of slavery is the reason most black people are here, in the greatest country in the world. I’m guessing almost every black American lives a better life than their counterparts in the modern-day Ivory Coast, where many slaves came from, and where today almost 50% of the country lives in poverty (African poverty, not American iPhone poverty) and the life expectancy for men and women is under 60 years. The poverty rate in Liberia, settled by liberated slaves, is even worse.
Yet some people just can’t let slavery go. Olympic hammer-tosser/headline-hustler Gwen Berry was “pissed” when the National Anthem was played after she won the bronze medal and made it to the Olympic team, even narcissistically suggesting it was a “setup” against her. Why else would they play the National Anthem at an Olympic American sports event other than to piss off an athlete no one has ever heard of in a sport no one knew was a sport?

Factually, Slavery only existed in the United States of America for 89 years, 1776-1865.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies wants to remember when slavery was the law and people were subject and obliged to obey slavery laws. The left needs and wants slaves.
PM/DSA Commies can’t win by productivity.
PM/DSA Commies have discovered they can only win by disqualifying the productive: abuse cultural norms of fairness and culpability (whatever those are at the time) to eject the objectively productive, that competition be removed up for grabs. Having vanquished those who actually do the work, a “cargo cult” follows - having seized the trappings of success, they expect the fruits of productivity will follow; that failing (to their surprise), they handle subsequent supply-and-demand problems by reducing demands - first by rationing, eventually by slaughter. As seen in all Communist totalitarian regimes....
Pretty broad question. It's like asking: Why can't the right tell the truth?

The correct question you need to ask - Why are the left focused on improving the living standards of African-Americans. Why can't they just focus on white people?

Now, if you have asked that question, the answer would be - Yes, there have been significant improvements in the living standards but there are still discriminations in employment, housing, etc. There is still an overwhelming discrepancy in the way the cops treat Blacks. Till that is improved, the Dems will continue to focus on improving the living standards of African-Americans.

Now, let's get back to my question. Why Can't The Right Tell The Truth?

No one has asked for anyone to "just focus on white people".

If you weren't a liar, you would have said, "why can't they just focus on ALL Americans, instead of targeting by race, like the racists they are?".

Then you are against the Anti-White racism and CRT taught in our school that is being touted by the Progressive Left and agree with MLK Jr. that everyone should be judged on the content of their character and Not by the color of their skin.....

LOL. In other words, you guys hate generalization? Good. Now you know how we feel when you numbskulls ask idiotic generalized questions.

Get it now?

Why Can't the Left Let Go of Slavery?

3 Jul 2021 ~~ By Kevin Downey Jr.

Don’t Want to Be Your Grudge Slave​

The British brought slavery to the New World and Americans ended it roughly 230 years later. Every black person descended from slaves owes a debt to their ancestors’ struggles. The abomination of slavery is the reason most black people are here, in the greatest country in the world. I’m guessing almost every black American lives a better life than their counterparts in the modern-day Ivory Coast, where many slaves came from, and where today almost 50% of the country lives in poverty (African poverty, not American iPhone poverty) and the life expectancy for men and women is under 60 years. The poverty rate in Liberia, settled by liberated slaves, is even worse.
Yet some people just can’t let slavery go. Olympic hammer-tosser/headline-hustler Gwen Berry was “pissed” when the National Anthem was played after she won the bronze medal and made it to the Olympic team, even narcissistically suggesting it was a “setup” against her. Why else would they play the National Anthem at an Olympic American sports event other than to piss off an athlete no one has ever heard of in a sport no one knew was a sport?

Factually, Slavery only existed in the United States of America for 89 years, 1776-1865.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies wants to remember when slavery was the law and people were subject and obliged to obey slavery laws. The left needs and wants slaves.
PM/DSA Commies can’t win by productivity.
PM/DSA Commies have discovered they can only win by disqualifying the productive: abuse cultural norms of fairness and culpability (whatever those are at the time) to eject the objectively productive, that competition be removed up for grabs. Having vanquished those who actually do the work, a “cargo cult” follows - having seized the trappings of success, they expect the fruits of productivity will follow; that failing (to their surprise), they handle subsequent supply-and-demand problems by reducing demands - first by rationing, eventually by slaughter. As seen in all Communist totalitarian regimes....
Pretty broad question. It's like asking: Why can't the right tell the truth?

The correct question you need to ask - Why are the left focused on improving the living standards of African-Americans. Why can't they just focus on white people?

Now, if you have asked that question, the answer would be - Yes, there have been significant improvements in the living standards but there are still discriminations in employment, housing, etc. There is still an overwhelming discrepancy in the way the cops treat Blacks. Till that is improved, the Dems will continue to focus on improving the living standards of African-Americans.

Now, let's get back to my question. Why Can't The Right Tell The Truth?

No one has asked for anyone to "just focus on white people".

If you weren't a liar, you would have said, "why can't they just focus on ALL Americans, instead of targeting by race, like the racists they are?".

Then you are against the Anti-White racism and CRT taught in our school that is being touted by the Progressive Left and agree with MLK Jr. that everyone should be judged on the content of their character and Not by the color of their skin.....
As usually you clowns take MLK out of context to fit your warped perceptions of how things should be.

"A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro.”
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As usually you clowns take MLK out of context to fit your warped perceptions of how things should be.

How, precisely, does one take "everyone should be judged on the content of their character and Not by the color of their skin..... " out of context?

Is there a missing codicil that states only some people should not be judged by the color of their skin?
As usually you clowns take MLK out of context to fit your warped perceptions of how things should be.

How, precisely, does one take "everyone should be judged on the content of their character and Not by the color of their skin..... " out of context?

Is there a missing codicil that states only some people should not be judged by the color of their skin?
Easy. You take those words out of context and don't focus on what he meant. He didnt mean "pretend you cant see I'm Black". He specifically wanted affirmative action for Black people before there was such a word.

“Whenever the issue of compensatory treatment for the Negro is raised, some of our friends recoil in horror. The Negro should be granted equality, they agree; but he should ask nothing more. On the surface, this appears reasonable, but it is not realistic.”
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As usually you clowns take MLK out of context to fit your warped perceptions of how things should be.

How, precisely, does one take "everyone should be judged on the content of their character and Not by the color of their skin..... " out of context?

Is there a missing codicil that states only some people should not be judged by the color of their skin?
BTW Nice word. (codicil)
He specifically wanted affirmative action for Black people before there was such a word.

How, precisely, does "everyone should be judged on the content of their character and Not by the color of their skin..... " translate into "some people deserve special consideration"?

Without debating the potential justice or the unintended consequences of affirmative action, how do "white privilege" and "affirmative action" differ except that the first only exists as a societal construct and the second is codified into law?

Is affirmative action meant to be a perpetual program? What are the metrics of its success? Do the most successful people of color in our society owe their success to affirmative action, or to their own achievements?
He specifically wanted affirmative action for Black people before there was such a word.

How, precisely, does "everyone should be judged on the content of their character and Not by the color of their skin..... " translate into "some people deserve special consideration"?

Without debating the potential justice or the unintended consequences of affirmative action, how do "white privilege" and "affirmative action" differ except that the first only exists as a societal construct and the second is codified into law?

Is affirmative action meant to be a perpetual program? What are the metrics of its success? Do the most successful people of color in our society owe their success to affirmative action, or to their own achievements?
There are a couple of differences.

1 'white privilege' was codified into law for centuries. Thats a couple of centuries longer than affirmative actions 10-15 years? It still exists in established bastions of white power.
2 the intent of 'white privilege' was specifically geared to assist whites to the detriment of Blacks and other ethnic groups.
3 affirmative action was intended to assist those that were disenfranchised by white privilege.

I know they say that affirmative actions was meant to be a fix for the evils of white privilege so I dont know how long it will need to be around. Personally I know it has helped more whites than Blacks so I think it should be given a new name that specifies exactly who its for so whites dont take advantage of it. The metrics used to measure success would be an audit of the Black families generational wealth and where it stood in relation to whites generational wealth. Another metric would be the jobless rate being equal among all races.

I dont know anyone that has achieved on their own totally without help from someone. Thats a fable. The most successful people of color typically owe their success to their family and friends that lift them when whites place obstacles in their way. Since affirmative action is long dead and benefitted white women more than anyone else, I struggle to come to the conclusion that it helped anyone I know of that is successful and Black.

Why Can't the Left Let Go of Slavery?

3 Jul 2021 ~~ By Kevin Downey Jr.

Don’t Want to Be Your Grudge Slave​

The British brought slavery to the New World and Americans ended it roughly 230 years later. Every black person descended from slaves owes a debt to their ancestors’ struggles. The abomination of slavery is the reason most black people are here, in the greatest country in the world. I’m guessing almost every black American lives a better life than their counterparts in the modern-day Ivory Coast, where many slaves came from, and where today almost 50% of the country lives in poverty (African poverty, not American iPhone poverty) and the life expectancy for men and women is under 60 years. The poverty rate in Liberia, settled by liberated slaves, is even worse.
Yet some people just can’t let slavery go. Olympic hammer-tosser/headline-hustler Gwen Berry was “pissed” when the National Anthem was played after she won the bronze medal and made it to the Olympic team, even narcissistically suggesting it was a “setup” against her. Why else would they play the National Anthem at an Olympic American sports event other than to piss off an athlete no one has ever heard of in a sport no one knew was a sport?

Factually, Slavery only existed in the United States of America for 89 years, 1776-1865.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies wants to remember when slavery was the law and people were subject and obliged to obey slavery laws. The left needs and wants slaves.
PM/DSA Commies can’t win by productivity.
PM/DSA Commies have discovered they can only win by disqualifying the productive: abuse cultural norms of fairness and culpability (whatever those are at the time) to eject the objectively productive, that competition be removed up for grabs. Having vanquished those who actually do the work, a “cargo cult” follows - having seized the trappings of success, they expect the fruits of productivity will follow; that failing (to their surprise), they handle subsequent supply-and-demand problems by reducing demands - first by rationing, eventually by slaughter. As seen in all Communist totalitarian regimes....
Because the United States has never acknowledged, apologized and atoned for slavery, black codes, the convict leasing system, Jim Crow, separate but equal (which of course never was) which was essentially codified racial discrimination against black people, redlining, racial deed restrictions, "whites only" water fountains, restrooms, restaurants, hotels, etc., etc. etc. not to mention the stolen wealth in terms of outright theft and theft of labor, loss of interest, denial of access to the justice system, again, etc. etc. etc. Oh and let's not forget the oftentimes just cruel and sadistic treatment of black people by whites that was sanctioned by United States law.

I'm sure I left out a bunch of stuff but that should be enough to give you an idea.

Oh and the most important part I forgot to mention is that because the racial discriminatory acts and hatred are still occurring in 2021 in spite of it being unlawful is probably the biggest reason why much progress isn't being made on that front.
You want people to apologize and atone for something that they are not responsible for?
I said the government.
The government now is not the same either.
What's different?
  • A demented sock puppet sits in the Oval Office...asleep at the wheel.
  • The monkeys are running the zoo.
  • Marxism is infecting the minds of useful idiots.
  • Liberals are ruining entire cities and states.
  • Lunatics have taken of the Democrat Party.
  • Tenured teachers are indoctrinating children to hate each other.
Need more?
What does any of that have to do with why our government can't apologize and make amends for everything from slavery to the last thing in the list I mentioned, some of which are still occurring to date even though our laws have made such actions and behaviors unlawful?

Stalling until everyone who was directly affected is dead may have sounded like a good strategy at the time it was thought of, but continuing to pretend that changing the laws made everything better without any accompanying change in people's behaviors, hearts or minds and that the only problem now is that black people won't stop talking about the way our government allowed a bunch of white supremacists to screw over members of a an entire race is just stupid, especially since the interest is still accruing on the debt they don't want to acknowledge.
Because you know an apology won't be all anyone wants, it's always something more.

Why Can't the Left Let Go of Slavery?

3 Jul 2021 ~~ By Kevin Downey Jr.

Don’t Want to Be Your Grudge Slave​

The British brought slavery to the New World and Americans ended it roughly 230 years later. Every black person descended from slaves owes a debt to their ancestors’ struggles. The abomination of slavery is the reason most black people are here, in the greatest country in the world. I’m guessing almost every black American lives a better life than their counterparts in the modern-day Ivory Coast, where many slaves came from, and where today almost 50% of the country lives in poverty (African poverty, not American iPhone poverty) and the life expectancy for men and women is under 60 years. The poverty rate in Liberia, settled by liberated slaves, is even worse.
Yet some people just can’t let slavery go. Olympic hammer-tosser/headline-hustler Gwen Berry was “pissed” when the National Anthem was played after she won the bronze medal and made it to the Olympic team, even narcissistically suggesting it was a “setup” against her. Why else would they play the National Anthem at an Olympic American sports event other than to piss off an athlete no one has ever heard of in a sport no one knew was a sport?

Factually, Slavery only existed in the United States of America for 89 years, 1776-1865.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies wants to remember when slavery was the law and people were subject and obliged to obey slavery laws. The left needs and wants slaves.
PM/DSA Commies can’t win by productivity.
PM/DSA Commies have discovered they can only win by disqualifying the productive: abuse cultural norms of fairness and culpability (whatever those are at the time) to eject the objectively productive, that competition be removed up for grabs. Having vanquished those who actually do the work, a “cargo cult” follows - having seized the trappings of success, they expect the fruits of productivity will follow; that failing (to their surprise), they handle subsequent supply-and-demand problems by reducing demands - first by rationing, eventually by slaughter. As seen in all Communist totalitarian regimes....
Because the United States has never acknowledged, apologized and atoned for slavery, black codes, the convict leasing system, Jim Crow, separate but equal (which of course never was) which was essentially codified racial discrimination against black people, redlining, racial deed restrictions, "whites only" water fountains, restrooms, restaurants, hotels, etc., etc. etc. not to mention the stolen wealth in terms of outright theft and theft of labor, loss of interest, denial of access to the justice system, again, etc. etc. etc. Oh and let's not forget the oftentimes just cruel and sadistic treatment of black people by whites that was sanctioned by United States law.

I'm sure I left out a bunch of stuff but that should be enough to give you an idea.

Oh and the most important part I forgot to mention is that because the racial discriminatory acts and hatred are still occurring in 2021 in spite of it being unlawful is probably the biggest reason why much progress isn't being made on that front.
You want people to apologize and atone for something that they are not responsible for?
I said the government.
The government now is not the same either.
What's different?
  • A demented sock puppet sits in the Oval Office...asleep at the wheel.
  • The monkeys are running the zoo.
  • Marxism is infecting the minds of useful idiots.
  • Liberals are ruining entire cities and states.
  • Lunatics have taken of the Democrat Party.
  • Tenured teachers are indoctrinating children to hate each other.
Need more?
What does any of that have to do with why our government can't apologize and make amends for everything from slavery to the last thing in the list I mentioned, some of which are still occurring to date even though our laws have made such actions and behaviors unlawful?

Stalling until everyone who was directly affected is dead may have sounded like a good strategy at the time it was thought of, but continuing to pretend that changing the laws made everything better without any accompanying change in people's behaviors, hearts or minds and that the only problem now is that black people won't stop talking about the way our government allowed a bunch of white supremacists to screw over members of a an entire race is just stupid, especially since the interest is still accruing on the debt they don't want to acknowledge.
The lunatics that are in control of our government at this time are the same lunatics that have used racial hatred for decades to control the blacks and keep them classified as a self-pitying victim class. The lunatic Democrat Party does not gives a tinker's damn about being unlawful. Whatever works for them will go unpunished.

White supremacy has nothing to do with it. Black civil rights leaders stoke the fires of hatred. Their own livelihood depends on maintaining the victim class and obtaining funding from dupes and businesses that fear demonstrations and boycotts of their products for not supporting the deprived black victim class.

That is the same game that the Democrat Party has been playing ever since 1865. Nothing has changed with them except:

  • A demented sock puppet sits in the Oval Office...asleep at the wheel.
  • The monkeys are running the zoo.
  • Marxism is infecting the minds of useful idiots.
  • Liberals are ruining entire cities and states.
  • Lunatics have taken of the Democrat Party.
  • Tenured teachers are indoctrinating children to hate each other.

Need more?
Okay, so if our government has not changed, then why can't they apologize and make amends for all of the grief they caused and allowed to occur?

As far as I am concerned, they can but don't want to for a myriad of reasons although most of their reasons are just excuses.
The people involved are no longer alive to either apologize to or make amends.

Why Can't the Left Let Go of Slavery?

3 Jul 2021 ~~ By Kevin Downey Jr.

Don’t Want to Be Your Grudge Slave​

The British brought slavery to the New World and Americans ended it roughly 230 years later. Every black person descended from slaves owes a debt to their ancestors’ struggles. The abomination of slavery is the reason most black people are here, in the greatest country in the world. I’m guessing almost every black American lives a better life than their counterparts in the modern-day Ivory Coast, where many slaves came from, and where today almost 50% of the country lives in poverty (African poverty, not American iPhone poverty) and the life expectancy for men and women is under 60 years. The poverty rate in Liberia, settled by liberated slaves, is even worse.
Yet some people just can’t let slavery go. Olympic hammer-tosser/headline-hustler Gwen Berry was “pissed” when the National Anthem was played after she won the bronze medal and made it to the Olympic team, even narcissistically suggesting it was a “setup” against her. Why else would they play the National Anthem at an Olympic American sports event other than to piss off an athlete no one has ever heard of in a sport no one knew was a sport?

Factually, Slavery only existed in the United States of America for 89 years, 1776-1865.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies wants to remember when slavery was the law and people were subject and obliged to obey slavery laws. The left needs and wants slaves.
PM/DSA Commies can’t win by productivity.
PM/DSA Commies have discovered they can only win by disqualifying the productive: abuse cultural norms of fairness and culpability (whatever those are at the time) to eject the objectively productive, that competition be removed up for grabs. Having vanquished those who actually do the work, a “cargo cult” follows - having seized the trappings of success, they expect the fruits of productivity will follow; that failing (to their surprise), they handle subsequent supply-and-demand problems by reducing demands - first by rationing, eventually by slaughter. As seen in all Communist totalitarian regimes....
Because the United States has never acknowledged, apologized and atoned for slavery, black codes, the convict leasing system, Jim Crow, separate but equal (which of course never was) which was essentially codified racial discrimination against black people, redlining, racial deed restrictions, "whites only" water fountains, restrooms, restaurants, hotels, etc., etc. etc. not to mention the stolen wealth in terms of outright theft and theft of labor, loss of interest, denial of access to the justice system, again, etc. etc. etc. Oh and let's not forget the oftentimes just cruel and sadistic treatment of black people by whites that was sanctioned by United States law.

I'm sure I left out a bunch of stuff but that should be enough to give you an idea.

Oh and the most important part I forgot to mention is that because the racial discriminatory acts and hatred are still occurring in 2021 in spite of it being unlawful is probably the biggest reason why much progress isn't being made on that front.
You want people to apologize and atone for something that they are not responsible for?
I said the government.
The government now is not the same either.
What's different?
  • A demented sock puppet sits in the Oval Office...asleep at the wheel.
  • The monkeys are running the zoo.
  • Marxism is infecting the minds of useful idiots.
  • Liberals are ruining entire cities and states.
  • Lunatics have taken of the Democrat Party.
  • Tenured teachers are indoctrinating children to hate each other.
Need more?
What does any of that have to do with why our government can't apologize and make amends for everything from slavery to the last thing in the list I mentioned, some of which are still occurring to date even though our laws have made such actions and behaviors unlawful?

Stalling until everyone who was directly affected is dead may have sounded like a good strategy at the time it was thought of, but continuing to pretend that changing the laws made everything better without any accompanying change in people's behaviors, hearts or minds and that the only problem now is that black people won't stop talking about the way our government allowed a bunch of white supremacists to screw over members of a an entire race is just stupid, especially since the interest is still accruing on the debt they don't want to acknowledge.
Because you know an apology won't be all anyone wants, it's always something more.
An apology doesn't mean shit. People apologize all the time and don't mean it. When you say "what can I do to make it right?" and follow through with action then and only then will an apology mean anything.
  • Thanks
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Why Can't the Left Let Go of Slavery?

3 Jul 2021 ~~ By Kevin Downey Jr.

Don’t Want to Be Your Grudge Slave​

The British brought slavery to the New World and Americans ended it roughly 230 years later. Every black person descended from slaves owes a debt to their ancestors’ struggles. The abomination of slavery is the reason most black people are here, in the greatest country in the world. I’m guessing almost every black American lives a better life than their counterparts in the modern-day Ivory Coast, where many slaves came from, and where today almost 50% of the country lives in poverty (African poverty, not American iPhone poverty) and the life expectancy for men and women is under 60 years. The poverty rate in Liberia, settled by liberated slaves, is even worse.
Yet some people just can’t let slavery go. Olympic hammer-tosser/headline-hustler Gwen Berry was “pissed” when the National Anthem was played after she won the bronze medal and made it to the Olympic team, even narcissistically suggesting it was a “setup” against her. Why else would they play the National Anthem at an Olympic American sports event other than to piss off an athlete no one has ever heard of in a sport no one knew was a sport?

Factually, Slavery only existed in the United States of America for 89 years, 1776-1865.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies wants to remember when slavery was the law and people were subject and obliged to obey slavery laws. The left needs and wants slaves.
PM/DSA Commies can’t win by productivity.
PM/DSA Commies have discovered they can only win by disqualifying the productive: abuse cultural norms of fairness and culpability (whatever those are at the time) to eject the objectively productive, that competition be removed up for grabs. Having vanquished those who actually do the work, a “cargo cult” follows - having seized the trappings of success, they expect the fruits of productivity will follow; that failing (to their surprise), they handle subsequent supply-and-demand problems by reducing demands - first by rationing, eventually by slaughter. As seen in all Communist totalitarian regimes....
Because the United States has never acknowledged, apologized and atoned for slavery, black codes, the convict leasing system, Jim Crow, separate but equal (which of course never was) which was essentially codified racial discrimination against black people, redlining, racial deed restrictions, "whites only" water fountains, restrooms, restaurants, hotels, etc., etc. etc. not to mention the stolen wealth in terms of outright theft and theft of labor, loss of interest, denial of access to the justice system, again, etc. etc. etc. Oh and let's not forget the oftentimes just cruel and sadistic treatment of black people by whites that was sanctioned by United States law.

I'm sure I left out a bunch of stuff but that should be enough to give you an idea.

Oh and the most important part I forgot to mention is that because the racial discriminatory acts and hatred are still occurring in 2021 in spite of it being unlawful is probably the biggest reason why much progress isn't being made on that front.
You want people to apologize and atone for something that they are not responsible for?
I said the government.
The government now is not the same either.
What's different?
  • A demented sock puppet sits in the Oval Office...asleep at the wheel.
  • The monkeys are running the zoo.
  • Marxism is infecting the minds of useful idiots.
  • Liberals are ruining entire cities and states.
  • Lunatics have taken of the Democrat Party.
  • Tenured teachers are indoctrinating children to hate each other.
Need more?
What does any of that have to do with why our government can't apologize and make amends for everything from slavery to the last thing in the list I mentioned, some of which are still occurring to date even though our laws have made such actions and behaviors unlawful?

Stalling until everyone who was directly affected is dead may have sounded like a good strategy at the time it was thought of, but continuing to pretend that changing the laws made everything better without any accompanying change in people's behaviors, hearts or minds and that the only problem now is that black people won't stop talking about the way our government allowed a bunch of white supremacists to screw over members of a an entire race is just stupid, especially since the interest is still accruing on the debt they don't want to acknowledge.
The lunatics that are in control of our government at this time are the same lunatics that have used racial hatred for decades to control the blacks and keep them classified as a self-pitying victim class. The lunatic Democrat Party does not gives a tinker's damn about being unlawful. Whatever works for them will go unpunished.

White supremacy has nothing to do with it. Black civil rights leaders stoke the fires of hatred. Their own livelihood depends on maintaining the victim class and obtaining funding from dupes and businesses that fear demonstrations and boycotts of their products for not supporting the deprived black victim class.

That is the same game that the Democrat Party has been playing ever since 1865. Nothing has changed with them except:

  • A demented sock puppet sits in the Oval Office...asleep at the wheel.
  • The monkeys are running the zoo.
  • Marxism is infecting the minds of useful idiots.
  • Liberals are ruining entire cities and states.
  • Lunatics have taken of the Democrat Party.
  • Tenured teachers are indoctrinating children to hate each other.

Need more?
Okay, so if our government has not changed, then why can't they apologize and make amends for all of the grief they caused and allowed to occur?

As far as I am concerned, they can but don't want to for a myriad of reasons although most of their reasons are just excuses.
The people involved are no longer alive to either apologize to or make amends.
Their descendants are alive and profiting off their ill gotten gains. Besides its the government that owes the debt. Not some poor trailer park trash.

Why Can't the Left Let Go of Slavery?

3 Jul 2021 ~~ By Kevin Downey Jr.

Don’t Want to Be Your Grudge Slave​

The British brought slavery to the New World and Americans ended it roughly 230 years later. Every black person descended from slaves owes a debt to their ancestors’ struggles. The abomination of slavery is the reason most black people are here, in the greatest country in the world. I’m guessing almost every black American lives a better life than their counterparts in the modern-day Ivory Coast, where many slaves came from, and where today almost 50% of the country lives in poverty (African poverty, not American iPhone poverty) and the life expectancy for men and women is under 60 years. The poverty rate in Liberia, settled by liberated slaves, is even worse.
Yet some people just can’t let slavery go. Olympic hammer-tosser/headline-hustler Gwen Berry was “pissed” when the National Anthem was played after she won the bronze medal and made it to the Olympic team, even narcissistically suggesting it was a “setup” against her. Why else would they play the National Anthem at an Olympic American sports event other than to piss off an athlete no one has ever heard of in a sport no one knew was a sport?

Factually, Slavery only existed in the United States of America for 89 years, 1776-1865.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies wants to remember when slavery was the law and people were subject and obliged to obey slavery laws. The left needs and wants slaves.
PM/DSA Commies can’t win by productivity.
PM/DSA Commies have discovered they can only win by disqualifying the productive: abuse cultural norms of fairness and culpability (whatever those are at the time) to eject the objectively productive, that competition be removed up for grabs. Having vanquished those who actually do the work, a “cargo cult” follows - having seized the trappings of success, they expect the fruits of productivity will follow; that failing (to their surprise), they handle subsequent supply-and-demand problems by reducing demands - first by rationing, eventually by slaughter. As seen in all Communist totalitarian regimes....
Because the United States has never acknowledged, apologized and atoned for slavery, black codes, the convict leasing system, Jim Crow, separate but equal (which of course never was) which was essentially codified racial discrimination against black people, redlining, racial deed restrictions, "whites only" water fountains, restrooms, restaurants, hotels, etc., etc. etc. not to mention the stolen wealth in terms of outright theft and theft of labor, loss of interest, denial of access to the justice system, again, etc. etc. etc. Oh and let's not forget the oftentimes just cruel and sadistic treatment of black people by whites that was sanctioned by United States law.

I'm sure I left out a bunch of stuff but that should be enough to give you an idea.

Oh and the most important part I forgot to mention is that because the racial discriminatory acts and hatred are still occurring in 2021 in spite of it being unlawful is probably the biggest reason why much progress isn't being made on that front.
You want people to apologize and atone for something that they are not responsible for?
I said the government.
The government now is not the same either.
What's different?
  • A demented sock puppet sits in the Oval Office...asleep at the wheel.
  • The monkeys are running the zoo.
  • Marxism is infecting the minds of useful idiots.
  • Liberals are ruining entire cities and states.
  • Lunatics have taken of the Democrat Party.
  • Tenured teachers are indoctrinating children to hate each other.
Need more?
What does any of that have to do with why our government can't apologize and make amends for everything from slavery to the last thing in the list I mentioned, some of which are still occurring to date even though our laws have made such actions and behaviors unlawful?

Stalling until everyone who was directly affected is dead may have sounded like a good strategy at the time it was thought of, but continuing to pretend that changing the laws made everything better without any accompanying change in people's behaviors, hearts or minds and that the only problem now is that black people won't stop talking about the way our government allowed a bunch of white supremacists to screw over members of a an entire race is just stupid, especially since the interest is still accruing on the debt they don't want to acknowledge.
The lunatics that are in control of our government at this time are the same lunatics that have used racial hatred for decades to control the blacks and keep them classified as a self-pitying victim class. The lunatic Democrat Party does not gives a tinker's damn about being unlawful. Whatever works for them will go unpunished.

White supremacy has nothing to do with it. Black civil rights leaders stoke the fires of hatred. Their own livelihood depends on maintaining the victim class and obtaining funding from dupes and businesses that fear demonstrations and boycotts of their products for not supporting the deprived black victim class.

That is the same game that the Democrat Party has been playing ever since 1865. Nothing has changed with them except:

  • A demented sock puppet sits in the Oval Office...asleep at the wheel.
  • The monkeys are running the zoo.
  • Marxism is infecting the minds of useful idiots.
  • Liberals are ruining entire cities and states.
  • Lunatics have taken of the Democrat Party.
  • Tenured teachers are indoctrinating children to hate each other.

Need more?
Okay, so if our government has not changed, then why can't they apologize and make amends for all of the grief they caused and allowed to occur?

As far as I am concerned, they can but don't want to for a myriad of reasons although most of their reasons are just excuses.
The people involved are no longer alive to either apologize to or make amends.
Their descendants are alive and profiting off their ill gotten gains. Besides its the government that owes the debt. Not some poor trailer park trash.
Where will the government get the funds? Except for putting money into schools, businesses in black neighborhoods, I don't see many other ways to make amends. Monetary reparations to individuals isn't the answer. You have no way of knowing who would get how much. Even today, not everyone equally succeeds even with the same opportunities.

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