Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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the overwhelming majority of pro-lifers are completely incapable of debating the subject like rational adults.

Same with the pro-abortionists, such as yourself

Because if they were they would admit that they are in favor of government control over American citizens private decisions. THEY are the real enemies of liberty and freedom.

Because unless you are the woman, her doctor or her God you need to stay the fuck out of her business.


The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to DaGoose For This Useful Post: Cal (04-02-2011), Dr Grump (03-31-2011), High_Gravity (03-30-2011), Plasmaball (03-30-2011)

Since when is taking the life of someone else a private decision?

I suppose we should decriminalize murder. After all, the government is punishing a person for their own private decision.

Of course, I don't expect you to actually recognize the inherent flaws of your argument. But perhaps someone who is reading will and will see how illogical your position is.
I want it to be a states issue

States should decide for themselves whom it's okay to kill?

So reviving the Mormon Extermination Order would be okay with you? What if we say that, to bring down medicare costs, killing anyone over 65 is okay?
Abortion isn't a big issue to me

Homicide's 'not a big issue'?
so if my state voted into act pro-life legislation it wouldn't be a big deal to me, my only concern would be the creation of an abortion black market where you're moving abortions from the doctors office to the back alley and having women self-perform them.

Why can Democrats find a back-alley abortionist to kill their baby, but not a condom to use in the first place?
I want it to be a states issue

States should decide for themselves whom it's okay to kill?

So reviving the Mormon Extermination Order would be okay with you? What if we say that, to bring down medicare costs, killing anyone over 65 is okay?
Abortion isn't a big issue to me

Homicide's 'not a big issue'?
so if my state voted into act pro-life legislation it wouldn't be a big deal to me, my only concern would be the creation of an abortion black market where you're moving abortions from the doctors office to the back alley and having women self-perform them.

Why can Democrats find a back-alley abortionist to kill their baby, but not a condom to use in the first place?

Ur other post that you said "such as yourself" you copy and pasted a post and thank yous that didn't include me, so that was confusing.

1.) I don't view it as killing until a certain time, you know that.
2.) I don't view it as killing until a certain time, you know that.
3.) Most pro-lifers I talk to want Roe v Wade overturned and have it turned into a state's issue, which is exactly what I want.
4.) I dunno how/why this became partisan, I've never voted for a democrat in my life, a condom should always be used when no pregnancy is desired but as we both know they aren't 100%.
You could also explain to me why a woman would "need an abortion to save her life", Dr. Welby.

~3% of abortions involve a perceived threat to the mother's life

That they exploit those women who have to make such a terrible decision to justify the convenience of abortion on demand and repeat business tells you all there is to know about their character.
I have little patience with people who want to hide a million dead babies a year behind the skirts of the hard cases.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Cecilie1200 again.
What kind of sick fucker thinks of a baby as "punishment"?
Think he'll ever tell his daughters what he thinks of them?

Look, I got two daughters - 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby
-Barrack H. Obama, President of the United States
1.) I don't view it as killing until a certain time, you know that.
2.) I don't view it as killing until a certain time, you know that.

It doesn't matter how you 'view it'. Earth is not flat, no matter how many times you say you don't see it as not flat.

WordNet Search - 3.1

Why can't you be honest?

I dunno how/why this became partisan, I've never voted for a democrat in my life, a condom should always be used when no pregnancy is desired but as we both know they aren't 100%.
You know what is?

If you're not prepared to be responsible for your child, perhaps you should be fucking in the first place. If you really wanted anything but more dead babies, you'd be encouraging people to stop being fucking sluts.
1.) I don't view it as killing until a certain time, you know that.
2.) I don't view it as killing until a certain time, you know that.

It doesn't matter how you 'view it'. Earth is not flat, no matter how many times you say you don't see it as not flat.

WordNet Search - 3.1

Why can't you be honest?

I dunno how/why this became partisan, I've never voted for a democrat in my life, a condom should always be used when no pregnancy is desired but as we both know they aren't 100%.
You know what is?

If you're not prepared to be responsible for your child, perhaps you should be fucking in the first place. If you really wanted anything but more dead babies, you'd be encouraging people to stop being fucking sluts.

You can make the point it doesn't matter how I view it, it matters how gov't views it, hence why abortion is legal to a point.

I'll bet 99% of americans have sex before they're able to handle the responsiblity of a child, and I am HUGE on encouraging the improvement of sex education, which is what I think would help the most in lowering the amount on unwanted pregnancies/abortions.

Like you, I want zero abortions, it'll never happen but I think the more effective way of lowering the number is through education rather than persecution.
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1.) I don't view it as killing until a certain time, you know that.
2.) I don't view it as killing until a certain time, you know that.

It doesn't matter how you 'view it'. Earth is not flat, no matter how many times you say you don't see it as not flat.

WordNet Search - 3.1

Why can't you be honest?

I dunno how/why this became partisan, I've never voted for a democrat in my life, a condom should always be used when no pregnancy is desired but as we both know they aren't 100%.
You know what is?

If you're not prepared to be responsible for your child, perhaps you should be fucking in the first place. If you really wanted anything but more dead babies, you'd be encouraging people to stop being fucking sluts.

You can make the point it doesn't matter how I view it, it matters how gov't views it, hence why abortion is legal to a point.

As was killing Mormons in Missouri. As was spousal rape in some places until 1993. As was slavery at one time. As was child pornography until thew 1970s. As was segregation at one point....
You really want to try your little appeal to the Law, Statist?
I'll bet 99% of americans have sex before they're able to handle the responsiblity of a child, and I am HUGE on encouraging the improvement of sex education

That hasn't worked. That's been proven to be code for encouraging premarital whoring around- and the effects have been more out-of-wedlock pregnancies and STDs.
, which is what I think would help the most in lowering the amount on unwanted pregnancies/abortions.

The facts prove otherwise.

Sorry, but Earth isn't flat.
If legalization of abortions reduced the numbers of abortions, they wouldn't have increased exponentially after the legalization of abortion.
It doesn't matter how you 'view it'. Earth is not flat, no matter how many times you say you don't see it as not flat.

WordNet Search - 3.1

Why can't you be honest?

You know what is?

If you're not prepared to be responsible for your child, perhaps you should be fucking in the first place. If you really wanted anything but more dead babies, you'd be encouraging people to stop being fucking sluts.

You can make the point it doesn't matter how I view it, it matters how gov't views it, hence why abortion is legal to a point.

As was killing Mormons in Missouri. As was spousal rape in some places until 1993. As was slavery at one time. As was child pornography until thew 1970s. As was segregation at one point....
You really want to try your little appeal to the Law, Statist?
I'll bet 99% of americans have sex before they're able to handle the responsiblity of a child, and I am HUGE on encouraging the improvement of sex education

That hasn't worked. That's been proven to be code for encouraging premarital whoring around- and the effects have been more out-of-wedlock pregnancies and STDs.
, which is what I think would help the most in lowering the amount on unwanted pregnancies/abortions.

The facts prove otherwise.

Sorry, but Earth isn't flat.

1.) A fair point, but my guess is that the country likely isn't moving closer to a pro-life viewpoint, if the gov'ts viewpoint is the one you disagree with.
2.) We've never had good sex education, so we can't yet determine whether or not it's worked. Connecting wanting good education and promoting whoring is a simply stunning connection to make.
3.) No they don't
4.) We were getting close to having an adult convo on the matter, you noticed we were getting close so you had to pull back on the maturity and throw in the childish insult, as to keep with the standard operating procedure of so many pro-lifers.
The only one being childish is you.

You appealed to Law; now you admit that's bullshit

You claimed that killing isn't killing because you can't accept that you advocate killing

You continue to deny basic facts, like the fact that the foetus is a living human being, the Earth that termination a life if killing by definition, and the fact that abortion- especially repeat business- has been skyrocketing since the cult of abortionism began advocating killing babies as a convenient alternative to personal responsibility, and the increase in STDs resulting from the glorification of whoring around.

When presented with these facts, you lie outright, you deny scientific reality, and you accuse others of being mean you you.

This neoleftist movement, with its cult of abortionism, has the same results everywhere it's seen
Women having multiple abortions reaches record high - Times Online
They will not address that Doc because you are posting fact.
Murder statutes ARE A STATES' Legislative action.

Unless they are unconstitutional because they do not provide equal protection under the law.

Why can't you people ever be honest?

So you would be filing a challenge against a state that had a law banning abortion and base your argument that it is unconstitutional because that law does not provide equal protection under the law?
Dude, do you have a clue what you are talking about? I thought you are against abortion.
Don't you know that the laws would be BANNING ABORTION. There is NO state law now allowing it.
There would have to be state laws BANNING IT for your argument to make any sense.
Now hold on there a sec. Having an abortion is not an easy thing to do. It is no picnic, I guarantee you. I dont have to defend myself when it comes to my body. Wanna call me a murderer? Go ahead. Ive called myself much worse when I had it done many many MANY years ago. Its nobodies business why I had it done and I answer to nobody on why I did it.

Say what you will. Unless you are a woman....you have no clue.

You will have to answer to someone.... eventually.
Why can't you people admit that you support killing human children for convenience?

Abortionism is a religion

Once the renunciation has been made, the mind, instead of operating freely, becomes the servant of a higher and unquestioned purpose. To deny the truth is an act of service...Any genuine intellectual contact which you have with him involves a challenge to his fundamental faith, a struggle for his soul.
-Arthur Koestler​
So you would be filing a challenge against a state that had a law banning abortion and base your argument that it is unconstitutional because that law does not provide equal protection under the law?


Life > Convenience

If some persons are not given equal protection of their right to life under the law, then the law is unconstitutional.
There would have to be state laws BANNING IT for your argument to make any sense.

You aren't very bright, are you?
Now hold on there a sec. Having an abortion is not an easy thing to do. It is no picnic, I guarantee you. I dont have to defend myself when it comes to my body. Wanna call me a murderer? Go ahead. Ive called myself much worse when I had it done many many MANY years ago. Its nobodies business why I had it done and I answer to nobody on why I did it.

Say what you will. Unless you are a woman....you have no clue.

You will have to answer to someone.... eventually.

If you believe in the same God I do and I have always thought that you do, then forgiveness has long been extended.

This is a little off topic, but I am going to have a hard time explaining some of the really awful things I've done in the past and sometimes it gives me pause..
What kind of sick fucker thinks of a baby as "punishment"?
Think he'll ever tell his daughters what he thinks of them?

Look, I got two daughters - 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby
-Barrack H. Obama, President of the United States

Sadly, I think they'll figure it out on their own.
1.) I don't view it as killing until a certain time, you know that.
2.) I don't view it as killing until a certain time, you know that.

It doesn't matter how you 'view it'. Earth is not flat, no matter how many times you say you don't see it as not flat.

WordNet Search - 3.1

Why can't you be honest?

I dunno how/why this became partisan, I've never voted for a democrat in my life, a condom should always be used when no pregnancy is desired but as we both know they aren't 100%.
You know what is?

If you're not prepared to be responsible for your child, perhaps you should be fucking in the first place. If you really wanted anything but more dead babies, you'd be encouraging people to stop being fucking sluts.

See, I don't get why this is difficult. As much as some people here look askance at me for my lifestyle choices, it's still a no-brainer to me - and to the people in my lifestyle community - that you don't do ANYTHING if you're not willing to live with any of the possible consequences. And when it doesn't turn out the way you hoped and expected, YOU take the responsibility.

If I would not be willing to have a baby with someone, I don't have intercourse with them. Simple. Even if I'm using birth control. Even now that my tubes have been tied. Because Murphy's a bastard, and he has LOUSY timing.
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