Why can't we get USMB Republicans to tell us what they stand for?

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They used to say "Bring jobs back to this country" only we all know that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. So even Republicans know they are gone for good. So they need a new "something". What is that "something"?

Cut taxes for billionaires? A really tough sell.

What's left? How come we can't get USMB Republicans to answer? All they do is attack. Can you run on just attack? Mid terms are coming. What will the GOP run on? Anyone?
We told you a hundred times. Next day, you post more divisive bullshit like this OP.
They used to say "Bring jobs back to this country" only we all know that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. So even Republicans know they are gone for good. So they need a new "something". What is that "something"?

Cut taxes for billionaires? A really tough sell.

What's left? How come we can't get USMB Republicans to answer? All they do is attack. Can you run on just attack? Mid terms are coming. What will the GOP run on? Anyone?
If "lost manufacturing jobs were automated" why is FoxConn having to devise ways of stopping their manufacturing personnel from committing suicide?
Life is just too good for them with all that automation.
They used to say "Bring jobs back to this country" only we all know that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. So even Republicans know they are gone for good. So they need a new "something". What is that "something"?

Cut taxes for billionaires? A really tough sell.

What's left? How come we can't get USMB Republicans to answer? All they do is attack. Can you run on just attack? Mid terms are coming. What will the GOP run on? Anyone?
As always, Republicans will run on fear, lies, and fake news.
Because Democrats don't run on fear!
They used to say "Bring jobs back to this country" only we all know that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. So even Republicans know they are gone for good. So they need a new "something". What is that "something"?

Cut taxes for billionaires? A really tough sell.

What's left? How come we can't get USMB Republicans to answer? All they do is attack. Can you run on just attack? Mid terms are coming. What will the GOP run on? Anyone?

rdean 2012 : Big mean CEOs offshore all our jobs

deanrd 2018: jobs were lost to automation and they not coming back

Republicans would like to see the Federal Government run in accordance with the U.S. Constitution. They would like to see the government run in accordance with the law (e.g., immigration laws).

Just for fun, you Leftists out there, name a single Democrat initiative - going back to FDR if you must - that is not unconstitutional. Let me give you a few to chew on;

Social security (unconstitutional)
Welfare (unconstitutional)
Housing subsidies (unconstitutional)
Obamacare (Unconstitutional)
Gay marriage (unconstitutional)
affirmative action (unconstitutional)
The "right" to abortion (unconstitutional)
The "right" to bugger your neighbor (unconstitutional)

You get the idea. Name one Leftist initiative that is not unconstitutional. Be prepared to defend your position.
They used to say "Bring jobs back to this country" only we all know that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. So even Republicans know they are gone for good. So they need a new "something". What is that "something"?

Cut taxes for billionaires? A really tough sell.

What's left? How come we can't get USMB Republicans to answer? All they do is attack. Can you run on just attack? Mid terms are coming. What will the GOP run on? Anyone?

Left me guess. The fax machines are saying it's time to distract from the democrats' total lack of a positive legislative agenda.
Why can't we get USMB Republicans to tell us what they stand for?

Because for many of them, unless and until someone on Fox, writing for Breitbart or some other vocal person/organization tells them, they don't know. I suppose one could sum it up by saying that figuring out and knowing for what one stands for "hurts their brain." That is to say, they are intrinsically followers not leaders; thus rather than having soundly and rigorously examined the world in which we live and the human condition, in turn defining and committing to a set of coherent principles based on that analysis, and then casting about for individuals and ideas that align with them, they go with whatever "flow" is promulgated by their prefered political "idols."
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