Why defunding the police is a win win for all!!

Ok. How much tax are you willing to pay? Twice as much? Three times as much in taxes? You will need to. Prisons are expensive to build. And they cost money to house those prisoners you seem to think will somehow solve the problems.

America has more people in prisons than China and Russia combined. But despite the fact it hasn’t solved the problems. We are going to double down on the failed programs of yesterday. Idiocy.
How about just ending all those failed inner “spend money on negroes” programs and use that to add more police.

The cost of allowing violent thugs to roam the streets is way more than what we pay in taxes.
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How about just ending all those failed inner “spend money on negroes” programs and use that to add more police.

The cost of allowing violent thugs to roam the streets is way more than what we pay in taxes.

With the highest per capita prison population we can say that go hard doesn’t work. Hell even North Korea has fewer people in prison than we do. On the other hand Norway as one example has had impressive results with a focus on rehabilitation. Their recidivism rate is about 10% while ours with the always a crook mentality is about 85%.

So instead of looking at ways to reduce this trend you want to double down on a failed program. Great. Because trillions of dollars flushed down the toilet is a great way to make you feel better. Or something.
With the highest per capita prison population...

Hell even North Korea has fewer people in prison than we do.
That's because they just KILL them.

On the other hand Norway as one example has had impressive results with a focus on rehabilitation. Their recidivism rate is about 10% while ours with the always a crook mentality is about 85%.
And what is the black population in Norway?
The state of NY spends 6 billion dollars a year on law enforcement. 6 billion dollars. States all across this nation allocate more funds to law enforcement than any other service in these states.

Now imagine just for a moment, taking a huge chunk of that money and putting it in after school programs, job training, helping local business's in these communities, mentoring young kids...imagine the drop in youth violence and deaths. Thats where the problem is people....we build up our cops, arm them to the max, hire the worse of the worse, spend millions and keep spending millions trying to contain an environment that we keep expanding from lack of resource involvement.

When I was a kid, there were after school programs, summer jobs programs, mentoring opportunities....if we continue to neglect what is obvious in our face, than keep expecting the same results over and over and over....

This is a horrible idea. The problem exists at the individual level. More money and legislation won't change the lack of family values and good parenting. The best way to get rid of the police is to stop breaking the law.
More money and legislation won't change the lack of family values and good parenting.
That is the fundamental cause of crime

Bleeding heart libs created the social conditions that led to bad parenting

But they cant admit their mistakes so they double down and keep throwing money at the problem

That's because they just KILL them.

And what is the black population in Norway?

You are an unequaled jackass. But to pretend to humor you.

And the reason I say you are a jackass without equal. Many of those countries have black populations. South Africa did not have this incarceration rate during Apartheid. But your racism is a way to justify your insane and unsupportable ideals. Despite the fact we have more people in prison than any other country you still want even more.

We have tried the tough on crime. We have tried the lock them up and make them afraid of prison trick since the 1980’s. And it has not worked. So the problem is not that the ideal is flawed.

In the opinions of people like you. Just like the idiots on the left who clamor for Socialism despite the fact it does not work. They like you jump up and down and scream we did not do it right. Or enough. Or whatever excuse. Like them the premise is true and the failure of the actual results is because it was not done hard enough.

The premise is wrong. Socialism does not work. The premise is wrong. Locking them up does not end crime. Long prison sentences does not scare people from crime. So if the premise is wrong we need to look at any other options that may work better. Instead the law and order idiots and the Socialists refuse to even consider that the evidence shows their premise wrong.
And be sure to start with removing police protection from elected officials

send a social worker to stand outside deblasios house at night

I agree. Wonder how long that social worker would last??

Hope the pass the no cops in Tiggered home town. Bet she will be using that weapon I know she has. LOL
Hell, when we were young we found our own stuff to do after school. Shooting marbles, riding bikes. Playing hop scotch, sand lot baseball.
Those are my thoughts. We lived in rural America, bike riding, we had a sandlot to play in, we did chores like feed the animals, chopped wood, picked cherries, strawberries, apples, peaches, beans and on and on. Worked hard, played hard and slept good. I didn't have time for trouble.
The state of NY spends 6 billion dollars a year on law enforcement. 6 billion dollars. States all across this nation allocate more funds to law enforcement than any other service in these states.

Now imagine just for a moment, taking a huge chunk of that money and putting it in after school programs, job training, helping local business's in these communities, mentoring young kids...imagine the drop in youth violence and deaths. Thats where the problem is people....we build up our cops, arm them to the max, hire the worse of the worse, spend millions and keep spending millions trying to contain an environment that we keep expanding from lack of resource involvement.

When I was a kid, there were after school programs, summer jobs programs, mentoring opportunities....if we continue to neglect what is obvious in our face, than keep expecting the same results over and over and over....
You're a moron!
The state of NY spends 6 billion dollars a year on law enforcement. 6 billion dollars. States all across this nation allocate more funds to law enforcement than any other service in these states.

Now imagine just for a moment, taking a huge chunk of that money and putting it in after school programs, job training, helping local business's in these communities, mentoring young kids...imagine the drop in youth violence and deaths. Thats where the problem is people....we build up our cops, arm them to the max, hire the worse of the worse, spend millions and keep spending millions trying to contain an environment that we keep expanding from lack of resource involvement.

When I was a kid, there were after school programs, summer jobs programs, mentoring opportunities....if we continue to neglect what is obvious in our face, than keep expecting the same results over and over and over....

We've been throwing money at social programs for decades, and still have cities filled with barely functional morons who vote only to increase their handout from the Democrats.

Make an end to it.

The idea that no solutions exist never occurs to them, and this is their only strength.
The state of NY spends 6 billion dollars a year on law enforcement. 6 billion dollars. States all across this nation allocate more funds to law enforcement than any other service in these states.

Now imagine just for a moment, taking a huge chunk of that money and putting it in after school programs, job training, helping local business's in these communities, mentoring young kids...imagine the drop in youth violence and deaths. Thats where the problem is people....we build up our cops, arm them to the max, hire the worse of the worse, spend millions and keep spending millions trying to contain an environment that we keep expanding from lack of resource involvement.

When I was a kid, there were after school programs, summer jobs programs, mentoring opportunities....if we continue to neglect what is obvious in our face, than keep expecting the same results over and over and over....

The problem is you are forgetting the primary reason we need job training and helping local business.


You know why businesses move out of poor neighborhoods? Because of crime. The reason we need after-school programs, is because of crime. Kids are spending their time vandalizing and shoplifting, and practicing for a career in crime.

You say you want mentoring opportunities.... well you can't mentor someone who has no moral values. More importantly, you don't want to.

In 2013 and 2014, we had some massive protests in Chicago and Baltimore, and the result was the police left the area. What was the result? More businesses left, crime increased, and kids were wild.

Now I would encourage you to try what you claim. I want you to see what the results of this bad policy are.
Uh, I agree with you, however, those kids wouldn't steal, if their parents had better paying jobs, business's wouldn't leave, if those same kids had programs in the community to keep their minds focused and the police wouldn't be needed if those families had involved neighborhoods that "it takes a village"
The state of NY spends 6 billion dollars a year on law enforcement. 6 billion dollars. States all across this nation allocate more funds to law enforcement than any other service in these states.

Now imagine just for a moment, taking a huge chunk of that money and putting it in after school programs, job training, helping local business's in these communities, mentoring young kids...imagine the drop in youth violence and deaths. Thats where the problem is people....we build up our cops, arm them to the max, hire the worse of the worse, spend millions and keep spending millions trying to contain an environment that we keep expanding from lack of resource involvement.

When I was a kid, there were after school programs, summer jobs programs, mentoring opportunities....if we continue to neglect what is obvious in our face, than keep expecting the same results over and over and over....

The problem is you are forgetting the primary reason we need job training and helping local business.


You know why businesses move out of poor neighborhoods? Because of crime. The reason we need after-school programs, is because of crime. Kids are spending their time vandalizing and shoplifting, and practicing for a career in crime.

You say you want mentoring opportunities.... well you can't mentor someone who has no moral values. More importantly, you don't want to.

In 2013 and 2014, we had some massive protests in Chicago and Baltimore, and the result was the police left the area. What was the result? More businesses left, crime increased, and kids were wild.

Now I would encourage you to try what you claim. I want you to see what the results of this bad policy are.
Uh, I agree with you, however, those kids wouldn't steal, if their parents had better paying jobs, business's wouldn't leave, if those same kids had programs in the community to keep their minds focused and the police wouldn't be needed if those families had involved neighborhoods that "it takes a village"

Then my question to you would be, well why hasn't it worked in the past 30 years?

We've been doing what you say. We have been restricting police in those areas for decades, and even right now as we speak. Why is the result dozens of murders over father's day weekend?

We've been doing what you say. We have been pushing programs for kids since the 1990s at least. Especially in left-wing New York city, where they have dozens of free programs for kids. Why has it not worked?

As for higher paying jobs, you seem to have it backwards. You are assuming that because of low wages, that they are engaging in crime.

Wrong. It's because they are engaged in crime, that they earn less. Where do you think kids get the idea that stealing is ok?

From their parents. Which exactly why their parents don't earn much.

Short story. I was in college, and worked at a Cadillac dealership. I was in class, talking to a woman next to me, and she found out I worked at the dealership. She asked me if I could get one of the gold emblems for her son. I mentioned sure, I could get one for a discount, but they were still fairly expensive. "No no, I mean if you can pick one up, that no one will notice that it is gone".

She asked me to steal from my employer. This was a mother. This was an adult black woman.

Now you tell me, how that kids is going to see the world, and crime, when that's his mother?

And the another reason people have low wages, is because of welfare and food stamps, and public housing.

Back in the 90s, after welfare reform, we had a lady come in, and told us her first day that she intended to only work long enough to qualify for welfare again. She even told us the day, and sure enough 5 or 6 months later, she disappeared on that day.

Living on government assistance is the worst possible thing for someone. You can't climb the income ladder, if you keep jumping off, before going up a rung.

And speaking from years of experience, the worst of employees are those who have been living on welfare. They don't show up on time. They don't work very hard. They don't get their work finished. Often they just barely put in enough effort to not get fired.

And I promise you employers know this. So when I guy shows up, and has a big hole in their resume, the employer says "What have you been doing the last year?", and they don't have an answer.... guess where that guy starts? Bottom rung on the ladder. Lowest pay for the position open.

And rightly so.

The way you make more money, is you keep at it. You stay off welfare, and earn your keep. You get your butt to work, and you show up on time, and you work the entire time, and you get your job done, with good effort.

Had a guy who started out $8/hour, stocking shelves for Advance Auto Parts, an auto parts store. The year after I left that job, he had worked his way up to Assistant Manager, and the following year they opened a new store, and made him store manager over the whole store. $60K plus profit share bonus at the end of the year.

He got there, because he showed up on time every day, worked the entire day, was mopping floors, stocking shelves, cleaning the windows, and running cycle counts, for 4 full years.

You can't do that if you are on welfare every other year. You can't do that if you are shop lifting out of the store.

I actually know a guy who was taking pop from the store for years. He thought he was being all sneaky. Everyone knew he was doing it, which is why in almost the same number of years, he was never given a raise. He was still earning $8 bucks an hour, the starting wage.

The reasons poor people are poor, is because of how they live. The it is not low wages that causes crime, it is crime that causes low wages.

So while what you said is a nice thought, it doesn't work, and it's backwards.
The state of NY spends 6 billion dollars a year on law enforcement. 6 billion dollars. States all across this nation allocate more funds to law enforcement than any other service in these states.

Now imagine just for a moment, taking a huge chunk of that money and putting it in after school programs, job training, helping local business's in these communities, mentoring young kids...imagine the drop in youth violence and deaths. Thats where the problem is people....we build up our cops, arm them to the max, hire the worse of the worse, spend millions and keep spending millions trying to contain an environment that we keep expanding from lack of resource involvement.

When I was a kid, there were after school programs, summer jobs programs, mentoring opportunities....if we continue to neglect what is obvious in our face, than keep expecting the same results over and over and over....
Yes, but black lives matter, right? Go on and try it/ See what happens.
Few things heres...

-The $6billion is for NYPD NOT the entire state.
-The NYPD has 55,300 employees (including non-officers)
-6,000,000,000 / 55,300 = $108,500

So if the entire budget is spent toward employee salaries the average worker makes just $109K which seems like a lot but in NYC it's really not. This doesn't include programs, equipment, costs of running the department it ONLY includes if we used the ENTIRE budget for salaries.

All of the above are facts which are not bound by your feelings.

Now if you want to argue that we should allocate funds differently-that's fine and I'd agree with you in some instances. But let's not get sticker shock and really take this into consideration.

There are roughly 20,000,000 people living in the NYC metro area...so when I say people point out that its police force costs more money than a country like Sweden, I think well no shit that's because NYC has a higher population than Sweden.

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