Why did Bush lie about Saddam being connected to 9/11?

The only administration lies are coming from Obama&Co. There were no lies by the Bush Administration about Iraq. Everything they said was either true or reasonably believed to be at the time.
Obama has done nothing but lie about every aspect of his actions.
Bush lied to the world and America when he declared that Saddam was providing aid and protection to al Qaeda. No evidence has ever been provided to show this was anything other than a lie.

To that I reply: But what about Bush?

"A "Who's Who" of Lefty causes..."

You mean for us to believe those Lefty lunatics weren't planning to protest W's (or ANY Republican's) election?



Anyway, here is an excerpt from an article in the next issue of "SALON" following W's Inauguration.

SATURDAY, JAN 20, 2001 05:00 PM PST

Thousands protest Bush’s Inauguration

Demonstrators lining the parade route give the new presidential limo an unwelcome splash on its way to the White House.


Not since Richard Nixon paraded down Pennsylvania Avenue in 1973 has a presidential Inauguration drawn so many protesters — and last time, people were out to protest the Vietnam War.

Demonstrators turned out in droves on Saturday — a miserably gray and drizzly day, with temperatures hovering in the mid-30s — to protest the Inauguration of President George W. Bush, whose election was contested all the way to the Supreme Court. Police would not estimate the size of the crowd, but many thousands of protesters were in evidence.

“The level of people on the streets shows that people are really upset about lack of democratic process,” says Liz Butler of the Justice Action Movement, the umbrella organizing committee responsible for the protest. “They took it to the streets. We saw tens of thousands. We saw far more protesting Bush than supporting him.”

They came out in scores, co-existing on the parade route with supporters of the new president and lining Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol to the White House. Interspersed between Bush-Cheney signs and Texas flags were thousands of protest placards, bearing inscriptions such as “Bush Cheated,” “Hail to the Thief,” “Selected not elected,” “Bushwhacked by the Supremes” and “Golly Jeb, we pulled it off!” There were also plenty of R-rated signs, like “Dick and Bush” and “George Wanker Bush.” One poster included a caricature of a metaphorically toothless Bush in the image of Alfred E. Neuman.

The protesters were a who’s-who of lefty causes — from feminism and the pro-choice movement to anti-death penalty protesters (identifiable by their ubiquitous “Free Mumia” garb), gay rights activists and environmentalists. There were also dozens of youth wearing the vinegar-soaked, tear gas- and pepper spray-resistant bandanas that have become a symbol of the protest movement’s anarchist elements. But there was no one rappelling off buildings, nor any of the random acts of violence against global corporate outposts that characterized the Battle of Seattle just over a year ago.

Thousands protest Bush 8217 s Inauguration - Salon.com
"Why did Bush lie about Saddam being connected to 9/11?"

Because telling the truth wouldn't have garnered support for his illegal war.

Illegal? WTF are you whining about now?

The war was Unconstitutional. The only authority for war is defense of the United States. Most of our wars now are Unconstitutional.

Now if you're referring to the international community, that I am with you and don't give a crap about them

The war was Unconstitutional.

How do you figure that?

Well, I did immediately follow the statement with the answer to your question, which you cut.
Bush lied to the world and America when he declared that Saddam was providing aid and protection to al Qaeda. No evidence has ever been provided to show this was anything other than a lie.

Grow up, Junior.

ALL World leaders lie.

It's a job requirement.

But did he lie TO US or FOR US?

W lied FOR US.

O lies TO US.

Will this finally convince you he is teh Debil?


You are being very religious here.

You have no reason to believe in him any more yet you continue your mindless support of Obama.


It is your religious faith in him that brings you to your knees.

For a friggin lying bastard who is out for himself at every opportunity.
Bush lied to the world and America when he declared that Saddam was providing aid and protection to al Qaeda. No evidence has ever been provided to show this was anything other than a lie.

The big lie in Iraq was the Democrats ... saying you were lied to.

And this one. Once again, a liberal without a link. I challenge your manhood, show the quote he said that, liar.
The only administration lies are coming from Obama&Co. There were no lies by the Bush Administration about Iraq. Everything they said was either true or reasonably believed to be at the time.
Obama has done nothing but lie about every aspect of his actions.

Yes, W is a good man, and he clearly believed what he said. Though he did not say Iraq was behind 9/11, Camp And Lahkota are just flat out liars, which is why they keep making their assertions without proof.

Iraq was just bad policy. We should not be policeman to the world. Democrats were right there hand in hand with you. That somehow they are innocent now is just their usual, typical lies.
Lakhota you need to have the DHS on your ass. Cheering Saddam on alone should make you a target for them.

You are pro Saddam all over the place.
Bush lied to the world and America when he declared that Saddam was providing aid and protection to al Qaeda. No evidence has ever been provided to show this was anything other than a lie.

The big lie in Iraq was the Democrats ... saying you were lied to.

And this one. Once again, a liberal without a link. I challenge your manhood, show the quote he said that, liar.
He made the claim in his State of the Union Address on Jan. 29, 2002. "Saddam aids and protects terrorist including members of al Qaeda" is the exact quote.
Lakhota you need to have the DHS on your ass. Cheering Saddam on alone should make you a target for them.

You are pro Saddam all over the place.

He's just following the old adage that the enemy of his enemy is his friend.
Bush lied to the world and America when he declared that Saddam was providing aid and protection to al Qaeda. No evidence has ever been provided to show this was anything other than a lie.

The big lie in Iraq was the Democrats ... saying you were lied to.

And this one. Once again, a liberal without a link. I challenge your manhood, show the quote he said that, liar.
He made the claim in his State of the Union Address on Jan. 29, 2002. "Saddam aids and protects terrorist including members of al Qaeda" is the exact quote.

That quote doesn't say that Al Qaeda was behind 9/11.

So you admit you lied about that part?
Bush lied to the world and America when he declared that Saddam was providing aid and protection to al Qaeda. No evidence has ever been provided to show this was anything other than a lie.

The big lie in Iraq was the Democrats ... saying you were lied to.

And this one. Once again, a liberal without a link. I challenge your manhood, show the quote he said that, liar.
He made the claim in his State of the Union Address on Jan. 29, 2002. "Saddam aids and protects terrorist including members of al Qaeda" is the exact quote.
Which was correct. Saddam was a 20 year sponsor of state supported terrorism Hint: When the US entered Baghdad, whom did they find?
Bush lied to the world and America when he declared that Saddam was providing aid and protection to al Qaeda. No evidence has ever been provided to show this was anything other than a lie.

The big lie in Iraq was the Democrats ... saying you were lied to.

And this one. Once again, a liberal without a link. I challenge your manhood, show the quote he said that, liar.
He made the claim in his State of the Union Address on Jan. 29, 2002. "Saddam aids and protects terrorist including members of al Qaeda" is the exact quote.

That quote doesn't say that Al Qaeda was behind 9/11.

So you admit you lied about that part?
See the problem is for stupid people two statements that sound sort of the same are identical. So "Saddam harbored terrorists including members of al Qaeda" becomes "Saddam was behind 9/11." I know they arent remotely alike. But idiots like Camp think its close enough for government work. Frankly, I blame Bush for that.
Bush lied to the world and America when he declared that Saddam was providing aid and protection to al Qaeda. No evidence has ever been provided to show this was anything other than a lie.

The big lie in Iraq was the Democrats ... saying you were lied to.

And this one. Once again, a liberal without a link. I challenge your manhood, show the quote he said that, liar.
He made the claim in his State of the Union Address on Jan. 29, 2002. "Saddam aids and protects terrorist including members of al Qaeda" is the exact quote.

That quote doesn't say that Al Qaeda was behind 9/11.

So you admit you lied about that part?

He said Saddam was giving aid and protection to members of al Qaeda. He led us to believe there was collusion and some kind of connection between Saddam and al Qaeda. The preceding paragraphs of his speech were about all the weapons of mass destruction Saddam had. The implication was that because of the connection between Saddam and al Qaeda, Saddam might supply these weapons to al Qaeda. There was never the collusion or connection Bush claimed as a point of fact. That means he lied to us.
I consider this to be Bush's biggest lie about Iraq and Saddam.

Rightwingers like to distract from the event that Bush tried to link Saddam to - 9/11. Even the dumbest of rightwingers should now be convinced that Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. However, if any of them still think so - please provide credible proof.

I heard and saw Bush live on TV when he first tried to make this link. If there are any doubters - just Google "bush links saddam to 9/11"...
GWB didn't lie about Saddam and 9-11.
You this to be true; you're too big a partisan bigot to care.
Bush lied to the world and America when he declared that Saddam was providing aid and protection to al Qaeda. No evidence has ever been provided to show this was anything other than a lie.

The big lie in Iraq was the Democrats ... saying you were lied to.

And this one. Once again, a liberal without a link. I challenge your manhood, show the quote he said that, liar.
He made the claim in his State of the Union Address on Jan. 29, 2002. "Saddam aids and protects terrorist including members of al Qaeda" is the exact quote.

That quote doesn't say that Al Qaeda was behind 9/11.

So you admit you lied about that part?
See the problem is for stupid people two statements that sound sort of the same are identical. So "Saddam harbored terrorists including members of al Qaeda" becomes "Saddam was behind 9/11." I know they arent remotely alike. But idiots like Camp think its close enough for government work. Frankly, I blame Bush for that.
You are just deflecting away from the truth and topic of conversation. The thread is about whether Bush lied or not. He lied.
Bush lied to the world and America when he declared that Saddam was providing aid and protection to al Qaeda. No evidence has ever been provided to show this was anything other than a lie.

The big lie in Iraq was the Democrats ... saying you were lied to.

And this one. Once again, a liberal without a link. I challenge your manhood, show the quote he said that, liar.
He made the claim in his State of the Union Address on Jan. 29, 2002. "Saddam aids and protects terrorist including members of al Qaeda" is the exact quote.

That quote doesn't say that Al Qaeda was behind 9/11.

So you admit you lied about that part?

He said Saddam was giving aid and protection to members of al Qaeda. He led us to believe there was collusion and some kind of connection between Saddam and al Qaeda. The preceding paragraphs of his speech were about all the weapons of mass destruction Saddam had. The implication was that because of the connection between Saddam and al Qaeda, Saddam might supply these weapons to al Qaeda. There was never the collusion or connection Bush claimed as a point of fact. That means he lied to us.
WikiLeaks The Iraq-Al Qaeda Connection Confirmed Again The Weekly Standard
Yeah, that's gonna hurt.
Bush lied to the world and America when he declared that Saddam was providing aid and protection to al Qaeda. No evidence has ever been provided to show this was anything other than a lie.

The big lie in Iraq was the Democrats ... saying you were lied to.

And this one. Once again, a liberal without a link. I challenge your manhood, show the quote he said that, liar.
He made the claim in his State of the Union Address on Jan. 29, 2002. "Saddam aids and protects terrorist including members of al Qaeda" is the exact quote.

That quote doesn't say that Al Qaeda was behind 9/11.

So you admit you lied about that part?
See the problem is for stupid people two statements that sound sort of the same are identical. So "Saddam harbored terrorists including members of al Qaeda" becomes "Saddam was behind 9/11." I know they arent remotely alike. But idiots like Camp think its close enough for government work. Frankly, I blame Bush for that.
You are just deflecting away from the truth and topic of conversation. The thread is about whether Bush lied or not. He lied.
Please post his lies. So far youv'e got nothing.
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