Why did Bush lie about Saddam being connected to 9/11?

Lakhota, these people are incapable of processing information that doesn't fit their preconceived world view. Bush Jr. told the truth, Reagan didn't sell missiles to terrorists, and Obama's a liar. Anything contrary to that, no matter the source, is irrelevant.

Look at their "logic". They hate the big Marxist government but they love the military and want more money for weapons and a border guard. They claim to want to fight a revolution but then they'd be fighting against the military that they claim to love. They actually think that if they start a revolution, then every US soldier is going to turn into Bowe Bergdahl and leave their post to join the resistance. These people are delusional. They live in a Bible/FOX-inspired fantasy world where wrong is right, right is wrong, left is communist, up is purple, and Saddam shipped his WMD into Syria without anyone in the world knowing anything at all about it.

You can't reason with them, you can't educate them, you can't negotiate with them, but you can't run drone strikes on them either even though they threaten Americans with violence from behind human shields. They are the American Taliban.

I think you can pick a better subject for your GED High School thesis.
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Lakhota, these people are incapable of processing information that doesn't fit their preconceived world view. Bush Jr. told the truth, Reagan didn't sell missiles to terrorists, and Obama's a liar. Anything contrary to that, no matter the source, is irrelevant.

Look at their "logic". They hate the big Marxist government but they love the military and want more money for weapons and a border guard. They claim to want to fight a revolution but then they'd be fighting against the military that they claim to love. They actually think that if they start a revolution, then every US soldier is going to turn into Bowe Bergdahl and leave their post to join the resistance. These people are delusional. They live in a Bible/FOX-inspired fantasy world where wrong is right, right is wrong, left is communist, up is purple, and Saddam shipped his WMD into Syria without anyone in the world knowing anything at all about it.

You can't reason with them, you can't educate them, you can't negotiate with them, but you can't run drone strikes on them either even though they threaten Americans with violence from behind human shields. They are the American Taliban.

I think you can do better on you GED High School thesis.

Gotta take the heat off their Dear leaders Ass no matter what lie they throw out there

such good little marching tools for a party
This thread isn't about NOW - it's about having factual history.

It was known, and remains a fact, Saddam was secular, a military dictator. Some of the "Iraqi" leaders before him were also. Also a fact, Iraq was part of the Ottoman Empire, which sided with Germany in WWI. After WWI, ruled by the Crown, then various kingdoms, and military leaders, until Saddam. Iraq itself was carved out by the British. Differing regions have long histories of dissimilar cultures, Now, a powder keg.

So what? What right did Bush have to invade a sovereign country that had nothing to do with 9/11?

I wasn't for the Iraq war but the fact of the matter that it was totally bipartisan. The Dems were just as involved with sending American troops to Iraq as Bush and his buddies were.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JV9oMZE1Qak"]John Kerry "I was for the Iraq war before I was against it" - YouTube[/ame]

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It was known, and remains a fact, Saddam was secular, a military dictator. Some of the "Iraqi" leaders before him were also. Also a fact, Iraq was part of the Ottoman Empire, which sided with Germany in WWI. After WWI, ruled by the Crown, then various kingdoms, and military leaders, until Saddam. Iraq itself was carved out by the British. Differing regions have long histories of dissimilar cultures, Now, a powder keg.

So what? What right did Bush have to invade a sovereign country that had nothing to do with 9/11?

I wasn't for the Iraq war but the fact of the matter that it was totally bipartisan. The Dems were just as involved with sending American troops to Iraq as Bush and his buddies were.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JV9oMZE1Qak"]John Kerry "I was for the Iraq war before I was against it" - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkS9y5t0tR0]Hillary Clinton Iraq War Vote Speech - YouTube[/ame]

Bipartisan? Yes, based on Bush lies. Democrats were being lied into the Iraq war by Bush. Patriotism was at a fever pitch after 9/11, so most Americans were drinking the Bush Kool-Aid. We didn't know better until it was too late. Also, we didn't know that Bush had been planning to invade Iraq even before 9/11.
How could anyone expect that the son of an honorable WWII veteran and former President would latch onto a bunch of criminals and totally fuck over and screw the American people by telling lie after lie to trick them into killing and maiming other peoples kids and getting their own kids killed and maimed while they did it? Why would we even suspect our President would do such a horrible thing?
The Curveball interview pretty much blows the lid off -- the entire collective "intelligence" community in the Bush Administration that wanted to sell this war believed a con man any low grade PI could have figured out was a con man in about three weeks --

yet you had Colin Powell at the UN holding up "curveball" on high as personal witness to the WMD's, like he did that bottle of Antrax.

And Curveball laughs now -- as he says -- it was every bit a lie -- and they bought it.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvKVGmAc54c"]Curveball interview - Man whose Lie caused Iraq War tells all. - YouTube[/ame]

Man whose WMD lies led to 100,000 deaths confesses all - World Politics - World - The Independent
How could anyone expect that the son of an honorable WWII veteran and former President would latch onto a bunch of criminals and totally fuck over and screw the American people by telling lie after lie to trick them into killing and maiming other peoples kids and getting their own kids killed and maimed while they did it? Why would we even suspect our President would do such a horrible thing?

True about the son, but Daddy Bush wasn't all that honorable. He started the Iraq mess by giving Saddam the infamous "green light" to invade Kuwait.

TRANSCRIPT: U.S. Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and Saddam Hussein on July 25, 1990
Still not as important as deciding what we do now.

This thread isn't about NOW - it's about having factual history.

No it's not. It's about discussing anything except the failures of our current President. It's about misdirection, it's about attempting to make everyone talk about or defend Bush. Anything, just so long as it isn't Obama's shortcomings and failures we're discussing...

According to you acolytes, nothing has been his fault... Either that or President Obama, The Smartest President EVER, just didn't know...

IRS targeting conservative groups? Didn't know...

Listening to the phone calls of foreign leaders? Didn't know...

Campaigned on fixing the VA? Didn't know, didn't bother...

Not enough security in Benghazi? No one told him...

It wasn't a videotape that caused the Benghazi attack? He had no idea...

The Obamacare website crashed? Wasn't ready? He was clueless...

That Obamacare would cause people to lose their doctor or their health insurance? Well, he just flat out lied about that one...

Spying on the Associated Press? News to him...

Fast and Furious? He didn't know about it until he saw reports in the news...

The list goes on, but we are left with only two conclusions...

The President truly has been oblivious, or, the president isn't being honest with us...

If he, arguably the most powerful man on the planet, has been oblivious to what's been going on around him, well, that's troublesome... How accountable can those working in and for the largest government in the world be if the elected person to whom they answer is in the dark about what they do?

On the other hand...

What if the president knew, despite his statements to the contrary? What if he knew about all of it? What's that mean for a nation of laws?

He's either ignorant or lacks integrity...

You know, when Obama was elected I didn't look for him to fail, just the opposite. This country needed a President that would unite the people and restore some of our international luster.

Maybe next time...

You know, the man has been in office for six years, for six years every misstep, every scandal, every event with a negative outcome has been the fault of someone else. At what point does this become the Obama Presidency? At what point is the responsibility his?
Oh my the far left will let the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Another thread that proves the far left could care less about the world and the people on it, just as long as they are right. That s all that matters.
Abdul Rahman Yasin was an Iraqi American who mixed the chemicals for the first bombing of the twin towers. He was indicted and fled to Iraq. This is part of what led the Bush administration to believe that Saddam had something to do with the 9-11 bombing as revenge for the gulf war.*
Abdul Rahman Yasin was an Iraqi American who mixed the chemicals for the first bombing of the twin towers. He was indicted and fled to Iraq. This is part of what led the Bush administration to believe that Saddam had something to do with the 9-11 bombing as revenge for the gulf war.*

Can you provide a CREDIBLE source to support your allegations? I assume you're talking about 1993 - not 2001. I also thought Saddam put Yasin in prison in 1994.

Transcript: The Yasin Interview - CBS News
Abdul Rahman Yasin was an Iraqi American who mixed the chemicals for the first bombing of the twin towers. He was indicted and fled to Iraq. This is part of what led the Bush administration to believe that Saddam had something to do with the 9-11 bombing as revenge for the gulf war.*

Can you provide a CREDIBLE source to support your allegations? I assume you're talking about 1993 - not 2001. I also thought Saddam put Yasin in prison in 1994.

Transcript: The Yasin Interview - CBS News

He vanished and hasn't been seen since being an Iraqi prisoner.
Because he wanted to go to war in Iraq from the first day of his presidency. 9-11 was the perfect obfuscation for practicing regime change and attempting to insert democracy in that region.
Yep Bush went after an honorary citizen of Detroit and someone that Carter reached out to.
I consider this to be Bush's biggest lie about Iraq and Saddam.

Rightwingers like to distract from the event that Bush tried to link Saddam to - 9/11. Even the dumbest of rightwingers should now be convinced that Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. However, if any of them still think so - please provide credible proof.

I heard and saw Bush live on TV when he first tried to make this link. If there are any doubters - just Google "bush links saddam to 9/11"...

I heard and saw a President and Secretary of State blame a 9/11 attack on a video. Any doubters?

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