Why did Donald Trump lie to his supporters at the insurrection pep rally?

LefTard Logic:

Insurrectionists -


Not Insurrectionists-


Every time you loons use the word “insurrection“ you lose credibility. NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention can take you seriously.
  1. There was no insurrection pep rally.
  2. Trump didn't lie to his supporters.
  3. Considering the state of this country now with $5.00 basic gasoline, empty shelves, starving babies, wide open flooded borders, rampant crime swelling in every city, chaos in our schools, debauchery now common in our society, hyperinflation, recession and an befuddled, incompetent, clueless treasonous president who is putting others ahead of his own country, I suggest you ought to prioritize on what matters most now.
Dems are desperate to deflect from the sky high gas and food prices created by stupid shit Dem policies. Biden and Dems vow to "end fossil fuels, piss off pretty much the entire country. Buh-bye Dems enjoy standing in the unemployment lines.
On the morning of January 6th Donald was calling Pence a wimp and a vaggy. Later that afternoon Donald was telling the prep rally that Pence was a great guy. Why was Donald lying?

Also, Donald clearly and unquestionably knew that the Vice President wasn't going to do what Donald wanted him to do, so why did Donald pretend that it might happen?

Was Donald performing? Was he saying the publicly acceptable thing? Or was he really and actually hoping the mob would put pressure on Mike Pence?

Donald Trump called Mike Pence 'the P-word', 'wimp' in 'heated' January 6 call
Why is your thread title a lie?

There was no 'insurrection rally' as Trump called those in attendance to walk peacefully to the Capitoon and let their voices be heard, to support the Republican participating in the Constutional election process, to refrain from violence, obey the laws, and respect Capitol Police.

Rachel Maddow pointed out that the people who started the riot and stormed the Capitol did not attend Trump'scrally, and those that did were not at the Capitol when the riot began and the Capitol was breached.

Numerous media and even the FBIbitself has confirmed there were agents and informants at and in the Capitol

So why don't you delete this BS thread, start over, and ask a question without the Jan Committee fake narratives & BS?
The cost of gas is turning the U.S. into a 3rd world, mothers can't get baby formula, diseased hoards are massed at the border, China is set to invade Taiwan, Russia owns Ukraine, pro-abortionists are torching and blowing up pro-life buildings, the crime rate is soaring and lefties bore us with blather about Trump and Jan 6. It beats facing reality.
:rolleyes: No it isn't, dumbass. It's an unsupported assertion. How did you come to that stupid conclusion, moron?

Furthermore, your willful ignorance of the evidence is your problem. Hell, we have Biden on a fucking Crooked Media livestreamed video interview flat out admitting/bragging about having the most extensive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. That's called EVIDENCE, you pathetic TDS afflicted moron. It's a fucking confession.
An unsupported assertion is a lie. If there is something that you believe but it is unsupported then you would say. “I think the election was stolen” as soon as you say that it WAS stolen, you are lying.

This stuff you’re calling evidence is false and unverified. That’s why not one court cases has landed after dozens of attempts. Y’all have nothing of substance. Just conspiracy theories
I see you refused to accept the challenge to directly quote the alleged lie and prove it is a lie. You're nothing but a scumbag cowardly idiot. A low IQ easily brainwashed TDS afflicted moron.
That’s exactly what I did. Stolen election is the claim and quote. I explained why it was a lie. You should call others low IQ if basic shit like this is going over your head
The cost of gas is turning the U.S. into a 3rd world, mothers can't get baby formula, diseased hoards are massed at the border, China is set to invade Taiwan, Russia owns Ukraine, pro-abortionists are torching and blowing up pro-life buildings, the crime rate is soaring and lefties bore us with blather about Trump and Jan 6. It beats facing reality.
Boy, you sure have a horrible view of America. I for one am proud of my country. Think we live in the greatest place on earth. Sorry you don’t share that feeling
Boy, you sure have a horrible view of America. I for one am proud of my country. Think we live in the greatest place on earth. Sorry you don’t share that feeling

This is the greatest country on earth. We'd just like to try and keep it that way.
The cost of gas is turning the U.S. into a 3rd world, mothers can't get baby formula, diseased hoards are massed at the border, China is set to invade Taiwan, Russia owns Ukraine, pro-abortionists are torching and blowing up pro-life buildings, the crime rate is soaring and lefties bore us with blather about Trump and Jan 6. It beats facing reality.

Apparently this administration has (what they consider) more important matters to attend to.

This is the greatest country on earth. We'd just like to try and keep it that way.
I see, so when y’all rag on the country it’s just good Americans trying to keep it great. But when the left rally for change that they think will make the country better they are commie leftists intentionally trying to destroy America. Is that correct?
On the morning of January 6th Donald was calling Pence a wimp and a vaggy. Later that afternoon Donald was telling the prep rally that Pence was a great guy. Why was Donald lying?

Also, Donald clearly and unquestionably knew that the Vice President wasn't going to do what Donald wanted him to do, so why did Donald pretend that it might happen?

Was Donald performing? Was he saying the publicly acceptable thing? Or was he really and actually hoping the mob would put pressure on Mike Pence?

Donald Trump called Mike Pence 'the P-word', 'wimp' in 'heated' January 6 call
Do you have a degree in psychobabble or what?
The...entire...RNC. WTF?

Think you're the only leftist that pulls the stunt of posting a paywall site for evidence so nobody can read it?

Seeing as I don't really know who here is registered to what party (if any), I have no way to know whether the insurrection defenders are registered Republicans, or that special breed of right winger who stays independent because they feel Republicans aren't extreme enough. But if you seriously want to pretend that there haven't been plenty of people right here on this board defending the insurrection, then it's not even worth talking to you at this point. Just look around. Look in this very thread.

You don't need to see their voting card to figure out who is left and who is right here. But since you say somebody in this thread supported the so-called insurrection, give me the post number.
Boy, you sure have a horrible view of America. I for one am proud of my country. Think we live in the greatest place on earth. Sorry you don’t share that feeling
Maybe lefties should concentrate on keeping the U.S. the greatest place in the world and face the reality of the situation under a president who clearly doesn't have a grip on reality instead of dwelling on trivia that happened 18 months ago.
I see, so when y’all rag on the country it’s just good Americans trying to keep it great. But when the left rally for change that they think will make the country better they are commie leftists intentionally trying to destroy America. Is that correct?

We don't rag on the country, we rag on leftists destroying the country.

A Democrat doesn't do anything unless it benefits them or their party. Look around you. What do you see? I'll tell you what I see: record gasoline prices, highest inflation in 40 years, the highest interest rates in 13 years, the worst border problem in over 20 years, increased violent crime in cities across American, the worst with Soros funded prosecutors or DA's, a sinking stock market, people going broke just trying to buy groceries. If you don't think this is destroying America, you have your head in the sand. To think all this happened in less than a year and a half. We still have a long way to go, and it's only going to get worse from here.
Good for you. Am I supposed to care? Vote for whomever you want. I’ll deminish whoever I want. God bless America
:rolleyes: No it isn't, dumbass. It's an unsupported assertion. How did you come to that stupid conclusion, moron?

Furthermore, your willful ignorance of the evidence is your problem. Hell, we even have Biden on a fucking Crooked Media livestreamed video interview where he is flat out admitting/bragging about having the most extensive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. That's called EVIDENCE, you pathetic TDS afflicted moron. It's a fucking confession.

I see you refused to accept the challenge to directly quote the alleged lie and prove it is a lie. You're nothing but a scumbag cowardly idiot. A low IQ easily brainwashed TDS afflicted moron.
Disgusting LIAR

Then he is LYING
Maybe lefties should concentrate on keeping the U.S. the greatest place in the world and face the reality of the situation under a president who clearly doesn't have a grip on reality instead of dwelling on trivia that happened 18 months ago.
Maybe you need to read a comic book
Maybe lefties should concentrate on keeping the U.S. the greatest place in the world and face the reality of the situation under a president who clearly doesn't have a grip on reality instead of dwelling on trivia that happened 18 months ago.
Blah blah partisan blah blah. Both lefties and righties are trying to do what they think is best for the country. Things get bad when we stop listening to eachother and instead focus all our energy into lying and demonizing.
We don't rag on the country, we rag on leftists destroying the country.

A Democrat doesn't do anything unless it benefits them or their party. Look around you. What do you see? I'll tell you what I see: record gasoline prices, highest inflation in 40 years, the highest interest rates in 13 years, the worst border problem in over 20 years, increased violent crime in cities across American, the worst with Soros funded prosecutors or DA's, a sinking stock market, people going broke just trying to buy groceries. If you don't think this is destroying America, you have your head in the sand. To think all this happened in less than a year and a half. We still have a long way to go, and it's only going to get worse from here.
Of course you rag on the country. Just because you dress it up in partisan hate doesn’t mean you aren’t ragging on our country…

The cost of gas is turning the U.S. into a 3rd world, mothers can't get baby formula, diseased hoards are massed at the border, China is set to invade Taiwan, Russia owns Ukraine, pro-abortionists are torching and blowing up pro-life buildings, the crime rate is soaring and lefties bore us with blather about Trump and Jan 6. It beats facing reality.
On the morning of January 6th Donald was calling Pence a wimp and a vaggy. Later that afternoon Donald was telling the prep rally that Pence was a great guy. Why was Donald lying?

Also, Donald clearly and unquestionably knew that the Vice President wasn't going to do what Donald wanted him to do, so why did Donald pretend that it might happen?

Was Donald performing? Was he saying the publicly acceptable thing? Or was he really and actually hoping the mob would put pressure on Mike Pence?

Donald Trump called Mike Pence 'the P-word', 'wimp' in 'heated' January 6 call
And who told you he lied, one of these democrat shit faced liars that wouldn't know the truth if it walked up introduced it's self then kicked the shit out of them?
An unsupported assertion is a lie. If there is something that you believe but it is unsupported then you would say. “I think the election was stolen” as soon as you say that it WAS stolen, you are lying.

This stuff you’re calling evidence is false and unverified. That’s why not one court cases has landed after dozens of attempts. Y’all have nothing of substance. Just conspiracy theories
"An unsupported assertion is a lie".
No skippy, as already pointed out, an unsupported assertion is simply unproven. It is NOT a lie until it is PROVEN to be a lie.
What would happen if someone provided proof for a previously "unsupported assertion" ( which is a lie by your "logic")? Would a "lie" magically transform into the truth?

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