Zone1 Why did Jesus say we had to not only believe but be baptized?

Thinly veiled insults aren't compliments. Use the quote feature from now on and we won't have to keep doing this.
There's no insult in what I said there. But you are obviously feeling insulted. I think the problem is that you feel that the CC is insulting your beliefs.

For example, you may feel that the big fish story is a perfectly legitimate and literally true story. Can you just say that it's not?
My response won't be in trying to insult you, it will be to try to encourage your angry behaviour.
I disagree. Your continued misrepresentation of what I say is intentionally designed to insult me and to encourage me to get angry.

But instead I keep pointing out when you do it and ask you to stop. And since you never do, what else am I to conclude?
Some may come to see the differences between a Christians behaviour and an atheist's
Some might, but I take everything on a case by case basis. And since you have habitually continued to misstate me for your own purpose, what I see is your dishonesty and not the dishonesty of an atheist. So whether you were an atheist doing that or a Christian doing that, it's all the same to me.
Some may turn to Meriweather as an example of a Christian's behaviour. You can control that if you choose.
Yes, she's an amazing human being. She never needs to misstate others to make her points.

I am controlling my behavior. I choose to correct you when you misstate me. And I'll continue doing that just as I assume you will continue misstating me because you can't control yourself.
You did when you said this...
I haven't said that it can't be case by case. For dog's sake ding, i've used examples of the 'cases' that are in question. I've neverr suggested that the entire bible is a lie.

You need to find your own comfort in what you believe. That could mean that you'll have to read your entire bible over again with a pencil in your hand with which to mark each instance that is questionable, due to the CC's granting its permission on what you can believe.

You may want to start by proclaiming all of Genesis as N.A.
There's no insult in what I said there. But you are obviously feeling insulted. I think the problem is that you feel that the CC is insulting your beliefs.
No, my issue is with you playing silly games by intentionally misstating me repeatedly.
For example, you may feel that the big fish story is a perfectly legitimate and literally true story. Can you just say that it's not?
There is truth in that story. But you are too lazy to look for it and I have no interest in sharing it with you because you are not genuine in your endeavor. You're only here for your amusement.
I haven't said that it can't be case by case. For dog's sake ding, i've used examples of the 'cases' that are in question. I've neverr suggested that the entire bible is a lie.
And yet when you quoted me you did not say that.
You need to find your own comfort in what you believe. That could mean that you'll have to read your entire bible over again with a pencil in your hand with which to mark each instance that is questionable, due to the CC's granting its permission on what you can believe.
I am comfortable in my beliefs. You can tell this because I am comfortable with others having different beliefs. I don't believe you are comfortable with your beliefs. Because if you were you wouldn't be here playing silly games and wasting my time.
No, my issue is with you playing silly games by intentionally misstating me repeatedly.
I think that the CC's granting it's permission to believe whatever you choose has been an attack on your personal faith.

It's the CC's affliction of a wound to the flock that will take many years to heal. But it will at least scab over, if not completely heal, as did the Old testament being replaced with the New has been so widely accepted as necessary.

Can there ever be a new edition that can keep pace with modern science. I'm suggesting that the Noah's ark story was widely accepted with straight faces, up until say the beginning of the 20th. century.

Note: no insults required.

The substance of the bibles insult themselves.
I am comfortable in my beliefs. You can tell this because I am comfortable with others having different beliefs. I don't believe you are comfortable with your beliefs. Because if you were you wouldn't be here playing silly games and wasting my time.
We won't insult each other anymore. That can illustrate that it's not necessary, although a bit borderline when you accuse me of playing silly games.
I think that the CC's granting it's permission to believe whatever you choose has been an attack on your personal faith.
Maybe you are just dumb, because when I read this statement it doesn't resemble anything that is accurate. You need to be more judicious with your words. Do you really believe the Church says we can believe anything we want?
It's the CC's affliction of a wound to the flock that will take many years to heal. But it will at least scab over, if not completely heal, as did the Old testament being replaced with the New has been so widely accepted as necessary.
I have no idea what you are trying to say here. You are not a very good communicator.
Can there ever be a new edition that can keep pace with modern science. I'm suggesting that the Noah's ark story was widely accepted with straight faces, up until say the beginning of the 20th. century.
Certainly not any interpretation you believe, that's for sure. But mine still makes perfect sense today.
Why would I do that? The wisdom I find there is one of the secrets of my success. The proof is in the pudding.
It's a question that might be considered on a case by case basis. But i have to begin by saying that the entire thing is a direct contradiction to Darwinian evolution.

And the CC has granted the flock permission to believe Darwin.
Would you like to put emphasis on that question?
Note: no insults required.

The substance of the bibles insult themselves.
It seems that way to you because the only interpretations you can come up with are the ones you make fun of because that's the extent of your intellectual capacity. You come up with one lame explanation and stop there because you are lazy and dumb.
It's a question that might be considered on a case by case basis. But i have to begin by saying that the entire thing is a direct contradiction to Darwinian evolution.
That's because you never looked for any other way to read it.
Meriweather is different because he/she is comfortable with his choice to accept the CC's invitation to modernize his/her beliefs.
There was no invitation to 'modernize' beliefs. Remember, my grandmother, back in the 1930s, as many others were accepting evolution as God's way of creation. I was born decades after that. As a priest back in the day of Galileo noted, The Church's duty is not to explain how the heavens go, but how to attain heaven for an eternity.

The Church focuses on God and spirit, not the physical science of the earth.

Also, Catholics have disagreed with one another from the beginning. Part of parochial religious education was learning about which Saints disagreed with each other about what. We also were told about the disagreements on Vatican II. People don't think alike.

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