Why Did Mint Raw Money Choose To INSULT The NAACP Rather Than Relate To Them?

But a standing ovation at the end!

(Mods should seriously fix that Search feature)

Mitt Romney NAACP Speech Shows He Failed To Learn Father's Civil Rights Lessons, Black Caucus Says
So much for showing someone respect eh? and these people call themselves leaders
Romney got a standing ovation from the crowd at his NAACP speech. Congras, Mitt!

Romney Receives Standing Ovation for Straight Talk at NAACP Convention - Katie Pavlich
Romney’s speech made it clear he wasn't at the NAACP convention to pander or preach at the audience. He simply presented a slew of facts and straight talk. Some topics he touched on, like repealing ObamaCare, received boos, but overall Romney received applause throughout his speech and it was reported by NBC that many in the audience gave Romney standing applause at the end of his remarks. It was clear he had a positive impact although the media will choose to focus only on the opposition to his remarks.

Romney Booed at NAACP During Speech Criticizing Obama - Businessweek
Romney, who received a standing ovation from most in the audience at the end of his remarks...
i didnt see the whole speech, i hope romney informed the crowd that the health-care bill is all a lie,there is no money to pay for it,,and i sure hope he told the NAACP that 83% of doctors are threating to leave if the bill is upheld.
Romney got a standing ovation from the crowd at his NAACP speech. Congras, Mitt!

Romney Receives Standing Ovation for Straight Talk at NAACP Convention - Katie Pavlich
Romney’s speech made it clear he wasn't at the NAACP convention to pander or preach at the audience. He simply presented a slew of facts and straight talk. Some topics he touched on, like repealing ObamaCare, received boos, but overall Romney received applause throughout his speech and it was reported by NBC that many in the audience gave Romney standing applause at the end of his remarks. It was clear he had a positive impact although the media will choose to focus only on the opposition to his remarks.

Romney Booed at NAACP During Speech Criticizing Obama - Businessweek
Romney, who received a standing ovation from most in the audience at the end of his remarks...

The New York Times gave a negative assessment.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6aLpf5OMKw]Romney: If you're looking for more free stuff, vote for the other guy - YouTube[/ame]
Romney didn't pander to these people, he made a good speech knowing his message would be seen and heard well beyond this exclusive group.
They booed three seperate times, but cheered when he said he would protect the sanctity of marriage.
Obviously not a lot of gay marriage supporters in the audience.

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