Why did so many Dems vote for Iraq War

Your buddy Kosh

Haven't been reading the discussion, have you?

brought up the Democrats support for the 1991 military action against Iraq?

Then he called Preisdent Bush 41 a far leftest and you called him a neo-con. I say he was just a con.

If you know what a neocon is, then you know HW, Slick, W and Obama are all neocons. You don't know, do you?

A neocon is a big domestic government spending liberal who supports free use of the military to install democratic governments we support. Think about it, all 4 are both of those in spades
What govts did Slick install. Bosnia? We carried Nato's air war. Obama? He carried on a fool's errand in Afghan, and enlarged on it. Obama has trouble making up his mind.

Obama? Are you serious? He finished Iraq, expanded Nation building in Iraq, overthrew Libya, tried to overthrow Syria until Putin outmaneuvered him
Kosovo, Haiti, Bosnia. Slick was the one who actually invaded Iraq,you don't remember that, do you? He created a Kurdish autonomous region there and tried to help the Shiites versus the Sunnis. He also attacked Afghanistan, the Sudan and Somalia.

Fine Kaz...lets blame the Iraq war on Bill Clinton if that makes you feel better and more important.......then go take a nap.

Learn history and stop treating the Democratic party talking points as your Bible
Your buddy Kosh

Haven't been reading the discussion, have you?

brought up the Democrats support for the 1991 military action against Iraq?

Then he called Preisdent Bush 41 a far leftest and you called him a neo-con. I say he was just a con.

If you know what a neocon is, then you know HW, Slick, W and Obama are all neocons. You don't know, do you?

A neocon is a big domestic government spending liberal who supports free use of the military to install democratic governments we support. Think about it, all 4 are both of those in spades
What govts did Slick install. Bosnia? We carried Nato's air war. Obama? He carried on a fool's errand in Afghan, and enlarged on it. Obama has trouble making up his mind.

See how the far left leaves out Libya? One of Obama's illegal wars?

Clintons war in Bosnia was also the first illegal war by any president at the time. The second illegal war was Obama's war in Libya.

It is funny how the far left also claims that Afghanistan was the war worth fighting, yet they blast it every chance they get.

What crime did Clinton or Obama get charged with for their illegal wars? Oh that's right nothing, cause they weren't illegal.

Unless of course you have some kind of proof they were illegal?

They were Unconstitutional. The only Constitutional basis for the use of our military is defense of the US. Both violated that repeatedly. So did HW and W
No, sir. You are the one LYING. What we knew in 2003 after inspections was much different than in 2002 when the vote for authorization of force was held.

Wrong! But you keep thinking that far left revisionist history exists in reality..

The U.S. stated that the intent was to remove "a regime that developed and used weapons of mass destruction, that harbored and supported terrorists, committed outrageous human rights abuses, and defied the just demands of the United Nations and the world."

So you are claiming all those are incorrect?

And none of that was a legitimate case for war.

Bingo, so stop the Bush lied crap, he didn't, he believed it, and focus on that we should not have invaded, period. Democrats need to stop the lie they were duped and say they were wrong, but they learned. That would be something I could get behind. But continuing to use the lie you were duped for vote pandering I can't get behind
What do you think W believed? I think he truly believed the Iraq invasion would lead to a stable and democratic republic in Iraq, but in order to invade he had to sell Americans on Saddam having womd that could fall into terrorist hands, and create harm in America much greater that 9-11 ... so he hung his hat of trumped up evidence.

LBJ probably had good intentions too.

I think Bush had grand visions of reshaping the Islamic world. This was going to be his legacy
Getting the guys who did 9-11 was not enough. He had to change the entire region in Americas image. Install democracies in Afganistan and Iraq and then watch as a Democratic domino theory runs through Iran, Syria, Pakistan and Libya

We saw what really happened

Wow, a rare treat. You are obviously the perfect guy to tell us what W thought. Thank you for sharing that with us
Democrats need to stop the lie they were duped and say they were wrong, but they learned. That would be something I could get behind. But continuing to use the lie you were duped for vote pandering I can't get behind

Half of the current Democratic senators who backed President Bush's call to war in 2002 say they now regret authorizing the invasion of Iraq, according to a Politico survey.

But while nine of 18 Democrats who backed Bush now wish they had not, Republicans had fewer misgivings -- only three voiced regret.

Half of Democratic Senators Regret Iraq Vote - Daniel W. Reilly and Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

No shit, why wouldn't they? To be a Democrat is to never have to say you were wrong, you are responsible or you are sorry. You just say you changed your mind and all is forgiven.

Now Republicans, they don't even have to do anything, you know what they would do, and that's enough
Your buddy Kosh

Haven't been reading the discussion, have you?

brought up the Democrats support for the 1991 military action against Iraq?

Then he called Preisdent Bush 41 a far leftest and you called him a neo-con. I say he was just a con.

If you know what a neocon is, then you know HW, Slick, W and Obama are all neocons. You don't know, do you?

A neocon is a big domestic government spending liberal who supports free use of the military to install democratic governments we support. Think about it, all 4 are both of those in spades
What govts did Slick install. Bosnia? We carried Nato's air war. Obama? He carried on a fool's errand in Afghan, and enlarged on it. Obama has trouble making up his mind.

See how the far left leaves out Libya? One of Obama's illegal wars?

Clintons war in Bosnia was also the first illegal war by any president at the time. The second illegal war was Obama's war in Libya.

It is funny how the far left also claims that Afghanistan was the war worth fighting, yet they blast it every chance they get.

What crime did Clinton or Obama get charged with for their illegal wars? Oh that's right nothing, cause they weren't illegal.

Unless of course you have some kind of proof they were illegal?

They were Unconstitutional. The only Constitutional basis for the use of our military is defense of the US. Both violated that repeatedly. So did HW and W
What 9/11 taught us was that we can't just sit back and wait for them to attack us first we need to stop them before they attack us. We need to make them fight their war in their backyards and not our own.
Bingo, so stop the Bush lied crap, he didn't, he believed it, and focus on that we should not have invaded, period. Democrats need to stop the lie they were duped and say they were wrong, but they learned. That would be something I could get behind. But continuing to use the lie you were duped for vote pandering I can't get behind
Germany never attack the US mainland.

When war was declared between Germany and the U.S. in 1941, the German High Command immediately recognized that current German military strength would be unable to attack or invade the United States directly.

But Germany DID sink dozens of US ships in the Gulf of Mexico...within US waters.

I don't care if it was US waters or not, it was a declaration of war
Wrong! But you keep thinking that far left revisionist history exists in reality..

The U.S. stated that the intent was to remove "a regime that developed and used weapons of mass destruction, that harbored and supported terrorists, committed outrageous human rights abuses, and defied the just demands of the United Nations and the world."

So you are claiming all those are incorrect?

And none of that was a legitimate case for war.

Bingo, so stop the Bush lied crap, he didn't, he believed it, and focus on that we should not have invaded, period. Democrats need to stop the lie they were duped and say they were wrong, but they learned. That would be something I could get behind. But continuing to use the lie you were duped for vote pandering I can't get behind

This is very like the lies we heard from Ronnie Ray-Gun:

I don't know
I don't recall
I don't remember

Which do you want to believe? That Bush and Reagan were ignorant? or lying?

Either way, they lied to the American public.

I know you're stupid, so I'll dumb this down for you.

Both parties had the information and said the same thing.

NO, they didn't. 147 Democrats voted against the war. 7 Republicans voted against the war.

That is not both parties saying the same thing.

How they voted doesn't contradict what I said, Spanky
What 9/11 taught us was that we can't just sit back and wait for them to attack us first we need to stop them before they attack us. We need to make them fight their war in their backyards and not our own.

Here's another nitwit who thinks that 9-11 was the Iraqis' doing.
Haven't been reading the discussion, have you?

If you know what a neocon is, then you know HW, Slick, W and Obama are all neocons. You don't know, do you?

A neocon is a big domestic government spending liberal who supports free use of the military to install democratic governments we support. Think about it, all 4 are both of those in spades
What govts did Slick install. Bosnia? We carried Nato's air war. Obama? He carried on a fool's errand in Afghan, and enlarged on it. Obama has trouble making up his mind.

See how the far left leaves out Libya? One of Obama's illegal wars?

Clintons war in Bosnia was also the first illegal war by any president at the time. The second illegal war was Obama's war in Libya.

It is funny how the far left also claims that Afghanistan was the war worth fighting, yet they blast it every chance they get.

What crime did Clinton or Obama get charged with for their illegal wars? Oh that's right nothing, cause they weren't illegal.

Unless of course you have some kind of proof they were illegal?

They were Unconstitutional. The only Constitutional basis for the use of our military is defense of the US. Both violated that repeatedly. So did HW and W
What 9/11 taught us was that we can't just sit back and wait for them to attack us first we need to stop them before they attack us. We need to make them fight their war in their backyards and not our own.

The way to do that is not to walk through Harlem with your wallet handing out then blast anyone who looks at you funny
What 9/11 taught us was that we can't just sit back and wait for them to attack us first we need to stop them before they attack us. We need to make them fight their war in their backyards and not our own.

Here's another nitwit who thinks that 9-11 was the Iraqis' doing.

Actually that isn't what they said. You cut the quote responded to
Learn history and stop treating the Democratic party talking points as your Bible

Excuse me nitwit, but how is my sarcasm to YOUR assumption that the Iraq war was Clinton's doing.....MY repeating DNC's talking points....Really, Kaz go take a fucking nap...or find another hobby.
I think Germany sunk American Merchant ships off of Britain's coast that were supplying them with goods. We were supplying one side of the war with stuff, gotta expect the other side to fire on them while doing so.
The dems were lied to then beat over the head with those lies.

I remember stories that anyone in Washington that didn't support the "war on terrorism" could be accused of supporting terrorism and arrested. It was Bush's "either you are with us or against us" philosophy.

Does anyone remember the Terrorist Threat Colors that kept turning to red any time there was an election or an important vote coming up in congress.

The Administration admitted finally that the threat level was totally used politically to keep America scared.

Republican used to be a respectable title. For the last 30 plus years it has meant treachery and lies. At almost every possible opportunity they have led the U S into wars for oil and weapons sales and the truth be damned.
The dems were lied to then beat over the head with those lies.

I remember stories that anyone in Washington that didn't support the "war on terrorism" could be accused of supporting terrorism and arrested. It was Bush's "either you are with us or against us" philosophy.

Does anyone remember the Terrorist Threat Colors that kept turning to red any time there was an election or an important vote coming up in congress.

The Administration admitted finally that the threat level was totally used politically to keep America scared.

Republican used to be a respectable title. For the last 30 plus years it has meant treachery and lies. At almost every possible opportunity they have led the U S into wars for oil and weapons sales and the truth be damned.
When/where did the administration admit that?
The dems were lied to then beat over the head with those lies.

I remember stories that anyone in Washington that didn't support the "war on terrorism" could be accused of supporting terrorism and arrested. It was Bush's "either you are with us or against us" philosophy.

Does anyone remember the Terrorist Threat Colors that kept turning to red any time there was an election or an important vote coming up in congress.

The Administration admitted finally that the threat level was totally used politically to keep America scared.

Republican used to be a respectable title. For the last 30 plus years it has meant treachery and lies. At almost every possible opportunity they have led the U S into wars for oil and weapons sales and the truth be damned.
When/where did the administration admit that?

Tom Ridge: I Was Pressured To Raise Terror Alert

Tom Ridge I Was Pressured To Raise Terror Alert To Help Bush Win

I meant to phrase it "Administration Official". Bush as usual and Cheney and Rove never admitted to any of the vile tactics they used to manipulate congress and the population with the misinformation concerning terror threats.
The dems were lied to then beat over the head with those lies.

I remember stories that anyone in Washington that didn't support the "war on terrorism" could be accused of supporting terrorism and arrested. It was Bush's "either you are with us or against us" philosophy.

Does anyone remember the Terrorist Threat Colors that kept turning to red any time there was an election or an important vote coming up in congress.

The Administration admitted finally that the threat level was totally used politically to keep America scared.

Republican used to be a respectable title. For the last 30 plus years it has meant treachery and lies. At almost every possible opportunity they have led the U S into wars for oil and weapons sales and the truth be damned.
When/where did the administration admit that?

Tom Ridge: I Was Pressured To Raise Terror Alert

Tom Ridge I Was Pressured To Raise Terror Alert To Help Bush Win

I meant to phrase it "Administration Official". Bush as usual and Cheney and Rove never admitted to any of the vile tactics they used to manipulate congress and the population with the misinformation concerning terror threats.

See even the far left will believe any and everything printed in the far left press..

UPDATE: Former Bush administration officials are vehemently denying Ridge's statements.

"We went over backwards repeatedly and with great discipline to make sure politics did not influence any national security and homeland security decisions," former White House chief of staff Andy Card told Politico. "The clear instructions were to make sure politics never influenced anything."

The far left do all they can demonize one man that they started to hate before the 2000 elections..

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