Why did so many Dems vote for Iraq War

The far left will say what they need to make you drones believe whatever they want you to believe.

Who are the drones????....and I guess your prune juice isn't working.
aka Hindsight.......................convenient......................it's always easier to say how wrong something is after the fact..................it's a hell of a lot harder for not having the gift of hindsight.....................

Had I have been driving we wouldn't have wrecked.............I'd have known..................EXCUSES................and your side was ready to Capitulate back in 2007 yet the surge worked.....................


Speaking of "typical" bullshit, Beagle, I castigated dems who voted to go to war........Have ANY of your ilk done the same against republicans?
I haven't..............and refuse to HIDE BEHIND HINDSIGHT.........................

I believed he had the WMD..................The Marines in the first Gulf War told me of the Sarin monitors going off on multiple humvees....................when moving into Iraq....................Saddam bragged about having them.........bragged about supporting terrorist...............he used them in the past...............

I had NO REASON TO THINK THE INTEL WAS BAD...................

I will NOT HIDE FROM MY AGREEMENT on the War before it started.............How the War was conducted and fought is a different story..............again............War makes opposing sides adapt...............change tactics.............nothing is in stone.................You can't bet on Jack Squat in a War..............and no one's Crystal Balls are going to change that.....................

The Surge turned it around and was working.................only for the U.S. to jump ship and not leave ANY SUPPORT elements behind...........or INTEL needed to give the Iraqi's the support they needed,..............................

1:33 - Dick Cheney - Iraq has reconstituted nuclear weapons.

And that is why Democrats voted for the Iraq war. No one thought the president and his minions were such lying fucks who would be so dishonest to trick this country into a war. And no one thought the GOP base would be so stupid, they would think we ALMOST won the war but Obama wouldn't leave American troops there for 30 years.

A party of two groups. Liars and dipshits.
Hindsight would be a wonderful thing........if I could go back in time and get a the BIG WINNING LOTTERY TICKET............

Of, I'd have used them thar numbers............and Won........................

War turns the best laid plans to shit...................It's reality.............Stop hiding and own up that many Dems did support the War...........including one the favored one to run for President..................

This OP...............is to EXCUSE THEIR VOTES and NOTHING MORE...........................saying they are innocent............and would have done a better job if they could go back in time.............with the KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUTURE...............

Dream the Fantasy Gnat.
Face it lefties, Obama's lack of leadership and siding with the wrong side at every turn has helped set the ME on fire... it's an unmitigated disaster. Blaming it on Bush ain't gonna work. Bush has been gone for nearly seven years.

Obumbler and his merry band of incompetents, including Hillary owns it.. all of it.
Face it

Bush disrupted the Middle East and left it to future Presidents to deal with. The consequences of Bush's Il-fated nation building will be felt for generations
Like it wasn't disrupted before he came into office...........it's always been disrupted unless you live under a rock.

But we didn't lose 9000 Americans to try to "fix" it
Face it lefties, Obama's lack of leadership and siding with the wrong side at every turn has helped set the ME on fire... it's an unmitigated disaster. Blaming it on Bush ain't gonna work. Bush has been gone for nearly seven years.

Obumbler and his merry band of incompetents, including Hillary owns it.. all of it.
Face it

Bush disrupted the Middle East and left it to future Presidents to deal with. The consequences of Bush's Il-fated nation building will be felt for generations
Like it wasn't disrupted before he came into office...........it's always been disrupted unless you live under a rock.

But we didn't lose 9000 Americans to try to "fix" it
We lost men to the BS of Politics and those unwilling to Win a War so their sacrifice was not in vain.....................

Now they have died for NOTHING....................because we again refuse to do what is necessary to ensure they didn't die in Vain.............

We lost 7000 men in one day on D-Day................
I'd like to say they were innocent dupes of bad intelligence

But in truth, they were cowards
In the post 9-11 hysteria, they were unwilling to take the tag of "soft on terrorism" and Republicans were chomping at the bit to use it. After the attacks, Bush was given a 9-11 card to do anything necessary in the war on terror....to oppose what he wanted was unpatriotic

It was the last time Bush used his 9-11 Card

In a post 9-11 hysteria, Democrats were chomping at the bit to throw Bush and Cheney under the bus. Here is the evidence. Guantanimo is still open, the NSA is collecting every email and phone call, consistent with the Patriot Act. Wake up
Are you fucking nuts?

Bush had 85% approval and was free to do whatever he wanted in the name of fighting terrorism

We never realized how much he would abuse our trust.....two wars, Abu Gharib, torture, Gitmo, spying on Americans.......Iraq
No one thought the president and his minions were such lying fucks who would be so dishonest to trick this country into a war.

Well stated.......I honestly am not sure when the term TREASONOUS should be applied.
We lost men to the BS of Politics and those unwilling to Win a War so their sacrifice was not in vain.....................

Now they have died for NOTHING....................because we again refuse to do what is necessary to ensure they didn't die in Vain.............

We lost 7000 men in one day on D-Day................

So we should LIE to those poor veterans......Do you think those vets ae all as dumb as you, Beagle?
Kosh is the biggest "drone" here. All he does is parrot ridiculous phrases like "far left drone" over and over. Probably just a bot.

Agreed.....Kosh is BOTH dumb and persistently stated stupid and unrelated inanities, an annoying combination....but, its a free country.
We lost men to the BS of Politics and those unwilling to Win a War so their sacrifice was not in vain.....................

Now they have died for NOTHING....................because we again refuse to do what is necessary to ensure they didn't die in Vain.............

We lost 7000 men in one day on D-Day................

So we should LIE to those poor veterans......Do you think those vets ae all as dumb as you, Beagle?
Stupid Statement..............and typical of you.................my nephew is permanently disabled from an IED in Iraq..............only survivor in the Humvee that day................didn't wake up until Germany.............

Don't tell me about Lying to those poor veterans.............

They gave their lives to take that country and those towns only for politicians to sit back and watch as those towns were taken by ISIL when they gave their blood and lives for these towns...................

Obama and you types are complete fucking idiots...............

Bush was a fucking idiot on strategy in this war as well............as the same ones who probably set the IED were trapped in FAhallah and allowed to leave in the first battle their...............All for Politics...............

We didn't even leave them any Intel capabilities when we left..............and then DID NOTHING AS THE COUNTRY WAS LOST.
Stupid Statement..............and typical of you.................my nephew is permanently disabled from an IED in Iraq..............only survivor in the Humvee that day................didn't wake up until Germany.............

Don't tell me about Lying to those poor veterans.............

They gave their lives to take that country and those towns only for politicians to sit back and watch as those towns were taken by ISIL when they gave their blood and lives for these towns...................

Obama and you types are complete fucking idiots...............

Bush was a fucking idiot on strategy in this war as well............as the same ones who probably set the IED were trapped in FAhallah and allowed to leave in the first battle their...............All for Politics...............

We didn't even leave them any Intel capabilities when we left..............and then DID NOTHING AS THE COUNTRY WAS LOST

Well I thank your nephew for his service and feel bad about his injuries and for having a dumb uncle like you.

Either we made Iraq the 51st state or HAD to leave sometime like the unwanted "guest" that overstayed the original welcome.

Based on the efforts of the war manufacturers' lobbying whores, we left tons of weaponry and machinery in Iraq....because....well, because they needed to gouge the tax payers for NEWER stuff, and virtually all that we left are now in the hands of insurgents....
We paid for the rope to hang ourselves with.
Your buddy Kosh

Haven't been reading the discussion, have you?

brought up the Democrats support for the 1991 military action against Iraq?

Then he called Preisdent Bush 41 a far leftest and you called him a neo-con. I say he was just a con.

If you know what a neocon is, then you know HW, Slick, W and Obama are all neocons. You don't know, do you?

A neocon is a big domestic government spending liberal who supports free use of the military to install democratic governments we support. Think about it, all 4 are both of those in spades
What govts did Slick install. Bosnia? We carried Nato's air war. Obama? He carried on a fool's errand in Afghan, and enlarged on it. Obama has trouble making up his mind.

Kosovo, Haiti, Bosnia. Slick was the one who actually invaded Iraq,you don't remember that, do you? He created a Kurdish autonomous region there and tried to help the Shiites versus the Sunnis. He also attacked Afghanistan, the Sudan and Somalia.
I know, I just don't care. They attacked us, what difference does it make if it's the "mainland?" They repeatedly attacked us. You seriously think it's less important that they attacked our shipping and resources rather than the mainland proper? I don't. You attack us, you attack us.

You mean they attack the US before Dec 1941? Why did they attack the US? We were not formally in the war?

Yes, Dick Tracy. They endlessly attacked US shipping

Begging the question. I don't know where you are getting that information. The Japanese decision to attack is well chronicled and I know of no information going to the US. What are you saying that based on?

Pearl Harbor Hawaii Was Surprised FDR Was Not

A lot of accusations, didn't see much evidence

Again, don't care. They attacked us, that is a declaration of war regardless of whether it was the US proper or not

Bin Laden declare war and attack US assets in the region, yet Clinton did as little as possible (except drop bombs on Iraq). So German attacked the US while helping Britain while the US was claiming neutrality in WW II?

Don't care what the left thinks. I supported attacking Afghanistan for that reason, they attacked us. Nation building was a very bad idea though
Kosovo, Haiti, Bosnia. Slick was the one who actually invaded Iraq,you don't remember that, do you? He created a Kurdish autonomous region there and tried to help the Shiites versus the Sunnis. He also attacked Afghanistan, the Sudan and Somalia.

Fine Kaz...lets blame the Iraq war on Bill Clinton if that makes you feel better and more important.......then go take a nap.
Your buddy Kosh

Haven't been reading the discussion, have you?

brought up the Democrats support for the 1991 military action against Iraq?

Then he called Preisdent Bush 41 a far leftest and you called him a neo-con. I say he was just a con.

If you know what a neocon is, then you know HW, Slick, W and Obama are all neocons. You don't know, do you?

A neocon is a big domestic government spending liberal who supports free use of the military to install democratic governments we support. Think about it, all 4 are both of those in spades

Kosh appears to be beyond reason.

Both parties are of course big tax and spenders. The big difference is the GOP is willing to liberally spend the lives of other peoples children to invade and kill people in far off lands. The Dems haven't had a president like that since LBJ.

Liar, the Democrats are right there with them spending "the lives of other people's children" and invading other countries. Partisan hacks still blow my mind

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