Why did trump really call Hezbollah smart?

How, but telling Netanyaho "fuck you", because the Isreali's acknowledged that Biden won the election???

What do you think happened to the 10,000 ISIS fighters released by the Kurds when Trump abandoned them????? Maybe they teamed up with HAMAS to murder Jews. Maybe Trump should have protected the Kurds like the USA promised.
who told him that? Please provide a link?

What really screwed Israel was the election of pro-terrorist Xiden

It is all about him. He feels calling dictators smart, brilliant, and brilliant is all about his own insecurity. He knows the media will pick up on it and then critisize him. He is doing this for his cult. He is really not very smart, but when the media comes after him, he will be able to say to his cult...."THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT YOU, TOO!" He is grifter and knows how to influence his cult.
/——-/ You libtards think these monsters are stupid. They are the opposite. They are both smart and evil at the same time.

It is all about him. He feels calling dictators smart, brilliant, and brilliant is all about his own insecurity. He knows the media will pick up on it and then critisize him. He is doing this for his cult. He is really not very smart, but when the media comes after him, he will be able to say to his cult...."THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT YOU, TOO!" He is grifter and knows how to influence his cult.
Democrats want Americans to underestimate Hamas.

Most democrats side with Palestine. Read any thread involving Israel or foreign aid. You will quickly learn who democrats support.

Democrat terrorists even post this.

A large % of democrats think this way ^^^ Like all the BLM supporters.
Oh no, Trump definitely thinks you are stupid.

For example, he knows the election wasn't stolen. But he tells you it was anyway.

Because he thinks you are stupid. There are lots of other examples.
/----/ Your lame attempts to undermine and discourage Trump supporters are laughable. You can't read anyone's mind, including Trump's and his supporters. That is just your opinion. I'll put the pre-covid economy of Trump up against Bidenomics any day of the week.
What's your next "example?"
Your lame attempts to undermine and discourage Trump supporters are laughable.

The election was not stolen. Trump knows it wasn't.

He tells you it was. Because he thinks you are stupid enough to believe it.

Those are facts. If you decide to prove him right -- that you are stupid and will believe that lie -- that's on you.

Let's review:

1) Trump thinks Putin and Hamas are smart

2) Trump thinks you are stupid
The election was not stolen. Trump knows it wasn't.

He tells you it was. Because he thinks you are stupid enough to believe it.

Those are facts. If you decide to prove him right -- that you are stupid and will believe that lie -- that's on you.

Let's review:

1) Trump thinks Putin and Hamas are smart

2) Trump thinks you are stupid
/----/ "The election was not stolen. Trump knows it wasn't."
I stopped reading at your first ridiculous OPINION. You don't know what Trump does or doesn't know.
I can't believe conservatives want their next president to be a guy who praises a terrorist organization by calling them smart. What kind of nucklehead does that, especially a former president? Then he goes on to criticize Isreal's PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Even members of the Republican party have said how stupid his comments are like Ron Desantis and Mike Pence. People still want Trump to be president again? Seriously?
He can't help himself. He is mad at Netanyahu because he called and congratulated Biden when he was elected. trump is an baby who needs to be coddled and told how smart he is. The POS should never be elected to ANYTHING!

It is all about him. He feels calling dictators smart, brilliant, and brilliant is all about his own insecurity. He knows the media will pick up on it and then critisize him. He is doing this for his cult. He is really not very smart, but when the media comes after him, he will be able to say to his cult...."THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT YOU, TOO!" He is grifter and knows how to influence his cult.
And you unwittingly give him exactly what he craves, attention. Seriously, who cares what he says about it? He's not in charge of any US policy. Of course, the more you talk about him and ignore Quid Pro Joe, the less attention gets paid to what he does, so there's that.

It is all about him. He feels calling dictators smart, brilliant, and brilliant is all about his own insecurity. He knows the media will pick up on it and then critisize him. He is doing this for his cult. He is really not very smart, but when the media comes after him, he will be able to say to his cult...."THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT YOU, TOO!" He is grifter and knows how to influence his cult.
Because they know how to manipulate you Leftards into supporting them with their lies and cheering them on publicly.
He can't help himself. He is mad at Netanyahu because he called and congratulated Biden when he was elected. trump is an baby who needs to be coddled and told how smart he is. The POS should never be elected to ANYTHING!
And thanks for always babbling about how much you admire Trump jimboliar. It's working!
He can't help himself. He is mad at Netanyahu because he called and congratulated Biden when he was elected. trump is an baby who needs to be coddled and told how smart he is. The POS should never be elected to ANYTHING!
You are making Trump your next president jimboliar!

It is all about him. He feels calling dictators smart, brilliant, and brilliant is all about his own insecurity. He knows the media will pick up on it and then critisize him. He is doing this for his cult. He is really not very smart, but when the media comes after him, he will be able to say to his cult...."THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT YOU, TOO!" He is grifter and knows how to influence his cult.
Trump just calls a spade a spade. If some ruthless person like Hitler did something that was good for Hitler, Trump would call him smart for accomplishing what they wanted to accomplish. Same with Putin, NK, and others. He's just stating a fact, not supporting who he is praising, just stating a fact.

It is all about him. He feels calling dictators smart, brilliant, and brilliant is all about his own insecurity. He knows the media will pick up on it and then critisize him. He is doing this for his cult. He is really not very smart, but when the media comes after him, he will be able to say to his cult...."THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT YOU, TOO!" He is grifter and knows how to influence his cult.
Trump has a cult following?
That's exactly it. He says nothing, he does nothing, unless (he somehow thinks) it benefits him. And since he has the mind of a child, that means he's going to misfire regularly. Fortunately for him, he has millions of people he looks down on as losers who adore and forgive him anything.

There is nothing positive to say about Hamas, or what they have done.
And yet you support Hamas.

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