Why didn't Republicans give trump an infrastructure bill?

Know-nothing fuckwit....Peloski controlled the HoR for the lat two years when the subject of an infrastructure bill came up....The GOP congress for his first two years were too much a bunch of pussies to do anything.
Pelosi tried to negotiate an infrastructure bill with that jerkoff Trump until he had an outburst in the W.H., had another one of his deranged hissy fits & walked out of the meeting. Schumer was also present.

Triy to learn something before making an ass out of yourself. Like the fact that Trump is a deranged lunatic.
Fucking liar....She didn't "work with him" on anything that didn't inflexibly include everything she demanded.
Mr. "Art of the Deal" couldn't negotiate a deal to sell ice water in Death Valley in August.

We know that by his multiple bankruptcies & failed businesses.
Mr. "Art of the Deal" couldn't negotiate a deal to sell ice water in Death Valley in August.

We know that by his multiple bankruptcies & failed businesses.
Mr. "Art of the Deal" was sandbagged by his own party and dealing with an intransigent opposition party.

I thought you phony assholes were all about compromise.
Pelosi tried to negotiate an infrastructure bill with that jerkoff Trump until he had an outburst in the W.H., had another one of his deranged hissy fits & walked out of the meeting. Schumer was also present.

Triy to learn something before making an ass out of yourself. Like the fact that Trump is a deranged lunatic.
You're a fucking liar....It's as simple as that.

Donald Trump campaigned on a $1 trillion infrastructure plan. “We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals,” he said in his 2016 election night victory speech. “And we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it.”

trump wanted an infrastructure bill, but the Republicans who ran both the House and Senate during the early days of the trump administration met trump's request with silence.

All Republicans gave trump was tax cuts for the rich and a gutting of the IRS.

Why didn't Republicans give trump an infrastructure plan like Joe's?

When will you people understand that the entire 2 party paradigm is false? What will it take?
No I'm not. Take your head out of your ass. It's a known fact what happened, not the fantasy world you take up space in, Trump Moonie.
Yes you are a stone fucking liar.

You're also obviously stupid enough to think that lifer congressional republicans were champing at the bit to get Trump's agenda through congress, when they were actually giving it their all to slow walk it.
Yes you are a stone fucking liar.

You're also obviously stupid enough to think that lifer congressional republicans were champing at the bit to get Trump's agenda through congress, when they were actually giving it their all to slow walk it.
Why sure. The same congressional republicans who voted against Trump impeachment twice, stonewalled his agenda. So did the GOP senate, right dickweed?

Now you can go lick your wounds.
They were too busy drumming-up tax breaks for the rich... frigging corporate whores...
Butt sniffer,

Republicans controlled both the House and Senate in the early days of the trump administration, up until the midterms. That's two years of Republican control.

Try again.
Yeah, it is really astonishing how inept the orange douche bag was. Republicans had control of both houses but he still could get nothing done. Contrast that with Obama who was able to get Obamacare through a hostile Senate and Biden with his infrastructure bill.
In short, Trump wasn't interested in a money laundering grift to payoff his donors with money borrowed from our grand kids.
Yes you are a stone fucking liar.

You're also obviously stupid enough to think that lifer congressional republicans were champing at the bit to get Trump's agenda through congress, when they were actually giving it their all to slow walk it.

Yes, they are supreme liars and deniers of truth.
They point to trampling the Constitution as "Accomplishments" and "Victories"
One thing they are correct about......their side stops at ----> n-o-t-h-i-n-g <--- to get their way. No person, law, document or tradition is an obstacle.
Broke Loser best describes our side.

Again I will say.....
There will never be an America that is free or productive as long as
1). The rabid Left media is free to continue spreading it's lies and propaganda
2). REAL Americans continue being weak.

There simply is no living "with" them at this point.
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Know-nothing fuckwit....Peloski controlled the HoR for the lat two years when the subject of an infrastructure bill came up....The GOP congress for his first two years were too much a bunch of pussies to do anything.

There are times when I question the authenticity of these posters. I still wonder if they are who they say they are, or paid shills.
Do democrats really think this is an "infrastructure" bill? It's a political payoff for social change. If you ever drove the interstates you know that infrastructure work was ongoing during the Trump administration.
Pelosi tried to negotiate an infrastructure bill with that jerkoff Trump until he had an outburst in the W.H., had another one of his deranged hissy fits & walked out of the meeting. Schumer was also present.

Triy to learn something before making an ass out of yourself. Like the fact that Trump is a deranged lunatic.

Negotiate? Are you now claiming the Pelosi tried to negotiate with Trump? How dare you lie so bare faced.

Negotiate? Are you now claiming the Pelosi tried to negotiate with Trump? How dare you lie so bare faced.

is this thread about infrastructure or shutdown?
Why sure. The same congressional republicans who voted against Trump impeachment twice, stonewalled his agenda. So did the GOP senate, right dickweed?

Now you can go lick your wounds.
There were others, dumbbell.

This deluded notion that Trump had a friendly congress in '17 & '18 is, like you, beyond ludicrous.
Negotiate? Are you now claiming the Pelosi tried to negotiate with Trump? How dare you lie so bare faced.

He blows more smoke than and old Chevy Vega.

Why didn't Republicans give trump an infrastructure bill?​

Because it was fallacious campaign rhetoric to begin with…
How much of the infrastructure money will be spent on infrastructure and how much on lib social programs such as teaching african men how to clean their penis?
Well there are 50 states and 14 US territories yet NY alone gobbled up 14% of the infrastructure money :oops: :oops: :oops:

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