Why Distinct Gender Roles Are Important To Kids & Society

not even close!
you just had to post something even if it's absolute bullshit.

Following you're lead perhaps.

I mean, a dude with a dick saying he's a chick isn't bullshit?

God you folks are loony

Still waiting for your "expert research" on monosomy and polysomy.

(Scared to even look up the words, aren't you?)

Wait all you want? If you think I'm allowing deviants to frame my argument......

You're nuttier then I originally thought you were

Confirmed: Doesn't know what the words mean; is afraid to look them up because he believes his dick will fall off.

For the benefit of anyone less terrified than you, some information from that Evul Leftist organization the Boston Children's Hospital:

Trisomies and Monosomies | Boston Children's Hospital

So, outside of restrooms we must have medical testing facilities to insure non discriminatory practice.

not even close!
you just had to post something even if it's absolute bullshit.

Following you're lead perhaps.

I mean, a dude with a dick saying he's a chick isn't bullshit?

God you folks are loony

Still waiting for your "expert research" on monosomy and polysomy.

(Scared to even look up the words, aren't you?)

Wait all you want? If you think I'm allowing deviants to frame my argument......

You're nuttier then I originally thought you were

Confirmed: Doesn't know what the words mean; is afraid to look them up because he believes his dick will fall off.

For the benefit of anyone less terrified than you, some information from that Evul Leftist organization the Boston Children's Hospital:

Trisomies and Monosomies | Boston Children's Hospital

So, outside of restrooms we must have medical testing facilities to insure non discriminatory practice.

Cute, but no ones buying what you're selling.

Except deviants and their apologists.

Look those words up.

As long as I don't have to learn new pronouns for each group, the trans community and I are copacetic.
It's not good enough.

Gender-specific restrooms are not mentioned in the Constitution or in the Bible. What's your go-to (pun intended) argument from authority this time? Or are you just going to be lazy and say "because I said so"?

Because that's how they are.

And, I say my wife's, daughter and granddaughters safety is more a concern then some obsessive compulsives right to square in their restroom.

So you stand guard outside the "correct" restroom until they come out? People might think you're the perv...

Less perverted then the guy trying to get in, OR THOSE LIKE YOU ENCOURAGING THEM TOO

You're attempt to make the deviant appear normal will not succeed.

As long as I don't have to learn new pronouns for each group, the trans community and I are copacetic.
It's not good enough.

According to who?
According to them. Nothing short of complete obeisance to the fag militia will be acceptable. You better learn those pronouns and go along with every lunatic nuance they spin out or you're intolerant.

I have yet to see evidence that a chromosomal abnormality restricts anyone from taking a dump in the restroom of gender in which you have appropriate genitalia.
No. Arguing from authority means you make an assertion as fact because you assume to be a superior authority on the matter.

Arguing from authority can sometimes mean that. I should have used "appeal to authority," which means you cite a source generally accepted as valid, such as the Constitution or the Bible.
(B) The reality is that there is a spectrum of genders, for which there is scientific evidence. It's understood that y'all are allergic to science (Dr. Carson says Darwin was inspired by Satan, dontcha know), but "Because I said so!" is your reality, period. You'd have a hard time proving it's a universal. Not that you'd even try.
You removed the question that proves you're full of it. I asked which restroom you use. If you use one in particular, why? There's your answer.

My answer is: Whichever one's available. See, where I live there are unisex bathrooms. Toilet (and sometimes a urinal), sink, diaper-changing station all in one separate room with a lock on the door. Like the ones on airlines (though those don't have urinals), only larger.

Now, your turn: The reality is that there is a spectrum of genders, for which there is scientific evidence. It's understood that y'all are allergic to science (Dr. Carson says Darwin was inspired by Satan, dontcha know), but "Because I said so!" is your reality, period. You'd have a hard time proving it's a universal. Not that you'd even try.

You've weaseled out of answering once. Will you weasel out again?
No, I called you out for being a scumbag liar and smear monger. It's right up there, asswipe. Sometimes unisex is available?

Yes, some people are born with both sexes, doesn't mean that in reality we don't have restroom norms. You are a dumb motherfucker.

As long as I don't have to learn new pronouns for each group, the trans community and I are copacetic.
It's not good enough.

According to who?
According to them. Nothing short of complete obeisance to the fag militia will be acceptable. You better learn those pronouns and go along with every lunatic nuance they spin out or you're intolerant.

I have yet to see evidence that a chromosomal abnormality restricts anyone from taking a dump in the restroom of gender in which you have appropriate genitalia.
Fine, but that means it's all based on looks. You good with that?
As long as I don't have to learn new pronouns for each group, the trans community and I are copacetic.
It's not good enough.

According to who?
According to them. Nothing short of complete obeisance to the fag militia will be acceptable. You better learn those pronouns and go along with every lunatic nuance they spin out or you're intolerant.

I have yet to see evidence that a chromosomal abnormality restricts anyone from taking a dump in the restroom of gender in which you have appropriate genitalia.
Fine, but that means it's all based on looks. You good with that?

Let's do this, and it should satisfy you

Get caught in the woman's restroom and are reported to law enforcement and arrested because you have a dick, during the trial you are allowed to provide proof of chromosomal abnormality.

If you can prove such abnormality, the judge can reduce or throw you're case out completely, if you can't, it's off to the pen and on to the sex offenders list?

And if I beat the crap out of the wrong one? Well, I'll pay the price then.

I doubt I would have anything to worry about.
not even close!
you just had to post something even if it's absolute bullshit.

Following you're lead perhaps.

I mean, a dude with a dick saying he's a chick isn't bullshit?

God you folks are loony
Again basing a opinion on outward appearance and dening reality.
Remind me again who's loony.

You're attempt to make the abnormal normal is duly noted.

Rest assured, it may have worked once, it won't again.
Normal and abnormal are subjective .
It ,has already happened you can't put the genie back in the bottle.
It's not an attempt it's a success.
not even close!
you just had to post something even if it's absolute bullshit.

Following you're lead perhaps.

I mean, a dude with a dick saying he's a chick isn't bullshit?

God you folks are loony
Again basing a opinion on outward appearance and dening reality.
Remind me again who's loony.

You're attempt to make the abnormal normal is duly noted.

Rest assured, it may have worked once, it won't again.
Normal and abnormal are subjective .
It ,has already happened you can't put the genie back in the bottle.
It's not an attempt it's a success.

Nope, normal restroom use is mens/woman's.

Your attempt to normalize deviancy has been recognized for what it is.

A marketing ploy.
Yes, some people are born with both sexes.

Took you long enough, but thank you.
I have yet to see evidence that a chromosomal abnormality restricts anyone from taking a dump in the restroom of gender in which you have appropriate genitalia.

So are you saying you can see chromosomal abnormalities (even Superman can't do that) or that you like to watch people taking a dump?

So, outside of restrooms we must have medical testing facilities to insure non discriminatory practice.

Apparently not needed, since you're already standing guard outside the ladies' and you can see chromosomal abnormalities.
not even close!
you just had to post something even if it's absolute bullshit.

Following you're lead perhaps.

I mean, a dude with a dick saying he's a chick isn't bullshit?

God you folks are loony
Again basing a opinion on outward appearance and dening reality.
Remind me again who's loony.

You're attempt to make the abnormal normal is duly noted.

Rest assured, it may have worked once, it won't again.
Normal and abnormal are subjective .
It ,has already happened you can't put the genie back in the bottle.
It's not an attempt it's a success.

Nope, normal restroom use is mens/woman's.

Your attempt to normalize deviancy has been recognized for what it is.

A marketing ploy.
False on both claims
A restroom neither knows or cares who uses it .
Normality is subjective until or if you learn that , your argument is invalid.
Gender-specific restrooms are not mentioned in the Constitution or in the Bible. What's your go-to (pun intended) argument from authority this time? Or are you just going to be lazy and say "because I said so"?
The authority is reality. Which one do you use?
Why is it cons believe that authority is set in stone?

Because my authority to protect my family IS set in stone
True, but that self proclaimed authority ends there.
Following you're lead perhaps.

I mean, a dude with a dick saying he's a chick isn't bullshit?

God you folks are loony
Again basing a opinion on outward appearance and dening reality.
Remind me again who's loony.

You're attempt to make the abnormal normal is duly noted.

Rest assured, it may have worked once, it won't again.
Normal and abnormal are subjective .
It ,has already happened you can't put the genie back in the bottle.
It's not an attempt it's a success.

Nope, normal restroom use is mens/woman's.

Your attempt to normalize deviancy has been recognized for what it is.

A marketing ploy.
False on both claims
A restroom neither knows or cares who uses it .
Normality is subjective until or if you learn that , your argument is invalid.
Normal is not subjective. Either a practice is within the axiom of thought and conduct of society or it isn't. An obese 50 year old man who's a registered sex predator wanting to use the women's restroom where he knows underage girls go because "he feels like a woman" is not normal.

Your attempt to syndicate perversion and sexual depravity makes you an extreme fringe Left wing kook. There's nothing normal about that.
Yes, some people are born with both sexes.

Took you long enough, but thank you.
I have yet to see evidence that a chromosomal abnormality restricts anyone from taking a dump in the restroom of gender in which you have appropriate genitalia.

So are you saying you can see chromosomal abnormalities (even Superman can't do that) or that you like to watch people taking a dump?

So, outside of restrooms we must have medical testing facilities to insure non discriminatory practice.

Apparently not needed, since you're already standing guard outside the ladies' and you can see chromosomal abnormalities.

^^^^ deviant thinks protecting the young females in you're family is perverted.

We get EXACTLY what you are now.
Gender-specific restrooms are not mentioned in the Constitution or in the Bible. What's your go-to (pun intended) argument from authority this time? Or are you just going to be lazy and say "because I said so"?
The authority is reality. Which one do you use?
Why is it cons believe that authority is set in stone?

Because my authority to protect my family IS set in stone
True, but that self proclaimed authority ends there.

Exactly what I stated before.

You got a dick, enter a restroom with a female family member of mine, risk the wrath of my authority.

Good nuff
Yes, some people are born with both sexes.

Took you long enough, but thank you.
I have yet to see evidence that a chromosomal abnormality restricts anyone from taking a dump in the restroom of gender in which you have appropriate genitalia.

So are you saying you can see chromosomal abnormalities (even Superman can't do that) or that you like to watch people taking a dump?

So, outside of restrooms we must have medical testing facilities to insure non discriminatory practice.

Apparently not needed, since you're already standing guard outside the ladies' and you can see chromosomal abnormalities.

We get EXACTLY what you are now.

Fascinated by your claim to super-powers. Are there others?
Again basing a opinion on outward appearance and dening reality.
Remind me again who's loony.

You're attempt to make the abnormal normal is duly noted.

Rest assured, it may have worked once, it won't again.
Normal and abnormal are subjective .
It ,has already happened you can't put the genie back in the bottle.
It's not an attempt it's a success.

Nope, normal restroom use is mens/woman's.

Your attempt to normalize deviancy has been recognized for what it is.

A marketing ploy.
False on both claims
A restroom neither knows or cares who uses it .
Normality is subjective until or if you learn that , your argument is invalid.
Normal is not subjective. Either a practice is within the axiom of thought and conduct of society or it isn't. An obese 50 year old man who's a registered sex predator wanting to use the women's restroom where he knows underage girls go because "he feels like a woman" is not normal.

Your attempt to syndicate perversion and sexual depravity makes you an extreme fringe Left wing kook. There's nothing normal about that.
bullshit !
the definition of "Normal" is entirely subjective because it takes a collective to agree what "normal" is.
You may often hear or read about "the norm" in articles on any subject.
In some cases, "normal" is really the average; in some cases, "normal" is what society collectively says is normal.
a) If grades of all students in a school was a "B", then the "norm" would be "students in the school are "B" students.
b) 50 years ago, divorce was not "normal", but today, since the divorce rate has risen so much, divorce after 5 to 7 years has become "normal"..
So "normal" can also change.
So who wants to be "normal" ... Normal is boring!
Gender-specific restrooms are not mentioned in the Constitution or in the Bible. What's your go-to (pun intended) argument from authority this time? Or are you just going to be lazy and say "because I said so"?
The authority is reality. Which one do you use?
Why is it cons believe that authority is set in stone?

Because my authority to protect my family IS set in stone
True, but that self proclaimed authority ends there.

Exactly what I stated before.

You got a dick, enter a restroom with a female family member of mine, risk the wrath of my authority.

Good nuff
your answer begs the question, if the situation were reversed and a female family member made the statement that she was really boy in a girl's body and wanted to wear the same clothes use the same facilities and the sex she identifies with would your reaction be the same?

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