Why Distinct Gender Roles Are Important To Kids & Society

Yes, some people are born with both sexes.

Took you long enough, but thank you.
I have yet to see evidence that a chromosomal abnormality restricts anyone from taking a dump in the restroom of gender in which you have appropriate genitalia.

So are you saying you can see chromosomal abnormalities (even Superman can't do that) or that you like to watch people taking a dump?

So, outside of restrooms we must have medical testing facilities to insure non discriminatory practice.

Apparently not needed, since you're already standing guard outside the ladies' and you can see chromosomal abnormalities.

We get EXACTLY what you are now.

Fascinated by your claim to super-powers. Are there others?
my super power would be sleeping if I didn't have to pee.
Yes, some people are born with both sexes.

Took you long enough, but thank you.
I have yet to see evidence that a chromosomal abnormality restricts anyone from taking a dump in the restroom of gender in which you have appropriate genitalia.

So are you saying you can see chromosomal abnormalities (even Superman can't do that) or that you like to watch people taking a dump?

So, outside of restrooms we must have medical testing facilities to insure non discriminatory practice.

Apparently not needed, since you're already standing guard outside the ladies' and you can see chromosomal abnormalities.

We get EXACTLY what you are now.

Fascinated by your claim to super-powers. Are there others?

Yes, defeating the arguments of the mentally impaired

That and jumping tall buildings
The authority is reality. Which one do you use?
Why is it cons believe that authority is set in stone?

Because my authority to protect my family IS set in stone
True, but that self proclaimed authority ends there.

Exactly what I stated before.

You got a dick, enter a restroom with a female family member of mine, risk the wrath of my authority.

Good nuff
your answer begs the question, if the situation were reversed and a female family member made the statement that she was really boy in a girl's body and wanted to wear the same clothes use the same facilities and the sex she identifies with would your reaction be the same?

I would have sought her help.

Oh, and explained to her what a great Man once said........

"Ask not what you're country can do for you, but what you can do for you're country"

Smart Man!
I would have sought her help.

With your own transition?

See, this is why language is so important. You meant to say "gotten her help"; "sought her help" has an entirely different meaning.

Now, then, for the tough question: Who gets to decide for hermaphrodites? The parents, the individual themselves, or you?
I would have sought her help.

With your own transition?

See, this is why language is so important. You meant to say "gotten her help"; "sought her help" has an entirely different meaning.

Now, then, for the tough question: Who gets to decide for hermaphrodites? The parents, the individual themselves, or you?

Gee, there are hundreds of thousands of them right?

Marketing 101: make tiny problems seem HUGE.

Nice try.

And, your concession is noted. When a mentally deficient like you resorts to word game, it's obvious you know you lost.
I would have sought her help.

With your own transition?

See, this is why language is so important. You meant to say "gotten her help"; "sought her help" has an entirely different meaning.

Now, then, for the tough question: Who gets to decide for hermaphrodites? The parents, the individual themselves, or you?

Gee, there are hundreds of thousands of them right?

Why does the number make a difference?

How common is intersex? | Intersex Society of North America

Who gets to decide - the parents, the individual, or you?
I would have sought her help.

With your own transition?

See, this is why language is so important. You meant to say "gotten her help"; "sought her help" has an entirely different meaning.

Now, then, for the tough question: Who gets to decide for hermaphrodites? The parents, the individual themselves, or you?

Gee, there are hundreds of thousands of them right?

Why does the number make a difference?

How common is intersex? | Intersex Society of North America

Who gets to decide - the parents, the individual, or you?

The State.
Why is it cons believe that authority is set in stone?

Because my authority to protect my family IS set in stone
True, but that self proclaimed authority ends there.

Exactly what I stated before.

You got a dick, enter a restroom with a female family member of mine, risk the wrath of my authority.

Good nuff
your answer begs the question, if the situation were reversed and a female family member made the statement that she was really boy in a girl's body and wanted to wear the same clothes use the same facilities and the sex she identifies with would your reaction be the same?

I would have sought her help.

Oh, and explained to her what a great Man once said........

"Ask not what you're country can do for you, but what you can do for you're country"

Smart Man!
What kind of help would that be ?
Especially if she does not need or want it.
As to what Kennedy said, it's out of context
. Kennedy also said we don't do these things because they are easy but because they are hard.
Why does the number make a difference?
How common is intersex? | Intersex Society of North America
Who gets to decide - the parents, the individual, or you?
A number makes a difference because of the word "normal". What percentage of those hacking off their healthy genitals to become incontinent sad circus freaks would you suppose are actual, real hermaphrodites?

The phenomenon isn't about surgically correcting true genetic anomalies that can be tested for and quantified. This is about a social disease that is trying to pass itself off as normal. This is about genetically normal xy males and xx females playing out a mental illness to the degree of harming themselves; with the help of others, even professionals to do so.

This is about socialized insanity. Your discussion is a blatant attempt to introduce a strawman. Nice try.
Why does the number make a difference?
How common is intersex? | Intersex Society of North America
Who gets to decide - the parents, the individual, or you?
A number makes a difference because of the word "normal". What percentage of those hacking off their healthy genitals to become incontinent sad circus freaks would you suppose are actual, real hermaphrodites?

Given that you're citing yourself as the sole authority of what these people should do....without knowing them, their circumstances, their names.....would it matter?

I have a friend who has Klinefelter syndrome and is literally XXY. She manifests with male genitalia but is allergic to the levels of testosterone in her body. With hormone treatments to suppress the testosterone and increase her estrogen level, her health has dramatically improved. And her breasts have grown larger.

She's going to Arizona to have surgery in February. My family and I are taking care of her after her surgery.

What would your opinion on her situation matter? What do you know that she doesn't? More importantly what does she know that you don't?

The problem with your argument is that you assume your own infallibility. That your judgement defines the situation and best outcome for a person you've never met, whose circumstances you don't know, who's name you don't even know......

....because you believe it does. And you're genuinely nobody in such circumstances. You have no idea what you're talking about. While these individuals do.
Why does the number make a difference?
How common is intersex? | Intersex Society of North America
Who gets to decide - the parents, the individual, or you?
A number makes a difference because of the word "normal". What percentage of those hacking off their healthy genitals to become incontinent sad circus freaks would you suppose are actual, real hermaphrodites?

The phenomenon isn't about surgically correcting true genetic anomalies that can be tested for and quantified. This is about a social disease that is trying to pass itself off as normal. This is about genetically normal xy males and xx females playing out a mental illness to the degree of harming themselves; with the help of others, even professionals to do so.

This is about socialized insanity. Your discussion is a blatant attempt to introduce a strawman. Nice try.

The subject of the link (which you obviously didn't click on) was hermaphroditism. Do you need me to explain that this is a naturally-occurring condition? So your little rant is even more meaningless.
A species which refutes its biological design is doomed to extinction.

Just sayin'.
A species which refutes its biological design is doomed to extinction.

Just sayin'.

Valid observation, but irrelevant to the topic of this thread. Just sayin'.

It's perfectly germane - which is why it is unsurprising that you do not grok why.

Do you have children? Then you've done your bit. That doesn't entitle you to dictate to anyone else. It's also irrelevant to the sidebar on hermaphroditism. Any thoughts on that?

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