Why do Americans feel like taxes are somehow the government robbing them of money?


(1) The care and support of illegal immigrants
(2) Foreign aid


(1) Planes and ships the military doesn't want nor need
(2) Excessive number of military bases on foreign soil
(3) No-bid defense contacts ( Halliburton )
(4) Senseless deadly costly wars


(1) Bailouts ( AIG )
(2) Subsidies to rich farmers and big oil
Did you read My last sentence?

Care and support of illegals is NOT corporate welfare...neither is foreign aid....though that needs to be stopped completely....

Defense spending is not corporate welfare...but an overhall of their priorities would not be remiss...

Bailouts I agree with...

subsidies? In what form? Allowing farmers to keep their own money is NOT welfare.
I totally disagree.
Your welcome to do so....However.....When someone tells Me that corporations are receiving welfare, and understanding the english language, I take it to mean that they are receiving other peoples money to stay in business.

In fact, when the left says corporate welfare, they are actually saying that they don't believe that a company should be allowed to keep more of their own money. That tax breaks and tax law is somehow being used to their own advantage, even though everyone in America uses the tax law to their own advantage when it suits them or they can save a buck....
So, you don't believe that no-bid defense contracts are corporate welfare? You don't believe that subsidies to big oil is corporate welfare? You don't believe that subsidies to corporate farmers is welfare? You don't believe that any of that money comes from taxpayers? ..... Geez .... unbelievable ... ........ who would've thunk that ..... gotcha ... I see.
I'm going to ask you the same question.

What subsides to big oil are you talking about? Name the specific subsidy....how it is enacted, and when do the oil companies collect on it?

Also remember this.....tax breaks and loopholes are NOT subsidies.....not by any stretch of the imagination....

As for no-bid contracts....That has been the case through a dozen administrations....however and again, you are going to have to be specific on what contracts....

Show Me where contracts were awarded where the winner of the contract is NOT the sole company able to provide the needed service or goods.....

And then answer this....

Is it ONLY defense contracts, or any no-bid contract?
Look, I'm NOT going to do your research for you. I have been through this same scenario many times over the years. Don't be so damn lazy and research it for yourself. And, no, of course NOT, no-bid contracts are given through the government for a multitude of services other than for defense. Please, educate yourself.
Did you read My last sentence?

Care and support of illegals is NOT corporate welfare...neither is foreign aid....though that needs to be stopped completely....

Defense spending is not corporate welfare...but an overhall of their priorities would not be remiss...

Bailouts I agree with...

subsidies? In what form? Allowing farmers to keep their own money is NOT welfare.
I totally disagree.
Your welcome to do so....However.....When someone tells Me that corporations are receiving welfare, and understanding the english language, I take it to mean that they are receiving other peoples money to stay in business.

In fact, when the left says corporate welfare, they are actually saying that they don't believe that a company should be allowed to keep more of their own money. That tax breaks and tax law is somehow being used to their own advantage, even though everyone in America uses the tax law to their own advantage when it suits them or they can save a buck....
So, you don't believe that no-bid defense contracts are corporate welfare? You don't believe that subsidies to big oil is corporate welfare? You don't believe that subsidies to corporate farmers is welfare? You don't believe that any of that money comes from taxpayers? ..... Geez .... unbelievable ... ........ who would've thunk that ..... gotcha ... I see.
I'm going to ask you the same question.

What subsides to big oil are you talking about? Name the specific subsidy....how it is enacted, and when do the oil companies collect on it?

Also remember this.....tax breaks and loopholes are NOT subsidies.....not by any stretch of the imagination....

As for no-bid contracts....That has been the case through a dozen administrations....however and again, you are going to have to be specific on what contracts....

Show Me where contracts were awarded where the winner of the contract is NOT the sole company able to provide the needed service or goods.....

And then answer this....

Is it ONLY defense contracts, or any no-bid contract?
Look, I'm NOT going to do your research for you. I have been through this same scenario many times over the years. Don't be so damn lazy and research it for yourself. And, no, of course NOT, no-bid contracts are given through the government for a multitude of services other than for defense. Please, educate yourself.
I've already done the research...I'm asking you to back up your assertions....

I don't need anyone to prove to Me that government does not give taxpayer money to oil companies, or other corporations as a matter of policy.....

But you do make that claim...so it should be no problem for you to provide specific....(very specific) instances of government giving these corporations our money as a matter of policy....

I say as a matter of policy because the bailouts were wrong, but they were also a one time occurrence in the past 25 years.....which means that they really don't count as subsidies....

You can take all the time you want to get your examples and facts together...I'm in no hurry.....

However, unless you can provide Me proof of these subsides as a matter of policy, I'm going to disagree with your entire argument.
Only tax accountants, CPA's, employees and shareholders of Intuit appreciate the convoluted IRS tax forms other than somebody who is masochistic.
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system

You're not "giving" anything. You have no choice when your money is taken from you.
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system

Because that's what taxes are, robbery. If you think not, then explain the distinction.
You enjoy the fruits of those taxes but you think it is robbing from you??/ You don't believe in civilization is what you're saying.
So if some street urchin comes up to your car when you're stopped at a light and smears his dirty rag over your wind shield, you believe you're obligated to pay him for his "service?"
Because they are either idiots that don't understand that roads and fire departments are a good thing, or creeps that don't want to pay their fair share.

You belief that only government can provide those things is not only wrong but it's idiotic.
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system

I think you mean that you think of taxes as taking your "fair share."
Because of all the waste and corruption. Nobody wants to contribute money they know will be spent on waste and fraud-laden programs, overpriced goods, overcompensated employees, corrupt pet projects and the like. Do you like financing ISIS presently???
You enjoy the fruits of those taxes but you think it is robbing from you??/ You don't believe in civilization is what you're saying.

You bet your ass, taxes are supposed to be used for the collective good, not given to other individuals to buy a house, car, solar panels, or any other good or service.
Because they are either idiots that don't understand that roads and fire departments are a good thing, or creeps that don't want to pay their fair share.

Define "fair share".
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system

(1) Building mosque on foreign soil
(2) No-bid government contracts
(3) Subsidies to rich farmers and big oil
(4) Senseless deadly costly wars
(5) Foreign aid
(6) The care and support of illegal immigrants
(7) Ridiculous perks and benefits given to members of Congress
(8) Exploring the far reaches of the universe
(9) Supplying weapons to terrorists and drug lords
(10) Bribes paid to Iran and North Korea
(11) Stupid projects such as "The Fence"
(12) Bailouts of corporate America, Wall Street, and the financials
(13) Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption
(14) Excessive number of military bases on foreign soil
(15) Interest on the national debt
(16) Pork spending
(17) Subsidies to Brazilian corn crops
(18) Protecting the opium crops in Afghanistan
(19) Lavish vacations for Mrs. Obama and the girls - lavish White House parties
(20) Planes and ships the military doesn't want nor need
(21) Excessive number of government employees
(22) Military equipment and weapons to members of local law enforcement personnel


Exactly what do you consider a ridiculous congressional perk or benefit to be.
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system

(1) Building mosque on foreign soil
(2) No-bid government contracts
(3) Subsidies to rich farmers and big oil
(4) Senseless deadly costly wars
(5) Foreign aid
(6) The care and support of illegal immigrants
(7) Ridiculous perks and benefits given to members of Congress
(8) Exploring the far reaches of the universe
(9) Supplying weapons to terrorists and drug lords
(10) Bribes paid to Iran and North Korea
(11) Stupid projects such as "The Fence"
(12) Bailouts of corporate America, Wall Street, and the financials
(13) Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption
(14) Excessive number of military bases on foreign soil
(15) Interest on the national debt
(16) Pork spending
(17) Subsidies to Brazilian corn crops
(18) Protecting the opium crops in Afghanistan
(19) Lavish vacations for Mrs. Obama and the girls - lavish White House parties
(20) Planes and ships the military doesn't want nor need
(21) Excessive number of government employees
(22) Military equipment and weapons to members of local law enforcement personnel


Exactly what do you consider a ridiculous congressional perk or benefit to be.
Obviously you have internet access. Do your own research. Are you too lazy?
The liberal clown-faced idiots will never understand this, but conservatives are not against appropriate taxation. Some of us are even okay with a moderately progressive tax system. However when 40+ percent of the citizens don't pay income tax, the entire burden is placed on the rest of us.

Worse yet, when we write that big a$$ check to Uncle Sam every quarter, we know that much of our hard-earned money isn't going to pay for military, or roads, or NASA, but rather stupid $hit like this:

Wastebook 2014 Sen. Coburn highlights questionable wasteful government spending - CBS News
could it be because of CRAP like this? naaa, the people want to pay for this so everyone an enjoy their hard Earned money they give to that Wonderful caring about all Government

Feds Spent $95,700 to Adapt Shakespeare Without Words
‘To be or not to be’ is not to be heard

BY: Elizabeth Harrington
July 20, 2015 5:00 am

The federal government has invested nearly $100,000 to bring Shakespeare to the stage—only without the legendary playwright’s words.

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and its state agency the Virginia Commission for the Arts has funded numerous shows from the Crystal City-based Synetic Theater, including a production of Hamlet without words, making the title character’s “To be or not to be” soliloquy slightly less potent.

The Wall Street Journal bemoaned the dumbing down of Shakespeare, noting Shakespeare’s plays “without puns is like French cooking without butter,” in a recent review of Synetic’s adaptations.

“The latest Shakespeare fashion, at least in the Washington area, is to invite people to a feast of language and serve nothing but grunts, grimaces and grins—with a few gyrations thrown in for dessert,” James Bovard wrote on Monday.

ALL of it here:
Feds Spent 95 700 to Adapt Shakespeare Without Words Washington Free Beacon
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system
A vast majority of the energy & passion within the GOP right is coming from its more libertarian element, and they have created an amazingly absolutist environment within the partry, i.e., all taxes are bad. Combine that with a radicalization of Reagan's "government is the problem" slogan, and the constant pounding and screaming from conservative talk radio, and you get this. They just refuse to recognize that government spending (national, state, local) can improve overall quality of life in some ways and is worth it.

The Left has its faults in this too, though. They refuse to recognize that expecting too much from government can lead to massive inefficiencies and dependence, not to mention drags on economic forces.

So, the sides often mirror each other in their denials. Both refuse to advocate for equilibrium, which is pretty obviously the key here.

The liberal clown-faced idiots will never understand this, but conservatives are not against appropriate taxation. Some of us are even okay with a moderately progressive tax system. However when 40+ percent of the citizens don't pay income tax, the entire burden is placed on the rest of us.

Worse yet, when we write that big a$$ check to Uncle Sam every quarter, we know that much of our hard-earned money isn't going to pay for military, or roads, or NASA, but rather stupid $hit like this:

Wastebook 2014 Sen. Coburn highlights questionable wasteful government spending - CBS News
Ya beat me to it. Thx!

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