Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

But....being stripped of your identity and named after your owner is the ultimate in EQUALITY. What more would any good negro want?
For GOD'S sake man! The GOP freed the slaves 150 years ago.
Jeeze! Please try to man up and accept facts. No one can give you your African last name back. You don't know what it is. I don't either. Hell you don't even know if you had one.

BUT you want equal rights to set yourself apart. Makes no sense.

You think I'm black? That's fun.

Well, pop culture has you as being either rich, black, or transgendered. Is there another type of Democrat?


Democrats DID give them welfare, and it pushed black poverty rates way up there.....
Yep-I am sure that African Americans love being told by Conservatives that the reason they vote Democrat is because all African Americans are too stupid not to.
I agree, its much better to be told that you need handouts and lower standards for schools, work and military because you belong to a genetically inferior race.
Fuck those ignorant conservatives for saying you are equal and should be able to excel in the same manner as your white counterparts.
They are equal. It's not them it's things are equal. Maybe you misunderstood
I meant things are not equal for black people. They are equal. But the situation there in is not equal that with so many white hiring managers being prejudiced all across America and you know they exist
And I meant exactly what I said, everyone is going so out of their way to hire blacks that whites dont have a chance right now.
make them compete on equal ground. If they don't get hired its because they lack an equal education or experience.
I don't buy the racist bullshit any more. its been over 50 years since the equal rights bill, if they have not pulled themselves up yet, they are not ever going to.
Watch how fast education becomes important to them if the safety net of free stuff goes away.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

Why do Blacks vote Democratic?

Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Nixon instituted the Southern Strategy
Reagan Talked about Welfare Queens and Young Bucks
Bush said the Scary Black Man Willie Horton was going to get you.
Jesse Helms showed "white hands" complaining about how affirmative action stole your job.
Romney talked about Birth Certificates and the "47%".

The thing is there is a party that has consistently appealed to racism, and that's the Republican party. It might have been a good strategy (and a shameful one) in 1988 when Whites still made up 88% of the electorate.

When they are down to 70% of the electorate, it's less good of an idea.

But keep repeating stuff about Welfare, that'll win people over. No really.

And the background-noise rhetoric like we hear here from the Matthews and Steve McRacists whining about how "feral negroes" are incapable yadda yadda, and how "Democrats run the most violent cities" yadda yadda, and the general deliberately divisive/dismissive tone purveyed by the bloviators like Lush "Take that bone out of your nose" Rimjob... all of that is effective, but what it's effective at is swaying the excluded people to hunker down where they are and despise the source of that division. See above, post 171, for yet another example of distant dismissive denunciation devoid of empathy.

Then in the day-to-day world you've got Fox Noise raking the same constituency imagining "huuuge" stories out of....wait for it.... Jeremiah Wright. And ACORN. And Van Jones and Shirley Sherrod and the "New Black Panthers" and "hip hop barbecues"... sometimes the message never directly mentions black people, while the undercurrent screams it.

That's simply how the dynamics of exclusion work. Exclusion is for keeping people out; if you want people coming in, you go with inclusive. What the RP has experienced with the 47% syndrome is a little like producing a music concert and wondering, "how come no black/Hispanic people showed up?" Well, it's because your stage has nothing but Lawrence Welk on it with an occasional supporting act of Rimjob playing his big hit, "Barack the Magic Negro".

Yet another example of the same rhetoric right here:

its much easier to vote to get free checks off the backs of the mostly white backs of working people. Vote lib, get your freebies. It really is that simple.

Translation in political outreach terms:


Seriously, what the fuck? This is like boys building a tree house, painting "NO GIRLS" in big letters on the outside, and then wondering where all the women are.
And they wonder why we think they are prejudiced. Just look at their opinion of black people. But yet most of the GOP candidates like Jeb Bush wouldn't endorse their opinions right? But deep down we know most of the GOP candidates agree with their constituents if not in public at least privately.

Now think of all the white hiring managers across also have those same racist opinions.

Now think about all the other Republicans who don't even realize this system is racist and not equal.

Look how does is leaving Detroit and moving to mexico. That's racist. Why? Because it screws over a lot of black Americans. Sure it screws over a lot of whites too. They just don't realize to the GOP they're niggas too. It's all about money. Herman Cain hates black people too if they are poor. His policies prove it.
Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

What have Republicans ever done for blacks? Please be specific.

What have Democrats ever done for blacks? Apart from enslaving them in urban ghettos?

Please be specific.

What have they done?

Affirmative action, education programs, healthcare, mass transit, childcare, jobs programs, minority business initiatives.....

What have republicans offered other than more prisons?

Those are general categories. Both Republicans and Democrats can lay claim to the same. 'Please be specific' was included for a reason.

I named programs promoted by Democrats today, not Republicans fifty years ago

Name a program today supported by Republicans that helps minorities but isn't a windfall for the wealthy

So you admit that it was Republicans, and not Democrats, which supported those general programs. Awesome!

I asked you to be specific first.


Democrats DID give them welfare, and it pushed black poverty rates way up there.....
Democrats have nothing to apologize for in supporting welfare

All modern societies look after their less fortunate citizens. Only Republicans want Calcutta as their model for treating the poor
What have Republicans ever done for blacks? Please be specific.

What have Democrats ever done for blacks? Apart from enslaving them in urban ghettos?

Please be specific.

What have they done?

Affirmative action, education programs, healthcare, mass transit, childcare, jobs programs, minority business initiatives.....

What have republicans offered other than more prisons?

Those are general categories. Both Republicans and Democrats can lay claim to the same. 'Please be specific' was included for a reason.

I named programs promoted by Democrats today, not Republicans fifty years ago

Name a program today supported by Republicans that helps minorities but isn't a windfall for the wealthy

So you admit that it was Republicans, and not Democrats, which supported those general programs. Awesome!

I asked you to be specific first.

I provided specifics. Still waiting on anything from you.

Try to give something Republicans have supported in the last 35 years that helps minorities or the poor without helping the wealthy more?
Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

What have Republicans ever done for blacks? Please be specific.
Maybe you've heard of Lincoln?

Do you think today's Republicans (especially NaziCons) would elect Lincoln president? Lincoln waged a war to free black slaves. What have Republicans done for blacks since Lincoln freed them?
Perhaps you've heard of the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1964?

Maybe not.... Progressive Underground doesn't like to talk about that.

Interesting choice, since the latter ('64) gave Lyndon Johnson the highest percentage of black vote in history....

And as for this revisionist bullshit canard:
1. More Republicans voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act than Democrats

The Guardian's Harry J. Enten broke down the vote, showing that more than 80% of Republicans in both houses voted in favor of the bill, compared with more than 60% of Democrats.

I guess I'll just keep posting this until it sinks in:

There is a discernible pattern -- but 82% versus 66% doesn't show it. You run for office and end up with either of those numbers, you won. Easily.

I got your breakdown right here, Pal -- the one you're so desperately trying to smokescreen:

Note: for this example "Northerner" simply means "not-Southerner"
The original House version:
  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • >>> ALL SOUTHERNERS: 7-97 (6.7%--93.3%)

  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94 – 6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85 – 15%)
  • >>> ALL NORTHERNERS: 283-33 (89.6%--11.4%)
The Senate version:
  • Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%)
  • Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)
  • ALL SOUTHERNERS: 1--21 (4.5%--95.5%)
  • ALL NORTHERNERS: 72--6 (92.3%--7.7%)

Yes, there is a party pattern in that each line shows more support from the D side than the R side. But again, 94 versus 85 on one side is not significant.

But 96 on one side versus 92 on the other side?? You just hit the motherlode. BIG time.

The numbers don't lie; your pattern is clearly there but it's regional, not political. And regional, once again for you slow readers who can't think of a point on your own and crutch on Demagogue-blog Bullshit, means cultural.

You take the numbers from the North -- both Dems and Repubs are for it.
You take the numbers from the South -- both Dems and Repubs are agin' it.
It's truly bipartisan in both directions. (!)

And to think people bitch about "gridlock".

Canard obliterated.

It was two months after this bill was signed that Strom Thurmond took his balls and did what had been for 99 years unthinkable in the South -- called himself a Republican. Eventually followed by Helms, Duke, and a cast of thousands.
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Yep-I am sure that African Americans love being told by Conservatives that the reason they vote Democrat is because all African Americans are too stupid not to.
I agree, its much better to be told that you need handouts and lower standards for schools, work and military because you belong to a genetically inferior race.
Fuck those ignorant conservatives for saying you are equal and should be able to excel in the same manner as your white counterparts.
They are equal. It's not them it's things are equal. Maybe you misunderstood
making things unequal indicates they are not equal. Perhaps you dont understand.
lets put it this way, you need a complicated surgery, you have a choice between two doctors.
doctor one could have been accepted at a college with lower grades than required, he might have graduated with substandard grades and its possible that he was hired just to fill a government mandated position in the hospital.
doctor two is of a race that even though there might have been an economic advantage, he had to graduate top in his class in high school to be accepted at the college, he had to graduate with top of the class grades from medical school and he really had to show potential in order to be hired at the hospital instead of a government mandated spot.
of course you dont know for sure about the first one, but the question is there.
which doctor do you choose to perform your surgery.

then there is the chance that the first doctor is actually better than the second. but, do you take the chance?
Let me tell you a true story. Since they ended quotas in medical schools we've seen less blacks becoming doctors. As a result we have a shortage of hood doctors. None of the privileged whites want to work in the hood after graduation.
The real question is how could the party of Lincoln lose the black vote. Well the Republicans figured out a way and by golly they made it work,
But....being stripped of your identity and named after your owner is the ultimate in EQUALITY. What more would any good negro want?
For GOD'S sake man! The GOP freed the slaves 150 years ago.
Jeeze! Please try to man up and accept facts. No one can give you your African last name back. You don't know what it is. I don't either. Hell you don't even know if you had one.

BUT you want equal rights to set yourself apart. Makes no sense.

You think I'm black? That's fun.
I was speaking in generalities. I don't care what race you are.
Face it Dems. The facts don't lie. All the really shitty places to live in the United States are those places controlled by the Democrat party.

Deal with it.


New York, Los Angeles, San Fransico are our most visited cities

Which Republican controlled city or state does anyone want to visit?

Have you ever been hiking in Wyoming, Montana or Alaska?

oh well...

Which Democrat controlled city or state does anyone want to live in?

Yep-I am sure that African Americans love being told by Conservatives that the reason they vote Democrat is because all African Americans are too stupid not to.
I agree, its much better to be told that you need handouts and lower standards for schools, work and military because you belong to a genetically inferior race.
Fuck those ignorant conservatives for saying you are equal and should be able to excel in the same manner as your white counterparts.
They are equal. It's not them it's things are equal. Maybe you misunderstood
making things unequal indicates they are not equal. Perhaps you dont understand.
lets put it this way, you need a complicated surgery, you have a choice between two doctors.
doctor one could have been accepted at a college with lower grades than required, he might have graduated with substandard grades and its possible that he was hired just to fill a government mandated position in the hospital.
doctor two is of a race that even though there might have been an economic advantage, he had to graduate top in his class in high school to be accepted at the college, he had to graduate with top of the class grades from medical school and he really had to show potential in order to be hired at the hospital instead of a government mandated spot.
of course you dont know for sure about the first one, but the question is there.
which doctor do you choose to perform your surgery.

then there is the chance that the first doctor is actually better than the second. but, do you take the chance?
Let me tell you a true story. Since they ended quotas in medical schools we've seen less blacks becoming doctors. As a result we have a shortage of hood doctors. None of the privileged whites want to work in the hood after graduation.
Perhaps with good reason.

BLACK YOUTH MOB Attacks Woman Near University of Chicago Campus With Kids in Back Seat - The Gateway Pundit
What have Democrats ever done for blacks? Apart from enslaving them in urban ghettos?

Please be specific.

What have they done?

Affirmative action, education programs, healthcare, mass transit, childcare, jobs programs, minority business initiatives.....

What have republicans offered other than more prisons?

Those are general categories. Both Republicans and Democrats can lay claim to the same. 'Please be specific' was included for a reason.

I named programs promoted by Democrats today, not Republicans fifty years ago

Name a program today supported by Republicans that helps minorities but isn't a windfall for the wealthy

So you admit that it was Republicans, and not Democrats, which supported those general programs. Awesome!

I asked you to be specific first.

I provided specifics. Still waiting on anything from you.

Try to give something Republicans have supported in the last 35 years that helps minorities or the poor without helping the wealthy more?
Republicans are never for any programs that help all of us. Healthcare education Social Security. They would even sell Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon. They don't think much about the commons. They think private land owners should own these things and run them. Then the tax payers wouldn't have to pay for park rangers etc. Then that private land owner would make a profit hire people maintain the place and pay taxes.
What have Democrats ever done for blacks? Apart from enslaving them in urban ghettos?

Please be specific.

What have they done?

Affirmative action, education programs, healthcare, mass transit, childcare, jobs programs, minority business initiatives.....

What have republicans offered other than more prisons?

Those are general categories. Both Republicans and Democrats can lay claim to the same. 'Please be specific' was included for a reason.

I named programs promoted by Democrats today, not Republicans fifty years ago

Name a program today supported by Republicans that helps minorities but isn't a windfall for the wealthy

So you admit that it was Republicans, and not Democrats, which supported those general programs. Awesome!

I asked you to be specific first.

I provided specifics. Still waiting on anything from you.

Try to give something Republicans have supported in the last 35 years that helps minorities or the poor without helping the wealthy more?

You have not provided specifics.

Did you go to the Hillary Clinton school of obfuscation?

But....being stripped of your identity and named after your owner is the ultimate in EQUALITY. What more would any good negro want?
For GOD'S sake man! The GOP freed the slaves 150 years ago.
Jeeze! Please try to man up and accept facts. No one can give you your African last name back. You don't know what it is. I don't either. Hell you don't even know if you had one.

BUT you want equal rights to set yourself apart. Makes no sense.

You think I'm black? That's fun.
I was speaking in generalities. I don't care what race you are.

Now you are lying. Pitiful.
Yep-I am sure that African Americans love being told by Conservatives that the reason they vote Democrat is because all African Americans are too stupid not to.
I agree, its much better to be told that you need handouts and lower standards for schools, work and military because you belong to a genetically inferior race.
Fuck those ignorant conservatives for saying you are equal and should be able to excel in the same manner as your white counterparts.
They are equal. It's not them it's things are equal. Maybe you misunderstood
making things unequal indicates they are not equal. Perhaps you dont understand.
lets put it this way, you need a complicated surgery, you have a choice between two doctors.
doctor one could have been accepted at a college with lower grades than required, he might have graduated with substandard grades and its possible that he was hired just to fill a government mandated position in the hospital.
doctor two is of a race that even though there might have been an economic advantage, he had to graduate top in his class in high school to be accepted at the college, he had to graduate with top of the class grades from medical school and he really had to show potential in order to be hired at the hospital instead of a government mandated spot.
of course you dont know for sure about the first one, but the question is there.
which doctor do you choose to perform your surgery.

then there is the chance that the first doctor is actually better than the second. but, do you take the chance?
Let me tell you a true story. Since they ended quotas in medical schools we've seen less blacks becoming doctors. As a result we have a shortage of hood doctors. None of the privileged whites want to work in the hood after graduation.
I have often wondered why the US supports government schools to harm people and not one to help people. A medical academy could be created to teach doctors and other medical personnel how to treat the afflicted. An add-on, as at West point and others, that for the education they will be assigned for a time where needed.
Yep-I am sure that African Americans love being told by Conservatives that the reason they vote Democrat is because all African Americans are too stupid not to.
I agree, its much better to be told that you need handouts and lower standards for schools, work and military because you belong to a genetically inferior race.
Fuck those ignorant conservatives for saying you are equal and should be able to excel in the same manner as your white counterparts.
They are equal. It's not them it's things are equal. Maybe you misunderstood
making things unequal indicates they are not equal. Perhaps you dont understand.
lets put it this way, you need a complicated surgery, you have a choice between two doctors.
doctor one could have been accepted at a college with lower grades than required, he might have graduated with substandard grades and its possible that he was hired just to fill a government mandated position in the hospital.
doctor two is of a race that even though there might have been an economic advantage, he had to graduate top in his class in high school to be accepted at the college, he had to graduate with top of the class grades from medical school and he really had to show potential in order to be hired at the hospital instead of a government mandated spot.
of course you dont know for sure about the first one, but the question is there.
which doctor do you choose to perform your surgery.

then there is the chance that the first doctor is actually better than the second. but, do you take the chance?
Let me tell you a true story. Since they ended quotas in medical schools we've seen less blacks becoming doctors. As a result we have a shortage of hood doctors. None of the privileged whites want to work in the hood after graduation.
I wonder, does that have more to do with the white doctors wanting to get paid for their services, or does it have to do with the hood rats that will break into the office to steal the drugs

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