Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

No, this is not partisanship. It's a very basic simple lesson of life. If you help someone, then they vote for you. If you are an a$$hole towards them they don't vote for you.

You and other cons have often said that helping black people is victimizing them. What you dishonest people never tell the people and yourself is this: More white people and seniors are on government dole than ALL blacks combined. I am not even talking about SS.

There are more white people benefitting from corporate welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, section 8, food stamps and other government programs than ALL blacks combined and alive today.

But as I tell cons often, don't let these basic facts get in the way of you hating black people. You will always continue to hate blacks and blame them for accepting government aid while completely ignoring the seniors (the real freeloaders) and white single moms and latina single moms and many other people in this country.
I'm not a conservative, sorry.

And thanks for getting right back to the partisan finger-pointing, per my prediction.


I answered the question you raised. If you have a non partisan solution then go ahead and work on it. Tell the government something we don't already know. Bye.
You want a non partisan solution? Graduate from high school. Learn a trade or seek further education. Get a job. Don't do drugs. Wear you pants at your waist. Speak English. Don't have children you can't support and give them names that don't label them.

Give them names that don't label them? That's not racist.
Perhaps it is, but first impressions are important and lasting.
Name your daughter Ferishatitia and the first impression is that she is black. Name her Jane and the first impression is that she is a female.
How I act on that first impression may or may not be "racist". My impression is that Ferishatitia's parents wanted to give their child a unique name that screamed black. They did not want her to be "American" They wanted her to be "African-American.
Again, a perception, but I perceive Ferishatitia's parents as militant separatists and can't help but think they raised their daughter to think as they do. That kind of person has no place in my organization.
Would you hire someone named Adolf Hitler? George Wallace III?
So, am I racist? perhaps. Are Ferishatitia's parents? Most definitely!

Being conscious of and/or celebrating one's sociocultural heritage isn't what racist means.

--- actually isn't that exactly what your avatar is doing?

"Racism" means the belief that one race is inferior to another. It doesn't mean being aware that there are races.
They got the names when they were property. Right or wrong, they were slaves. For the last 150 years they have been Americans. They have American last names.
THAT'S equality.
So, since slavery ended, black people have wanted to be equal; or have they?
Why, if you want to be treated the same way everyone else is, would you purposely set yourself apart?

You lack empathy.

Lyndon Johnson lacked empathy. But he was a Texan, so he gets a pass on that.....
Better question

Why does ANYONE vote democrat? With the talk & behaviors I've seen the last few years it astonishes me that they hold any seats.

Most Americans just aren't as smart as you, I guess. If only you could influence them somehow. Educate them. If only.
You could be the smartest person in the country an still cast an ignorant vote when you're not informed about politics
Better question

Why does ANYONE vote democrat? With the talk & behaviors I've seen the last few years it astonishes me that they hold any seats.

Most Americans just aren't as smart as you, I guess. If only you could influence them somehow. Educate them. If only.
You could be the smartest person in the country an still cast an ignorant vote when you're not informed about politics
You do it every time
Better question

Why does ANYONE vote democrat? With the talk & behaviors I've seen the last few years it astonishes me that they hold any seats.

Most Americans just aren't as smart as you, I guess. If only you could influence them somehow. Educate them. If only.
You could be the smartest person in the country an still cast an ignorant vote when you're not informed about politics
You do it every time
Says the drone who votes based on image rather than issues.
its much easier to vote to get free checks off the backs of the mostly white backs of working people. Vote lib, get your freebies. It really is that simple. Not to mention the constant slander against the GOP and white cons in general.

No, it is NOT that simple! Have you even bothered to do any research? The workforce is mostly white because white people are still the majority. Many of those whites are union members and laborers who are democrats mainly because the democrat platform is pro union and labor.
That is also why Blacks and Hispanics vote democrat. Again, the democrats are pro labor and favor collective bargaining. The GOP doesn't.

How did you get so misinformed? There are about 11,400,000 people on welfare getting checks. That is roughly about 4.1% of the total US population and I doubt if most ever vote at all. Most democrat voters work for a living and they vote democrat to protect the gains they have made over the years to make that labor more valuable!

Actually, most Republicans aren't racist, and readily accept blacks into the party... They just try to get the blacks that believe that working to get ahead pays off, and Republicans can see that promoting poverty through a welfare state doesn't help blacks.
I beg to differ. I believe in working to get ahead and I would never be a republican. Those that are fall into 2 categories. Uncle Toms and the ones that think fighting to take the republican party back from the racists is fruitful.

whats an uncle tom?

an uncle tom- there is no such thing. lib blacks use it to discredit blacks who are smart enough to vote conservative.

There is no such thing as a "lib" black. Most are devout Christian conservatives who work for a living. Most are smart enough to know that the democratic party is pro labor and that the GOP is anti- Union and a "living wage." The democratic party is also pro civil rights for all while the republicans have, in recent times, demonstrated a marked antipathy towards civil rights.
with affirmative action and hiring quotas mixed in with lower required test scores and special treatment, I would say that black privilege is much greater than white privilege.

Then your effort to convince me that you are a complete retard is meeting with fantastic success.
and your effort to rid yourself of white guilt and try to mistakenly prove you are not a racist are also being expressed rather openly.
Here I am saying the blacks don't need help because the are not less intelligent, you say they need help because they are less intelligent and I'm the racist?
Keep thinking that.
I'm not a conservative, sorry.

And thanks for getting right back to the partisan finger-pointing, per my prediction.


I answered the question you raised. If you have a non partisan solution then go ahead and work on it. Tell the government something we don't already know. Bye.
You want a non partisan solution? Graduate from high school. Learn a trade or seek further education. Get a job. Don't do drugs. Wear you pants at your waist. Speak English. Don't have children you can't support and give them names that don't label them.

Give them names that don't label them? That's not racist.
Perhaps it is, but first impressions are important and lasting.
Name your daughter Ferishatitia and the first impression is that she is black. Name her Jane and the first impression is that she is a female.
How I act on that first impression may or may not be "racist". My impression is that Ferishatitia's parents wanted to give their child a unique name that screamed black. They did not want her to be "American" They wanted her to be "African-American.
Again, a perception, but I perceive Ferishatitia's parents as militant separatists and can't help but think they raised their daughter to think as they do. That kind of person has no place in my organization.
Would you hire someone named Adolf Hitler? George Wallace III?
So, am I racist? perhaps. Are Ferishatitia's parents? Most definitely!

Where did all these black Americans get their last names?

From their transgendered parents?

the wealth is not evenly distributed because the willingness to gain education and then give honest work is not equal.
Someone that drops out of highschool then spends their life flipping burgers does not deserve to make the same as someone that spent 8 or 12 years in college that they have student loans on and is now working 60 to 80 hours a week in some boring management position.

Guy, I know people who went to college who can't find jobs. (And frankly, if you are spending 8 or 12 years in college, it's probably because you are afraid of the real world. I know folks like that when I was in college, 30 year olds still working on that bachelor's degree with their fifth major.)

You know what, my Dad had just a HS education. He joined a union, got a good paycheck, learned a skill, and was able to raise five kids in a middle class environment.

And then some rich people decided that was a bad thing.

We have airline pilots who are living on poverty wages. We have adjunct professors on food stamps.

And we have the GOP telling you that that black guy wants half your cookie after the rich have gobbled down the other dozen.
Frankly, if you are spending 8 to 12 years in college its because you UNDERSTAND the real world and realize that the PHD is the way to insure a successful career that does not leave you crying about the mean old business owner that thinks he deserves a paycheck too.
Hint. Had you stayed in school, you would not have to have this explained to you.
Better question

Why does ANYONE vote democrat? With the talk & behaviors I've seen the last few years it astonishes me that they hold any seats.

Most Americans just aren't as smart as you, I guess. If only you could influence them somehow. Educate them. If only.
You could be the smartest person in the country an still cast an ignorant vote when you're not informed about politics

And....you are just better informed than most Americans. Of course. Why wouldn't you be?
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303
The same reason Republicans are 90% white.

If Republicans are 10% non-white...that makes them more of a minority than Elizabeth Warren.

She is only 1/32nd non-white.

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They got the names when they were property. Right or wrong, they were slaves. For the last 150 years they have been Americans. They have American last names.
THAT'S equality.
So, since slavery ended, black people have wanted to be equal; or have they?
Why, if you want to be treated the same way everyone else is, would you purposely set yourself apart?

You lack empathy.
I have empathy, but empathy is irrelevant when you are looking for a job.
Qualities and skills ARE relevant.
They got the names when they were property. Right or wrong, they were slaves. For the last 150 years they have been Americans. They have American last names.
THAT'S equality.
So, since slavery ended, black people have wanted to be equal; or have they?
Why, if you want to be treated the same way everyone else is, would you purposely set yourself apart?

You lack empathy.
I have empathy, but empathy is irrelevant when you are looking for a job.
Qualities and skills ARE relevant.

Empathy may be irrelevant in looking for a job...
but it's crucial when you're ragging on a message board ABOUT people who don't have a job. You can't do that credibly without being able to stand in their shoes.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303
The same reason Republicans are 90% white.
And Democrats are 85% white. What's your point? Over the years, you have repeated this 90% number a half billion times. You act as if that makes Republicans racist. Of course 95% of blacks voting for a black man is not racist in the least.
You're a bad joke with a weak punchline, Dweeb

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