Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

because they enjoy being fed a line of BS

Easy enough

Why don't Republicans go into minority neighborhoods and convince them how Republicans will make their lives better?

who says they dont
Only ten percent are buying it....doesn't seem to be working

Why, can't Republicans convince minorities how great they are? They manage to convince poor whites

i dont know why

i am not a republican
Why, can't Republicans convince minorities how great they are? They manage to convince poor whites

so the "rich ones" are democrats after all

no wonder they work so hard at keeping the poor poor

Maybe it's the little things. Maybe it's like after the church shooting Republicans don't want to call it racism until they've thoroughly done a cost/benefit analysis based on how much they'll offend their white base if they do.
Maybe it's the little things. Maybe it's like after the church shooting Republicans don't want to call it racism until they've thoroughly done a cost/benefit analysis based on how much they'll offend their white base if they do.
Let's be honest on this thread. Republicans value their racist white base more than the minority vote

It has been working for 50 years
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303
Black people don't think the GOP is racist because we tell them it is. Black people think the GOP is racist because they see it is racist. Are you really claiming that black people are this stupid? And by the way we believe the Republican Party uses racism to come stupid poor and middle class people into voting against their own financial interests. Think about it. Black people are voting for the right party because the Democratic Party is the party of the people. Not the rich people the GOP is the party for rich people.

Did you know that before the Great Mississippi Flood I believe 1919 or 1929 black people belonged to the Republican Party and after the flood the GOP treated them like such s*** they left the party joined the Democratic Party and never looked back why? Because the GOP s*** on them then and has never done anything to win them back since other than claim the Democrats take them for granted
Here's one good reason why 43 million blacks are pissed off at conservatives.

When a white cop in S. Carolina shot a black man running away from the white cop, the white cop shot the black man in the back 8 times. Many KKK and local folks raised money for this white cop for his legal defense.

This is one of a million reasons why blacks will never vote for cons.

And what the hell does that have to do with political party affiliation?
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303
Black people don't think the GOP is racist because we tell them it is. Black people think the GOP is racist because they see it is racist. Are you really claiming that black people are this stupid? And by the way we believe the Republican Party uses racism to come stupid poor and middle class people into voting against their own financial interests. Think about it. Black people are voting for the right party because the Democratic Party is the party of the people. Not the rich people the GOP is the party for rich people.

Did you know that before the Great Mississippi Flood I believe 1919 or 1929 black people belonged to the Republican Party and after the flood the GOP treated them like such s*** they left the party joined the Democratic Party and never looked back why? Because the GOP s*** on them then and has never done anything to win them back since other than claim the Democrats take them for granted
Black people hear what is said in rightwing media, they read what is said in boards like this, they see how Republicans vote

It does not take much to decide which party they should support
Here's one good reason why 43 million blacks are pissed off at conservatives.

When a white cop in S. Carolina shot a black man running away from the white cop, the white cop shot the black man in the back 8 times. Many KKK and local folks raised money for this white cop for his legal defense.

This is one of a million reasons why blacks will never vote for cons.

And what the hell does that have to do with political party affiliation?

Don't worry about it, it's OK. Not that important.
Blacks vote Democrat because (a) they have been dishonestly conditioned over generations by the Left to expect the government to magically make life "fair", not to mention a consistent and relentless lowering of standards and expectations, and (b) the Right has displayed a breathtaking lack of either awareness or self awareness on racism, fundamental human nature and politics, not to mention an apparent willful ignorance about their situation in general.

American Blacks should be much further along in their development and progress after the evils of slavery, but unfortunately their progress has been completely hamstrung and impeded by politics. As a result, they have been effectively victimized for a second time in this nation's history.

Sadly, the perpetrators on both "ends" of this topic absolutely refuse to look in the mirror.

Okie dokie, back to the partisan finger-pointing....


No, this is not partisanship. It's a very basic simple lesson of life. If you help someone, then they vote for you. If you are an a$$hole towards them they don't vote for you.

You and other cons have often said that helping black people is victimizing them. What you dishonest people never tell the people and yourself is this: More white people and seniors are on government dole than ALL blacks combined. I am not even talking about SS.

There are more white people benefitting from corporate welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, section 8, food stamps and other government programs than ALL blacks combined and alive today.

But as I tell cons often, don't let these basic facts get in the way of you hating black people. You will always continue to hate blacks and blame them for accepting government aid while completely ignoring the seniors (the real freeloaders) and white single moms and latina single moms and many other people in this country.
I'm not a conservative, sorry.

And thanks for getting right back to the partisan finger-pointing, per my prediction.


I answered the question you raised. If you have a non partisan solution then go ahead and work on it. Tell the government something we don't already know. Bye.
You want a non partisan solution? Graduate from high school. Learn a trade or seek further education. Get a job. Don't do drugs. Wear you pants at your waist. Speak English. Don't have children you can't support and give them names that don't label them.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303
Black people don't think the GOP is racist because we tell them it is. Black people think the GOP is racist because they see it is racist. Are you really claiming that black people are this stupid? And by the way we believe the Republican Party uses racism to come stupid poor and middle class people into voting against their own financial interests. Think about it. Black people are voting for the right party because the Democratic Party is the party of the people. Not the rich people the GOP is the party for rich people.

Did you know that before the Great Mississippi Flood I believe 1919 or 1929 black people belonged to the Republican Party and after the flood the GOP treated them like such s*** they left the party joined the Democratic Party and never looked back why? Because the GOP s*** on them then and has never done anything to win them back since other than claim the Democrats take them for granted

That would be 1927.

I don't know about the immediate experience as regards Republicans (please elaborate) but chronologically it's two years before the Great Depression, which festered for so long that three years later it swept the RP out of the White House where it would not be back for twenty years. FDR took a major portion of the electorate especially the lower classes most affected by it including over three-quarters of the black vote in 1932, and since then the recovery of the RP has mainly been focused on what had become its base by then, which tended very much to be wealthier, the whiter the more traditional demographic, while the DP retained the poorer, the darker, the more ethnic, religious minorities, immigrants, etc.

I suspect if we asked the same question using "Jews" or "Catholics" or "immigrants" in place of "black", the answer would follow similar patterns.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

Why do Blacks vote Democratic?

Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Nixon instituted the Southern Strategy
Reagan Talked about Welfare Queens and Young Bucks
Bush said the Scary Black Man Willie Horton was going to get you.
Jesse Helms showed "white hands" complaining about how affirmative action stole your job.
Romney talked about Birth Certificates and the "47%".

The thing is there is a party that has consistently appealed to racism, and that's the Republican party. It might have been a good strategy (and a shameful one) in 1988 when Whites still made up 88% of the electorate.

When they are down to 70% of the electorate, it's less good of an idea.

But keep repeating stuff about Welfare, that'll win people over. No really.

And the background-noise rhetoric like we hear here from the Matthews and Steve McRacists whining about how "feral negroes" are incapable yadda yadda, and how "Democrats run the most violent cities" yadda yadda, and the general deliberately divisive/dismissive tone purveyed by the bloviators like Lush "Take that bone out of your nose" Rimjob... all of that is effective, but what it's effective at is swaying the excluded people to hunker down where they are and despise the source of that division. See above, post 171, for yet another example of distant dismissive denunciation devoid of empathy.

Then in the day-to-day world you've got Fox Noise raking the same constituency imagining "huuuge" stories out of....wait for it.... Jeremiah Wright. And ACORN. And Van Jones and Shirley Sherrod and the "New Black Panthers" and "hip hop barbecues" and the freaking "knockout game" ('knockout game', seriously??)... sometimes the message never directly mentions black people, while the undercurrent screams it.

That's simply how the dynamics of exclusion work. Exclusion is for keeping people out; if you want people coming in, you go with inclusive. What the RP has experienced with the 47% syndrome is a little like producing a music concert and wondering, "how come no black/Hispanic people showed up?" Well, it's because your stage has nothing but Lawrence Welk on it with an occasional supporting act of Rimjob playing his big hit, "Barack the Magic Negro".
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1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303
Black people don't think the GOP is racist because we tell them it is. Black people think the GOP is racist because they see it is racist. Are you really claiming that black people are this stupid? And by the way we believe the Republican Party uses racism to come stupid poor and middle class people into voting against their own financial interests. Think about it. Black people are voting for the right party because the Democratic Party is the party of the people. Not the rich people the GOP is the party for rich people.

Did you know that before the Great Mississippi Flood I believe 1919 or 1929 black people belonged to the Republican Party and after the flood the GOP treated them like such s*** they left the party joined the Democratic Party and never looked back why? Because the GOP s*** on them then and has never done anything to win them back since other than claim the Democrats take them for granted

That would be 1927.

I don't know about the immediate experience as regards Republicans (please elaborate) but chronologically it's two years before the Great Depression, which festered for so long that three years later it swept the RP out of the White House where it would not be back for twenty years. FDR took a major portion of the electorate especially the lower classes most affected by it including over three-quarters of the black vote in 1932, and since then the recovery of the RP has mainly been focused on what had become its base by then, which tended very much to be wealthier, the whiter the more traditional demographic, while the DP retained the poorer, the darker, the more ethnic, religious minorities, immigrants, etc.

I suspect if we asked the same question using "Jews" or "Catholics" or "immigrants" in place of "black", the answer would follow similar patterns.
I guess after the flood the Republicans promised blacks lots of things if they helped fix the dams and levies and sandbags and the blacks ended up as forced labor at the barrel of a gun. I think you can Wikipedia it and see
Yep-I am sure that African Americans love being told by Conservatives that the reason they vote Democrat is because all African Americans are too stupid not to.
I agree, its much better to be told that you need handouts and lower standards for schools, work and military because you belong to a genetically inferior race.
Fuck those ignorant conservatives for saying you are equal and should be able to excel in the same manner as your white counterparts.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

Why do Blacks vote Democratic?

Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Nixon instituted the Southern Strategy
Reagan Talked about Welfare Queens and Young Bucks
Bush said the Scary Black Man Willie Horton was going to get you.
Jesse Helms showed "white hands" complaining about how affirmative action stole your job.
Romney talked about Birth Certificates and the "47%".

The thing is there is a party that has consistently appealed to racism, and that's the Republican party. It might have been a good strategy (and a shameful one) in 1988 when Whites still made up 88% of the electorate.

When they are down to 70% of the electorate, it's less good of an idea.

But keep repeating stuff about Welfare, that'll win people over. No really.

And the background-noise rhetoric like we hear here from the Matthews and Steve McRacists whining about how "feral negroes" are incapable yadda yadda, and how "Democrats run the most violent cities" yadda yadda, and the general deliberately divisive/dismissive tone purveyed by the bloviators like Lush "Take that bone out of your nose" Rimjob... all of that is effective, but what it's effective at is swaying the excluded people to hunker down where they are and despise the source of that division. See above, post 171, for yet another example of distant dismissive denunciation devoid of empathy.

Then in the day-to-day world you've got Fox Noise raking the same constituency imagining "huuuge" stories out of....wait for it.... Jeremiah Wright. And ACORN. And Van Jones and Shirley Sherrod and the "New Black Panthers" and "hip hop barbecues"... sometimes the message never directly mentions black people, while the undercurrent screams it.

That's simply how the dynamics of exclusion work. Exclusion is for keeping people out; if you want people coming in, you go with inclusive. What the RP has experienced with the 47% syndrome is a little like producing a music concert and wondering, "how come no black/Hispanic people showed up?" Well, it's because your stage has nothing but Lawrence Welk on it with an occasional supporting act of Rimjob playing his big hit, "Barack the Magic Negro".

Yet another example of the same rhetoric right here:

its much easier to vote to get free checks off the backs of the mostly white backs of working people. Vote lib, get your freebies. It really is that simple.

Translation in political outreach terms:


Seriously, what the fuck? This is like boys building a tree house, painting "NO GIRLS" in big letters on the outside, and then wondering where all the women are.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

Why do Blacks vote Democratic?

Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Nixon instituted the Southern Strategy
Reagan Talked about Welfare Queens and Young Bucks
Bush said the Scary Black Man Willie Horton was going to get you.
Jesse Helms showed "white hands" complaining about how affirmative action stole your job.
Romney talked about Birth Certificates and the "47%".

The thing is there is a party that has consistently appealed to racism, and that's the Republican party. It might have been a good strategy (and a shameful one) in 1988 when Whites still made up 88% of the electorate.

When they are down to 70% of the electorate, it's less good of an idea.

But keep repeating stuff about Welfare, that'll win people over. No really.

And the background-noise rhetoric like we hear here from the Matthews and Steve McRacists whining about how "feral negroes" are incapable yadda yadda, and how "Democrats run the most violent cities" yadda yadda, and the general deliberately divisive/dismissive tone purveyed by the bloviators like Lush "Take that bone out of your nose" Rimjob... all of that is effective, but what it's effective at is swaying the excluded people to hunker down where they are and despise the source of that division. See above, post 171, for yet another example of distant dismissive denunciation devoid of empathy.

Then in the day-to-day world you've got Fox Noise raking the same constituency imagining "huuuge" stories out of....wait for it.... Jeremiah Wright. And ACORN. And Van Jones and Shirley Sherrod and the "New Black Panthers" and "hip hop barbecues"... sometimes the message never directly mentions black people, while the undercurrent screams it.

That's simply how the dynamics of exclusion work. Exclusion is for keeping people out; if you want people coming in, you go with inclusive. What the RP has experienced with the 47% syndrome is a little like producing a music concert and wondering, "how come no black/Hispanic people showed up?" Well, it's because your stage has nothing but Lawrence Welk on it with an occasional supporting act of Rimjob playing his big hit, "Barack the Magic Negro".
About this the other day whatever happened with Iran or North Korea or any other thread the news tells us to worry about today or yesterday or tomorrow. It's like they're controlling us with whatever they want to scare us with. They're definitely controlling us with their message. they control the message
Yep-I am sure that African Americans love being told by Conservatives that the reason they vote Democrat is because all African Americans are too stupid not to.
I agree, its much better to be told that you need handouts and lower standards for schools, work and military because you belong to a genetically inferior race.
Fuck those ignorant conservatives for saying you are equal and should be able to excel in the same manner as your white counterparts.
They are equal. It's not them it's things are equal. Maybe you misunderstood
Yep-I am sure that African Americans love being told by Conservatives that the reason they vote Democrat is because all African Americans are too stupid not to.
I agree, its much better to be told that you need handouts and lower standards for schools, work and military because you belong to a genetically inferior race.
Fuck those ignorant conservatives for saying you are equal and should be able to excel in the same manner as your white counterparts.
They are equal. It's not them it's things are equal. Maybe you misunderstood
making things unequal indicates they are not equal. Perhaps you dont understand.
lets put it this way, you need a complicated surgery, you have a choice between two doctors.
doctor one could have been accepted at a college with lower grades than required, he might have graduated with substandard grades and its possible that he was hired just to fill a government mandated position in the hospital.
doctor two is of a race that even though there might have been an economic advantage, he had to graduate top in his class in high school to be accepted at the college, he had to graduate with top of the class grades from medical school and he really had to show potential in order to be hired at the hospital instead of a government mandated spot.
of course you dont know for sure about the first one, but the question is there.
which doctor do you choose to perform your surgery.

then there is the chance that the first doctor is actually better than the second. but, do you take the chance?
Yep-I am sure that African Americans love being told by Conservatives that the reason they vote Democrat is because all African Americans are too stupid not to.
I agree, its much better to be told that you need handouts and lower standards for schools, work and military because you belong to a genetically inferior race.
Fuck those ignorant conservatives for saying you are equal and should be able to excel in the same manner as your white counterparts.
They are equal. It's not them it's things are equal. Maybe you misunderstood
making things unequal indicates they are not equal. Perhaps you dont understand.
lets put it this way, you need a complicated surgery, you have a choice between two doctors.
doctor one could have been accepted at a college with lower grades than required, he might have graduated with substandard grades and its possible that he was hired just to fill a government mandated position in the hospital.
doctor two is of a race that even though there might have been an economic advantage, he had to graduate top in his class in high school to be accepted at the college, he had to graduate with top of the class grades from medical school and he really had to show potential in order to be hired at the hospital instead of a government mandated spot.
of course you dont know for sure about the first one, but the question is there.
which doctor do you choose to perform your surgery.

then there is the chance that the first doctor is actually better than the second. but, do you take the chance?
I'm definitely going with doctor #1 to prove to the world that I'm not racist!

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